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"My Eyes on You" Reviews/Comments [ 1 ]
 Reviewed By: Subject154  On: July 03, 2010 07:03 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm going to try to keep from swearing here, but it may be a little difficult and I may accidentily jam my finger on the f-bomb button multiple times in quick succession, considering how freaking awesome those two chapters that you have up are. I cannot say that the characters were abolustely correct, but seeing as Ichigo and Rukia are dating in your fan fiction, I think they may have changed a little, considering that and they've gotten older, so I'm thinking that can be forgiving. Your grammar was very good. I only saw a few errors, and that was mainly just a forgotten word somewhere in there and a typo. I make abundance of both, especially when I'm staring off into space thinking as I type. I don't know if that last part is common of not, but whatever. Your style of writing... To die for. I wish I could write like you. That would make me as happy as a depressed guy can be. Thumbs up, in spirit of Chad. :D Originality, perfect. I've never seen another fan fiction where Ichigo and Rukia were actually dating, and not just fucking. That automatically got you an extra two points, and all the other fanfics I've read of this particular pairing also showed Rukia as a bit of a slut, and Ichigo, even though he initiated it most of the time in those of fan fics, being the one who wanted to do the deed slowly. Extra points. :D The two chapters had a perfect amount of visualization, meaning I saw everything in my mind's eye as I read. This will sound idiotic, most likely. Kudos for that. :D This particular fanfic was very entertaining, and I the only thing I don't like about it is how long it's been since you uploaded a chapter. I saw that there was supposed to be three chapters, but there were only two up, and then looked at the date you'd uploaded the second, and about died from disappointment. And here is my second and final f-bomb for this review, and even though there are two, they're being counted as one. Sssh. This fan fiction was absolutely fucking amazing, and you are an absolutely fucking fantastic writer. ^^

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