Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Chance in Seireitei ❯ Interruption Committe ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

TripWire: I don't own Naruto or Bleach -sigh-
Kenpachi: You will never own us, so stop fucking whining…kami.(waves sword around)
Sakura: don't say and do that to Vodka…
Yachiru: LOOKIE she going to cut her self now hehehe!
Chapter 2: Interrupting Committee
The centipede hollow turned around to face the announcer but met with a volley of shurinkens. It brought its tail up and whacked them all away like flies. Its piercing yellow eyes stared down at Sakura, filled with pain and anger.
“Damn, it's fast”.
Sakura Chakra-jumped into the air, ready to ram her heel into the earth bellow. But the monster jumped away in time for the kick. An enormous crater was left as the dust cleared away and the centipede hybrid was on the other side, mocking Sakura of her feeble attempts. It jumped and landed on Sakura. She dodged one of its pincers aimed for her head. She quickly pulled out her katana and made to stab for its mask. The monster pulled its head back and swung its tail and smashed Sakura into the wall. The pain shot through her back, clear to the lungs as it made contact. This thing was really getting on her nerves. She spat the blood out on to the gravel. She can handle the pain.
She gripped her katana and kicked off the wall and back flipped onto the monster and pierced its body. It let out a shrill of pain and anguish and started bucking. Sakura just managed to not get herself flung off.
`Kami! Just die already ya piece of shit!' yelled Inner Sakura.
`We gotta pierce the mask first to kill it!'
`Then hurry up, I don't wanna die young'
Sakura throttled into the air and landed onto the ground. She punched into it using her super strength creating a huge crack. The monster caught off guard struggled not to fall into the fissure. Taking that little bit of time, she sped towards the monster (A/N: it's a hollow if you forgot -_-“) both hands on her katana with the look of murder in her eyes.
She plunged the katana into the mask. Deep cracks formed over its intricate pattern and shattered into a million pieces.
“YOU BITCH!” Was the last thing grotesque thing screeched before it dissolved while writhing in pain. Sakura stumbled backwards and leaned heavily on the broken down wall. She summoned her Chakra and healed her cuts and wounds. She shook her head, one thought was going through her head
`Did that thing just talked?'
Our valiant Shinobis were destroying the monsters one by one as more came from the zipper-like rip from the sky. More streams of menacing creatures invaded Konoha.
“Shit! They just keep on coming!” shouted Shikamaru. He finished slicing through the beasts mask. The last time he counted there were three beasts. Now there were ten and he killed eleven.
“Whatever it is, they are being attracted her, especially to us” said Gaara. He flicked his wrist and a stream of sand wound its way around the pig-masked monsters. He held out his hand ready for the finish.
“Sabaku Kyuu!”. Gaara clenched his hand and the sand instantly imploded. The beast roared and ungodly shrieked before it collapsed and dissolved into particles. Gaara turned his head away, searching for more challenges. He was king of disappointed that it didn't rain any blood His cold stare found its way to Naruto's fight. From what he can see, the dobe was getting his ass whooped by an giant elephant monster with oversized tusks.
“Want some of this? Want some of this? Huh? Huh?” obviously Naruto was taunting the elephant thing. He was sporting a gash at the leg and cut on his cheek and a burn on his left arm. Naruto was still standing and giving all his got. He threw his kunais at his target, which was the mask but all it did was bounce off with clinking sounds.
“Doooooon't get cockyyyyyy braaaaat!!! Especialyyyyy when youuuu're gonna be my diiiiiiiiiiiner!!” it boomed.
Naruto stopped in mid run and ogled the monster as if a rubix cube solved its own problem.
“HOLY FUCK, IT TALKED??!!! Screamed a very confused Naruto. Kiba fell from above and landed on his stomach with an “Ooff”. He flipped over see Akamaru free falling right towards him. He rolled out over the way, almost getting squished. He got up and brushed himself off.
“So those things got brains, Eh?” smirked Kiba.
“My, my. Such delicious reiaaaaaatsu leaaaaaaking. I will eeeeeeeeat the one with the doooooog first and then the blooooooonde as the main couuuurse!!!!!”
The behemoth charged full speed at Kiba ploughing up the dirt with its tusk as it went.
“Suck on this!” Kiba threw some smoke bombs and, hoping to slow down the monster enough to get away. But it kept on racing through the smoke like nothing towards him.
“Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!”
Naruto clones puffed in the sky and jumped onto the reducing gap between the elephant and the vulnerable Kiba.
“GO!” they each threw a kunai with explosive tags at the end. They exploded with a big BABOOM! That shook the battlefield and flipped the surprised monsters all around, making them easy targets. That monster let out a deafening growl. But the mask still didn't break. Stubborn asshole.
“Alright you want a free lunch? Well EAT THIS!!!!” dangerous blue Chakra around the real Naruto's right hand into a ball. It's looked like it would chew everything up and that's exactly what it did. Naruto leapt off the ground with fierce power.
he rammed the swirling Chakra into the mask, instantly cracking it. It sprayed everywhere and a piece of it nicked a rather important vein in Kiba's forehead so it bled profusely. Naruto caught half the mask in his left shoulder. It was wedged securely. This was a hectic battle and was going to last for quite a while.
“Sakura! Attend the wounded!”
“Hai Tsunade Shishou!”
Sakura raced through the battleground. Behind a large building wall where the casualties were kept for safety was slowly entering her line of vision. She bounded across craters and dodged limbs of monsters till she got to the wall. The first person she saw was Tenten who suffered internal bleeding. She was at the moment half unconscious Sakura took out her medical kit and unclipped it, ready for immediate use. She ripped open Tenten's Chinese top and examined the huge green, sickly, bruise that practically covered her whole stomach.
“Tenten, you with me?”
“Yeah, S-Sakura ch-chan…”groaned Tenten. “Neji…p-p-protected me…he got h-hurt ins-stead…please g-g-go see him…” she tried to withstand the pain. Her buns had gone undone and her chocolate brown hair was strewn across the gravel.
Sakura looked over and found Neji who was being looked at by Tsunade. He was under her care now.
“Don't worry Ten chan, he's being healed by the best Medicnin in the world.” Beamed Sakura
“This is gonna hurt, so bite into this piece of wood `kay?
Tenten gave a feeble nod. Sakura carefully placed the piece of wood in her mouth. She summoned warm green Chakra into her hands and poured it into her stomach. Tenten gave a muffled scream.
“Almost there…”
Tenten continued to scream for a while until she slipped into unconsciousness from exhaustion. Sakura finished bandaging her up and set her down gently. Her eyes scanned the battlefield and her brows creased with. Blood was spilt everywhere, cries of battle and pain drummed in her ears. Many lower ranked Shinobis were eaten in the most gruesome manner by these wretched beasts. But they were not satisfied and kept on eating. It made her sick to the stomach. These images continued to invade her mind, flashing horror scenes. But such is the life of the Shinobi. But there was one thought that continued to plague her mind.
“I hope my friends don't get dined on”
Dodging rubble and avoiding the beasts' sharp teeth, she spotted a fallen comrade dressed in black and had cat like-ears on his cap. There was a serious gash from his right shoulder to his left hip and it was bleeding like crazy.
“Oh hey, Sakura well you're a sight for sore eyes heh, heh…”
“Always flirting, even on the battlefield”
Sakura summoned her healing Chakra and got to work on Kankurou's leg. She had used up a lot of energy healing Tenten's internal bleeding. Sakura tore through his shirt and channeled the Chakra into the wound.
”Well, well, well. I know I'm a hot guy. But shouldn't go OW! HEY WATCH IT I NEED THAT!!!”
“Sakura got up from the ground because she was done healing. She turned to look at her surroundings. Kankurou was rolled up into a ball holding where it counts (A/N: wink, wink), anime tears streamed downing his face.
“Awwww Sakura…so ugh…heartless…no wonder you ain't got a guy…ahhh. AND I'M INJURED TOO!”
Sakura spun around, hands akimbo. Her face was the portrait of maximum fury. Her silky pink hair floated behind her like the Devil's fire and her once sparkling emerald eyes now held eternal flames inside that spelt out certain death. A sneer replaced her rosy pink lips.
“Wanna say that to my face honcho?!”
“Thought so” a smirk took over the sneer.
Kankurou was still in the fetal position, gripping his Forbidden No-No. He slowly got up but was still hunching. That would teach him a valuable lesson in spouting crude comments to women, especially to a famous Kunoichi.
“Ya know…I'm gonna need my package for future use” he grounded out.
“My heart bleeds for you” Sakura's words were dripping with sarcasm.
The terrible roar shook the whole town. A humungous rip opened in the sky. The gaping mouth like whole, all the battling monsters turned from their stunned opponents to look up into the big, black hole. Who should rear its ugly head to the Shinobis of Konoha? scariest, tallest most beyond ugliest black thing they've ever seen.
“OMG! Can it get any uglier” screamed Ino obviously not
“………!?” (whatever you wanna put here) Shino
“Suna Shigure!” Clouds of sand formed far above the unwelcome beast. Its enormous white mask resembled that of a witch's face, complete with the long crooked nose. It swiveled left to right, eyeing each ninja through its soulless eyes. The sand then rained down on its legs making a cast and held it there. Gaara's face screwed (o.O) up in concentration. Shikamaru thought he might need some reinforcement.
“Kagemane no Jutsu!” His shadow elongated until it touched the behemoths shadow. Success. It gave a blood-curdling roar, it was so loud that Naruto and Kiba covered their sensitive ears. Keep trying monster, don't think Otogakure heard you. A glowing red orb formed in the creature's mouth. Red as hell and growing fast. Its power screamed danger to all. Neji knew what was going to happen.
“Everyone down!!” yelled Neji
Everyone hit the floor and he leapt in front of the group and got into the position of Kaiten. His Byakugan veins bulging. “When it blows, cover your eyes!”
Everyone prepared himself or herself for the blow. Gaara summoned extra sand form the battered training fields and created a protective dome over everyone, leaving a small hole to see if Neji will be all right. The walls were a metre thick, who knows how strong the thing is. He was determined to protect his friends and their homes.
Neji didn't know what he was thinking. He just leapt in front and was sure he was going to die. He was sure he just sealed his own fate. Funny that, he didn't believe in fate anymore. When he saw Tenten plummet into the tree, his heart stopped and his blood boiled. He killed her monster and killed his own in a matter of seconds. He was determined to protect her for now and forever. Yes these were the words of the stoic, tightass Hyuuga.
A bead of sweat swerved down his face and dripped onto the floor…
“Sit upon the frozen heavens HYOURINMARU!!!!!”
The suspense is killing me even though I already wrote the upcoming chapter. Oh yeah…I apologise for any little…alright A LOT of grammar and spelling mistakes in my last chapter. Seriously a student with year 9 homework do not mix
Kagemane no Jutsu: Shadow Imitation technique
Suna Shigure: Desert Winter Rain
Kaiten: Heavenly Spin
TW: Alright the next chappie we gonna have our own cotton ball!!
Hitsugaya: Hey! Its Hitsugaya TAICHOU to you!
TW: I wasn't referring to you…
Hitsugaya: ohh…
Hitsugaya: (in mild trauma)
Don't forget to read and review! JA NE
Bloody Mary (oOo TripWire XD oOo)