Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Chance in Seireitei ❯ Briefing ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

TW: I don't own Naruto or Bleach.
Sakura: You took that pretty well! Good Job!
TW: …
Sakura: ?
Chapter 5: Briefing
It was the beginning of another day in Konoha. The stone masons, carpenters and construction workers were paid triple if they repaired the whole town centre in one day, with the Shinobi help of course. The sunlight sifted through the curtains and the birds chirped outside. Sakura stirred slightly and her eyes fluttered open. She turned around in her warm blankets to check her alarm clock, but to her surprise, she saw a pair of turquoise eyes staring right back at her.
She jolted out of bed, clutching her blanket to her chest protectively. She breathed heavily from the shock .
“W-what are you doing here!” she screamed. Her eyes held fury and her frame shook from embarrassment and anger.
“I came to wake you up” his face was blank and stoic. but there was the tiniest hint of blush on his cheeks, but only can be seen by a microscope. but it's still there right. It didn't seem like he came to wake her up. He took in how cute Sakura looked when she flushed like that and how her emerald orbs flashed angrily.
“Get out” she grounded out.
Hitsugaya glanced at her once more and blinked at her emotionlessly. He folded his arms and walked out of the room. The nerve of that guy! How dare he come into her room. It was like 5 o'clock and it wasn't like they were going to be late in meeting the Hokage. They had three hours to spare! Sakura blushed. What if he didn't come to wake her up?
She shook her head. She took some clothes from her wardrobe and proceeded to the bathroom. She stripped down, and then turned on the hot water. She jumped into the shower and gasped as it cascaded down her back. This was the best way to wake up in the morning. Sakura adjusted the taps to her liking once more. She picked up her new watermelon shampoo and squeezed some out and also scrubbed her hair into a lather. She couldn't help thinking about those eyes. They seem to penetrate her very soul. At the same time they showed pain, sadness and was it…longing? It was there for only a second, then it was stone cold once again. Then she scrubbed herself with green tea body soap, he was very mysterious and intriguing indeed.
That was close. He wondered if she believed his excuse. Probably not. He wanted to see her again even though they had known each other for a few hours. There was something about her that has sparked his interest and continued to hold his attention. Was it her power and determination? Her caring warm smile or the spit fire attitude just then? Whatever it was he couldn't get enough of her. When he saw her lying there in such eternal peace she looked so much like an angel. Beautiful and delicate like a cherry blossom.
Hitsugaya lazily travelled to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. He boiled the water first and then went to chose from the selection of tea stored in the cupboard. There was blood replenishing tea, Chakra boosting tea, Green, jasmine, rose, artichoke, chrysanthemum and cherry blossom tea. Cool. He decided to choose the last one. He heard the shower turn on.
`Must be her'
`Hey, you wanna pull that stunt again?'
`Hell no! She will get really mad and chuck her soap at me'
Hitsugaya then poured his tea and took a sip, sweet and refreshing, and calming for the soul. Every time he took a sip he wanted more. This was addicting in a way. Sakura appeared by the door in 20min later. She was wearing her usual get up and her rosette locks was a little damp.
“Enjoying yourself, Hitsugaya Taichou?” she asked still a little irritated.
“Huh? Oh, yes very much thanks” he replied. He was drinking her tea. Her favourite too. Also he was skimming his slender finger around the rim. An almost seductive smirk planted on his flawless face. His spiky white hair looks as bedridden as always.
“Something wrong Haruno?”
`No way, you're absolutely perfect! CHA!'
“Umm…we have to go see the Hokage soon; we don't want to be late” said Sakura.
One look at Hitsugaya, he was still there in all his glory. One blink and he was gone. His stool was empty. How can he disappear or move so fast without her knowing? Suddenly she felt a presence behind. It was close to her body…very close. The familiar aura of cold alerted her immediately that it was the silver haired teen that held her attention. She felt his hot breath against her neck, it sent involuntary shivers down her spine and she can hear her own pulse beat madly.
“Then we better get moving Haruno” he whispered huskily in her ear.
Just as quickly as the cold came, it was gone and the warmth came back. Sakura pivoted around looking for any trace of him but there was none. She huffed and grabbed her fingerless gloves and stalked out the door. This guy was weird. First he enters her room without permission and then he drinks your FAVOURITE tea. Lastly he enters your personal bubble!
He was a good for nothing, arrogant. Pompous, hot, sexy, handsome…UNCARING! NOSY! TEMPERAMENTAL! Beautiful, gorgeous, godlike body…
`Whew, take a look at this, Sakura's been bitten by the love bug!' chirped Inner Sakura.
`I absolutely have not! What the hell is a love bug? There isn't such thing!'
`♫ When there's loooove…nothing is impossibbbbbbble… ♫'
Sakura's gears clicked into motion. Shit, she was going to be late for Tsunade's meeting! She promised it wasn't going to happen again. She should've just floored it immediately instead of just talking to herself .
“Shunshin no Jutsu!”.
Sakura petals blew around the people's faces. This was an ordinary thing for them all, but to the Shinigamis, it was fantastic.
“Sugoi! Kirei ne?” awed Matsumoto. She caught some in her hands and sniffed it
“WOW! They smell like candy!” Yachiru made to stuff them in her mouth.
“Great…another woosy who's desperate enough to use flowers to fight…Yachiru, spit it out” Kenpachi grumbled.
Hitsugaya leant against the wall silently speculating the splendorous scene. He hasn't felt this calm and peaceful in a long time.
“Umm…Tsunade Shishou?” Sakura poked Tsunade's arm. No reaction.
“Don't try to wake her up Sakura. We got her drunk so that she'd let you off the hook” said Tenten.
True to her word, Tsunade's face was smack down securely on top of her piles of documents, most likely getting ink smudges on her cheeks. Sake bottles littered the floor, all with lipstick marks on the rims.
“So, we'll let her be” Said Neji.
Hitsugaya pushed off the wall and stood in front. He turned around and faced everyone. His gaze lingering on Sakura.
“Alright, you'll be travelling to Soul Society. I trust you have listened to the information given yesterday? Good. You are to learn how to wield a Zanpakutou or Souls slayer, use Kidou and Hoho. You will be sorted in different squads and yes, you are going foe a crash course in the Shinigami Academy. Any questions?”
“WHAT?! WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL???!!!” Naruto screamed in panic.
Tsunade twitched her arm in her sleep.
“You should've seen her fucking bathroom, it's like the fucking same as yours!” Kenpachi yelled at Matsumoto.
“URUSAI! You don't need to pack anything, supplies, clothing, and shelter will be given to you upon entry in Seireitei” said Hitsugaya.
Suddenly he unsheathed his sword and thrusted it into the air. Everyone was like 0_0 WTF?! Not only that but the actual blade disappeared. Then he turned in to the right. Suddenly a pair of shoji doors faded in and it looked so old and elegant. The entire thing was glowing white. Little red and black butterflies came fluttering out, 4 in total. Hitsugaya pulled his sword and placed it on is back, his green cloth and sheath came back and covered it securely.
Naruto stared at these hypnotising insects. They were beautiful but the colour signifies danger in normal butterflies. But these aren't normal butterflies are they? His eyes were clouded, he slowly lifted his palms into the are, waiting for the right moment and then slowly enclosed one like a delicate thing and then…
“Pa-chew?” said Tenten.
Yet again, the room temperature also plummeted but worse. The Shinigami's gave each other worried looks. Hitsugaya's head was bowed so low you can't see his face, or his murderous glare. Slowly, it began to rise in a very threatening manner. His molten jade eyes shot daggers at the very at-the-brink-of-shitting-his-pants Naruto. Naruto stepped back and is hand got stuck onto the frosted wall as he made contact. People shivered in the room around him, even Tsunade in her sleep. Gaara was warm and comfy in his sand armour.
“You just had to go for my personal hell moth, didn't you…Uzumaki?” said the very dangerous teen in a dark and jeopardising manner.
“Whoa…heh, chill out man hehe…”
“Eh? Taichou, there's no need to get worked up”
That dumb gumnut just pissed him off so bad. Of all people that he had to meet, why is he the most stupidest? Even though Kurosaki was a little dense, at least he had sense somewhat. His hands itched towards the back of his head, where the hilt of his sword lay. No turning back now. Then he felt someone's hand on his hand. They were soft and gentle, like feathers. He turned his head to snap at them but his voice got stuck at the back of his throat. Sakura looked back at him with pleading eyes.
He huffed and took his hand away and stuffed them in his sleeves. He turned his head away so she wouldn't see his blush.
`What the hell did I do that for? I'm supposed to be angry at him' Sakura mentally yelled.
`It's not anger! It's misguided fondness'
`WTH! That didn't even make sense'
“All right Shinobi people, lets go!” beamed Matsumoto.
Naruto was still frozen shocked. Neji shook his head and Gaara gave Naruto and blank stare. Shino was a mumbling a faint prayer under his breath for the deceased moth.
Kiba charged full speed into Naruto who crashed into the shoji doors headfirst. Heavenly white light burst forth from the door making a Naruto silhouette.
“AHHH! My eyes! Kiba, you killed me? I'm seeing the light OMG! This is worse than Lee's Lady (and man) killer look! AHHH!”
“SHUT UP! You're not dead yet you sissy!” Yelled Kiba with equal force.
Sorry! I didn't have a lot of time to type. I had to watch out for scary vulture teachers monitoring the class. ONE ALMOST SAW MY FANFIC BOOK! COMPLETE WITH LIME AND LEMON AND OTHER CITRUS!!
Read and Review! Tell what ya think!
YeahI'm really sorry for not updating soonmm(_ _)mm
Temari: You should be! I was rotting there back stage!
TW: QIUET! Or I'm gonna cut your pay! And I'll assign you to KP duty!