Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Chance in Seireitei ❯ And away we go! ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

TW: Nihao! I don't own Naruto or Bleach, but if I did, Sasuke would be dead and I would've burned Aizen's hair! *Smile*
Aizen: you know I can offer you a lot more in Hueco Mundo and too bad you don't own me anyway.
Sasuke: You can't even touch me let alone kill me. Your just a girl with no Chakra *Scoffs*.
Chapter 6: And away we go!
Kenpachi was at his wit's end. He was waiting for them to go and the idiot had to waste his time and act all stupid. What would rather go back and cut Ikkaku's toenails than this crappy place with no worthy enemy. He stood abruptly and brandished his zanpakutou; his insanity already left the building.
“Don't say it Yachiru, half my pay already goes to your candy!” Kenpachi screamed.
With that, everybody rushed into the door, leaving Tsunade to her lonesome.
It was white. All white. No wind but the shuffling and light tapping of feet. It echoed softly as they walked in what seemed like nothingness.
“Wow…this place is so weird! This better not be Soul Society!” said Temari. She had a very disapproving look and arms crossed.
“Nah, this is the tunnel in between this world and Soul Society! You actually think we live here? By the way there is another way to enter the Soul Society but only when you don't have a Senkaimon gate. You get a purple icky tunnel. It's really disgusting and there are cleaners too” said Matsumoto.
“I wonder what happens if you if you get lost in here?' asked Ino.
“You get trapped in here and die of course! Ha-ha!” laughed Yachiru as she tried to fix the bells in Kenpachi's hair. They seem to be following the strange moths that led them to some place. Hinata hoped they were actually going someplace.
`She laughs while she says this!' thought all the Shinobi together.
“You hear that dickless? This is a very vital piece of info for you. You wanna make sure you write it down in your `Stuff to think about apart from Ramen' Diary?” Sai teased cruelly.
Naruto irked and tried to lunge at Sai, who was smiling ever so fake, but Kankurou and Lee held him down by the arms. Steam blew out of Naruto's nose and his face went beet red.
“Why you…! Of course I heard, and I'll have you know that my size is-“
“WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW!!” with that Neji karate chopped Naruto in the head, knocking him unconscious. Gaara, feeling a little better today decided to drag Mc Clueless on the ground and his sand, all the way to their destination, regardless of him waking up of not.
`That seems scary…getting trapped in a place like this. I'd go insane first thing before I die!” thought Sakura noting the crazy whiteness.
Meanwhile, Hitsugaya was at the front with Matsumoto and her hell moth. His, Fuyu, died a horrible death and was going to make sure she got a proper memorial. He turned around to check on the tourists. They were fine and looked bored. The idiot was being dragged around like ripped washcloth by sand. His eyes traveled to Sakura and observed her closely. She seems to be lost in thought. He lagged behind until he matched her pace.
“Don't worry Haruno, it's not like I'm going to leave you behind” he said. His face looked stoic and bored.
“Yeah thanks”
In the distance there was a rumbling sound. It sounded big and destructive and that was not a good sign. Lee turned around and was the first to spot far away was a huge purple cylinder coming their way, approaching fast. It was like a bullet train.
“Ummm…Matsumoto, what day is it today?” asked Hitsugaya.
“I believe its Tuesday. Isn't that the cleaners' day or something?”
“Everybody, RUN!” Hitsugaya bellowed.
All the brave shinobi stayed rooted to the spot, each with a weapon in the hands and a killing look on their faces.
“It's okay, we can defeat this thing” said Kankurou.
It was 20 metres away now.
“Don't fight it! Run! Because if you destroy that cleaner, it's gonna come out of my pay cheque, so move it or I'll leave you behind!” yelled the silver boy.
The ninjas raced double time double time after Kenpachi and Matsumoto, while Hitsugaya ushered the last person, Sakura, after them. The purple cleaner blew steam as it thundered after the group.
“Hey everyone! I can see the door on the other side!” yelled Kankurou.
“Well lets floor it, chop, chop!” yelled Temari with equal volume.
Kenpachi and Yachiru were the first to reach the other senkaimon gate. He slammed it open and tried to fit through its small frame.
“Lousy, good for nothin'…”
“KEN CHAN! QUICK!” Yachiru screamed in his right ear in panic.
“Huh?” but he was too slow. The puppet master rocketed into his back, the force casing him to slam into the opposite building on the other side; Yachiru fell to the right and landed on Kankurou's mummy, which unstrapped itself.
Matsumoto quickly passed through and stood to the side. Hinata tripped over the door frame in her rush, causing Tenten to crash into her along with Ino. They rolled on the floor and accidentally tripped Yachiru who just got up from the floor. Because of that, her katana was flung into the air.
“Made it-BONK-” the sword whacked Kiba in the head as he came through. The got KOed and fell on top of Akamaru. Akamaru was surprised of the sudden weight and fell on his belly with a sharp “ARF!!”
“Hey! What's the hold up?” Shikamaru leapt over the fallen pair, just in time to find his face mushed into the deadly melon valleys (A/N: X3). His face turned 5674 shades of red and his body grew stiff from embarrassment.
“EEK!!! PERVERT!” Matsumoto delivered him a fatal smack and he went soaring to the left side.
The duo pranced through the gate like gay couples, glad to have entered the Seireitei. They leapt in mid air gracefully as they can over the pile of mush bellow.
“TOO FUCKING SLOW! OUTT THE WAY!” The angry voice erupted behind them. The Wind Chick unstrapped her humungous battle fan and bashed it on the exact middle on Naruto's and Lee's backs. Their eyes bugged out to the max and their cheeks flapped in the wind as they went sailing. She front-flipped and accidentally landed on Ino's right hand and she screamed bloody murder. This successfully woke up Kenpachi from the enormous crater in the wall.
“Whoa…feel like I got loaded from some sake vodka mix” mumbles Kenpachi. His joints popped as he turned around to meet…
And his side kick…
The homicidal freak's eyes widen as the human bullets were descending fast. No shunpo can save him now. The wind was knocked out of him as the two drilled into his stomach. The ultimate force shoved him through wall after wall after wall. The three were finally knocked unconscious.
Shino and Sai were zeroing in on the gate, neck on neck. If they tried to enter the gate at the same time, they might risk getting injured like those morons upfront. Now there was a race to get to through first, away from the speeding caterpillar. Sai pumped more Chakra in his feet to power forward. Shino sensing a Chakra surged from Sai did the same. Every now and then they did this. They were almost there.
For once Chouji wished he wasn't a Akimichi. For once he wished he didn't have these extra calories. He was so bulky it wasn't funny, he better caut down on chips now. Hw may have super strength and cool jutsus, but he didn't have the same speed, flexibility and nimbleness like the other ninjas.
“mann! The purple whachamacallits's getting closer” lookie here, he's not eating while he's talking!
“I know! Bakai no Jutsu!” Chouji did his clan's technique and his body expanded to a fatass plushie of himself.
“Nikudan Sensha!” next he went into a powerful roll like a bowling ball, towards the two pin's up ahead nothing can escape the wrecking ball of destruction now!
He collided into Shino and Sai. He flattened them into okonomiyaki and they stuck to Chouji and rolled along with him. They were in absolute excruciating pain. Would you like a broken calligraphy brush stabbing you in the back? Shino, despite his daily comatose appearance, was screaming inside his head. The Konoha bowling team hit a strike at the portal, Chouji crashed through the frame and it was reduced to splinters. Neji our favourite Hyuuga was not far behind. He figured he called use the fatass to eliminate any obstacles and would come out unscathed unlike some people. He had the Byakugan turned on of course.
Just as he almost got passed the gate, pieces of wooded rained started to rain down on him. He quickly dodged them with lightning speed, but somehow a piece of rice paper got stuck in his mouth.
Gaara, being the absolute genius, was the only person so far who escaped unharmed. He teleported to the other side, via sand. Tch.
Meanwhile with Hitsugaya and Sakura, they were the last of the group and were running like mad. MUTATED THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE PEOPLE!! It was only metres now and it was still getting closer, crunching the bones. They will never make it at this rate. So Hitsugaya did the only think he can think of. He grabbed Sakura around the waist with his left arm and pulled her close to the body. She didn't have time to react to the extremely close proximity that they were basically pressed. Hitsugaya shunpoed to the other side.
Gaara now stood on the heap of bodies that were piled and accumulated in order of the ungraceful entry. His posture declared `I PWNS YOU ALL' complete with the crossing arms and spread legs. He needed to enjoy this bit of moment, imagining he was standing on the old farts back at Suna. He founded one sheet of paper on his desk when he got back, they were going to wish Orochimaru was their mummy. The corpse pile moaned and groaned their displeasure.
Hitsugaya and Sakura whizzed passed the portal in recorded and the cleaner amazingly enough
Because he had extra weight on him, his flash step was a little off balanced. So the pair went past Gaara by a hair's breadth and went crashing to the floor next to the Kenpachi Crater. The silver haired teen twisted his body so that he would take the brunt of the fall and Sakura would suffer minimal damage. The pic looked like this…
Toushirou was at the bottom and Sakura was straddling his waist. Her hands were pressed firmly against his toned chest while his were firmly grasped to her hips. Both their faces were just centimetres apart and he can feel her breath teasing his lips.
“”Shiro kun?”
NOW I HAVE FINISHED THIS CHAPPIE!! I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner, you know how vulture teachers are, love to check what your doing on the computer, EVERY DAMN 15 SECOND!! @_@;;
*That's right I even risk my life typing on the school's computers*
Don't forget to::R::ead and ::R::eview!! You get pocky!! :P
Anyway your gonna have to thank silver'n'pink.equals.heart for this. SHE CHUCKED A FREAKING SHOE AT ME!! X.x Though it's a van skate shoe may I add lolz! I was kinda anticipating a steel-toed combat boot TT_TT can't ever forget your good old Roman shield X333.
Shunpo: Flash Step
Bakai no Jutsu: Body Expansion Technique
Nikudan Sensha: Human Bullet Tank
Yeah that's it for now and I'm also working on another one-shot featuring Shunsui and Ukitake's alcoholic conversation!! NONYAOI enjoy! XD