Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Chance in Seireitei ❯ Through the eyes of a moron ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own…this breaks my heart to say this…BLEACH OF NARUTO!!!!! This chappie is for you Alex! I know the pain of having exams. But right now I'm on holiday!
Renji: Hey when I'm gonna be in it? I am one the main characters! C'mon Sherry, I'm
The one who makes put the story on the net of fame!
Ichigo: I reckon man, though I should be the one complaining. This is why the story is
Going down the drain! NOT ENOUGH ME!!
Renji: uhhh…Sherry, what are you doing with that G-90 Extension Assault rifle??
Chapter 4: Through the eyes of a moron.
The two, Sakura and Hitsugaya have been full on checking each other out and they didn't even notice this awkward event. It's been like what 10 minutes? The surrounding spectators were getting funny ideas into their heads.
“EXCUSE ME!!… ALRIGHTIES! I know I'm not as interesting and attractive as most people or as much as I'd like to be! So bear with me and please divert your ATTENTION towards THE PERSON WHO WRITES YOUR PAYCHEQUE!!” yelled Tsunade.
The two broke out of their reverie and blushed crimson. Hitsugaya turned away, his usual scowl back into place. Sakura fidgeted with her skirt and walked towards her smirking friends. She sent them each ad murderous glare.
Tsunade lead them all back to the Hokage's tower and asked them all to seat themselves. She sat in her chair behind what used to be a desk. She looked at each and every one of them with her scrutinising gaze. These people are really strange. The white haired teen looked as bored as hell and the tall perky woman was trying to plump up her moves more (not that it wasn't already big). A huge guy that looks like he escaped from prison and girl on his shoulder that looked like she belonged in a heavily guarded day care centre.
“Matsumoto san here has explained to me what was going on. Now they are Death gods right…Yeah, and it is their job to purify souls and kill evil souls called hollows. Yeah and umm…those monsters that we thought were from Akatsuki, they were hollows and the over sized one was a…Memphis Bell…Uh no that's a bombing plane…Anyway they got this funky snazzy version of Chakra-“
“Lady step aside, step aside. I'll do the yaking” Kenpachi butted in. he had his left hand lazily resting on his Zanpakutou. His homicidal grin was back on his scared face. His small beady eyes were wild and crazed. The enormous figure and spiky gelled hair practically demanded fear and respect plus the occasional pissing-in-pants reflex. But he didn't look all that threatening since there was a pink blob swinging on his shoulder and `bells' in his hair.
“In an nutshell. We are Shinigami or Soul Reapers. It's our fricken job to slash down fucking hollows and give them a one way ticket to hell. We use out fucking zanpakutous, no matter how shitty they look and act! We fucking stamp weakling souls on the head with our swords and kick their ass up to heaven or Soul Society we call this shit-“
“Zaraki, you are no more better than she is” said Hitsugaya is voice devoid of all emotion.
“Kenny needs a new Swear jar!”
The so called `fucktards' were like: -_-“ O_O o.O X.x =.= and >_<.
“I'll explain it properly: Hitsugaya pushed off the wall and crossed his arm over his torso.
“I am Hitsugaya Toushirou, Taichou of the 10th Division. This is my fukutaichou Matsumoto Rangiku. This over here is Zaraki Kenpachi Taichou of the 11th Division and…that…is his Fukutaichou, Kusajisha Yachiru.” Hitsugaya introduced.
“Well I'm Tsunade. This is Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Sai of Team Kakashi. Hyuuga Neji, Rock Lee and Tenten of Team Gai. Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Chouji of what used to be team Asuma. Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino of Team Kurenai and last but not least, Sabaku no Gaara, Kazekage of Suna and his Siblings Temari and Kankurou of the Sand.” Recited Tsunade.
So he explained about the Shinigami world to the Shinobis of Konoha and Suna.
(A/N: I'm not gonna write something down we all know so if not GO READ THE FIRST BLOODY VOLUME OF THE MANGA!!!)
“So basically you're dead” asked Naruto
Hitsugaya sighed for the hundredth time. This was really pissing him off. He had to explain to the moron 20 times his answer and every time he got a blank look. Because he was a taichou, he had to maintain his cool composure. He rubbed his temple in frustration.
“Again yes and no. we are also in a way alive but in the form of a soul and are also death gods. That's why we are still able to die.”
“So you ARE alive!”
“We are also dead as well! We are souls…jeez” there goes cool composure.
“We are on a higher level than just death. When we ascend to Soul Society, an another soul attaches to us and that is our zanpakutou. We become gifted with a high amount of Reiatsu which is the dead equivalent of Chakra.” Boy he was getting fed up with this.
“So you are dead right?”
The temperature in the room dropped about 5 degrees. Tenten started to scoot closer to Neji and Shino hunched more in his cloak. Akamaru gave a sneeze and Kiba wrinkled his nose. Sakura rubbed her arms for friction and Shikamaru watched as icicles were growing on his cigarette. The Suna Shinobis, who were not used to cold weather hence they live in the desert, started shivering badly. Gaara merely adjust his sand armour to keep in the warmth. Naruto yelped as he tried to move but found out his sandals were stuck to the frozen floor.
“You know, some people understand this much better. People with brains in their heads.”
“Are you saying I'm stupid?” Naruto fumed.
“Nah, really?” he raised a snowy eyebrow.
“You should respect your elders you know!”
“On the contrary, I am older than you.” Hitsugaya smirked.
“What! You only look 15 years old, and I'm 16!” Naruto huffed.
“Well you see, Shinigamis age much slower so we can live for a looooooooong time!” Matsumoto decided to join the conversation. Naruto face faulted.
“I want some sake now…”
“Sake you say?” Tsunade's eyes lit up. She grinned and dropped her calligraphy brush and took out her bottle of precious liquors from her stash. Tsunade's D+ cups jiggled about as she uncorked the bottle enthusuastically.
“Yay cheers!” shouted Matsumoto with glee.
The two went into their own corner and drank themselves silly. Those two can be identical. Big jugs (D+ cup no less), love for sake, same lazy attitude and moody. They can be sisters even.
“You hear that Sai kun? Almost eternal beauty, that includes youth too!” Ino gushed and latched her self onto Sai's arm again. Just when he was free from her iron grip.
“Look, even `eternal beauty' will do you no good with a mouth your size. You still age but slower, so you look like an ugly old hag for the same period of time, maybe even longer. Besides you don't have any beauty to start with.”
“SAI KUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!” she just received one of his fake smiles.
“Soul S-S-Society isn't what i-i- imagined it to be but it s-s-still sounds like a g-great place to b-be.” Said Hinata.
“Hey, you got ramen over there?”
“What's that Fox Boy?” asked Yachiru she already came up with nicknames for everyone.
“WHAT! You don't know what ramen is?! It's like the best thing in the world! Nobody can be satisfied without ramen. It's really delicious noodle soup. I know this ramen stand called Ichiraku and I eat there all the time. My favourite ramen is beef, miso, prawn…” Naruto continued to rant and rave about his idol so everybody rightfuly ignored him.
“So there are 13 barracks in the Court of Pure Souls, the Gotei 13. Cool! That's like a military organisation like our ANBU squads. I applied for ANBU 10 so in Seireitei I would be in the 10th Barracks!” said Sakura giving a heart-warming smile. It seemed like it rose the room temperature back to normal.
“Hey! That means Snowy is your taichou! Now Snowy can fall even more in-“ Yachiru was cut off.
“ANYWAY! We need a place to stay here to look after out for more Hollows and look after the town. We will be staying for the night and then leave in the morning.” Said Hitsugaya.
“Dude, we don't even have fucking place to crash…” grumbled Kenpachi.
“Swear jar!”
“That is where the Kazekage comes in”
“Shizune san…”said Temari.
“Well, since the Hokage is…indisposed, the Kazekage has more power next to her, so he decides what happens next.” She said
Everyone looked at Gaara, waiting for the verdict. He hated when people try to stare him down. The Hyuugas were freaky now, white eyes and all. Trying to figure out if Shino really was looking at you was even scarier. This reminded him of the times when he went on killing sprees and people saw him as a murder and a monster. He closed his pale jade eyes and snapped them open 5 seconds later.
“Kenpachi and Yachiru will stay with Ino, Matsumoto will stay with Lady Hokage (A/N: Isn't he a gentlemen…) and Hitsugaya will be staying at Sakura's.
“And know questions”
“WHAT!? This serial killer and rapist has to live with me? And his kidnapped daughter? HE WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME IN MY SLEEP!!??” Ino stamped her foot in protest.
“Call me a rapist one more time and I will fuck ya” threatened Kenpachi, he grinned menacingly.
“Yamanaka, you dare to defy me, or must I uses other forms of persuasion to get my message across” Gaara's cork popped and a string of sand came flowing and caressed her cheek, cutting it slightly. Ino cowered in fear.
Hitsugaya was going to stay at Sakura's place. Alone. By themselves. Jus the two of them. In an apartment. HER APARTMENT. He blushed like ripe tomato and fiddled with his haori. Hyourinmaru was cheering him on giving him `helpful advice'. Not that he was listening. He was too wrapped up. He ran his fingers through his snow-white hair. What was happening to him? He looked up to see Sakura. She looked a little red. Perhaps she was uncomfortable with having a guy stay with her in her apartment. It's understandable. Kami she was so breath taking. She was an angel.
Hitsugaya snapped out of his thoughts and tried to concentrate the task at hand.
“Alright lets go then, it's almost night fall.” He got up from his seat.
“W-w-wait what are we g-going to do about M-M-Matsumoto san and Hokage s-sama?” asked Hinata. It's pretty difficult talking to guys who have sticks up their asses. She indicated the comatose pair sprawled on the floor with dribble on their chin. The bottles of sake were empty. All 20 of them.
“Just leave her. It'll teach Matsumoto not to go drinking on important matters. Lead the way Haruno.”
“Umm, yeah, follow me.” Sakura walked gracefully out of the office, her hips swaying from side to side like a pendulum. Hitsugaya couldn't take his eyes off them. Damn his hormones.
“…and that's what I think about ramen! Jeez, no wonder why you people are all tight asses, you never had ramen in your life…or death, whatever.” Naruto finally finished.
“Dude, nobody was listening to you for the past 45 minutes you dumbass” said Kiba
“Awww, what did I miss?”
“Apparently some valuable information.”
“Shoot, once in a lifetime chance” Naruto pouted.
“Honestly Naruto, nobody wants to hear about your rants and raves about ramen…troublesome person” Shikamaru grumbled.
Sakura and Hitsugaya arrived at the apartment. When they entered, he noticed that it was quite homey looking. Not too plain not too stylish. The living room was connected to the dining area. There was a set of double door, which he assumed led to the kitchen. There was another entryway that led down the hall.
“You can stay in the guest room which is two doors down the hallway at the right, opposite mine and the bathroom is another door down next t my room. If you need a change of clothes, I can get my brothers old clothes for you Hitsugaya Taichou.
I'm alright. Thank you though
Okay, would you like some dinner?
No thanks, we shinigamis don't need to eat all the time. Except for those who have really high Reiatsu, which includes me. But don't worry, I already ate before I left Soul Society”. He said.
He was getting ready for bed now. The pink haired Kunoichi was plaguing his mind once more. Every time he thought about her, his stomach gave a fluttery feeling and the hairs at the back of his neck stand up. Every time he looked at her, his heart beat speeds up and his breath shortens. What was happening to him. This feeling felt alien to him. It's so confusing, he never felt this way before.
Hitsugaya shook his head. He closed his aqua green eyes and turned under the blankets. He went to sleep thinking about Sakura.
Now how wazzat? It took me a while to type this up. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF IT!!
Thanks for the reviews and keep on reading.
>>I forgot to explain to you about the `Swear jar'. It's a pickle jar, which Yachiru owns. Whenever Kenpachi swear, he has to donate a minimum of 100 yen into the jar. When the jar is full, Yachiru takes it and spends it on candy. Half of his pay goes on the candy man<<
TW: Goody, Sakura and Hitsugaya stay in the same apartment for the night!
TW: Special request of Sai hehe