Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Identity ❯ Magic and Madness ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I tried hypnosis, but it didn't work. But don't sweat, an electro convulsive therapy might just do the trick and KT just might hand the rights of bleach to me.
Whoa! Such great reviews for the last chap. You had me crying in joy! Honestly, I didn't expect it to be like that. I so love you all for all the wonderful things you have written in your reviews. That was the best advanced birthday gift you could have given me.
Miheran: Thanks for that wonderful review. And sorry for the cliffy, yeah I know, I could be mean at times, but I hope I get off the hook with this chapter. And I don't mind reading your wonderful review. If you could keep it going please, there is nothing I would like more than to get another wonderful review from you
Diamond42: Thank you! I am so glad you found the kissing scene nice. Or in your words, great. I didn't think my heart could swell with much more pride than after reading your review. Thank you
Tituba: gosh, you had me in sniffles after reading your review. Thank you! Truly, big fat thanks to you. A review from my favorite author is an honor. I was like going gaga and saying `she reviewed! She liked it! Oh I could die a very happy girl already! And please don't kill me with this chaps ending also. I beg you. I just well, just read it ^_~
Fried Deer: Thank you. Second review huh? Wow! I am truly flattered. Hope you like this chapter as well. Kinda different from the last one. I don't know how exactly to describe it. I guess you can call it transitional. Im crossing my fingers and hope this chap doesn't disappoint you.
Anyway, here's the next chap, as I have promised. I really tried to finish it for you guys. And today is my birthday (happy birthday to me!) so be nice. I hope you won't be disappointed much.
E-cakes for everyone who reviewed the last chap and those who will be reviewing this one. Please review, it's the best birthday gift ever.
Chapter 14
(Magic and Madness)
Rukia, taking a deep breath, thinking that it's now or never, slowly lifted her eyes towards the other side of the stairs, looking directly at the eyes of her intended. Then the world stopped and ceased.
Ichigo, upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, somehow quite irate, looked at the other side, expecting to see the redhead `hime-san'. But his breath latched in his throat, his jaw dropping. Everything else vanished except for the beautiful woman staring directly opposite him.
Rukia could not believe her eyes. Were the gods really that angry with her? Why'd she have to suffer like this she didn't know. She stopped dead in her tracks, closing her eyes for a few seconds, then opening them slowly, hoping against hope that her eyes were merely playing tricks with her. But no such luck. The guy, whom she had so lost herself with in a kiss was there, right in front of her, staring right back at her. Standing in the same spot where her supposed to be intended should have been standing.
Oh Kami, It's him! It's him, dear god it's him. He's… Oh my god, he's…my…my…oh dear lord, he's my fiancé. Oh no! No. It can't be. Argh, no! He's my fiancé!
Ichigo could still not believe how crazy this night has been. She was there, the enchantress that he has so passionately kissed earlier, was there, right before his very eyes. The woman that he had so wanted to see was now standing in front. He shook his head, trying to clear his now muddled brain. But she was still there. Why? He thought. Why was she there? Where was Hime-san? Why was she standing there and not Hime-san?
But what the heck anyway? She's here. She's standing there, right in front of him, where his supposed to be intended should have been.
He felt his knees go weak. Oh shit! No, she can't be. She can't possibly be her. He looked left and right, then straight back at her. His heart already beating fast as reality dawned on him.
Damn! She really is my fiancée! His heart lightened considerably. It's really her. Somehow, suddenly, the idea of meeting his intended didn't seem as daunting as before. And the thought of being married to the princess was once again sparkling with appeal. Dear lord, she really is his fiancée. He could have almost smirked in delight at the wonderful revelation.
Rukia didn't know how long she had been staring straight at him. How long she had been immobilized in shock, speechless and stunned? A minute? And hour? It doesn't matter, because she was quite sure that he was just as shocked and surprised as he was. That quick intake of breath, open mouthed stare, shrugging of his head as if clearing thoughts and checking reality, could only mean that the surprise was also on his side and not just on hers.
Then she saw him smirk, and blood rushed to her face. That arrogant bastard! She saw him straighten up and took a step towards her. His actions deliberate and sure. Cocky asshole! The fact that her brother was just a few paces away kept her rooted to the ground and standing as calm as she could muster. If not for that she would have boxed that arrogance away by now.
His heart is definitely soaring. The fact that the princess was not `Hime-san' was enough reason for him to celebrate. But to be engaged to her, that was just oh so, so wonderful. He was lost in his own thoughts that he did not notice the rigid way she was standing and the frown that marred her beautiful face, or at least the parts that he could see.
He bowed and offered his hand as soon as he reached her. “Shall we your highness?” he asked and watched her curtsy stiffly and uncomfortably put her hand in his. He led her down the remaining steps in into the middle of the room. He could tell something was wrong. There was none of the elegance that he saw in her earlier. And she was looking at anywhere but him. He felt her stiffen more when he grasped her waist and started to lead her in the dance. He felt like dancing with a board or something. What could be wrong?
Byakuya was standing a few paces behind the two. He also saw the smirk that impudent twerp gave her sister earlier and his fist tightened. He had wanted, so badly, to throw him down the remaining steps when he saw the hesitation he had earlier. Just one wrong move, he thought then, just one tiny wrong move and I'll have your ass bleeding and gutted on the walls, and to hell with the norms. But seeing the total change in the brat's attitude towards his sister, this silent threat rang more ominously in his head than before. Your hands better stay where they are supposed to stay you kozo! Or you'll soon be looking for them rolling off on the wasted floor. He thought murderously.
He never thought that seeing his sister being figuratively taken away from him, from his protection and guidance could hurt him too. He was now thinking of the up coming festival and smiled inwardly. Enjoy it while you can kozo, `cause in the following days, you will surely regret everything. And he continued to think of ways to torture and disable the young knight, while his eyes are still glued on the kozo's hands, watching, waiting, ready to tear those hands off its owner.
Ichigo could not believe that this was the very same woman he had danced and kissed earlier. Whatever is wrong he didn't know. He looked down at her but was met with the top of her head. She still wasn't looking at him. Dammit! Is his shirt buttons more interesting than him? Oh no, his pride won't and can't even comprehend and accept it. Look at me, he silently commanded, staring, boring holes in her skull, dammit, look at me! His hands tightened it's grip on her waist and pulled her closer.
She was angry. How could someone who kissed so sweet be such and arrogant jerk? Oh, no. Rukia Kuchiki, the Princess Kuchiki shall not let that insult pass. Oh, no, she won't. She let him take her hand and escort her to the dance floor. She let him lead her in the waltz. But she wasn't even cooperating with him. She was deliberately trying to maintain a rigid posture. Whatever happened earlier will not happen again. Just because she let him kiss her earlier does not mean that she'll willing let him do it again. Or that she want him to do it again. Oh, no, she doesn't.
But dammit! Her body was reacting in the exact opposite of what her brain is saying. The moment he held her hands, she felt the same fluttering in her tummy like earlier. Even the warmth his body is radiating, being this close to her, is affecting her, making her feel all light and giddy. And oh God! That hand on her waist…even when she's trying to act stiff and aloof, she can't ignore the thrill it gives her.
She could feel him staring right down at her, could almost hear his silent command. It took all of her willpower to keep her eyes at his very ordinary shirt button. She felt him grip her tighter, leaning her body closer to his, commanding her to give in. Yes, her body screamed, no, her mind opposed. Whoever said that the mind was stronger was way, way wrong. Dead wrong.
Ichigo could feel her body loosening and softening up. He smirked once again, just a little more he thought. Just look at me, please, he silently pleaded. He shifted his hand from her waist to the small of her back and pulled her even closer. “Princess” he said.
It wasn't the action, or even the words. It was the way he said her title, somewhere between a plea and command. The frustration was there, but so was patience and enough control. She slowly lifted her face to his, her eyes burning a path from his neck, to his strong chin, to those addicting lips, going up encountering his mask, then looking straight at his eyes.
Ichigo felt as if the air was knocked off him. Her eyes, her beautiful beguiling blue eyes were as mesmerizing as her face. And all he could do was look, and look, quite captivated by her eyes.
It was a mistake, she knew. The moment her eyes looked straight at his, was that black, no, lighter, brown, quite amber eyes, any other thoughts was lost in her mind.
Everything dimmed around them. It was just like a spell has been cast over them and everything else vanished, leaving just the two of them dancing beautifully and gracefully to the music, conscious only of each other, oblivious to everything around them. Somehow, they were back inside the pavilion and the magic wrapped around them, as tangible and palpable, as ever present as it was earlier.
Byakuya was still standing in the sidelines, watching silently and placidly at the lovely couple. That was what the guests could see of the prince. His face was still as calm as always. But inside he was seething in ire. How dare that, that gaki hold his sister so close like that? He wanted to thrash him right then and there, but forced himself to watch. Principally, and basically, there was nothing wrong with the way that kozo is holding his sister. They were now officially engaged and fiancée's were given the liberty to hold their intended a bit closer and put their hand in their back rather than just in the waist. But to his eyes, that was equivalent to groping his sister in broad daylight. And that makes his blood boil over. For the nth time since Yamaji-sama had bethrothed Rukia to this no good twerp, Byakuya found himself cursing the rules and stupid norms.
“I told you so Chad” Ishida said smiling at his friend while his hand was outstretched, palm up waiting for something from his friend. “That is just your problem, you put too much trust at our stupid companion over there.” His other hand pointing at the couple who are still dancing below.
Chad grunted and handed him a hundred bucks.
“See what I mean? He's so dense that he can't even recognize who he's dancing with. Stupid really.” Uryuu kept on while counting his money and then pocketing it after.
“He's just pre occupied” Chad said, but he was smiling. The money doesn't really matter. But the look on Ichigo's face was quite enough for him. The great knight, Sir Kurosaki, has finally fallen. Who would have thought that it'll only take a tiny form of a woman to do that?
“Renji, come on man!” Shuuhei nudged his stoic and angry friend. “If Captain Ichimaru sees us, we'll be in a lot of trouble” He further added. They were beside the balustrade of the second story, looking down at Rukia and her fiancée and totally ignoring their duties for the night.
It was clear to anyone who is watching the two, that there is a certain chemistry between them. The moment they looked into each others eyes, everyone knew, this wasn't a simple engagement. There was something almost tender in the way the two were dancing. And this, this just hurts him more. He could barely hear what Shuuhei was saying. In fact, he wasn't even listening. He was clutching the hilt of his sword with one hand, while the other was closed in a tight fist.
When Rukia told him about this engagement, he got the feeling that she wasn't happy about the entire situation. But if he would rely on what he is seeing, then, she wasn't as opposed to this as she originally had him believe.
Why Rukia? Why? What does he have that I don't? Why couldn't you look at me that way? Why can't you look at me the same way you are looking at him? He breathed deeply, willing his unshed tears to dry up. Somehow, seeing her dancing so intimately with that, that guy, was worse than hearing her say that she's engaged.
“You want to kick his ass and beat him senseless huh?” Upon hearing his captains voice, Shuuhei nearly lost his balance before straightening up gain. Shit! He thought, I am so gonna get it now. He looked at Renji who was still busy watching the two downstairs, still unaware of the situation, totally ignoring the captain. Thinking fast, he stepped on his foot, hard, just to get his attention.
“What the…” he felt Hisagi's foot on his. He turned around ready to bite his head off only to come face to face with sly smiling face of Captain Ichimaru. “Gah!” and leaned back putting as much distance between his face and the captains.
“I can help you with that you know” Gin said while his eyes was looking at what Renji was looking at earlier.
“What?” he said, not knowing what the captain was talking about.
“With whatever you are thinking of doing with Sir Kurosaki.” This time he looked at him, his face still scrunched up in his signature creepy smile. “I'll help you” Turning back at the dancing couple. “Do you want to?”
“How?” Renji asked unhesitatingly.
“Tomorrow, 8 sharp, training grounds” Ichimaru said leaving the two. “Oh, and by the way, Hisagi, Abarai, penitentiary hall later, you know the drill.”
Hisagi swallowed hard, “Shit” He looked accusingly at Renji, ready to bite his head off, but his friend was neither daunted nor afraid of their fore coming penalty. He was instead looking at the direction where his captain had left. “Man, don't tell me you're going to take up on his offer?” Seeing no change in Renji's granite features “You're crazy you know that?”
“I won't give her up that easily. Not without a fight” was all Renji said before leaving a still fuming Shuuhei inside the ballroom.
“Fuck” he said while rubbing his hands on his face.
Ichigo was not aware of how long they have been dancing. All he knows is that in his hands was the most enchanting creature he had ever laid eyes on and he was not going to argue if the song would go on all night. Was it minutes? Seconds? And yet he can't tear his eyes off her. He could not mistake the question in her eyes. The confusion and uncertainty was there. But there is something awfully familiar with those eyes. It's as if he already knows her. Why? Who is she really?
Rukia felt as if he was looking straight into her soul the way he was staring at her. She felt so exposed, yet safe at the same time. Why she asked. Why doesn't she feel threatened or trapped? Why was it that she feels almost safe and protected in his arms? Why? Why does it all seem familiar? Where have I seen those eyes before?
The music hushed into its last notes but the two barely noticed it, lost in each others eyes and each ones thoughts. Everyone in the ballroom waited in quiet anticipation for the final curtsy that would signify the end of the dance, yet the two still held on to each other, still lost in their own world.
“I advise that you unhand my sister this minute Kurosaki” The two jumped apart from hearing Byakuya's words. Ichigo was scowling at the intrusion, but Rukia was beet red from embarrassment. She heard her brother cough and regained her senses, she quickly curtsied to her partner and let him place her hand in the crook of his arm.
“What know?” Ichigo whispered to the princess. He doesn't really know what to do next. The prince was looking at him as if expecting something. What ever it is, he sure hope it isn't about handing the princess back to him because he sure as hell won't.
Is he for real or what? Rukia didn't expect him to be so ignorant of common etiquette. She looked at him, but was met with a blank stare. Man! He really doesn't know! “Ah, we mingle with the crowd” she said lamely. Man, how stupid can one get anyway?
Ichigo saw her look “Hey not everyone is born with sticks up their assess you know!” so what if he didn't know how this things exactly work out? Not everyone does. What is her problem anyway? He was extremely pissed at the way she looked at him when he asked about it.
He was still peeved at her reaction when he saw her blanch, her hand tightening unconsciously on his arm. He followed her gaze and understood. There, before them where hordes of people, looking like vultures, waiting for their chance to congratulate them, or better yet, get the inner scoop on things. Nosy, meddlesome, prying hypocrites.
“Thank God! I didn't think I could have endured much more of that” Rukia said as they were locked themselves inside a private study. She removed her hand from his arm and went to the other side of the room. She needs distance. She couldn't think straight when she was within his grasp. Ichigo was just looking at her, watching, waiting.
“Why?” she finally asked.
He understood what she was asking. And he racked his brain for a plausible explanation for his actions, but no matter how much he tried to think up of reasons, there was none that he could offer her. He put his hands in the pockets of his pants and looked straight at her. “I don't know” he answered honestly. “I… I wasn't planning anything” He could tell that she wasn't convinced. “Look…” he said with an exasperated sigh “I honestly wasn't expecting that things…things would belike this. Heck, I even tried to stop the whole thing.”
She felt as if he had just slapped him. Oh god, he didn't want her. She hung her head, shame washing over her. The last vestige of her pride was just as easily trampled by this guy.
“Hey” Ichigo said “I didn't mean it like that” but she still wouldn't look at him. Damn! “It's just that, there is, well… what I mean to say is, there is this girl…” Damn! Communicating is definitely not one of his stronger points. She still hasn't said anything. “What I really mean is that, for a while, I thought that I was, have fallen for this girl. She's really a character and quite a handful…” he sat in one of the chairs, elbows on his knees “she's strong and well, she got this beautiful blue eyes, just like yours.” He waited for her to say something, but when she remained silent, he continued on “but her brother had betrothed her to someone else, and, I was engaged as well. Then I saw you and, it, it just happened.” He looked at her, arms turned upward, pleading for her to understand, only to be met with a large, hard, leather bound book. “oomph, whadafuck???!!!”
“You!” Rukia couldn't contain her anger anymore. She was now standing over him a finger pointed at his face “Baka!” she said while kicking him repetitively on the shin. My god! If he could have just told her and her brother sooner, then they wouldn't be in such a fix. “It's all your fault!”
“What?!” he was clutching his battered leg while hopping to the farthest side of the room. “Look lady, I tried to prevent this, I really did!”
“Yeah, you tried to ditch me. Yey! Such a sweet thing to know” she said sarcastically, her hand on another leather bound book. She didn't know why the hell she was upset. She doesn't like him. uh-uh, no she definitely does not like him. But the things he said, wanting to break off their engagement, liking somebody else, it just, makes her want to smack his head over and over again.
“I didn't mean it like that!” he said while taking cover behind one of the chairs. Christ! She's a raving lunatic! It was understandable that she be upset. But violence what not something he expected from the supposed to be well bred young princess. Dammit, she hits just like Rukia.
“Whatever. There is nothing we can do now.” she said as she slumped in a chair. The engagement was already announced, and breaking it off now would just mean embarrassment for her clan and kingdom. Suddenly feeling tired of everything she closed her eyes and removed her mask, her finger pinching the bridge of her nose. Her head was pounding and there is nothing more that she wants than to curl up in her bed and forget.
Ichigo just stood there. For the third time that day he felt as if the wind has been knocked out of him and found himself totally unprepared and speechless. He tried to talk, call her name, but his voice seemed to have left him. His heart was thumping wildly in his chest, his head spinning, his legs softening to a jelly like state. He called her name, but all that came out was a small croak. Then everything went black.
whew! Damn! I totally lost it. Got to go and buy imagination from the supermarket again. Anyone who knows where I can get it on sale?
Sorry if there wasn't much fluff, but this chap is basically a transitional chap. Hope I didn't disappoint you guys.
And please, I'm begging you all, review. Tell me what you think.