Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Of Violence ❯ Chapter 8: Of Recovery (Part One) ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Of Violence
Chapter Eight (Part One): Of Recovery
Kick. Punch. Duck. Jab. Counter.
“I'm holding your grandson, dumbass!”
Not that Ryuunosuke seemed to notice. The baby merely blinked up at him with innocent teal eyes.
Isshin sailed across the room and collided with the wall, the imprint of his son's shoe in his face. He bounced and hit the ground, only to spring back up like a freaking spring daisy. His eyes flickered to Byakuya before swooping on Ichigo's kids.
“My grandchildren!”
“Goat-Face!” Both Syaoran and Kaien chorused in greeting, somewhat but not completely happy to see him.
Each child inched back towards their respective guardian, Kaien grudgingly stepping towards his father and Syaoran raising a hand to Byakuya's hakama. They understood all too well the boisterousness of their grandfather's affections. It wasn't surprising they were a bit afraid of him, especially after witnessing the exchange between he and Ichigo.
If Byakuya wasn't already used to it, he might have been taken by complete surprise as well. It certainly wasn't like any other father-son interaction he'd ever witnessed.
Urahara Kisuke trailed behind Isshin's abrupt appearance, the other man having mysteriously appeared and attacking from above, which Byakuya suspected meant he had been lying in wait on the roof. With an unassuming air, though he was anything but, Urahara followed one of his oldest friends out of his shop. Benihime tapped the ground beside him.
“Pervert-oji-san!” both Syaoran and Kaien exclaimed at once, happier to see Urahara than the elder Kurosaki.
Byakuya didn't blame them.
From beside the Kuchiki heir, Ichigo snorted in amusement, watching his father deflate in disappointment at the children's lackluster reaction to him. “Cracks me up every time,” he commented, more to himself than to any other.
Urahara smiled bemusedly as he approached, remarkably more subdued than he used to be. “Ichigo-kun, Kuchiki-san, it's been a while.”
The look in his eyes, carefully shielded by the hat, was still knowing but lacked some of his former sparkle. Sadness lingered in those shaded orbs, a sadness that the passage of time could only ease, never completely heal. Even this many years after the war, little Ururu's death continued to haunt the former captain of the twelfth division.
However, there was also a deeper sorrow within the shopkeeper, deeper things broken inside of him. Byakuya largely suspected it had to do with Aizen's death. The man had refused to surrender, fighting with every last ounce of his strength and skill until the bitter end. Only with Urahara's strategies had the Shinigami even been able to counter the traitor's plans, leading to their eventual victory. Yet, not once had Urahara thought of betraying them for the man he loved, even if the very act of defeating Aizen had pained him immeasurably. And even through Aizen's betrayal and death, Urahara was still very much in love.
“It has,” Ichigo responded in a tired tone, pulling Byakuya from his ruminations. “I just thought I'd take a little vacation with the kids.”
The Kuchiki heir refrained from responding, merely tipping his head in greeting. Mikan in one arm, he laid his free had on Syaoran's hair. She was craning her neck to look up at Urahara, a part of her still fascinated by the strange man.
The last time Ichigo had been to the living world was before the twins were born. It made sense that Urahara would remark the length of passing time.
Off to the shopkeeper's right and just behind him, Isshin had drawn up straight, the look on his face no longer one of total stupidity. Temperance had briefly replaced the childish act as his gaze flickered between his son and Byakuya. It was a look the Kuchiki heir was not used to seeing on Isshin's face, and it vaguely disturbed him. He wondered, just then, if Isshin didn't already know what had happened in Seireitei.
“And your brother-in-law apparently,” Urahara replied with a raised brow and a mischievous twinkle, a hint of his old craftiness returning.
Ichigo rubbed the back of his head as he shifted Ryuu, the infant making a faint contented noise. “Umm… yeah,” he responded, eyes sliding to the side. He wasn't in the mood for explaining.
It had been much to Byakuya's surprise to receive a note from Yamamoto-soutaichou yesterday afternoon, one mandating that he take a weeklong holiday. It wasn't until afterwards that he had learned Ichigo had been given the same length of time off as well. He suspected a plot, but as it was in essence a command, he could not argue. Out of concern for Ichigo, he had decided to accompany the younger captain to the living world. It wasn't as if he could do anything else with his free time, and he strongly suspected that had been the old bastard's intention all along.
Gray-green eyes regarded them from beneath the hat. “I see.” Urahara's gaze flicked between the two before turning on his heels, back towards his shop. “Well, I have your gigai in storage. Follow me.”
Byakuya almost missed the relieved sigh that spilled from Ichigo's mouth. If he had not been at the other man's side, he wouldn't have caught it. Clearly, Ichigo didn't particularly want to discuss Rukia's absence, especially in front of the children. Byakuya did not blame him.
They moved to follow Urahara as he headed into his shop, and from the corner of his eye, Byakuya caught sight of Isshin's approach. The seriousness had all but vanished, to be replaced with a goofy grin as he set his sights on Ryuunosuke.
Isshin reached, fully intending to hold his grandson. Ichigo oh-so-deftly and calmly slipped Ryuu into his other hand, out of his father's immediate range. Not to be dissuaded, the eldest Kurosaki made a grab for Mikan. But the full force of an icy Kuchiki glare made him stop in his tracks, Isshin deflating like someone had let the air out of him. He perked up in the very next second, hopefully turning towards Kaien and Syaoran.
The two children, seeming to sense their impending plight, were already hurrying past Ichigo and Byakuya. They caught up with Urahara, Syaoran taking his hand.
“Pervert-oji-san, you have our gigai, too?” she questioned in wonder, as if she had truly expected her uncle to be rid of them once the first visit was through.
Byakuya knew better, however. His niece was quite crafty. It was like a game to them, teasing their grandfather “Goat-Face.”
Utterly abandoned, Isshin pouted, the expression of a kicked puppy crossing his face. “My grandchildren don't like me,” he whined to his son.
Inwardly, Byakuya could only think that Kaien came by his moodiness honestly, both by father and grandfather. It must have been a Kurosaki trait.
Ichigo did a grand job of ignoring him. “I'm not sure being here is a vacation,” he muttered, swiping a hand over his forehead where the early morning humidity had dampened his skin.
Byakuya's lips twitched. “He means well.”

The startled look Ichigo shot his way was well worth the words. “You're defending my father,” he countered in amusement. “Imagine that.”
“I have no idea what you mean.” His companion made a noncommittal noise as Kaien made an exclamation of wonder ahead of them, likely due to some fancy toy his uncle was showing off.
“Whatever.” Ichigo snorted, hefting up Ryuu and holding his son against his shoulder in a move that was purely unconscious. “This coming from the man who insisted my father was a blithering fool.”
Fighting against the smile, Byakuya deadpanned. “That he is. Which I can see, has not changed in the slightest.” He shook his head, Mikan popping her fist against him as she grew bored of her surroundings. “I honestly doubt the relation at times.”
“You and I both.”
They stepped into the cool dim of the shop, blinking away the sudden change from bright morning. The sounds of the kids chatting happily with Urahara floated to their ears, even as Isshin arguing with Jinta in an amusing fashion joined the noise. It was a comforting sound, somewhat like home.
“And yet, the resemblance at times is strikingly uncanny,” Byakuya suddenly remarked, just when it seemed he had dropped the conversation.
Brown eyes swiveled to him in an immediate glare. “Low blow,” Ichigo accused, though he didn't sound too terribly angered. In fact, there was a hint of amusement in his face, lips twitching as though he were repressing a grin.
The very sight of it touched something inside of Byakuya.
“Tou-chan! Look at my gigai!” Syaoran's voice echoed through the shop as she found her missing father and uncle, twirling around and displaying her new skirt.
Ichigo's attention immediately shifted to her, never noticing the shocked expression that had taken over his brother-in-law's face.
`But he loves you more,' a whisper repeated in Byakuya's head, Zaraki's voice a grating mockery.
Inwardly, he groaned.
It was going to be a long week.
He had always hated wearing gigai, though he recognized the necessity of one while he was on holiday in the living world. He always felt like he was intruding in someone else's skin, the body never responding to his commands as he would have liked. Though logically, it couldn't have been that unlike his own, Byakuya could always detect a faint difference in everything. The way things tasted and smelled for instance.
He frowned, shifting again and feeling the gigai respond sluggishly. Urahara had only the highest quality, but he doubted even the most expensive would have suited him. He simply did not like the things.
More than that was the clothing.
While he could admire the interesting outfits that Ichigo chose to clothe himself in, slim-fitting “jeans” and a t-shirt that rode up every so often from his waistband, Byakuya couldn't get used to his own vesture. They were vastly different from the shihakushou, much too tight though significantly less so than Ichigo's. And it always felt as if people were staring at him.
The lack of his scarf and his Kenseikan were unsettling, not to mention the familiar weight of Senbonzakura at his side. It left him feeling edgy, as if he would be unprepared for an attack.
Grumbling under his breath where no one could hear him, Byakuya plucked at the front of the pale blue button-down shirt, even as he watched Mikan spit up on it with a sigh. She merely burbled up at him pleasantly, not caring that she had just left a wonderful little wet spot on the front. The innocent look didn't work on him. She had done it on purpose.
“You're as contrary as your uncle,” he muttered thinking of Urahara, poking her in the belly, to which she giggled and tried to grasp his finger. “And twice as impish.”
Mikan just blinked up at him, blue-green eyes pretending innocence. There was no winning against an infant.
Shaking his head, Byakuya lifted his gaze to the rest of the room, watching Ichigo interact with his friends and family. Yuzu was busy with a patient, but Sado-san was free, he and Ichigo deep in discussion by the far wall. Ryuu was still tucked patiently in his father's arm.
The tall half-Mexican was wearing a doctor's coat, fitting thing given his occupation. After the war with Aizen, Sado had returned to school, ending up with a medical degree in Pediatrics. He now worked at the recently expanded Kurosaki clinic, side by side with Isshin, which made Byakuya wonder for the man's sanity.
While Ichigo and his childhood friend caught up, Byakuya was content to observe. Isshin, on the other hand, felt he was now free to chase his grandchildren around the house. Syaoran had almost immediately sought shelter with her uncle, but her brother refused to give in.
“Ah! It's Goat-Face!” Kaien yelled as he careened past the door, running down the hallway.
“It's ojii-san!” Isshin replied. “Come learn Ojii-san-Karate-Love-Style, my grandson!”
The Kuchiki heir honestly didn't want to know what Isshin considered Karate-Love-Style. He wondered what Karin would think when she arrived home, only to find the house in chaos. Ichigo's trip hadn't really been planned ahead of time or even announced, so it would be quite a surprise.
Byakuya watched as Ichigo paused in the middle of his conversation with Sado, directing a glare at his father. Isshin and Kaien had just passed them yet again, and though the boy was too independent to ask for aid, it was clear his energy was waning. He was going to get caught soon.
“No special training, Goat-Face,” Ichigo barked, causing his father to pause mid-pace and glance over his shoulder. “Kaien's still too young.”
The eldest Kurosaki's face was downtrodden as he whined, “Ichigo! I'm only playing.
Ichigo's lips firmed. “Isshin,” he said in a warning tone Byakuya recognized as one he used on his children, and the very sound of it was enough to make the other captain shake his head.
A definite role-reversal.
“Mahhh!” Isshin pouted, even as Kaien tiptoed out of the room, looking to make his escape. “Fine. No training.”
“Shouldn't you be handling the clinic anyway,” Ichigo countered.
Sado patted his friend on the shoulder. “We could close early,” he rumbled in a deep voice that never ceased to surprise Byakuya. “Yuzu's patient is the last one.”
The door to Byakuya's left creaked open in that moment, a somewhat fatigued Yuzu emerging from behind it. Her eyes were on the floor as she idly pulled her nurse's hat from her head.
“Tou-san, there's a-- Ichi-nii!” She lifted her gaze in enough time to catch sight of her brother. “I didn't know you were coming.” Her face registered pleasant surprise, clearly happy to see him.
Ichigo smiled at her, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand. “Surprise,” he responded with a faint smile, one that Byakuya noticed seemed reserved for a very select few. “We--”
“You brought the twins!” Yuzu exclaimed, completely overriding whatever he was going to say. She practically sprang across the room. “This is Ryuu, right?” She reached to take him from her brother, only to draw back with a sheepish expression. “Oops. Just came from the patient. I need to wash up first.”
Sado cleared his throat to gather her attention. “I'll close down the clinic, Yuzu,” he offered graciously before turning back towards its Ichigo. “I'm off on Wednesday.”
The Shinigami captain nodded. “We could catch lunch or something.”
In agreement, Sado inclined his head, clapping Ichigo on the shoulder before he headed for the same door that Yuzu had appeared from earlier. Ichigo's sister chose that moment to spring back into the room, though he hadn't even realized she was missing. In what had to amount to half a minute, she had changed out of her nurse's scrubs and was now claiming Ryuu from her brother.
“He's so cute,” she gushed, cuddling the infant in her arms. Her eyes swept towards her brother. “Where's the rest of your children, Ichi-nii?”
Byakuya couldn't help but watch in amusement, wondering how she had missed his presence.
Ichigo gestured towards the couch as he answered, “Byakuya has Mikan and Syaoran. Kaien's hiding from Isshin.”
Predictably, Isshin made a face that was remarkably similar to the same pout Byakuya had seen Kaien display. “He's not hiding,” the older man grumbled. “We're playing… hide and seek.” As if the idea had just occurred to him, he suddenly brightened and hollered, “Ready or not! Here, I come, my sweet grandson!”
Seconds later, there was nothing but dust in the spot where Isshin had been standing. Ichigo just rolled his eyes, well used to his father's antics.
“Hello, Byakuya-san,” Yuzu greeted as she wandered his way, still cooing over Ryuunosuke. “If I'd known you were coming, I would have cooked something.”
He tipped his head in greeting. “It was a rather spontaneous decision.”
In his arms, Mikan looked up at her aunt and reached towards her. Baby language gurgled from her lips, as though fascinated by a face her young mind couldn't quite remember.
“We're on vacation,” Syaoran chirped excitedly. “Tou-chan said we deserved to have some fun.”
Yuzu smiled at her niece. “And you do,” she responded, her free hand patting Mikan on the head, fingers moving softly over the dark hair.
Despite her cheeriness, Byakuya could still sense that she was confused. Her eyes flickered between her brother and himself, noticing immediately that a certain important someone was missing.
“Where's Ru--”
Karin's voice suddenly poured through the house, interrupting a question that had quite the potential to be awkward. Byakuya ignored the feeling of relief that swept through him, knowing they would have to explain it sooner or later.
Her footfalls were soft as she appeared in the doorway, surprise registering on her features. “Ichi-nii-san? When did you get here? And--”
The sound of Kaien's cry of despair was immediately followed by his mad flight into the family room. He abandoned all attempts at independence and huddled behind his father, peering out from the side towards the door. Appearing shortly thereafter, Isshin skidded into the room, only to draw up short as he registered the presence of his oldest daughter.
The detective-inspector gave him a firm look. “Scaring the grandchildren again, Goat-Face,” Karin teased, lifting a brow.
“We're bonding!” Isshin countered as if affronted.
Setting a hand on his son's shoulder, Ichigo silently promised he wouldn't force the boy to spend time with this maniac.
With that, Byakuya noticed, the entire Kurosaki clan had gathered. Something that hadn't happened since the twins were born. Only Hitsugaya and Hanatarou were missing. He paused, running the list over in his head, and silently amended himself. And, of course, Rukia.
Karin snorted at her father's behavior. “Keep that up, and you'll end up in jail,” she retorted, moving to the back of the couch where the Kuchiki heir was still sitting. “Evening, Byakuya. You came as well, I see.”
There was a note of question in her voice as she looked expectantly between him and Ichigo. Just like her sister, she was weighing the noticeable absence of Rukia. But she didn't ask, and for that, Byakuya was grateful.
Instead, she reached out. He offered Mikan willingly, watching as she smiled at her niece.
“She looks just like me,” Karin commented, winking at her brother as she held Mikan up with a firm grip under her arms.

Her eyes focused on her aunt, Mikan giggling and waving a fist.
“She looks like her mother,” Ichigo corrected before he realized what he was saying. He instantly stilled.
Byakuya could practically see the tension as it whipped through his body, Ichigo quickly casting for something else to focus on. Kaien was a lucky target, receiving the front of his father's attention as sword-calloused hands ruffled his hair; honestly, Urahara always managed the tiniest details.
“You up for some sparring, brat?”
The grin that split Kaien's face could have moved mountains. “Really?” he asked, entire face glowing. “Yeah!”
“I guess that means I should make dinner, ne?” Yuzu posed, rocking Ryuu in her arms with an almost covetous look in her eyes. “What does everyone want?”
Karin shook her head, glancing away briefly from where she still held Mikan up in the air. “I don't think it matters, Yuzu. Just make what we have.”
The suggestion sparked excitement in Syaoran as she sat up with interest. “Can I help?” she interjected hopefully.
“Of course,” Yuzu responded. “Ichi-nii rarely helped me, so you'll have to make up for it.” She smiled at her brother, proving she was only teasing.
Ichigo rolled his eyes, already steering his son towards the back yard. It wouldn't be dark for another few hours, giving them plenty of time for whatever Ichigo had planned.
“I'll take Ryuunosuke,” Byakuya offered, rising to his feet.
Syaoran slid off the couch beside him, nearly bouncing on her heels out of sheer excitement. He supposed cooking would interest her.
“Isshin!” Ichigo barked as he slid the door open, gesturing Kaien to precede him outside. “The gear still back here?”
Pouting, a lingering stare at Ryuu who was safely in Byakuya's hold, Isshin nodded. “Yes,” he answered almost distractedly before realizing exactly what his son was referring to. The pout slid into a great grin as he bounded after Ichigo. “I can train, too!” he declared, barely missing slamming into the glass door as his son closed it on him.
“Thanks, Byakuya-san,” Yuzu answered, attracting his attention. Her gaze flickered to her brother in slight disappointment. “He just left you behind, didn't he?”
Karin watched the Kuchiki heir steadily, face alit with mischief. “Ah, but Byakuya is family, isn't he?”
It was easy for him to meet her eyes steadily, though he was certain she was trying to imply something. “I think I can manage to entertain myself.”
Karin's lips spread into a slow smirk, but it was Yuzu who actually responded, “Really? That's good.” She reached down, tangling fingers with Syaoran and addressed her niece, “You can help me with the rice.”
“Hai,” Syaoran chirped, clearly excited.
Stepping to follow after her sister, Karin couldn't resist one last jab. “I'm glad you came, Byakuya. This should prove to be an enlightening dinner.”
He followed her exit, Ryuu burbling in his arm. Her insinuations were strangely familiar, as if she and a certain deranged fool were in league.
And of course, Zaraki's voice laughed in his head. `But he loves you more.'
Family dinner at the Kurosaki household was an occasion worthy of any comedy act, Byakuya had come to learn. It was almost disturbing how used he was to it already. As he carefully ate the meal Yuzu had so kindly cooked for them all, he couldn't help but wonder how Ichigo had survived in a family of insanity.
“Mahhhh,” Isshin attempted to coax as he pushed a spoon full of mashed vegetables towards Ryuunosuke, the green paste looking quite unappetizing. “Eat for tou-chan.”
Ryuu, even in his infinite patience, was having none of it. Usually the one to readily submit to just about anything, he simply stared back at the man invading his field of vision and refused to eat.
Byakuya didn't blame him.
Channeling Hitsugaya, Ichigo stared at the man who had helped give him life. “I'm their father,” he stressed, pausing with cup halfway to his lips. “You're just Goat-Face.”
Watery eyes turned towards his oldest son, the spoon of unpalatable goo hovering in the air. Byakuya swore that Ryuu was very subtly inching away from it, clearly expressing his distaste.
“I'm still their ojii-chan,” Isshin retorted.
Ichigo shook his head, calmly returning to his meal. “No, you're Goat-Face. Don't confuse them. You know it upsets Jyuushiro when you do.” The look of indifference on his face completely belied the fact that he was causing his father to deflate, bit by bit.
Lower lip pouting and beginning to wibble, the spoon wavered in Isshin's grasp. “That white-haired weasel,” he whined childishly. “I'm your tou-chan. Not him.”
“Gods, I wish he was.” Ichigo sighed, popping some rice into his mouth.
Byakuya snorted and then tried to disguise the motion behind a faint cough, reaching for his glass of water. The constant rivalry between father and son never ceased to amuse him, especially when it involved countering Isshin. Having been at the receiving end of more than one attempt of Isshin-Love, he felt only justified.
Startling, however, was the silence coming from Karin, where she sat at her father's left. Normally one to take pleasure and part in her father's destruction, she was remarkably stoic. Her dark eyes steadily watched Byakuya and Ichigo as she ate, an unreadable expression on her face.
It was unsettling, much like the Zaraki voice that wouldn't stop flitting around in his head. Much like the annoying buzz of an oncoming Hollow attack.
Meanwhile, the madness continued.
Isshin had apparently missed his son's comment, continuing in his lonely speech. “I can't believe you let Jyuushiro sit with the family during your wedding reception,” he pouted, suddenly remembering he was supposed to be feeding Ryuu and pushing the spoon back towards the infant. “I had to sit in the back. With Keigo. And that bitch-ninja from the second division.”
When Ichigo glared, Isshin paused, his gaze sweeping over Kaien and Syaoran. “I mean, that witch-ninja.”
“You're still sore about that?” Ichigo countered. “It was thirty fu-- it was thirty years ago!”
“You put Shunsui closer than me! Even Ki-chan got a better table.”
Ichigo rolled his eyes as Byakuya recalled the reception. Urahara had indeed received a better seat, right next to the family table, where Jyuushiro had sat in the chair Isshin should have taken. He couldn't quite remember the reason Ichigo had given for remanding his father to the back of the room, but he vaguely recalled the mention of cameras, gifts, and a proposed toast.
He honestly didn't want to know.
“It wasn't really that bad,” Yuzu interjected from where she sat sandwiched between the twins, ever the peacemaker. “At least, you were invited.” The tone of her voice proved that she was teasing, though in her sweet Yuzu way.
Yes, she was a Kurosaki through and through.
She continued, almost casually, as she managed to feed Mikan without any trouble, “You sat with the family at my wedding, remember? And you will when Karin gets married.”
“Over her dead body,” Ichigo inserted with a muffled snicker.
Yuzu chuckled, too, shooting a glance to her sister. The children beamed as Isshin deflated entirely, sulking quite visibly.
The lines of tension in Ichigo's forehead were beginning to ease. Being around his family was good for him, Byakuya noticed. And though he was certain Ichigo hadn't forgotten about the past forty-eight hours, it was easier to push it aside in the face of Kurosaki madness.
Karin set her bowl down against the table, hard enough for the sound to echo around the dining room. Syaoran and Kaien jumped in surprise, even as everyone turned to look at her, confusion evident in their expression.
“So,” Karin began, pinning Ichigo and Byakuya down with a firm stare. “Where's Rukia?”
Just the way she said his sister's name was all the proof Byakuya needed to know that Karin was well aware of the events in Seireitei. Hitsugaya was likely the one to tell her, which meant she probably already knew where Rukia was. He could only guess that she wanted the truth out in the open, something Ichigo was trying not to do.
“Okaa-san's out of town,” Kaien answered around a mouthful of rice, unaware of the skyrocketing tension.
Visibly paling, though he hid it well, Ichigo's eyes shuttered to the table. “Yeah, she decided to take… uh…” But words failed him.
Inwardly cursing Karin for her directness, Byakuya swooped in for the save. “She was sent on patrol,” he clarified, pretending he hadn't seen Ichigo's grateful glance. Or that it had made him feel pleasantly warm on the inside.
“Oh really? Karin arched a brow, setting down her chopsticks and propping her elbows on the table. She laced her fingers together, propping her chin on her interlocked digits. “I didn't think Ukitake was in the habit of sending new mothers on patrol.”
From the corner of his eye, Byakuya caught Ichigo staring at his sister, silently willing her to shut up. It was plainly obvious that Karin was highly angered by the events and was in no way going to help hide the truth from the children. But he wasn't going to allow her to break the news. Ichigo struggled with Rukia's absence enough as it was. He didn't need any more pain.
“She's missed it several times thanks to her pregnancies,” Byakuya smoothly put in, unfaltering under her continued verbal assault.
By this time, Yuzu and Isshin had noticed the increasing tension. Both paused in the midst of feeding their respective twin, Yuzu with hand poised midway to Mikan. The little girl strained towards the food and made a gurgle of discontent, reaching up with a protesting hand. Isshin, conversely, had somehow managed to get more food on himself than Ryuu had successfully eaten. Nevertheless, the playfulness had all but vanished, and he watched the conversation between Karin and Byakuya with increased gravity.
“Still, it's rather early. I know Toushirou wouldn't have required her to do it,” Karin countered without missing a beat, a hint of reproach in her voice. “Especially since she has other children at home.”

Every word was a carefully planned jab at his sister, and Byakuya was infinitely glad that the children were too young to understand subtext. Ichigo, however, seemed as if he was going to tear his hair out from sheer frustration, the color nearly drained from his face. If she had been closer, Byakuya had the feeling Ichigo would have already kicked her under the table. But as she was too far, he was left with the only option of silently pleading for her to stop.
Byakuya narrowed his eyes, setting down his own chopsticks. “Ukitake Jyuushiro has been a captain for more than a millennium. I'm sure he has a better grasp of the situation than someone of Hitsugaya-taichou's stature and age.”
She bristled, as Byakuya expected she would. Karin was just as sensitive about Hitsugaya's height as he was. Not only was she taller than him now, but she was in her fifties, while Hitsugaya still resembled a teenager. In public, they were also regarded strangely, and he knew that Karin strongly hoped she would look younger again after her death. Both topics were sore points for the couple.
Byakuya liked Karin; he really did. And he wasn't fond of bringing up uncomfortable points for her. However, he wanted her to stop pushing. Her comments only hurt Ichigo, who had taken to gazing down at the table, seemingly on the edge of another break down. He wasn't ready for his children to find out yet, having no answers or explanations to give them.
The Kuchiki heir watched with absolutely no satisfaction as Karin's lips formed a thin line. Her fingers unlaced as she folded her hands on the table, mouth opening to say something that he suspected was going to be regrettable.
“You shouldn't talk about Shiro-oji-san like that,” Syaoran interrupted, her clear voice cutting through the building tension like a ray of light. “Shun-ojii-san told me he can't help that he's short.”
Kaien nodded vigorously. “It's Matsu-chan's fault,” he chimed in. “She's stunted his growth with all her hugs of love.”
Ichigo's head whipped up as fast as only a father's could, centering his full attention on his son. “Hugs of love?” he repeated, voice filled with both confusion and a hint of concern.
“You know what a hug of love is, tou-san!” Kaien chided in his knowledgeable voice. “Shun-ojii-san says it's when she hugs people with her other arms.” To that, he gestured out in front of his chest to demonstrate what Byakuya could only assume were Matsumoto's assets.
“When did Shunsui tell you this?” Byakuya demanded.
They should have known better than to leave that man with impressionable children. He simply didn't have an off switch.
The boy shrugged as if it didn't particularly matter to him. “A few weeks ago. He was telling us about other hugs of love like when a man and woman really love each other, but his Nanao-chan started hitting him with her book.”
“I think it means she likes him,” Syaoran added after demurely wiping her mouth with a napkin. “That's what Yumi-oji-chan told me.”
Ichigo shook his head. “I think that I need to reconsider my babysitters.”
A part of Byakuya couldn't agree more. But there was another, more relieved part of him, one that was glad for the inadvertent shift in the conversation. They had been successfully diverted from the awkward discussion of Rukia.
Karin still shot daggers, but Byakuya knew she would no longer bring it up. She had been successfully thwarted. And Ichigo's worry was effectively deflected by the innocent inquiries. The fear that his children would discover all too quickly had been shoved to the back of his mind, replaced with the consideration of just what stories Shunsui had been telling his children.
At the same time, however, Byakuya knew things weren't quite abandoned. Isshin had a strange look on his face, another moment of complete seriousness. And Yuzu didn't seem entirely convinced. There was a gleam in her eye that didn't bode well at all.
Neither one of them had been fooled.