Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Chance in Seireitei ❯ Away to the meeting hall ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Forgive me for not updating in forever. I've been really busy because like I have to do a PD/H/PE dance display and my group are working on The Ring I got to be the main character and so yeah TT_TT sorry… I know this is inexcusable and you probably have heard them hundreds of times but…. TOTALLY INEXCUSABLE!
I shall undergo my punishment of running laps around my laptop.
AND WE GET TESTED NEXT MONDAY (for you Americans next Sunday)
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Chapter 7: Away to the meeting hall
“Shiro kun?”
Two captains were just a little further away. One with long white hair. He wore a white haori with the kanji `13' on the back. His face was in shock and mouth wide as a goldfish. The other wore a pink haori with flowers and a straw hat. He was turned to the side, his finger on the brim of said hat, pulled down.
“You son of a gun” he said.
The kunoichi and taichou realised that they were the center of attention and were in a compromising position. Sakura scrambled of Hitsugaya and mumbled an apology. He just got up and dusted himself and readjusted his uniform. A minute blush was present on his face.
“Well, so this must be our shinobis correct? Asked the snowy haired taichou.
“My name is Juushirou Ukitake. But you can just call me Ukitake taichou” he gave a weary smile.
“I am Kyouraku Shunsui or Kyouraku taichou. But for the ladies, Honey will be fine” he chuckled.
(Insert crickets chirping =.= )
“Ummm…N-Naruto Kun…?” Hinata climbed through the holes of the walls to retrieve her beloved.
“Kenny!” Yachiru bounced her way over and tugged Zaraki's hair. He finally came to and was seeing 6 pink blobs.
“Wow…I feel like I got indigestion…,” Kenpachi mumbled groggily. His Stomach hurt like hell and his arms were covered in cuts and bruises. He looked down to see 2 people sprawled at odd angles and a girl holding the blonde's arm. Boy have they got shit to pay.
“Kenny! You shouldn't move so much. We should go see Unohana taichou,” said Yachiru. Her statement kind of contradicted itself.
“U-Unohana taichou? Yeah. It's o-okay…” Kenpachi stuttered. It's okay? His heart did the cancan every time he saw her! Need I say more? XD.
Naruto and Lee were OK now. Back to their hyperactive self. Ukitake stepped forward and cleared his throat.
“Welcome to Soul Society. This compound you are in is called Seireitei. This is where the 13 court guards reside. Here, will be your stay and we hope you enjoy it.
“First we must see soutaichou Yamamoto first, to sort you into divisions” said Shunsui.
“We're are going to need to use Shunpo otherwise Yamamoto Sama would fall asleep” said Ukitake
“Oh yeah, I remember…”
“How will you do that with all of us?” Inquired Shikamaru.
“Well, we're gonna have to carry you around the waist” said Matsumoto.
“Ew, yuck! I'm not gonna have one of these dudes hold me” exclaimed Kiba” Hey, Tuberculosis-“
“How dare you say that to Ukitake taichou!” just then, 3 extra people came running toward the pack. It was Kiyone, Sentarou, Nanao and her book bringing up the rear.
“It's quite alright Kiyone. They are young and immature” Ukitake patted his own chest.
“Whatever, tell me what his Yamamoto smell like?”
(Awkward silence =.= )
“Why would you want to know something like that?” asked Nanao incredulously.
“Look lady, I need it for tracking like I said I don't wanna go with these old men”
Ukitake cleared his throat “Well, he does have a distinctive smell of green tea and ashes. And I'm pretty sure Sandalwood Grace and Deur le Pine. Right Shunsui?'
“I always thought it was Ocean Breeze” he said, scratching his chin.
“Yeah, well thanks…c'mon Shino Hinata” Kina helped Hinata onto Akamaru and Shino stood next to them comatose. Kiba whispered something in the canine's ear and it lifted its furry, white head. He sniffed for a while and then leapt onto the roof and started bolting eastward. Hinata was clutching Kiba for dear life and Shino did whatever he did.
Sand started to surround the Sand Sibs catching Temari and Kankurou off guard. Temari gave a shriek before they disappeared all together. Now there were 9 shinobis and 8 shinigamis left.
“Well, what are you waiting for lets hop to it, lets grab our ninjas! ” said Kyouraku.
“Yay! I'll take these 2” Matsumoto grabbed Naruto and Sai around the neck. Almost crushing their heads. Yachiru bullied Tenten and Ino into riding with her on Kenpachi. But of course they tried to refuse kindly to a little kid but she would have none of that, saying Ken-chan was really nice once you get to know him but it's just that he loves killing. They had to anyway. No, actually Ino shrieked in protest and Tenten was more rational.
Nanao volunteered to take Shikamaru, Sentarou wanted to Shunpo with Lee sin they both have crazy behaviours. Neji wanted to go with Ukitake since he was the most normal.
“I will escort you my dear” Shunsui extended his right hand towards Sakura, only to e slapped away by Hitsugaya.
“Don't touch her Kyouraku taichou,” he said darkly. He stood a little in front of her, arms crossed threateningly. Sakura sweatdropped.
“Shiro- kuuuuuuun. What intentions would I have for this lovely girl hmmm?”
“A pervert like you shouldn't be near any girls. Period. Besides I'm taking her myself”
“Fine,” Shunsui skulked away looking for someone else.
Hitsugaya turned around to face Sakura and sighed. He placed his right arm around her waist with out a word and the other under her knees.
“Hey!” she crossed her arms and glared at him, demanding to know the reasons for his actions. The taichou stared blankly into her eyes before saying:
Just like that he flashed stepped out there and Sakura yelled before her whole frame pressed against Toushirou's. She could feel the heat radiating off his body and a blush invaded her face. Hitsugaya, shocked by the sudden contact of the girl in his arms, almost tripped on his way. Wouldn't that be embarrassing and defaming? He gave a sigh.
He wasn't so surprised when a similar thing happened in the tunnel because he grabbed her out of reflex (A/N: sound right to ya?). Now that his brain was not so disorientated, he can process everything and be more aware of things like this. How lucky. Later they can have a blame on the air resistance physics crap
Shunsui looked around and to dismay didn't see a beautiful young lady but Chouji, inhaling his BBQ chips. The dude was like `yay' wide. He hung his head in defeat.
“Guess it's just you and me” Shunsui stained his face to look polite; Chouji was too hungry to do anything.
“Whatever, c'mon tubby”
Luckily Chouji wasn't paying any attention.
“Welcome Shinobis of Konohagakure and Sunagakure. We hope you will enjoy your stay in Seireitei. My name is Yamamoto and this is my 1st Division. It can be substituted as the meeting hall for captains' meeting.”
Everyone looked around the place. It was really massive and pretty mush empty. The wooden floor was dark brown and varnished. Shikamaru noticed that the other shinigamis disappeared somewhere. He furrowed his brows in concentration.
“Let be brief you once more on your situation at hand. The masked creatures as you know are called Hollows. They are corrupted souls that have no feelings but anger, agony, anguish, despair, pain and hunger. The whole in their chest mean they have no heart and they try to fill it up by eating other souls, but their hunger can never be satisfied.” Yamamoto stopped for dramatic effect (A/N: LOL)
“How horrible,” gasped Tenten.
Sakura's stomach dropped. These tortured souls in unbearable agony going around eating other souls were truly a disgusting thought. She felt pity and sadness for these creatures.
“These Hollows are attracted to reiatsu or `spirit pressure'. Also they happen to be the dead equivalent to chakra I believe.
Shikamaru then spoke up “Sir, if that is the case, then why did you summon all of us shinobis then? This leaves Konoha defenseless and Suna without a Kazekage. We are the best in the village. We can hardly defeat the Hollows so how do expect the our other shinobis to fight?”
He stuck his hand behind his head in blasé manner. “Also the fact that both of the villages are on the brink of war with Oto. If they were to know, they would come storming in”
He then walked up to Yamamoto right up close to talk face to face instead. He didn't even want to bother raising his voice to fill up the cavern like structure, so everyone can listen. Besides only Yamamoto needs to hear this.
“Why couldn't you just let us take up the training and then develop a rotation course?” Shikamaru finished off with a lazidasical tone. He was to lazy for respect also. He's a good person really, just a little annoyed.
All was silent except for the echoing footsteps of the ninja who made his floor. He patiently waited for the old soutaichou's answer. Yamamoto opened his mouth a fraction and then closed. His squinted eyes opened a little as if he just realised something.
“My name is Nara Shikamaru”
“Well then *cough* Shikamaru san. I am not as old as you think I am. Infact, older, therefore wiser. I have the situation under control. Shinigamis were distributed and stationed in Konoha and Suna. I have reports every two hours on the progress and so far few hollows have been sighted and eradicated. You were lucky Arrancars didn't show up.”
“Arrancars?” Sai spoke up. He had been listening to the details very closely.
“I will explain to you another time perhaps” he cleared his throat before continuing. “I couldn't possibly let anyone other than shinigamis kill or purify hollows, that would be disastrous”
“Didn't stop you before” Ino scoffed.
Sakura sharply jabbed her in the ribs to shut her up in respect. Ino just rolled her eyes and turned her head away.
“Well, you see-“
“Yamanaka Ino!” she struck a pose, her eyes between the `V' shaped fingers. Sakura nodded her head in shame and went to stand near Hinata, whose Byakugan was activated. Probably finding signs of danger…or perving Naruto.
“Yes, well Yamanaka san. We experienced a slight technicality with our Department of Technological Research and Development, also known as the 12th Division. They locate and pinpoint Hollows in different worlds” said Soutaichou.
“What technicalities would that be?” Neji asked skeptically
It's every ninja's right to be suspicious. If they weren't, they would happily eat a chocolate cheesecake sent by an anonymous from Oto. Would that be a disaster?
“Now, now, lets not get to deep in into this totally unnecessary topic. Lets get back on the important subject at hand” he was clearly irked about Kurotsuchi's stuff-up and didn't want these shinobis to know there little incompetence. (A/N: Haha! Neji got rejected XD)
“You see, when shinigamis kill a hollow, they are purified, released of their sins and earn a place in Soul Society. Sometimes the extremely bad ones go to Hell. We monitor the number of Hollows entering all the worlds plus the number entering Soul Society. Non-shinigamis can't purify Hollows. They just merely kill them. There is a balance between your world and mine. If that balance is drastically upset, it brings the collapse of the universe. Yes, I'm talking about the number of souls as the balance.
There was a pregnant pause. The shinobis hoped they didn't kill enough to cause that drastic change.
“So basically you want us to train and become Shinigamis too so that we can to help you and protect our villages against Hollows without destroying the universe” said Temari.
“Correct. Anyway, now onto new business. All of you will b separated into different squads first. There are 13 squads in total, hence Gotei 13. Each have a taichou, fukutaichou official seats up to 7 and then the rest of the squad. Once you are sorted, I will enroll you into the Shinigami Academy. There you will have a crash course in the shinigami training. A week's worth should be enough”
Yamamoto shuffled towards the Far East wall. It was adorned with a beautiful tapestry, embroidered with gold silk. It depicted a battle scene. A teenage guy wearing something like a shihakushou, only more modern, long and slimmer. He had half a Hollow's mask on his face and the most distinctive part was his orange hair. Nothing weird so far. He was fighting another shinigami wearing a white haori. That person had slick brown hair and a charming face. Their swords were clashed together in battle.
“The you will return to your respective taichou or fukutaichou.”
“Oi! Ojiisan! Do you have any ramen here?”
He blinked once, twice, three times. There's something really wrong with this boy. That was a totally out of the blue question and had nothing to do with the meeting.
“Ummm…we are Japanese are we not?”
“But the pink haired girl said what's ramen? before” Naruto was clueless.
“Ah, Yachiru was being mischievous again son. She probably never said I don't know ramen or we don't have ramenand you assumed we don't. don' worry, she loves to trick people like that”
Naruto gaped like a goldfish. He just got pwned.
“Look, about the Divisions” Gaara was getting impatient. Another minute here was another minute of the stupid councilors in Suna trying to turn back the village into the old way. God knows what plans they got now.
“Ah yes, you will find your number in one of these briefcases!”
OMG! I put a cliffy. Sorry I had to, I promise I will enter another chapter straight away but it's wrecking my writing pattern. So yeah my bad. =.= Did you like that one??
::Read & REVIEW::
I know it was longer than usual cause like I was working hard on another fanfic:
Title: Card Counters
Summary: Seishun Gakuen gets 6 new students, lucky them. And they come in a range of
Hair colours: White, blonde, green and black and…PINK!? Also they can pony up your cash with a queen straight high! Watch out boys!
[Ryoma x Sakura]
[Eiji x OC]
[Oishi x Winry]
[Fuji x Hinamori]
[Hitsugaya x Ann] (slight)
Yah, that's gonna be a work of art apart from my HitsuSaku. I might chuck in some love triangles concerning Kinchan and Kevin Smith, but we'll see X3 Tripwire sama so evil!!
I'm really sorry for the major delay but it was unavoidable and I apologise to all the readers who might've stopped reading my works, supported me, who still reviewed me and yeah. I am extremely sorry. I promise I will do better next time m(_ _)m.
(I wonder how much I got on the humble-meter)
Until next time JA