Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Melting Warmth ❯ Morning After ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

hapter 1
Pairing: ByakuyaXRenji
Genre: Romance/Comfort
Count: 3117 words
Spoilers: References to Turn Back the Pendulum Arc
Rating: PG 14
Author: Trynia Merin

Summary: Byakuya and Renji have spent a night together, but what exactly happened or didn't happen between them? Are Byakuya's emotions frozen numb beyond Renji's ability to thaw them?

A/N: Takes place after the fanfic Sunglasses.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, Tite Kubo does. This is a work of fanfiction and means no harm to the anime/manga. Both characters are of consenting age to engage in this relationship and are not minors.

Warmth, and sweat, stickily glued his bed clothes to his skin. That was what Byakuya Kuchiki first felt along his body upon awakening. Hard flesh rising and falling under his left ear and the steady sound of a heartbeat. Tentatively Byakuya shifted, pressing the flat of his hand to the chest, clad in silk. Peering down he noticed the visible black markings zigzagging under the V. curious Byakuya slid aside the material and examined them at close quarters.

Strong arms flexed, wrapping around him and crushing him so he was imprisoned. Mumbling Byakuya turned on his front, and shifted his leg so it rested between the two strong ones, while he wrapped his other around his lover's hip. Scarlet tendrils of hair fell over his face, and he sighed with something like contentment. It felt wonderful to be held so securely and to have his lover instinctively reach for him.

“There seems no immediate reason to rise,” Byakuya reflected, mentally tracking down what his responsibilities for the day were. It was Saturday, and he found himself smiling at that fact.

Again he shifted, eliciting a loud snort and grumble from his partner under him. Again the arms moved, one wrapping around his back, and sliding so a large hand gripped his ass. Byakuya inhaled sharply at the pressure of those fingers digging into his royal posterior. He mumbled, “Idiotic cretin.”

“Mmm, royal pain,” another voice sleepily whispered. Byakuya shivered when he realized his partner was licking his lips and sighing deeply. Pressing one hand to his chest Byakuya levered himself off enough to see the angled chin of his vice captain, and the distinctive lightning bolt shaped marking along his neck.

Flesh did not contact that of his vice captain's, but a layer of silk did. He recognized the blue robe worn by the larger man, seeing how nicely it complemented Renji's ruddy complexion. In sleep, those hairs falling over his face still softened his appearance. One leg shifted, rubbing against Byakuya deliciously.

“You're stronger in sleep than I anticipated,” Byakuya commented hoarsely, feeling something tugging on his hair. Reaching up he realized they were still there. He usually removed his headdress before sleeping but last night…

Renji had acted very appropriately. Only holding him tightly and comfortingly after he refused to go further. Such a sense of honor and respect made Byakuya feel warmth and sorrow simultaneously. It dawned on him what his sister had given up when selecting the ryoka.

“Her loss is my gain,” Byakuya found himself thinking.

A soft knock on the door caused Byakuya to shift again. Easily he wormed his way out of Renji's embrace, though he hated to do so. Dark lashed eyes blinked open and focused hazily on him. Then beneath him his vice captain jolted.

“Byakuya-sama… good morning… oh damn…” Renji began then snapped his mouth shut when it registered where he was.

Byakuya placed a hand over Renji's mouth, and heard the knocking continue. “Milord, are you all right?”

“Do not come in this moment,” Byakuya called out to the servant. “Run my bath and prepare enough repast for a guest. And you heard nothing but my voice this morning…”

“Yes sir. Understood,” answered the manservant with a nervous tremor.

Apologetically Renji's dark eyes blinked up at him. That blush again staining his cheeks was adorable, but brought another immediate problem to the fore. His servants knew better than to carry word of this outside, yet what would the other members of his clan think.

“If he were Ukitake-san, Kyoraku-san, or Kira-sama, there would be no trouble. Yet Abarai…” Byakuya ruminated.

Sighing he released Renji's mouth and sat up in bed. He felt the shifting of his vice captain moving to a sitting position, and the weight of a hand on his shoulder. “Kuchiki-sama?” Renji asked. “Ya want me to leave?”

“No, remain here,” Byakuya answered, not looking him in the eye. “I am not eager to part company with you Abarai.”

“That's a relief,” Renji whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “I'd feel pretty stupid sneaking out of yer house, but I'd do what ya wanted.”

“Loyal, stubborn fool,” Byakuya cursed, pressing a hand to his head.

“Hey you okay Kuchiki-sama? Ya don't look so well?”

“I… do not know,” Byakuya murmured, unable to sort the morass of uncomfortable feelings pulsing through him.

“Its okay sir,” Renji murmured, wrapping arms around him and giving him a strong hug. “Whatever you decide's okay with me.”

“You should not be so patient and understanding, in light of the… treatment I gave you… “ Byakuya whispered, gritting his teeth with a wave of guilt. He had not asked for Renji's affection yet it poured over him and he wasn't sure how to handle it.

“Shit you mean callin' me a stray and that crap? Don't worry about it,” Renji snorted. “I've heard far worse in my life. Ya wouldn't believe the way the merchants cursed at me when I'd grab breakfast n' all. Nah, just forget it.”

“Still, I do regret it,” Byakuya said.

“Regret calling me names or bein' with me?” Renji asked, his neck muscles tensing.

“The former, not the latter.”

“Thank the gods,” Renji sighed, curling his arms around his captain and hugging him tightly. Byakuya squeezed his eyes shut and gripped Renji's wrists, unsure and floored by the personal affection. Renji felt relieved when his hug was accepted instead of someone punching him in the jaw to make him let go. That was usually Rukia's solution to get him to stop. Instead, Byakuya sat there, trembling and squeezing Renji's wrists.

“Hey Taicho… shh… hey,” Renji urged.

“Damn it,” Byakuya mumbled, and then stopped resisting Renji's tugs on his shoulders. He turned over and laid his head on the other man's broad shoulder. Though he felt too numb to cry he pressed, his chest to Renji's and let him hold him close in a crushing hug.

“It's okay. Just… oh shit I dunno what to say,” Renji cursed, rubbing his back. Byakuya shivered, saying nothing making no noise. There were no tears. Just a strange panting.

“I am not accustomed to… physical affection of this nature,” Byakuya panted.


“I did not… tell you to release me yet, Abarai-san,” Byakuya hissed in his ear when Renji relaxed his grip.

“Milord?” the voice of the servant again interrupted through the closed door.

Byakuya and Renji glanced at one another awkwardly, and Renji released his captain. Swallowing his nervousness Byakuya called out, “Is my bath ready?”

“Yes milord. I've brought you your morning cup of tea,” the servant replied.

“Leave it outside please,” said Byakuya. He rose from the bed, leaving Renji behind.
Not sure what to do with himself the Vice Captain sat in the bed, watching his commander pick up a robe and draw it on his slender body. He only had mere glimpses of the white milky skin beneath, but the thought of what it entailed was making him hard. Bending down Byakuya opened the sliding door to his private chambers. He retrieved the tray set there and carried it towards the bed. Sitting it down next to Renji he sat down as his vice captain steadied the tray.

“Breakfast in bed?” Renji chuckled.

“I always commence my day with crystallized fruit and hot tea,” Byakuya explained. “Sustains me till I am dressed and prepared.”

“Don't usually bathe in the morning do ya?” he asked.

“No, but in this case it seems appropriate,” Byakuya answered.

“Sir, how do ya want to handle this…”

“You will join me of course,” Byakuya said. “We would feel more comfortable cleasing ourselves, and I prefer company today.”

“Yer private baths sir?” he blinked.

“Unless you'd rather not?” Byakuya said with a slight frown.

“Damn sir, it's just that well… I've heard…”

“The walls are not lined with gold and I do not use spider silk to dry myself, Abarai. I am all too aware of the rumors that circulate regarding my toilet habits,” Byakuya laughed slightly. It was a reserved chuckle but it was a good start, Renji thought.


A private hallway led down to the bathing area. Already hot steam seemed to waft against Abarai's legs as he felt the rich cloth of the robe around him. It was far nicer than his civilian kimono, and it was just a bathing robe. In front of him walked Byakuya, his hair free of the white dressings and hanging haphazardly around his shoulders. It looked much as it did in the hospital, and Renji was floored that his captain had allowed him to remove the symbols of office.

Byakuya had refused to let the valet come in. Therefore, he had asked Renji to help him remove the things. It was a delicate task and Renji was terrified of pulling on the raven black silky hair he was finally allowed to mess up. His fingers trembled and he mumbled something about `desecration'.

“Oh do cease babbling and assist me,” Byakuya complained, and that put an end to Renji's nerves.

So now as they walked along the marble tiles and mahogany and teak benches Renji was pleasantly surprised. It was much like the public bathing house of squad six, but smaller, and more elegant, but not extravagantly so. He could just picture all the Kuchiki clansmen sitting or standing with servants attending them as they discussed clan matters. Today it was only used by them.
Kuchiki never bathed with his subordinates. Zaraki however did. He thought nothing of sharing the baths of squad 11 with his men and engaging in mock battles. Even Aizen was known to occasionally bathe with his vice captain and upper seats. Yet Byakuya being a noble never did.

“Relax Abarai-san. My servants are discrete.”

“Not worried about that, but holy crap,” Renji hissed between his teeth as he saw Byakuya slowly remove his robe. He glanced away.

“You may observe,” Byakuya said quietly, causing Renji to turn back around and watch his captain untie his robe. Renji strode over and took the shoulders of his robe to help him shrug it off, and was treated to the sight of creamy skin on his graceful neck, gliding south to a curved strong back.

“Ohhh damn,” Renji's breath hitched in his throat.

“You seem rather surprised?”

“You just look really handsome sir,” Renji found himself saying, feasting his eyes on his captain's back. However, he peered between his fingers when the robe came off in his hands, revealing a sculpted white backside. Can't look, can't look, Renji told himself, flushing as red as he would when Rukia and he…

A lump formed in his throat and anger filled his stomach. Damn Ichigo. He opened his eyes and allowed himself to look at Kuchiki wrapping a towel around his waist, his slender muscled legs carrying him with expert poise around to the bench. He sat down, and reached for the brush and cake of lavender soap.

“Let me sir,” Renji offered, almost dropping the robe.

“Are you not going to remove your robe, Abarai-san, and allow me the same favor I bestowed on you?” Byakuya asked.

“Oh yeah of course,” Renji stammered, reaching for his belt. He drooped Byakuya's robe over a peg, and then strode over to stand before his captain. Taking his time, he turned around, slowly letting the robe slide down to reveal his tattooed back little by little.

“Impressive,” Byakuya murmured voice low and hoarse. Renji felt a sense of pride as his captain's eye's feasted on his shoulders. He had been embarrassed to show them to anyone but trusted friends and Rukia.

“Ya like what ya see?” Renji couldn't resist asking, his throat fluttering.

“Remove it completely, and let it drop,” Byakuya ordered.

Renji allowed the fabric to puddle around his thighs, presenting an uninterrupted rear view. He felt himself twitch at the silence, feeling the weight of Byakuya's eyes on him. “More of `em appear each time I…”

“I gathered that fact,” said Byakuya. “Lift your hair please.”

Renji gathered a handful of his silky locks, lifting them so Byakuya could see the complete patterning. Reaching over he grabbed a towel, and held it over his front, turning around and then covering his front. Byakuya's steel blue eyes gleamed brightly and he saw the schooled expression held not disdain but appreciation. “I um hope ya don't mind me um…”

“That is acceptable to cover your modesty,” Byakuya mumbled, his voice quavering a bit. Renji saw the blush on his pale cheeks, and realized it was because of him.

Carefully he pulled the towel under him and knelt by his captain's foot. He slowly began to rub soap over the calves and feet, caressing each lovingly. Byakuya sighed and closed his eyes, letting Renji rub soap over his ankles, feet, and then stopping at the knees. Renji had difficulty controlling his urge to simply pin the Captain's shoulder down and take him immediately, yet saw the appeal in sensually covering Byakuya's body in a layer of fine lather. Expectantly Byakuya held out his arms, and Renji lovingly caressed soap into his skin. He followed with strokes of the brush, trying to moderate how much pressure he put.

“I am not produce, Abarai-san. I will not bruise. You may be more vigorous,” Byakuya muttered impatiently.

“Okay sir; just well… don't wanna screw up.”

“I will inform you,” Byakuya reassured him. “Now, sit down.”

“Okay,” Renji agreed, sitting next to him. Then he drew in his breath sharply when Byakuya took hold of his wrist and stroked the soap laden scrub brush over his arm. He followed the curling patterns of the lines spiraling around his upper arms, and then worked across his shoulders.

“Wait sir ya don't have ta…”

“Silence Abarai-san,” Byakuya reprimanded him. “You would be selfish to deny me the pleasure of this as well?”

“No not at all, just not used to ya waiting on me is all,” Renji admitted sheepishly.

“Really you are trying my patience,” Byakuya clicked his tongue, continuing to work the brush over Renji's chest, then down his abdomen. He stood up, bending over to run the soap over his shoulders, then motioned. Renji raised one foot and felt Byakuya hold it under the ankle, rubbing the brush over each of his toes, the arch of the foot, and the ankle. He groaned deeply as it ran steadily higher, reaching the edge of his towel.

Then it was over all too soon when Byakuya said, “I shall allow you to finish the rest yourself at present, Abarai-san.”

“Sure, whatever ya want,” Renji nodded, feeling the burning tingle covering his skin. He knew Byakuya was teetering between intimacy and distance, because of the difference in station between them. If this relationship were to flourish, he had to be flexible. After all, they were dealing with years of hurt and misconception to move on and be more intimate.

Byakuya glanced at amusement seeing Renji's eyes closed. He stepped into the boiling hot springs, and then called out, “You may look Abarai-san. I suggest you join me as well. I do not wish to take enormous amounts of time. Even though it is Saturday.”

“No, we wouldn't want that would we, sir?” Renji chuckled, striding over with the towel still around his hips. While Byakuya had climbed into the water, he had soaped his more intimate parts. He knew his captain had sneaked glances, and secretly felt the thrill of such arousal.

Sighing he stepped down the marble stairs and lowered himself to sit across from his captain. Byakuya sat with his shoulders only breaking the surface, his hands moving below to rub off the soap. The steam permeated the air, filling Renji's nostrils as he sat down and felt his entire body immersed in heat. He groaned loudly, his noise echoing in the space.

Byakuya rolled his eyes at first, and then chuckled. Here he was the epitome of restraint sharing his private space with someone the exact opposite. Spreading both arms Renji rested them on the sides of the back, tipping his head back. He let his hair swirl around his shoulders, lips parted and eyes shut.

“Feels damn good sir.”

“Agreed. It is strange to share it with someone else though. Who is not a Kuchiki by blood,” he added.

“Mmm?” Renji asked, opening his eyes.

“It is nothing, pay no mind,” Byakuya said hastily, his eyes clouded with embarrassment.

“Didn't hear a thing,” Renji shrugged and chuckled. Shyness settled in and he kept his eyes closed as much as possible, though he did allow himself to peek a bit through one slatted eye.

A splashing in the water made him snap them open. Something shifted against his bare leg and he saw Byakuya drifting across to sit next to him. Drawing his breath in sharply Renji moved to shift his arm, but then heard a cough. “Remain where you are. It seemed easier for your notion of modesty if I sat next to you. You are making a considerable effort NOT to lay eyes on my person, and while it is appreciated it is tiresome.”

“Well I just… ya seemed kinda quiet last night like I'd crossed a line, and I dunno… I just don't wanna do something I shouldn't,” Renji fumbled for the words.

“You are permitted to look, Abarai-san though I loathe repeating myself,” Byakuya said with a weary sigh. “Considering I have been staring at you for the past quarter hour and you have made no similar effort to hide your modesty.”

“Sir?” Renji coughed, and then saw Byakuya's hand clutching his towel. Flushing bright red he blinked at his captain.

“Do sit still. If I minded I would have said so, Renji,” Byakuya laughed, and it was a much more natural sound. “Again the expression on your face just now was priceless.”

“You are… evil you know that?” Renji spluttered, and then laughed deeply. Tension evaporated as he saw Byakuya's most genuine smile yet.

“Are you implying I had no childhood of my own? Few know this but I was considered quite the headstrong lad in my youth,” Byakuya confessed with a smug smile. He shifted closer to Renji, who was not sure if he should retract his arm, so he kept it over the back of the bath.

“You sir? NAAAH,” Renji denied with a grin.

“I was. The reserved clan head you see before you now is born of years of restraint and training every Kuchiki must undergo.”

“I thought ya were born knowing how to behave, being noble blood an' all,” Renji teased.

“I suppose that means you think my blood is blue then?” Byakuya said.

“I can't believe it. A joke… you cracked ANOTHER joke?” Renji laughed.

“I do have a sense of humor…” Byakuya said dryly, his eyes slightly closed.

“However unique or whatever it is.” Renji added.