Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Chance in Seireitei ❯ Hollow Attack ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own bleach or Naruto…yet (evil laugh)
Hello you all!! This is gonna be my first story and its a BleachxNaruto no less. The pairings are gonna be HitsuSaku and guess what??
I'm gonna write the first ever
Yes I know, I'm just as excited as you are and I want to thank you xXHitsuxSakuXx for giving me inspiration and courage to right a really big thing…lemon I mean. Onward ho~*
Nothing can ruin this day any further for her. Sakura had just comeback from a solo mission and was now resting in her cotton candy pink bed. Her muscles ached all over and a migraine decided to make itself present. She groaned as she tried to turn her body sideways. The soreness rippled through her back, causing her to clench her eyes shut as she recalled the memory of the mission.
She was supposed to escort the Kazekage's sister Temari back to Suna. Normally the fan wielder doesn't need an escort but there have been some reports of a group of bandits mugging merchants. The two talked throughout the going part of the journey. Temari had visited Konoha to have a weekend stay with her boyfriend Shikamaru. The lasiest and smartest Shinobi of Konoha. Nobody knows how that works. Apparently his first morning with Temari was weird. He had fallen asleep waiting for the toast to pop from the toaster and burnt the wooden bench.
Once they passed the scorching dessert and saw Suna up ahead. They encountered a large freaky monster. It had a bone white mask in the shape of a buffalo and a gaping big hole in the middle of its chest. The thing had the most terrible roar ever, filled with pain and anguish.
Temari jumped and snapped open her battle fan and tried to bring up a sandstorm but it only angered the ungodly creature further. Sakura Chakra-jumped into the air and threw kunais at it but it only bounced off the white shell and fell in the soft sand.
They had never encountered such an animal…no a monster. Temari gave a battle cry and brought her giant fan onto the creature's face when it was distracted with Sakura's kunais. It gave a screeching roar then its face shattered to pieces. The body dissipated into particles and traveled into the air.
Sakura had written and handed the report and she was now trying to enjoy her well-earned rest. Just the peace, tranquility, relaxation and…
“Sakura chan! Open up!” the knuckle head ninja's shouting bounced all the way upstairs to Sakura's bedroom and assaulted her sensitive ears. She snapped her eyes open and grunted as the aching in her legs came back.
She ran all the way form Suna to file in her report immediately. She thought this has something to do with the Akatsuki.
She staggered her way to the door and yanked it open revealing Naruto in mid-bang. Her emerald eyes glowered down at him.
“Err, hi…um…well…uh, you see…”
“These fists aren't just useful for making craters, you know, you've experienced them first hand, so spit it out!” Sakura shook her fists in Naruto's fearful face. He gulped and tried to find his voice.
`Why don't we just pummel him now!? CHA!!”.
`No, I'm too sore to”.
“What good is a threat if ya not gonna carry it out!?”.
“Shut up! You're not helping with the migraine…”
Inner Sakura retreated back into her little box. Naruto finally gained his courage and took a deep breath.
“Tsunade baachan wants to see you in her office immediately” he cringed.
“AHHHHH!!! Please don't hurt me!”
Sakura ran upstairs, momentarily forgetting her pain and changed her clothes. She wore her usual medic skirt with the black biker shorts and her sleeveless Haruno top. She quickly put on her leather finger-less gloves, high top combat boots and secured her Hiate-ate.
`She took that pretty well thank Kami' thought Naruto. On the inside he was crying of joy and happiness because every time he delivered a message to Sakura, she would bonk him on the head. Hard. He kept his goofy grin on his face and when he saw Sakura's tired face, his cerulean eyes softened.
“Alright, lets get going, don't wanna flying sake bottle heading our way”
“Yeah, after that Sakura, you want to umm…go get some…uh…”
“No chance” Sakura placed her hands together to make hand signs. “Shunshin no Jutsu!” Sakura disappeared in a whirlwind of sakura petals. Pedestrians stopped by to admire the floral display. The best Kunoichi of Konoha always leave in style.
“Why the heck am I always the last one now? Oh well, I'll get some ramen later with Hinata chan!”
the goofball Chakra-jumped his way to the Hokage's Tower, oblivious to his upcoming fate.
It has been 20 min and she doesn't like to be kept waiting. Tsunade doesn't need to have Kakashi rubbing off on her Shinobis. Maybe she will have a talk with him later. She sighed and sipping her sake a bit. Everyone was present here now and were waiting for the cherry blossom and Ramen head. Team Gai, Asuma, Kurenai, the Sand Siblings and Sai, excluding the Senseis. Just then a poof of sakura petals swirled around the office and in the middle revealed Sakura.
“I'm here Shishou!”
“YOU'RE LATE!!!!! That is not what I expect of my No.1 apprentice” she is really going to talk to Kakashi.
“My apologies, it won't happen again”
Sakura went to stand in between Ino and Tenten, her best friends and rival form the Gennin days. The blonde was bustier and had curves in all the right places. She wears little clothing now and flaunts her body off especially to Kiba. Sakura looked down at herself. She was certainly curvaceous. She has the perfect hourglass figure, tiny waste, flat toned stomach and bid hips. She was busty too, almost like Tsunade. Her silky blossom pink hair was still cropped to her shoulders. Her heart shaped face glowed in the morning sun and her emerald orbs sparkled with lots of emotions. They caught the most attention for one could easily get lost in them forever, mesmerised. They were warm and kind. Her rosy pink lips were full and were basically begging to be ravished. Her long, shapely legs accentuated her figure, giving her the perfect model look. They were a nice creamy colour. Yes, she was voted Konoha Sweetheart.
“I MADE IT!!”.
Every Shinobi in the office snapped their heads towards the window and only to find Naruto face planted on the windowpane. A trail of saliva was evident. They all sighed in annoyance and sweatdropped. Except Kiba was laughing his ass of and Shikamaru just muttered under is breath about troublesome people.
Tsunade groped around for her sake bottle, yanked open the window and pelted Naruto. He tripped over the windowsill and fell onto the wooden floor with a dull thud. He whimpered and whined as he clutched his stomach.
“Tsunade baachan! That really hurt more thatn usual. You Pmsing or what?!”
“20 bucks say the table not gonna last” said Kiba.
“You're on…*yawn*” Yawn Shikamaru.
“It is unyouthful to gamble! Instead run and train to let your youthfulness to burst forth in heavenly light!!” yelled a very enthusiastic Rock Lee.
“Tell it to the Hokage…freak” said Shikamaru.
Back to the win-lose situation, if looks could kill, Naruto would only e a mere smudge on the floor.
“I'm not PMsing!! Now pick you ass of the floor and stand somewhere and also keep your mouth shut you perverted excuse of a ninja!!!”.
Tsunade slammed her fist onto the paper-laden table. It creaked and groaned until it split into two and collapsed on itself and onto the floor. Paper went flying everywhere. Because of hearing the noise, a stressed out Shizune busted in and cleaned up the mess.
“Yosh! Now pony up the cash!”. Kiba gave an animalistic grin and held put his tanned hand awaiting his booty.
“Mendokuse…” Shikamaru handed over the money anyway and continued to lean against the wall and closed his eyes.
“Shizune, order a new table but sturdier. At least this one lasted for a week” she sighed.
“Uh…Hai Tsunade sama”
“Oh yeah, it's coming out of Naruto's pay cheque!”
“Hey, WHAT??!!”
`Kami he's so slow' thought Neji. He was silently leaning back in his chair waiting the damn meeting to start. The Hokage had called the meeting, something to do with Haruno's latest report. She also invited the Kazekage and his siblings since they were also tied to the matter her assumed. Well everyone was here now and they were arguing over Naruto's stupidity, wasting more of his precious time. They were supposed to be in an `emergency' meeting and the scene before him look like it was taken from a detention classroom. He can tell by the other occupants' faces that they were extremely irritated too. Especially Sabaku no Gaara.
Once Tsunade calmed down and regained her composure, she seated herself and cleared her throat. All eyes were trained on her, including Naruto's swollen ones.
“I have called this meeting concerning Sakura's last report. The Kazekage and his family here also. Apparently they have encountered this same creature that ambushed Sakura and Temari that is featured in the report. This monstrosity is covered in a white shell or armour of some sorts and the prominent feature is its white mask. The designs on it vary depending of the type of monster I guess. Also there is a huge gaping hole in the middle of its chest or I'm guessing again, where its `heart should be. As far as we know it doesn't talk and we don't know where it comes from. But we guess it has something to do with the Akatsuki since Sasuke killed Orochimaru. We haven't had such disturbance in the Fire Country yet, but we must be prepared. These monsters have yet to show any special abilities. Just thrashing around and destroying stuff. So we're are gonna double security” Tsunade concluded.
“We will protect the village, dattebayo!!”
“Yes! With all our youthfulness combined!”
The two pinged their teeth, temporarily blinding the Shinobis. They didn't need to look like the Hyuugas at the moment. The two struck a pose that will not make the Konoha Theatre.
“One more thing, they have…”Tsunade went through her files and pulled up the report she was looking for. “They have a roar that sounds like a lion with pneumonia attacking a dying seal?”
Everyone stared at Sakura with confused, blank and deadpanned looks. She promptly blushed and turned away. So what if she likes creative writing. Right on cue, the unearthly roar shook the building and it sound like the description and sounded like there were more than one. Everyone rushed to the window to witness the sight before him or her. Three monsters were ripping apart the training grounds like paper. They took the form of a jellyfish with a gazillion tentacles, a large oversized to the max bat and the third a long centipede hybrid with pincers.
Civilians were running everywhere trying to reach their homes for safety. Some were petrified in the spot and the grotesque creatures were ramming themselves into everything and were…eating people.
“That's it! You're all on duty!”
The Konoha shinobis burst from the windows, glass showering below them, ready for the upcoming battle.
Phew 2000 words! That was my first Chapter and I hope you enjoyed it as much as like writing it. Well I've already written the second and third chapter so…yeah
Oh yeah here are some Vocab:
Shinobi: Ninja
Kunoichi: female ninja
Suna: sand
Konoha: Leaf
Baachan: Granny
Chan: Suffix for girls.
Hiate- ate: forehead protector
Ramen: Chinese packet noodles
Shunshin no Jutsu: body flicker technique
Sakura: cherry blossoms
Hokage: fire shadow
Shishou: master
Baka: stupid, idiot
Mendokuse: troublesome
Dattebayo: believe it
Don't forget to READ and REVIEW XD. Until next time! ----->JA NE<----
oOo TripWire XD oOo