Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Chance in Seireitei ❯ Enter the Shinigami: Kurostuchi stuffs up ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

TW: Alright, do the disclaimer Tsunade.
Tsunade: *Hic* ugh…SHE DON'T OWN SHIIIIIIT AWRAIIIIIT!!…pweety flutterby *Hic*
TW: -_-“ I'll just do it myself…I don't' own Bleach or Naruto *Sniff*
Chapter 3: Enter the shinigami: Kurotsuchi stuffs up
Why couldn't he have a normal fukutaichou for once? Is it too much to ask her to FINISH HER GOD DAMN PAPERWORK!!!
Hitsugaya gave an exasperated sigh. He just finished is12 stacks and knew 30 more would soon arrive. When Matsumoto came back, he's going to handcuff her to the desk and ductape the brush to her hand!
The stressed taichou quietly sipped his tea when he heard stomping down the corridor outside.
“Good morning taichou! I trust you slept well!”.
Matsumoto Rangiku busted down the door and twirled inside her strawberry blonde locks swayed behind her. One look at her and your eyes would automatically travel down to the `assets', which she proudly calls `my boobs'. They were like BABOOM!. Pamela Anderson eat your heart out. She beamed towards her Taichou and only to receive a long
“Umm…that w-w-wasn't a smart t-t-thing to say ne?”.
“You bet, 7th seat Matsumoto”.
“I'm a fukutaichou not a 7th seated officer”, said a very confused Matsumoto.
“Wanna be a 7th seat?”.
“Uhh, no I'll keep my mouth shut next time hehe…” she scratched the back of her head nervously.
Just then a hell moth came fluttering through the window. Hitsugaya stuck out his index finger casually to let it perch.
“All taichous and fukutaichous please report to the 1st division meeting hall on the double. I repeat, report to the 1st division meeting hall on the double.”
Then the hell moth flew back out. Hitsugaya stood up and sighed.
“Come on, lets go” with that he shunpoed out the basted down door with his fukutaichou close behind.
Everyone was at the meeting now. Everything has changed since the stunt Aizen pulled. Hisagi Shuuhei rose through the ranks and got promoted to taichou of the 9th division. Tousen had left huge stacks of paper when he went on a rendezvous with Gin and Aizen, plotting and planning. Now Shuuhei was left to stress out all by himself, but was hanging on nicely. He still doesn't have a fukutaichou yet.
Hinamori Momo was evaced to the 4th division mental institution after she woke up from her Aizen induced coma. Under the gentle care of Unohana taichou. The Aizen betrayal hit her real hard. She couldn't believe that her No.1 idol and the person she absolutely loved the most went against Soul Society and tried to kill her. Though she still believes that Gin and Tousen forced him. The taichou and fukutaichou of the 5th division still has to be decided, along with the 3rd division.
The last, but not least…Hitsugaya Toushiro, taichou of the 10th squad and the Tensai of Soul Society…HAD A GROWTH SPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Huzzah!).
He grew to height of Matsumoto's chin, excluding the spiky hair. Yes, spiking his tea with growth hormones sure paid off. 160 years old and was the heartthrob of all of Society. Just follow the trail of Fangirls.
All the taichous and fukutaichous were scattered in different groups. Who Yamamoto finally arrived, everyone fell in line of his or her usual formation. Yamamoto banged his walking stick 3 times to commence the meeting.
“I have called you to this meeting because we have encountered some problems. There are hollow activities in the Shinobi Countries and have been going on fore the past hour. Thanks to Kurotsuchi taichou who left the monitoring of hollows and gargantuas to a complete newbie”.
Everyone turned to look at the accused taichou with unbelieving looks on their faces.
“What he had great potential!” he waved his hands around in defense.
“When I discovered this I noticed that the red hollow spots were rapidly disappearing and appearing. This suggests that the shinobis are taking matters into their own hands. You know what happens when non-shinigamis purify hollows?”
“the balance between their world and ours are disrupted by the number of souls in each world and the universe will collapse”
“Correct Abarai fukutaichou. Now I will send two taichous and their fukutaichous to the Shinobi lands to sort it out and- err… yes Kyouraku Taichou?”
“What's a Shinobi?” he bluntly asked
Nanao promptly stepped forward and whipped out her clipboard that she always carried around with her. It was like a fricken encyclopaedia!
“A Shinobi is a citizen that is trained in the way of the ninja. There are fighting styles consists of Genjutsu, which are Illusionary Techniques, Taijutsu which are hand to hand combat and Ninjutsu, Ninja Techniques. Their attacks are fueled by `Chakra' which is an equivalent to our Reiatsu. They use a whole range of weapons ranging from katanas to `senbon' or needles.”
“Wow…these people sound like they can kick ass…” said Rukia. She got promoted to Fukutaichou of the 13th squad.
“Well I hop that answers all your questions and thank you Ise fukutaichou. Now I will send Hitsugaya taichou and his fukutaichou and the same with Zaraki Taichou.”
“YAY, we going to ninja land Kenny!” Yachiru swung from his shoulder obviously happy. Kenpachi just grumbled.
`Great another mission for more paperwork…' thought our snowy here. Hitsugaya once again sighed for the umpteenth time.
“Taichou, you seem to be sighing a lot today, have some more tea!” Matsumoto said.
“Zip it”
When Hitsugaya, Matsumoto, Kenpachi and Yachiru arrived at the gate leading to the different world (A/N: I totally forgot what it/s called, someone tell me!) Kenpachi opened it up and everyone stepped through.
“Yeah, lets kick some Shinobi ass! I hope they are good fighters.” Yelled Kenpachi.
“Swear jar Kenny!” Yachiru chirped.
“We are eliminating the hollows not causing trouble for the ninjas Zaraki” said Hitsugaya
“A little fun won't fucking hurt will it? You're lucky you're taller or I woulda let fly a shit load of insults at ya!” grinned the maniac.
“Swear jar again!”
Once they passed through the other end of the Gate, they immediately sensed hollows everywhere, the centre of the town was almost completely destroyed. Oddly dressed people jumped around smashing hollows mask. They let fly loads of funky attacks similar to kidou but more destructive. Giant fireballs, water dragons, super human strength and speed.
Then Hitsugaya spotted it. A large rift opened in the sky and who should make its appearance but a Menos Grande. These Shinobis were trying to restrain it but it wouldn't be enough since it was preparing for a cero blast.
“Zaraki, you take care of the lesser hollows and I'll get rid if the Menos. Matsumoto go find the leader of this town and explain everything to him or her. Now move out!” ordered Hitsugaya taichou.
“Hai! Taichou”,
“Man! You stick me with the weenie job” but Kenpachi left anyway.
“Hitsugaya leapt out of the trees and unsheathed his zanpakutou. “Sit upon the frozen heavens, HYOURINMARU!!”
A dragon of ice formed from the tip of the sword and cascaded down onto the Menos's face. The ice spread down its body completely encasing it. The sand he noticed retreated back and the shadow suspiciously shortened. The frozen Menos shattered and sprayed everywhere.
The ice shrapnel were deflected from a swirling blue mass of snazzy feeling Reiatsu.
“Crap…” Hitsugaya dodged his own shards and went to find Matsumoto.
Sakura was amazed. A teenage boy around who looked a little older than her, wearing a white haori with the insignia kanji for 10 on his back, destroyed the horrible creature with one attack! She couldn't help but notice his silver white hair spiked up, giving his a young and handsome look. His aqua green eyes filled with determination. The way he leapt was so graceful and natural. Her heart rate sped up and the blood was rushing up to her cheeks. He looked a little taller than she did. The muscles in his arm were well defined but still lean. She craved to touch his tanned skin underneath her fingers. Sakura was sure it felt soft and smooth. His aqua orbs, she could be easily lost in and mesmerised. They were so hypnotising. Also his posture and sword basically screamed `HOT FIGHTER! ALERT'
`Sakura are you listening to yourself??'
Relisation slapped her in the face like a wet fish.
`OMG did I just think he was hot??'
`Yes definitely! Not to mention feeling his face toooo and probably his rock hard abbs too!!' snickered Inner Sakura.
'No! I don't like him nor do I think he's gorgeous and fucking sexy! I had my fare share on crushes!'
'Gorgeous? Sexy? Crush? Well that is overwhelming evidence and next time please keep track of what you're thinking. I'm starting to get tired of winning all the time…'
Sakura's face was as red as Gaara's hair. She ran back to the Hokage who was healing Hinata's broken arm. There was another woman present with long wavy orange hair. Her breast could rival Tsunade's! She was dressed like the hot boy but minus the haori. Only the black shihakushou and a wooden badge with the kanji 10 and a flower.
“Tsunade Shishou, wh-“
Tsunade, the woman and Sakura spun around to see Ino clutching onto Sai's arm. He was trying to pry her of but to no avail. So he settled for just turning his head away.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! She just called you a rapist!! That's a first! A killer like Kenpachi being a rapist!! OH HOW RICH HAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Matsumoto guffawed all over the place.
Kenpachi's menacing grin dropped from his scarred face. Rapist? Scary is understandable, but rapist? This chick has seen too many movies. To top if of she's blonde too…figures (A/N: no offence blondes of the world!). nobody has run their mouth off and lived to see the day.
“Ken chan, what's a `rapist'?” Yachiru asked innocently. Her big chocolate brown eyes bored onto Kenpachi's small black beady ones.
“Err…how `bout-“
“OOOHHH!! PINK HAIR JUST LIKE MEEEE!!! YOU CAN BE MY NEECHAAAAAAN!!!!” Yachiru cannonballed into Sakura who was standing there minding her own business. She fell expectedly onto the ground.
`Boy that kid's go the attention span of a goldfish' thought Temari.
“Sakura chan! You alright?” Temari came to Sakura's rescue and she pulled Yachiru off. Taking and instant liking to Temari also gave her hug attacks.
Sakura was lying on the ground still dazed. There were more people dressed in the old fashion way. A hand stuck out infront of Sakura. Her eyes traveled up to find its owner and she instantly flushed. It was the hot teen she was checking our earlier. She can tell by the hair since he was facing away. She grasped his hand and pulled her up. It was ice cold. She looked straight into is face and gazed.
`He looks even hotter up close…' thought Sakura.
`He looks damn fine and sexy too! CHA!' Inner Sakura chimed.
Everyone was staring at the two, who were staring at each other, lost in their own little world.
`Wow…she looks so cute…'
`Is that so? My little Shiro chan's growing up to be a REAL man!' Hyourinmaru cooed. (A/N: Major OOC `cause that's Hyourinmaru's perverted side)
Hitsugaya gazed at the emerald orbs of the beauty infront of him. Her pink locks still looked so shiny even after the battle took place. Her skin was covered in scratches and bruises, but other then that, it was flawless. Here breasts were a little less that Matsumoto, but it still suited her. She was a bomb! (XD). Lastly, his scrutinising eyes landed on her full pink lips. They were slightly opened. Kami they were so tempting…
`Omgyou finally have a crush. Nice choice by the way. I never though you'd actually ever get laid' commented Hyourinmaru.
Wow…sitting at the laptop for 3 hours straight typing up you fanfic chappie while talking
on msn is really bad for your healthI gotta get paid for this…-_-
Kenpachi: you made me a rapist?
TW: wellI kinda thought you'd get tired of killer, murderer, homicidal freak and all
So I decided to start with something fresh!
Thank you to my lovely reviewers, you keep me with my dreams!
I also wanna give my special thanks to my lovely editor Naomi Nguyen! Give a round of applause. My typos are so stuffed up, I had to go see my best friend!
Don't forget to READ and REVIEW me JA NE Rum (oOo TripWire XD oOo)