Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Identity ❯ Oh Brother! ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I still am trying to think of ways to make K.T. hand over the rights of Bleach to me.
Sorry for the long wait. Just had to take a breather there.
Anyways, belated happy holidays to everyone.
anhimals: yeah, I finally got to that part huh? c”,) as for Rukias reaction, well, I can't tell you guys yet, you'll have to wait and see. Thank you
Tituba: shucks, thank you. Glad that you think that I have improved. And sorry if I made you wait for this chap. And yeah, I love byakuya as he is in this fic. I believe that deep down he is just like any loving brother is.
Miheran: yeah, that he did. LOL! I guess he just can't help it. And thank you for the review. Hope you like this chap too.
Diamond42: Thank you! And you are awesome too. Sorry if this chap took long to finish.
Really ticked off: sorry for taking too long to update. Anyway, here's the next chap, hope this could make you less ticked off. Thanks for the review!
@___@: it is so nice to hear from you again. If I can remember correctly, you're one of the first few who actually read and reviewed my fic. Thank you so much!
Disturbed leprechaun: well, yeah, I know. Sometimes I just get so lazy to reread a chap and end up posting it without checking or editing it. And thanks! And don't worry, I'll really try to finish this story. Though it might take me more time to update, but I will try to finish this one.
Anyway, here is the next chap. Hope you guys like this too. Enjoy!
Chapter 15
(Oh brother!)
Ichigo just stood there. For the third time that day he felt as if the wind has been knocked out of him and found himself totally unprepared and speechless. He tried to talk, call her name, but his voice seemed to have left him. His heart was thumping wildly in his chest, his head spinning, his legs softening to a jelly like state. He called her name, but all that came out was a small croak. Then everything went black.
She heard a thud and opened her eyes. What was that? And where is Kurosaki-kun? She looked right and left, but he was nowhere to be found. Dammit, that bas… “Oh my God!” she suddenly stood up, there, behind the chair, was the the Sir Kurosaki, Knight of the realm, lying unconscious on the floor. What the hell happened anyway? She went to him and tapped her foot on his shin “hey”, but there was no response. She tried kicking harder, but still there was no reaction at all. She looked around, trying to assimilate the situation when her eyes came upon a pitcher of water on the table. Yes, that, she could use that.
Ichigo sputtered “Gyahh! Pwahhh! What the???” while shaking off the drops of water from his face and head. “Who did that?” he asked threateningly, his eyes now fully focused on his surroundings, his mind already thinking up of ways to make the culprit pay.
“Oh, your awake” Rukia said dead panned. She was not impressed. She was not impressed at all. Honestly, what kind of a knight has, gets fainting spells? Seriously!
His eyes zoomed in on the petite princess, who was bending over, one arm stretched out front holding a empty upside down pitcher above his still dripping wet head. “You!” he said. Everything came back rushing in his head. A smile tugged his lips, oh he is going to get even with her, his midget.
Rukia watched the array of emotions flash on his face. She noticed his bewildered eyes take focus and look at her intently. She watched as those eyes gain recognition and an evil glimmer. She saw his lips slant up in an evil smirk and she knew that whatever it was that is going inside his brain was not something good, at least not for her. She cautiously took a step back, trying to get as much distance from him. But her fiancée was faster, his hand snaked up and took hold of her wrist and yanked her down against him.
Rukia found herself flung down, lying on top of her definitely demented fiancée whose hands were now at her waist holding her firmly against him. With much disdain as she can possibly muster “Unhand me right this instant” as she tried to wriggle out from his grasp.
“No. I like you there” and he further strengthened his hold on her.
“Why you?!” Rukia was furious! “Let go of me this instant!”
“No” he smiled smugly as he felt her try desperately to get off him.
“Let me go!” this time she tried banging her hand down on his chest. “Maybe you don't care about propriety, but my brother does. Unhand me now!” She was till stuggling valiantly to get off him.
Deciding that he didn't want her painful jabs in his chest, he rolled over, bringing her with him, taking hold of both her wrist at the same time. Their positions were now reversed with Rukia under him, his legs pinning hers while her wrists were held above her head with his left hand.
“Propriety? Since when have you learned that word?” He asked teasingly while his other hand was tracing a finger in her jaw. He is so enjoying this at the moment. He could still not believe his luck. Who would have thought that the girl that had somehow wormed her way into his heart was the very same girl that he is about to marry? And who would have thought that the girl that he was so attracted to a while ago in that dimly lit pavilion was the very same girl he was supposed to live happily ever after with?
He looked at her still bewildered and somehow defiant eyes. Those beautiful violent orbs that could and would seduce any man would be caught in it. And she was his. His to have and to hold. This girl that could and would tempt him and drive him probably out of his mind. Who would stand up with her own ideals and her courage that could faze even a skilled enemy. Who is lovely from inside and out, with a pure heart full of love and sympathy for others, those and a whole lot more. And she was his. This beautiful, courageous, extraordinary girl is his. And in one of those very rare times, he smiled a genuine smile, while his finger was still tracing her amazingly silky soft cheeks.
The only thing Rukia was thinking of when he got her pinned down was how to get away from his hold. But when he started to caress her cheeks every thought went out the window, replaced by a feeling of warmth. As she looked into his eyes, she found something there. Something that had made her limbs go weak. He was happy about something. But what caught her the most was the tenderness in those amber eyes. And the way his fingers would affectionately stroke her face as if it was a precious porcelain that would break with just the slight pressure. Who are you? Her mind just kept on asking.
“Rukia” he said breathlessly. His lips captured hers in a kiss unlike the first one. There was an urgency in his kiss. His tongue slanted over her lips, asking, seeking, insistent, taking entrance. His mouth was coaxing, his kiss deep and sure.
He kissed her hard, trying to tell her with his actions, his kiss and lips, everything that he had been and is feeling. He let go of her wrists and the moment he did, her hands found their way into his head and hair, running over his orange locks adding more pressure to the already heated kiss.
He let go of her lips, trying to force oxygen back to his deprived lungs, and trailed kisses down her jaw and neck. He wanted to feel her soft skin against his face, but the mask he's wearing prevents him from doing so. “Fuck” he said harshly his hand going over his mask in his clumsy attempt to hastily remove his mask.
“I would suggest that you watch you words Kurosaki”
His hand stilled when he heard the voice and his body tensed as he felt the tip of a sword in his throat. Oh he is totally screwed and he knows it.
The voice was like a splash of cold water in her face. “B-br-brother!” He was towering over them, eyes hard and glinting, and his sword was pointed directly at her fiancée's throat. Realizing the very compromising situation they are in, she tried to push him off her and wriggle out but moving a six feet ton of flesh was not very easy specially for someone as small and petite as her. She is in hell of a mess and she knows it.
“And get the hell off my sister” his voice held a murderous tone, and his sword with it's tip digging in the soft flesh of his neck is not actually making it easy for him to move. He could feel a little trickle of blood running down from his neck. Slowly he stood up, trying to put as much distance from the sword and his precious neck. As he regained the use of his two feet he offered a hand to the Rukia but she was already up and brushing down her gown.
“Back off” the prince said, adding more pressure on the small wound in his throat. He had no choice but to back down a few steps.
Byakuya was fuming. He got there just in time to see the bastard groping and kissing his sister, on the floor of one of the rooms open to guest for the night. He was kissing her! He had her sister on her back, pinned down by his weight. Bastard! If he hadn't gotten here sooner, something might have happened.
“Brother, please” Rukia implored, knowing full well the meaning of the murderous look in her brother's eyes. She doesn't know why she is protecting or at least trying to protect her fiancée. But she just couldn't allow her brother to kill him either.
“Get out Rukia” his eyes not leaving Ichigo's face and neither is his sword.
“But…” whatever words she planned to say got stuck in her throat as the Byakuya fixed his angry eyes at her. “Now” he boomed and Rukia found herself held by Ulquiorra by the elbow, dragging her out of the room.
“Ulqui, please, nii-sama's going to hurt him” she pleaded.
“No” the stoic royal guard said “You've done much damage already for the night” and just continued to drag her off to her room.
“Don't talk to her like that!” He couldn't take it any longer. How dare this so called brother shout at her and treat her like that. He could still see the look on Rukia's face when she was imploring her brother to stop. He also saw the look of hurt that has passed her face when her brother shouted at her. No one, absolutely no one is allowed to hurt her, not when he is around.
He took a step forward, removed his damn mask, his anger still high, but it only had the sword digging deeper in his neck. The prince had not said anything, yet. But the look of disdain on his face and the dangerous glimmer in the princes' eyes was enough to make him rethink his actions. Unarmed without his sword, he just stood his ground, thinking that if the prince would attack him, then he'd just have to use his hands instead. It wasn't the best option, he knew, but he'd be dammed if he'd just let the prince get the upper hand.
Byakuya was still trying to control himself. He was mad as hell that this stupid excuse of a knight tried to touch his sister. That he actually took such liberties with her. Liberties that he would not, never condone. He could easily scatter this twerp's innards on the floor. Actually, that is what he is itching to do. To hell with the rules!
He pulled back taking the sword away from the gaki's already bleeding neck and held it close to his body, it's hilt a few centimeters away from his chest Right now he couldn't really careless about the rules or the repercussions involved. He opened his mouth and whispered the words “Chire…”
For a moment Ichigo felt relieved that the prince decided to back down. Maybe he was just angry at the sight that he came into. Heck, if any of the twins were in the same situation he didn't know if he would be able to hold back. Ignoring the sticky liquid trickling down his neck “Look, I'm sor…' But the words died in his throat as he saw the prince lift his sword up in front. He is going to attack, his mind screamed. He took a fighting stance with arms braced and ready at each side and hand closed into fists. The hell he's gonna take that without putting up a fight.
“…Senbon…”but he stopped as he saw his sword inch by inch getting covered with ice. “Don't stick your business where it isn't welcome” he said, not batting an eyelash, still not withdrawing his sword.
“But you see it is my business your highness” a small guy said as he moved from behind the prince, his hair a silvery mass atop his head, his hand already holding on to his zanpakutou.
“Toushiro?” dumbfounded, Ichigo asked. What is he doing here anyway?
“That's Sir Hitsugaya to you!” The new comer yelled.
“Leave now Hitsugaya. I will not repeat my self twice” The prince quietly said.
Hitsugaya could see the ice covering the princes' sword slowly cracking up and starting to disintegrate. “Oh, but the King would not be happy if I left without giving you his message your highness” he said while holding out a small parchment for the prince. “Oh, and he also said `one week, and he's all yours' ” he was now almost beside the still seething prince “He told me to tell you that if something like this arises”
The prince looked at Ichigo long and hard before replying “One week kozo, one week” and with that he sheathed his sword and turned away without even a backward glance.
Ichigo heaved a sigh of relief. Not that he was afraid of the prince or anything. But he knew that it would not be wise for him to anger the prince further. Not to mention the state his limbs would be in after the midget found out that he had hurt her brother. He looked at the king's emissary “Thanks man!”
The said emissary just smirked “Don't thank me, yet Kurosaki. Not until you have seen this” and threw another sealed envelope in Ichigo's way.
Rukia was standing out the moonlit balcony of her room, jumbling thoughts about the evenings happenings running in her mind. Tonight, in a span of a few hours, her world came tumbling down. She met a gorgeous man in a dimly lit pavilion, kissed him, then announced to the whole kingdom that she's engaged, to no other than the guy that she had passionately kissed, not just once, but twice! And worse, her own brother caught her doing just so. And not to mention that she still didn't know her own fiancées' face!
Oh Kami sama! What the hell is happening to me? She asked. First off, she kissed a guy. A random guy who just happens to be in the same place as she was. A guy whom she doesn't even know how he looks like. And that second kiss, how could she have ever allowed that to happen? They were inside a public room for goodness! Not to mention that they were both on the floor, (the floor, dammit!) in a very compromising position too! Anyone could have walked in on them, not that she would just gladly do it if it was in a private and secluded part of the palace, (because that would be an entirely different matter) but still. And of all people to get caught by, why does it have to be her brother? Why?
But the biggest mystery and puzzle to her was her own reaction to her intended. How could he have so much effect on her? How could he so easily weave that spell around her that shuts her mind completely that she loses all rational thought? How could he so effortlessly draw her into that warm sweet cocoon where nothing else matters but the saccharine sweetness of his kiss? Why? How?
It is all the fault of that damn mask wearing perverted male demon that she had the misfortune of being betrothed to. Damn him! She took a deep breath, thinking of how to deal with her currently messed up life. “Oh god!” she groaned “I am so, so screwed” leaning down, “Why me?” she asked while banging her head on the cemented balustrade of her balcony.
Ichigo was rubbing the sore spot on his neck “Dammit!” He said frustratedly as he thought of the events that happened earlier. Just when it was getting to the good part, her friggin' monster of a brother just had to walk in on them. And now he wants his head and probably his ass on a silver platter, preferably disconnected from the rest of his body. “Shit!” Why do big brothers have to be such pain in the ass? And it was just his luck the Rukia's brother was the biggest pain in the ass ever to have graced this planet.
He stopped and looked around. Where exactly is he anyway? He has been walking in the palace grounds since he left a smirking Toushiro inside the `desecrated' room, intent on finding Rukia's bedroom window or something. It was hard to see, everything was coated in darkness, even the silvery light of the moon was hiding beneath the passing clouds. Just as ha was about to retrace his steps, he heard a muffled groan. He stilled and listened, his face looking towards the source of the sound. It was hard to see exactly what it was, but he was sure there was someone there, just about above him. As if listening to his silent request, the clouds cleared and the moon's rays illuminated the place. There he saw, in the balcony above, was the very same woman he was thinking of, leaning down on the balustrade, literally banging her forehead on it repeatedly while saying something he could not comprehend yet from the distance. “Stupid Midget” he said while getting closer to the walls. He removed his black coat, and threw it to the ground. He then untucked his shirt from the waistband of his pants and gingerly made his way up the vine covered walls of the palace. He just has to see her.
She stopped her endless banging and questioning and listened. She was sure she heard something from below. Slowly and quietly she made her way to the corner and looked down, trying to see where the sound came from. But mother nature was against her as she hid the moon once again behind the clouds. With her room also bathed in darkness, Rukia couldn't see a thing, but she was now sure that something was there. The scuffling sounds were getting louder and closer.
Silently she took her zanpakutou from inside her room and unsheathed it. She took cover behind the curtains of the door and waited patiently for the intruder. Whoever it was came just in time. She was pissed and needed to vent some of her anger. She positioned her sword in front, horizontally, its tip towards the curtains edge ready to draw blood, and waited.
Ichigo was quickly climbing the wall. The thick growth of the vines was helping him gain footing and leverage. The bandana long gone from his head as a result of tangling with one of the sturdier trunk of the vines. He scanned the balcony as he gained the equal height only to be disappointed to see it empty. Where the hell could Rukia have gone? He asked. Maybe she was already inside her room, ready to sleep. A grin tugged the corners of his mouth as he cautiously climbed into the balcony, thinking of the shock and surprise Rukia would be in when she sees him. He pressed himself back into the wall peeking first into the dark room. Not seeing anything he took a step inside, still keeping himself against the walls. Another step, and stopped as he felt the cold tip of a blade against his neck for the second time that night.
Not again.
She had him! She felt her sword connect with the intruders flesh and smiled satisfactorily. Without wasting any second more, she swung her zanpakutou towards the intruder, intent on slashing him “Hiya!” and charged.
Instinctively, Ichigo sidestepped the blow and captured his assailants' wrist, keeping the sword away from him. She kicked, trying to regain her wrist, but he was faster and dodged her attack, which sent her falling back down on the hard floor, pulling the intruder along, falling against her.
She was once again pinned down the floor, helpless against the weight on her.
Good, I got you know, he thought.
Then the clouds drifted by and the moon was once again casting it's silver glow, illuminating the two people sprawled on the floor, revealing each others identity.
Whew! I know, this chap did take long to finish, somewhere between the pages I lost my muse. Had a hard time finding it.
And I know in some part there I got a bit sappy and dopey, sorry, must be the after effects of the wedding that I attended. It was so romantic and I guess I kinda got carried away. That's when I got my muse back. I never knew I can be sappy and corny and dopey, it was the wedding I tell yah!
So, I know you all hate me for taking too long. But please, review. For the sake of my own sanity, I'm begging you guys, review please!