Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Of Violence ❯ Epilogue - Happy Endings ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

a/n: After careful consideration, I decided to go ahead and give you guys the last chapter. So, I do hope you enjoy!
Of Violence
Epilogue: Of Happy Endings
“You know,” Ichigo grumbled as they walked down the nearly deserted sidewalk, surrounded by the familiar trappings of his former neighborhood. Even after forty years, it still hadn't really changed. “I was beginning to think she'd never die.”
Byakuya shot him a disapproving look. “She's your sister,” he chastised, though he couldn't help the twitching of the corners of his mouth.
Ichigo had a point, after all. Karin had held out to the bitter end, nearly one hundred before finally giving in to the pull of old age. Even now, she lay on her deathbed, only awaiting the arrival of her brother before letting go.
“Of course she had to choose now,” Ichigo continued, as though he hadn't even heard Byakuya's reproval. “Especially since we have to rush back to Seireitei so we don't miss Syaoran's induction. She would never forgive us.”
He looked away so Ichigo wouldn't see him smile. “I think that Syaoran would understand,” Byakuya responded.
“I'm still not happy about that.” One foot kicked out, hitting a stray rock and knocking it into the green grass of someone's front yard. “I never wanted any of my children involved in that Kuchiki bullshit.”
“It was her choice,” Byakuya reminded him, but he was also in agreement with the other man. “I wouldn't have allowed it either way.”
It was the absolute truth. Years ago, he had always considered it a joke between Syaoran and him mostly to tease Ichigo. But as she grew older, it quickly became obvious that Ichigo's eldest daughter had always been serious. She honestly wanted to take over his mantle as head of the Kuchiki House.
At first, both Ichigo and Byakuya had protested. Ichigo had feared that she was being pressured into making the choice, especially since she and Kuchiki Midoriko had been having tea together for quite some time. And Ichigo hadn't wanted his little girl mixed up in the affairs of the Kuchiki family. It was a political mire she was likely never to escape. Byakuya held much the same sentiment, having experienced that first hand.
Neither of them had realized, however, that she played politics better than the both of them ever had. Syaoran knew how to charm, how to command. She held her ground with poise and dignity and could talk circles around all the elders. By the time she was through with them, they believed any idea had been their own to begin with. It helped that she was nearly as powerful as her brother in terms of reiatsu and might have even become stronger if she had focused on her Shinigami studies.
Syaoran had spent a few years at the Academy before deciding that it was not for her and then turned to schooling that would better suit her aspirations. Finances and business and psychology, areas of expertise that would benefit any leader of a clan. And she excelled in them, graduating top of her class and smug in her success. She had every right to be.
Now, only Ichigo was a protester against her decision. Byakuya supported her so long as it was her decision. If he ever caught wind that she was being pressured into taking up the mantle, then he would quickly put an end to it. He would not have Syaoran - who he considered one of his precious children - subjected to the Kuchiki madness not of her own free will. He wouldn't have her undergo what he'd had no choice to take.
She had plans, plans that she'd told him in some detail but not completely. For the Kuchiki and Soul Society as a large. Byakuya wouldn't be surprised if she managed to make them all possible either. Her changes would rock Seireitei, most likely for the better. Thus, he supported her.
His grandmother did as well. Midoriko-obaa-sama was behind Syaoran's succession, the elderly woman in her last years of her life. After all, Syaoran was an even better candidate than they could have anticipated. Meeting her brother in terms of reiatsu-strength. Directly descended from the captain-commander and the Shiba clan. Not to mention her father was Kurosaki Ichigo himself and her adopted father Kuchiki Byakuya. One couldn't ask for a better lineage. And Syaoran knew it. She used the truth to her benefit, more ruthless than Byakuya could have ever expected of his cute princess.
Ichigo sighed, raking a hand over his hair. It was a discussion they'd had before, and he'd always lost because he knew better than to argue with his daughter. Syaoran was as stubborn as her father. And she had quickly picked up on Byakuya's stubborn, noble pride as well. One thing Ichigo wished she hadn't learned from him.
“I know,” he muttered, and it sounded almost glum. “Why is it my children never do as expected? The only one who isn't going to be in danger is Ryuu!”
Byakuya lifted his brow. “I could clearly contest that statement,” he countered as they turned down another block, Ichigo's childhood home close to the end of the street.
It would be so much quicker if they used shunpo, but there really was no need to be that swift. And Ichigo couldn't help being a bit nostalgic. Besides, Toushirou was already there. If they were a little late, Karin wouldn't be alone.
Ichigo snorted, waving one hand in the air. “He might be in the Academy, but he chose the Kidoushuu, Byakuya. They aren't exactly the first line of defense or offense in any battle.”
“I wasn't referring to that,” Byakuya replied, his lips twitching towards a smile as he thought of Ichigo's youngest son, not so young anymore now that he was in his second year at the Academy.
A brown eye peered at him piercingly before recognition dawned, and Ichigo chuckled, shaking his head. “I seriously doubt Miharu presents a danger to my son's health.”
“One could argue that.”
“Ryuu doesn't seem to mind.”
Byakuya shot Ichigo a sidelong look. “That's because Ryuunosuke lets Miharu do whatever she wishes. He is an enabler.”
There was a moment of stunned silence before Ichigo burst into laughter, the sound a bit too jovial considering where they were supposed to be. “An enabler?” he repeated, amusement filling his tone. “Honestly, Byakuya, he's not supplying her with drugs or alcohol. They're friends.” He put emphasis on the last.
“Not if Miharu has her way.” Byakuya sniffed.
It wasn't that he didn't like Ukitake Miharu. She was a sweet girl, if not a bit forceful... Okay, a bit was being kind. He supposed that being doted on by her fathers might have had something to do with it, but Miharu was very strong-willed. Not unlike Yoruichi and Kuukaku if Byakuya thought about it. No damsel in distress was she, and she had long ago proven it.
She and Ryuu had been close friends for a long time, as soon as Ryuu had grown enough for them to carry on a conversation. As a child, he had always followed she and Mikan around, getting involved in their trouble and most often being the one taking the blame. As Mikan's interest started turning towards other pursuits, Miharu had latched onto Ryuu, her “kawaii otouto.” Even back then she had declared that she was going to marry Ryuunosuke someday.
The poor boy had never even bothered to deny her. It would have been akin to trying to stop a mad Zaraki attack. Pointless and dangerous with the risk of losing a limb in the process. It wasn't that Ryuu lacked a will of his own or that he couldn't say no, but Byakuya had the suspicion that the youngest Kurosaki allowed her whims because he honestly liked her. He was remarkably patient for a Kurosaki. So much so that people often that he was Yuzu's child and not Ichigo's. Oh, the rumors that particular bit of knowledge had started.
Ichigo wiped a hand down the front of his face and tried to chase away his grin of amusement. “Jyuushiro's ecstatic, you know,” he commented as the sign of the Kurosaki Family Clinic finally came into view.
It was mostly deserted, though a few cars crowded the front drive. Friends of Karin's that she had made in the department, many of whom still considered her their senpai despite her advanced age. She had been a spry old woman.
“Senpai would be,” Byakuya responded, but it was half-hearted as their amusement faded in light of the pall that seemed to hang over the household. Of course, Karin's friends couldn't have known that she wasn't really dying, just exchanging one form for the other. So they were grieving.
In their spirit forms, it was easy to make their way into the house and upstairs without drawing undue attention. The bedroom was crowded, but as they approached, a haggard looking Toushirou in an older gigai was throwing most of the visitors out into the hall. Claiming a need for some space in Karin's final moments. He noticed them almost immediately but pretended he didn't for the sake of sanity.
Ichigo chuckled and drew inside the room, slipping past an anxious looking trainee of the police academy, Byakuya alongside him. Karin, in her wrinkled and white-haired glory, was a tiny thing amidst the soft comfort of her blankets and pillows. Yet, she still commanded a presence, even with her breaths growing weaker and weaker.
“Ichi-nii,” she greeted, fingers giving a little wave as she lifted them a few centimeters from the bedspread. “Byakuya-nii-sama.”
Those few allowed in the room looked around and after being unable to spot the spirits simply shrugged. Most likely chalking it up to an aged woman's delusions on her death bed.
Ichigo shook his head. “They'll think you've lost your mind.” He moved to her side and kissed her cheek.
Karin scoffed. “Like I care. I won't be here for too much longer.”
Horrified gasps echoed from her gathered friends, and Ichigo found this particularly amusing.
“They're going to miss you.”
Her features softened. “I know. But it's time for me to go,” she murmured, and her eyes shifted to her gathered friends and the door to her bedroom which was closing behind Toushirou, who was leaving himself. “Everything's ready right? All the preparations?”
“Of course,” Byakuya murmured, mouth twitching though he was trying to maintain his composure. “Just as you wished. From the cake down to the color of the tablecloths. And your father… his special seat is all prepared.”
Ichigo snorted. He knew exactly where Goat-Face was going to sit. And there wasn't anything special about it. Other than the fact that it was in the very back, behind a pillar, and next to Soi-fon. Just as he had been at Ichigo's wedding. Both of them.
“Good. Now that you're here, Toushirou can stop muttering to himself.” Karin snickered, but it was a weak sound compared to her usual jovial laugh. “Kami, I hope I'm young again after this.”
Ichigo grinned. “Young and beautiful,” he assured her. “Just like the day Toushirou met you.”
She smiled at that thought, humor hiding behind her fatigue. To be honest, Karin was the last of their immediate family to journey to Soul Society. Yuzu had “died” about a year beforehand and now lived in Soul Society with Hanatarou. They were expecting their first child already; the amount of reiatsu in their family was really unreasonable.
In fact, nearly everyone that Ichigo had known and truly cared for in Karakura was already in Soul Society. Keigo, Mizuiro, Tatsuki, Chad, Ishida... everyone really. And even Kon, once Ichigo's body had reached the end of its lifespan. They had all found their places in Seireitei. Some of them entered the Academy. Some married Shinigami. Others found more administrative positions like Ishida, who was serving as liaison between the Shinigami and the Quincy when he had found other survivors in his later years in the living world along with his children.
“Oh, no,” Karin suddenly cried in a dramatic voice that was betrayed by the smirk still on her lips. “I think I see the white light.”
Around her, the crowd of friends pressed closer, all trying to get in their final goodbyes. Karin closed her eyes, promising that she would remember all of them and that she had cared for all of them well. Ichigo felt Zangetsu give a little tremor, and after exchanging glances with Byakuya, he knew that Senbonzakura was doing the same.
The window curtain fluttered, and the two men looked to the side, finding that Toushirou was crouched there. Out of gigai and back to his spirit form. He was already stepping inside with every intention of escorting Karin personally. Really, it made Ichigo wonder why they even had to be there at all.
“Wanted Ichi-nii here, too,” Karin murmured as though she had heard Ichigo's unvoiced question, her words on the edge of a sigh. And Ichigo belatedly realized that it was on her last breath as her chest fell and didn't rise again.
Her friends broke into woeful cries, grieving her immediate loss, while the three Shinigami in the room merely watched in silence. Karin's body shimmered like a heat mirage in the summer. And then, her spirit was standing before them, clothed in a shihakushou with her sword at her side. And she looked as young as in her high school days, the same as Toushirou's current appearance.
“Hmm,” Karin said and twisted around to admire her new, youthful form. “I look even better than I thought. Looks like Akon was right.”
Byakuya inclined his head. “As a Shinigami, we weren't entirely sure what would happen at your death. At least, Akon-taichou's theories hold more validity than his predecessor's.”
When Karin looked at him blankly, Ichigo chuckled and shook his head. “Byakuya means that he's glad we don't have to go looking for you in Rukongai. It was a trial the first several times.” He shuddered at remembering the difficulties he'd had in tracking down Keigo in particular.
Karin laughed, lifting her arms above her in a stretch. “I think I feel even stronger than I did when I was actually this age.”
“Impossible,” Toushirou snorted, still hanging out in the window. “Now, do you want to stick around here all day or come back home?”
Taking one glance at the sorrow rising over her weeping friends, Karin stepped towards the window. “It's a bit creepy to watch them like this. Especially when I know that I'm standing right here and there's nothing left in that body.”
Ichigo nodded. “You two go on ahead. I think we'll stick around for a bit.”
There was a brief surge of icy reiatsu, and then, Toushirou was gone, Karin leaping into the window after him. She tossed a smirk his direction.
“Nostalgia, Ichi-nii?” she teased. “You are getting old.”
Before he could form a proper retort, she was laughing and slipping into late afternoon, only the faintest after-sense of her reiatsu behind her. Ichigo shook his head at her daring.
“Not acting newly dead, is she?” he questioned as they turned away from the weeping few and moved to leave his family home. It was no longer familiar to him, what with the changes that had been brought about during the years. But there were still some things that remained the same as his memories.
“She is your sister,” Byakuya reminded him like he had forgotten that tiny little detail. “Would you have expected her to act any different?”
The look on Ichigo's face was all the answer the Kuchiki noble needed.
He continued, allowing himself to chuckle a bit at his lover's expense. “What did you want to do here?”
Ichigo shrugged, eyes glinting guardedly. “Even a hundred years later, I still sometimes miss it. It's nice to walk around and remember.”
Not entirely convinced, Byakuya eyed him critically. “Karakura or Mikan?”
The other captain ducked his head sheepishly, fingers rubbing over the back of his head. “Eh, you caught me,” he answered as they stepped out of the house and into the sun-bright afternoon. “I can't help it. She hasn't been home in months.”
“Empty Nest Syndrome,” Byakuya murmured. “Isn't that what Yoruichi teased you with? All your children are out pursuing their lives, except Ryuu who still lives at home. You miss them.”
Ichigo spread his hands helplessly. “You'd think after decades of caring for them, I'd be glad to see them go.” His cheeks pinked a bit in embarrassment, even if it was Byakuya, who pretty much knew everything about him.
The Kuchiki noble still found it cute, even after all these years.
And honestly, he could understand Ichigo's position. Only a few years beforehand, Mikan had proven that she was very different from her siblings. She hadn't even spent a full season in the Shinigami Academy, instead preferring to take after her Hara-oji-san. Her interests lay purely in experimenting and the unknown, mixing strange concoctions in her room and making up crazy inventions.
It had taken much begging and pleading on Mikan's part - along with a few rather inventive practical jokes - for her to convince her father to allow her to “apprentice” under her most admired person. She hadn't wanted to join the twelfth division or even enter the Shinigami Research Center. She wanted to work under her idol, but Ichigo still couldn't figure out why she had chosen the geta-boushi.
“You could always adopt,” Byakuya suggested, and he wasn't entirely certain if he was kidding or not. He'd already helped to raise four; was he ready for another?
Ichigo shook his head negatively. “Not just yet,” he replied, leading the way as he leapt from street-level and up to a rooftop where it would be easier to cross Karakura. “They still need me, just a little.”
“They'll never stop needing you.” Byakuya recognized the tone, that of a father who really did miss his children. “Remember, they only want to think that they are grown.”
The younger captain chuckled and then paused on top of what appeared to be a convenience store to regard his lover carefully. “Do you want more children?”
Ironic that he had just been considering the question for himself. He hadn't really thought about it to be honest since he'd spent so many of the last few decades helping Ichigo raise his. And since he hadn't made plans to be with anyone else, he hadn't thought of having any children of his own blood. He would always consider Kaien, Syaoran, Mikan and Ryuu to be his no matter what.
“I think the four I have are enough for now,” Byakuya responded and was treated to a warm smile for his answer.
“They are a handful on their own, aren't they?” Ichigo smirked and leapt to another roof top, quickly crossing the length of the town.
Urahara-san had a new shop in a more secluded location. He spent half his time in Karakura, completing studies of the living world, and the other half in Soul Society. He freely traveled between the both, often accompanied by Isshin. Though he hadn't managed to convince his lover, surprisingly enough Nanao-san, to visit him in the living world.
And Mikan cheerfully accompanied him from world to world, often with a smudge of some questionable substance on her nose. She stopped by occasionally to see her family before she was again trotting at her sensei's side. And really, Urahara's ego didn't need the boost, but it was even worse now that he had someone refer to him as teacher.
Byakuya nodded in response to Ichigo's query, one child in particular standing out in his mind. Kaien, true to his nature and unsurprisingly just like his father, had chosen to be a Shinigami. He had entered the Academy, blown everyone away with this skill and reiatsu - though his kidoh was also a trying point for him as it had been for Ichigo. And had graduated near the top of his class. Alas, his book studies had not been as strongly pursued as his other lessons.
After shocking everyone by the breadth of his reiatsu, Kaien had then accepted entrance into the eleventh division, where he had quickly risen to the rank of fourth-seat. He spent little more than a year there before proving his skill to equaling that of a vice-captain. Not wanting to challenge Yachiru, he had pleaded for the only position left open, that of the second-seat in the thirteenth division.
Once again, a Kurosaki had rocked the rumor mill.
Many had begged him to reconsider. A few had even whispered of the thirteenth division jinx, the Ukitake curse. Any lieutenant of his was doomed to die. Unfortunately, those whisperers severely underestimated Kaien.
He had loudly declared that he was taking the position no matter what anyone said. And those who even mentioned the curse in his presence had been treated to a flagrant dousing of his reiatsu, edged with Hollow and enough to send most of them to their knees. Or at least give them a headache and nausea to rival any hangover. He wouldn't stand for anyone insulting his Jyuu-ojii-chan.
“All of them take after you more than you know,” Byakuya commented wistfully, chuckling a bit to himself as he moved to another rooftop.
There was no immediate answer, and he belatedly realized that the sound of his waraji on the tiles was solitary. Frowning a bit, he paused and turned, scanning his surroundings for Ichigo. He found him, still lingering on the prior roof, his gaze captured by something at ground-level. Without explanation, Ichigo leapt down to the street, leaving Byakuya confused.
Byakuya was quick to follow, dropping down to the concrete and catching up quickly. “Ichigo,” he began, following the other man's line of sight to see what had captivated him. “What are you...” His breath stuttered a bit in his throat. “Is that...”
Ichigo looked at him, his eyes wide with surprise. “You think so, too?” he questioned, hurriedly forcing his gaze back towards the human who had caught his interest.
“Rukia,” Byakuya breathed, and though there were minor differences, he could have sworn that the teenager walking down the street amongst a gaggle of friends was his sister.
They shared the same facial features and were about the same height. Her eyes were a lighter shade of blue, leaning closer to grey, but her hair was just as black. Dainty with an edge of fierceness. And she was laughing, even that sound so painfully familiar.
“Is it even possible?” Ichigo questioned without taking his eyes away from the sight of someone who could have passed for Rukia's twin.
She stopped in front of a nice-looking house, hedges neatly trimmed and garden well-cared for out back. Her friends kept going as she swung open the gate and stepped inside, but she waved goodbye to them. Pale blue eyes sparkling happily. Her voice echoed a promise to meet tomorrow morning so that they could walk together to school.
And then, she continued towards the house, pausing to ruffle the hair of a child that had been playing up front. A small voice called her “onee-san” and grinned brightly before continuing to play. Rukia - or whatever her name was - smiled in return. Actually smiled! And she headed into the house, calling “taidaima” loudly. Then, the door shut behind her.
The sound that came from Byakuya's throat was strangled, completely flabbergasted by the sight. “I cannot answer that.” He swallowed thickly. “My knowledge of the flow of souls is limited.”
“Geta-boushi,” Ichigo stated firmly. “He can tell us, can't he?”
“Let us hope.”
It was in agreement that they turned, forever burning the location into their memory in the off chance that their initial reactions had been correct. To think, Rukia was already reincarnated. And possibly happy! It was more than either of them had hoped to expect and lifted something heavy in their hearts. Something that had settled there for decades, unable to ever be eased or forgotten. The faintest and oldest trickles of guilt, always lingering whenever their happiness was too strong.
Their pace was much more hurried as they crossed Karakura to the shouten's new location, on the outskirts of town where possible explosions wouldn't bother their neighbors. Standing out front, a scowling Mikan was sweeping the walk. As expected, a smudge of oil decorated one cheek. She even appeared to be muttering under her breath, her grip on the broom nearly violent.
Mikan looked up as they touched ground, scowl melting away at the sight of her parents. “Tou-chan! Chichiue!” She dropped the broom immediately and practically leaped into her father's arms for a sweeping hug. “What are you doing here?”
Chuckling, Ichigo returned the embrace, having grown used to his daughter's attacks of affection. “Oba-chan died today, so we wanted to see her off.”
“Really?” she asked, bony chin digging into his shoulder as she squeezed him tightly. “Why didn't she tell me? I was here!”
“She probably thought you were busy,” Byakuya inserted gamely and steeled himself for the arms that suddenly swung around his neck, hugging him tightly.
Like Ichigo, he'd had to become used to these sweeping displays of fondness. Mikan rarely held back in anything - her emotions, her aspirations, everything. It was all for the world to see and often bigger than they had imagined.
Mikan drew back, a pout on her lips. “Still, I wasn't that busy. Sensei won't even let me do anything fun.”
And by fun, the girl obviously meant dangerous.
“That is not exactly a bad thing,” Ichigo commented, paling just a bit at the thought of something that pervert would term dangerous. Remembering a certain method of regaining his powers came to mind.
His daughter humphed and placed her hands on her hips. “And I can't learn anything if he keeps me away from all the fun stuff!” Teal eyes flashed with annoyance, likely identifying what had made her so perturbed.
Ichigo shook his head, his innards squirming in discomfort. “I'm sure you'll get to the… ah, fun stuff eventually. You've learned some things, right?”
“Yeah...” she answered with a sigh, admitting it very grudgingly. “But not the interesting stuff.” Suddenly, her face lit up as though she had gotten an idea. “You're here to see sensei, aren't you? Can you ask him to show me something neat?”
Ichigo winced, but it was Byakuya who answered.
“We'll see,” he responded smoothly.
Though Mikan pouted again, she didn't argue. Ichigo never could understand why they would listen to Byakuya before they would listen to him. He could be stern if he wanted.
“Fine,” Mikan drawled and drew back to snatch her broom up from the walk. “I'll just sweep up dirt and pretend to be busy.” She waved one hand in dismissal. “Sensei's in the basement, just so you know.”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” Ichigo replied and gave her on the cheek, easily ignoring the surly look she was attempting to cast. “You should come by for a visit soon. Ryuu misses you.”
Mikan sniffed. “We'll talk about that after you convince sensei to show me whatever it is he's working on right now.” The swish-swish of her broom over the sidewalk accompanied her words.
“Parents don't accept bribes,” Byakuya reminded her firmly as they headed into the shop, much to Ichigo's amusement. “But we'll see.”
“Softie,” Ichigo accused as the door closed behind him, shutting off the sound of Mikan's gleeful cry of hope. “And everyone says that I spoil them.”
Byakuya tilted his chin proudly. “You do,” he responded, the sound of their feet sliding over the polished wood a bare whisper.
Anything Ichigo might have said was cut off as he narrowly avoided a collision with a redheaded blur. Ichigo's hands shot out to catch Jinta before the teen slammed into him.
“Oops,” the boy said unapologetically, rocking back on his heels after his momentum had been diverted. “Why're you blocking the hall?”
“And why are you careening through the shop?” Ichigo countered. “It can't be that important can it?”
Jinta immediately flustered just a bit, cheeks tinting a careful red as his gaze shifted to the side. “I just wanted to let Mikan know it was time for lunch,” he mumbled.
Ichigo blinked in surprise, a suspicion beginning to grow. He exchanged knowing glances with Byakuya, who looked just as suspicious. Before either could counter properly, however, Jinta abruptly scowled and regained his usual surly composure.
“The boss is in the basement,” he declared and pushed by them. “And stop coming over uninvited!” he added over his shoulder.
Byakuya sighed and rubbed his fingers over his forehead. “Teenagers,” he muttered, resisting the urge to roll his eyes in aggravation. Honestly, he would never understand them, despite barely surviving through four of his own, two of whom were still in that rebellious stage.
Rather than argue, Ichigo simply chuckled in agreement. Luckily, there were no more untoward encounters as they found their way to the basement, remodeled after the decision to move the store. One ladder led to the massive training area, another led to an underground laboratory.
They dropped down into a room impressively lit by numerous bright and white lights, as well as cluttered full of unidentifiable objects. In fact, there seemed to be only the barest hint of a path from the bottom of the ladder and deeper into the room. They could hear a voice as they descended and followed the littered, makeshift hallway. Rounding a corner, Ichigo and Byakuya were nearly blinded by an intense flash that abruptly petered into nothing. Blinking the spots from their eyes, they were gifted to the sight of Urahara Kisuke cursing at... something as he rubbed his forehead. Ichigo could only assume it was a failure of some kind.
“I take it that wasn't supposed to happen?” Ichigo asked by way of announcing his - and Byakuya's - presence.
Gray-green eyes, for once not shadowed by a ridiculous hat, jerked up to meet his entrance. Seeming even larger behind the thick plastic of his goggles. Kisuke blinked before recognition dawned, and he reached up, jerking off the protective wear.
“Ichigo!” he greeted brightly, none the worse for wear for his failure. “And Byakuya-bo. To what do I owe the pleasure of this sudden visit?” The goggles were dropped to the cluttered tabletop as Kisuke moved easily around it and the other odds and ends, idly dusting off his lab coat.
“I was in the area,” the fifth division captain answered with a roll of his eyes. “Thought I'd see Mikan and ask a few questions.”
Kisuke arched one brow, outlining the faint marks around his face where the goggles had rested. “Questions? Pray tell.” One hand reached out, snagging a high stool and dragging it near to perch upon. His free hand gestured to something behind them. “Though from the look on your faces, I'd gather they're serious. Have a seat.”
Ichigo immediately grabbed one of the rickety-looking stools and dragged it out to have a seat. Byakuya, however, took one glance at the dusty and dangerous chair and decided he would be better off standing. The look Ichigo gave him was full of knowing amusement.
“So what did you come to ask?” Kisuke questioned once they were settled, his gaze darting between the two lovers.
A moment of tense silence swept through the laboratory, broken only by the sound of an unidentified liquid gurgling as Byakuya tried to find the proper way to word the question. He worked his jaw, but it was Ichigo who actually blurted it out. His sense of tact as always leaving something to be desired. Though he had gotten better over the years.
“We saw someone today,” he stated, hands clasped on his knees as his feet locked around the rung of the stool. “Someone who looked a lot like... Rukia. Do you know anything about that?”
Kisuke blinked and then seemed to draw a breath, sitting back in his stool and leaning against the table behind him. “I wondered,” he began, sympathy filling his voice, “if you would ever find out. In fact, I'm surprised you did this early.”
Brown eyes widened. “Then it was her?”
“Yes, it was.”
Gray eyes narrowed. “Why didn't you tell us?” Byakuya demanded, disbelief filling him. He would have liked to know! Even if, technically, he shouldn't have any contact with her. It still would have been nice to have some knowledge.
Kisuke rubbed fingers across his forehead. “Because I did not know how you would react. Nor did I want your children to know. I do not believe they would have been able to handle seeing their mother with her not recognizing them.”
Taking in a deep breath, Ichigo appeared to be taking the surprise rather well. “I didn't think she would be reincarnated so soon,” he commented, having been under the impression that that sort of thing usually a while.
“Perhaps fate was being kind to her,” Kisuke suggested. “Or whoever governs the flow of souls anyway. Would you like to know?”
Ichigo looked at Byakuya, a question in his eyes, but the noble already had his answer. And it was the same as Ichigo's. Both men nodded in tandem, nearly holding their breath with interest.
The smile on Kisuke's face was gentle and understanding. “She's the second child of a loving family with both an older sister and a younger brother. Her parents are still married and live comfortably. And last I checked, she was an up and coming star of the girl's kendo team. Her drawing skills, however, still leave much to be desired.”
Ichigo found himself swallowing thickly, one question remaining unanswered. “Is... she happy?”
The shopkeeper tipped his head to the side, his grin turning towards something a bit more secretive. “Very much.”
A sense of relief swept through the room, broadcast mostly by Ichigo and Byakuya who felt lingering bits of guilt slowly leave them. The fear that the happiness they had gained from one another was selfish seeped away with the knowledge that Rukia's reincarnation was happy. That she had found a measure of it in the end, despite the pain she had suffered as a Shinigami.
But it hurt, the memories of her and everything that had happened those decades ago. And it still ached for the children who had lost their mother at such an early age, but there was a hint of hope again. For the first time in so many decades, the two men felt they could breathe.
“I'm glad,” Byakuya said slowly, searching for the right words. “You will at least keep us informed? Even if there is nothing we can do?”
Kisuke nodded and slid off his stool with a faint hop, reaching to tug on the strap to his goggles. “Of course.” Behind him, something popped and crackled with a faint flash, and he cringed and chanced a glance over his shoulder. “I assume that was all then?”
Wisely, the two visitors began to back away from what was a potential explosion, Ichigo sliding from his stool as well.
“Mostly,” the youngest man stated, eyeing whatever Kisuke was working on warily. “You'll take good care of Mikan, right? Keep her away from the dangerous experiments.”
“I'll... do my best,” Kisuke replied with an almost nervous laugh as his hands worked quickly, one snapping the goggles down over his eyes and the other reaching to move something around before it exploded.
It was such a startling change from the mysterious and reserved geta-boushi Ichigo had known before. Especially the sad Kisuke from after the war, having lost two pieces of his heart to Aizen's folly. Decades later, after being able to gradually move on, it was nice to see him regaining some of his former bumble-headedness as Yoruichi had once described to him.
As Kisuke became more and more distracted by his overreacting experiments, Ichigo and Byakuya made their hasty goodbyes and departed quickly. If they heard an explosion behind them, they pretended not to notice, planning to let Tessai know he'd better check on his boss.
After a quick goodbye and an extraction of a promise from Mikan to visit, the two left the relocated Shouten. Byakuya opened a gate back to Soul Society.
“She's really okay,” Ichigo murmured to himself right before they stepped through it. He lingered, looking over his shoulder in the direction that they had spotted Rukia.
Byakuya could sense the nostalgia in Ichigo's reiatsu, as well as a hefty dose of relief. “I am glad to hear it,” the noble replied. “Rukia deserves it.”
Inclining his head, Ichigo manages a faint smile. “She does,” he agreed and then gestured towards the gate. “Let's go. Or we'll be late. And Syaoran will fuss.”
“We cannot have that.” Byakuya's lips twitched.
And with a shared glance, the two stepped through the gate. It was time to go home.
- - - - -
a/n: And that concludes Of Violence. I must admit, I'm a bit sad to see it over. I had put so much effort into this, that it's almost disheartening. But I'm proud of what I've done and that so many people have seemed to enjoy it.
I don't have a sequel planned at all, so I'm hoping this answered all your questions. If not, feel free to ask me anything that might linger in the back of your mind.
I do have something I put together based on all the questions I received in the process of writing this fic. A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) if you will. If you are interested, I will post it as an addendum to this story. It answers such things as Why choose a plot/topic like spousal abuse? And Why Rukia? Or Why call it Of Violence?. Also, if there are any further questions that you want answered, I will provide answers to those as well.
I'd like to thank Zetsuii and MinatsukiRukiaChou who consistently took the time to encourage me and leave me reviews. Thanks so much for your support! Thanks to other reviewers: Bunnisteffi, AkiraCat13, cricketchick1990, n8tivegurl, and randall.
Keep a look out for new fiction on the way. I'll be starting a few new epics soon enough, once I manage to get some chapters done. With that said, thank you and I hope you enjoyed.