Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ My Eyes on You ❯ The Tease ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Me no own nothing! If I did, Ichigo and Rukia would be humping like bunnies.

Summary: Ichigo: It's the effin' cheesiest thing! I cant take my eyes off of her, moronically sad but true.

Rating: It's M for sexual themes and cussing. Later on, it'll be M for Lemon

A/N: What lo, behold, my first Lemon. And it wont even be a "I wanna try something mild first and see how it goes" lemon, it's "down and dirty, let's get down to business, ecchi-ness highly-recommended" lemon. I'm a pervert, there. You've been amply warned; please don’t read if you're too young for this.

For those who requested an answer to Rukia's question in Operation: First Kiss, this is for You. Kisses!

And sorry 'bout this, the characters might become OOC, but I can't remove it without ruining my plot. Gomen in advance.

Eyes On You

The Tease

Ichigo's POV

I'm doing homework, and she's reading manga.

That's typical enough. And though it mildly annoys me that she's slacking off while I'm working my ass off, what I don’t like about the whole scenario is that she's lying face-down on the bed... again.

She knows I hate it when she does that. Damn it, I said it enough times now that the last time I yelled about it, she mimicked my spiel and my tone, effectively shutting me up.

It's not that I don’t like seeing her on my bed. 'Cause frankly, if I can have my way, she'd be lying there twenty-four hours, seven days a week, like how it is in freakin' convenience store ads. And that's the problem, ladies and gentlemen, I really like seeing her in my bed -- too much, in fact.

We've been dating for over four months now. Throughout those four months, we've fought (a lot), kissed (a lot), made-out (practically every chance we got), and of course, there's the occasional heavy petting sessions that takes all of my infamous resolve to not rip her panties off and fuck her six ways 'til Sunday.

And I would have, three days ago, if only she hadn't said the three words.

Before you ask, it's "No". We're not talking about the mushy three words that spell commitment and sappiness to that effect. We've already had that established over four months ago, and not even a Kenpachi kill-all-you-can spree can make me say (or shout) mushy crap again.

It's the three words that every new boyfriend dreads to hear the most.

"I'm not ready."


Her voice had sounded shaky and unsure.

We were in the middle of a really hot and dirty make-out session. She was breathing hard, either out of pleasure or fear, I'm not sure. I know she liked it though. Hell, I know she liked it a lot, because she was sopping wet when I touched her underneath her school skirt. Her soft body quivered. She gave a surprised gasp and then a pleasured moan when I slipped my middle finger through the side of her panties, penetrating her.

But when I looked into her beautiful violet eyes darkened with lust, I also saw apprehension and fear.

So even before she even said it, I was able to guess what she was going to say. But no amount of preparation would have sufficed though. She lifted her hand which was busy tugging my hair and shakily tried to drag my forearm away from her pussy.

"I-I'm not ready," she breathed out.

I might have howled in disappointment, or growled, I'm not sure; my senses got all blurry a few seconds after she said it. All I know is that I made a sound akin to starving wolf being deprived of food that was already held securely in its fangs.

She might have apologized or most probably just gave me a look of apology, to which I know I only grunted in response.

Thinking back on it now, I might have seemed like an exotic animal in a zoo. All red-faced, orange-haired with grunts, growls and howls coming out of me.

I knew in an instinctive level that if I have only pushed the er, issue, I could have gotten her consent in the long run. Heck, I'd probably even get her begging for it if I was given just a couple minutes more.

But contrary to what others believe, chivalry isn't dead. And when a girl says "no", then the guy should step on the breaks. And this particular girl we're talking about is Rukia, the person I went through so many crazy crap for, and not just any random girl. Not to mention she'd probably kick my boner senseless if I insisted on it. And my cock had already gone through so much trauma being denied like this, thank you very much.

I tried to jack off, I truly did, but the pleasure I got from her kisses, moans, experimental caresses and soft skin heightened my senses to a level that my own hand wasn't able to cut it.

Suffice it to say I had to take an ice cold shower after that incident.

And three days after that, I've become a constant fixture in the bathroom. Really, by the number of times I have to run to the bathroom just so I could jack off, I should just set up camp there, it'll definitely save more time and energy.

Yuzu thinks I've become obsessed with cleanliness, Karin thinks I've developed some bladder infection. I don’t even wanna talk about what my old man lewd thoughts are 'cause... well, for the first time since I hit puberty, he's embarrassingly correct.

Why, you ask?

It's because of spoiled evil midgets. Naive little bitches who doesn't know how to properly act around their hormone-afflicted boyfriends, especially if the aforementioned boyfriend just happened to be someone who recently got cock-blocked by no other than own his girlfriend. Point of reference, Kuchiki Rukia.

Not only was she reading manga on his bed, oh no. Life is never as simple as that for Kurosaki Ichigo.

You see, Rukia just finished eating Yuzu's famous chocolate-chip cookies and is currently licking her fingers off. Giving her digits little kitten licks, her pink tongue darting in and out of her sexy mouth. It doesn't help that I already know just how delicious her little mouth is, and how talented with playing tonsil-hockey her tongue is.

I gave a long-suffering groan.

"Rukia! For fuck's sake, don't eat on my bed. You'll get crumbs all over it. And stop licking the hell out of your hands, it's not hygienic!" I glared at her for good measure.

And like the irreverent bitch that she is, she just paused from reading comics, gave me a playful look. She began reading her manga again, casually disregarding my ire. And resumed petting her fingers.

For the love of all that's holy!

I checked my buddy downstairs. It's semi-erect, but hey, that's nothing new... it's the constant state of my penis for the past three days now.

I know my problem can easily be solved if I just stop checking out the goods, er, that came out wrong, let me rephrase, if I stop checking her out. I need to stop staring at her. But I can’t. I just can’t! She's too irresistible.

I can’t take my eyes off of her.

Bloody fuck. I can’t believe I just inwardly said that. That's so cliché, a sappy cliché. It sounds girly too. I'm starting to sound like one of those afternoon romance soaps Yuzu likes to watch. I'm turning into someone sappy and girly.

Yeah, a sappy romantic hero... with tampons!

Then the phone rang, not the shinigami cellphone, but my home phone extension, set atop of my side table. She reached out to grab the receiver, then called out a cheerful, "Moshi moshi."

And judging by the hyper feminine voice I can hear all the way across the room, it's probably Inoue.

"Ohayou, Inoue." Rukia intoned. "Okay, calm down. I know it's terrible that the convenience store ran out of red bean paste..."

She sat up; pulling the phone on the bed with her, her left foot started playing with the long telephone cord that connects the phone extension to the side of the wall.

I grunted and turned back to my Trig homework. It's a bunch of angle and curve problems. It should be easy enough for a smart student like me, but as you can well see, my concentration is elsewhere. Now judging by the angles on this problem... the answer should be close to 40 degrees, I wanna be sure of course, so I need the calculator. I looked for it in my drawer. It's not where is usually is.

I faced Rukia to ask her where my calculator is...

... the pencil I'm holding snapped in two. She's lying on the bed again, this time; she's lying on her back, with her feet propped up the headboard opposite me. From where I'm sitting, I can see her long creamy legs; the skirt she's wearing is bunched up across mid-thigh. It doesn't end there though; the long telephone cord is loosely crisscrossed all over her legs, from her slender ankles up to mid-thigh. The black cord provided contrast to her pale legs, outlining the whiteness and flawlessness of her skin.

How the hell could that thing be where I wanna be, that is, all tangled up with her legs!?

Hell, I can't believe I'm jealous of a telephone cord. Just how far gone am I? I've got to go back to everything that's sane. Okay, back to the homework.

But before I can look away, her skirt fell away from her legs, towards her stomach. I got a glimpse of milky white inner thighs and white strawberry-patterned panties --

I choked on my own spit.

I think my brain just short-circuited. How cruel can life be? Seriously! Strawberry panties??? Down below, my not-so-little soldier is waking up... standing up with rapt attention. And who the hell can blame him?

I think my head restarted like a computer gone out of whack. And when my frayed brain cells started firing synapses again, it can only tell me one thing: jump Kuchiki Rukia.

M-must remain sane! Chivalry! Chivalry! Losing to my hormones is NOT an option.

Fortunately, Rukia seemed to have noticed her dishevelment and tugged her skirt up to her knees, it fell down to mid-thigh again, but that's better than unconsciously flashing me with her suggestive undergarment.

I think I growled low in my throat, whether it's from relief or disappointment, I'm not sure. Well, at least, I can start breathing again, okay now, how do I stop my heart from palpitating like I'm having a heart attack...

Not to mention how to get rid of my painfully hard arousal.

I'll have to think non-Rukia related things. Yeah, come to think of it, maybe meditation can assist me in this problem. That entire Zen idealist thing can help me concentrate on things other than Rukia. But who to ask?

My old man? I shuddered.

Urahara? Then he'll tell Yoruichi and then, everyone will know.

Chad? He'll probably say he doesn't know much about it, 'cause that'll take less time than actually explaining.

Ishida? Nah... I can just imagine his annoying I'm a Quincy-and-therefore-better-than-you-idiot-shinigami smirk.

Inoue? Er, never mind.

Renji? I can't imagine him actually thinking much less meditating.

Ukitake-san? Nah, too sick.

Kenpachi? Nope, too crazy.

Shunsui? Too lazy.

Ikakku-san? Too bald.

Out of all the people (dead or alive) I know, only one person seems knowledgeable about it.

And it's no less than the noble head of the Kuchiki clan and shinigami captain, Kuchiki Byakuya.

Now how do I go about asking him?

"Oi, Byakuya, long time no see, huh? Hey, I have a question, how will I go about meditating? 'Cause you know, eversince me and your little sister started dating, all I can seem to think about is Rukia. I'm in this constant state of erection and I'm really one hairbreadth away from jumping her..."

That'll just make my day. A thousand angry blades wanting to make sushi out of me, all in its pristine pink-ness, no less.

I have to be a man. Right. I don’t need Byakuya’s help to overcome this. Not that I'm afraid of Rukia's scary-as-shit ass of a brother. There are some things a man must face on his own.

I don’t think I convinced myself. Gotta think of something else, right.


Let's see... I have to think Math, there's nothing remotely perverted about Math. It's full of abstract concepts that isn't related to Rukia.

Concepts like numbers, planes, angles, curves, degrees, the degree and angle I should position Rukia so I can take full advantage of her luscious curves...


This isn't working.

"Bye Inoue, I'll meet you at the market." I heard Rukia say. Then she put the receiver back on it's cradle.

She stood up after finally putting her clothes back to covering what it should. "I'm accompanying Inoue to the grocer's. Tatsuki's got club practice today so I thought I should go with Inoue."

She walked nonchalantly towards the door, apparently not noticing my absorption of her, and my er, wood.

"Oh, before I forgot to tell you..." She looked back at me, with her hands poised on the doorknob. She gave a small naughty smile and continued, "I also bought a matching strawberry-patterned bra."

She closed the door and ran down the hallways, but not before giving me a self-satisfied smirk.

I just knew someday, she'd be the death of me. Can a person actually die from unfulfilled horniness?

Fuck, I need to go to the bathroom again.


This one's a three-shot baby. So please wait for the coming chapters, okay?

I wanna thank people who gives time and effort to review my work. ^_^ It also feels nice when you favourite or subscribe. But reading about your appreciation is something special. So namely, thanks to Goku's Daughter, Black Sun Upon An Icy Sky, AvaLuna, Itazuk, The Summer Breeze, Just me and myself, ara07, makoshark, and SapphireFlamesX.

So how do you guys like it?

But seriously, I'm so cheesy when picking out titles. Arggh!!! I'll post the plots for my future fic on my profile, if you can come up with a better title, please feel free to PM me. Thanks.

Please review.


Next Chapter:

The Tormented

There's that look in his eyes again, as if he wanted to kiss me and punish me at the same time.

I sighed. I admit I've been teasing him mercilessly these past three days. but Ichigo's so dense sometimes. Why do I always have to spell it out for him?

I'm ready now...
