Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ ONS and More ❯ Boxes and Fruit ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any Bleach affiliates.
(A/N: In case people haven't realized it yet—or maybe I haven't mentioned it, whatever—this is an AU fic, no Shinigami or Soul Society stuff whatsoever. Just something fun on the side.
Joy, I get 4 hours of sleep before working an 8 1/2 hour shift tomorrow. Grumble, curse, and moan.
Ah well, enjoy the new chapter, don't forget to review!)
Boxes and Fruit
“Hey, Ishida, I'm going out, okay?” Ichigo announced as he left the bathroom and shook his wet hair.
Uuyru Ishida—Ichigo's roommate—raised a sharp eyebrow and glared. “Are you serious? We have a huge final tomorrow.”
“I've already studied for it.” Ichigo answered breezily as he grabbed his jacket and zipped it up. “Besides, it's not that hard.”
Ishida's eyes widened. “What the hell are you talking about? Dissecting a human heart properly is the hardest thing we've had to do all year!”
Ichigo blinked at him. “Okay, let me revise that. It's not hard if you know what you're doing.” He sneered arrogantly.
Ishida snorted and rolled his eyes, his thin body was crouched over a desk piled with books and notes he had taken in class. “Asshole…”
“Maybe if you spent less time worrying about the material you'd learn it better.” He said as he picked up his keys.
“But my specialty is the brain!” Ishida growled. “The brain! Not the heart!”
“Whatever,” Ichigo shrugged, “Complain to someone else. I gotta go.”
“Seeing your girlfriend again?” Ishida grunted as Ichigo grabbed the keys to his motorcycle.
“As a matter of fact,” Ichigo replied, “Yes, I am. I'm helping her move to her new apartment.”
Ichigo paused and waited for it…
Ishida's right arm stopped moving and his muscles tightened slightly. “Oh…” he said softly as he paused and held his pen hovered above the page. “H-How long do you think you'll be gone?”
Ichigo stopped at the door and grinned. “Probably all night.”
There was silence from Ishida. He swiveled around in his desk and stared pointedly at the phone.
Ichigo shrugged, “Go ahead and invite her over.”
Ishida gulped and nervously flexed his hands. “I—I don't know.”
Ichigo gave him a bland look. “Fuck your modesty. Call and ask her if she wants to come over. It's easy. Tell her… you'll sew her something. I mean come on, it's not like you two haven't had sex before.”
Ishida clenched his jaw and glared at Ichigo. “I do not like discussing my sex life with you, Kurosaki.”
Ichigo shrugged and shook his head. “Just remember, I like Orihime and all, but when you guys start to get hot and heavy in my room, that's where I have issues.”
Ishida's cheeks reddened into a blush. “That only happened once. She wanted to try something new and—and exciting.” He muttered.
“And I had to burn those sheets afterwards.” Ichigo muttered as he closed the door behind him.
Ichigo stood at the door for a moment and listened to the sounds inside. It didn't take Ishida three seconds to leap from his desk to his chair and grab the phone.
Ichigo grinned and began to walk away as the man dialed inside.
“Uh, hi, Orihime? Yeah, you know those new measurements for the dress you gave me? Yeah… well, I lost them. Do you think you would want to…”
Ichigo snickered and left the hallway. Ishida was his friend and all, but sometimes he acted so dense it was unbelievable.
Ichigo made his way to his bike and straddled the seat. As he revved the engine he saw a group of girls off to the side, giggling and flicking their eyes in his direction. Ichigo stared blankly at them for a moment before he shoved his helmet on his head; some of them were blushing furiously and others were shifting from one foot to another.
Already bored with their tittering, Ichigo shrugged and peeled out of his parking spot.
A month ago, he might have cared that those girls were giggling and talking about him. A month ago he might have considered asking one of them out, and a month ago he would have gone home from another boring date he had had with just another thick-skulled, blonde, bimbo.
A month ago maybe… but definitely not now. Ichigo turned on the street and waited for the light to change to green before continuing to Rukia's apartment.
Rukia was like no one else he had ever been with before. He grinned at the memory of this first night he had made love to her… one minute she was melting against him, then she was trying to hit him, and then she was melting again.
That was Rukia. She was heaven and hell, fire and brimstone, the damsel and the prince, peanut butter and jelly; she was iron wrapped in a gauze of silk and velvet: so strong yet so fragile.
And he was lucky enough to have her as his girlfriend.
Not that they had made if official or anything; Ichigo didn't parade her in front of his friends like some kind of trophy, not to mention she was just as determined that he would never—under any circumstances—meet her brother.
It worked for them, this lax relationship. Too many times had he been with women who wanted full-on commitment after one night and too many times had he had to politely decline a meeting with someone's parents on a second date.
However, even though they had an understanding about the whole non-commitment thing, Ichigo was also firmly aware that if any man ever tried to make a pass at Rukia while in his presence, that man was as good as dead.
Ichigo wasn't born a violent man and he didn't like to think of himself as violent. More… protective of people and things that mattered to him.
And Rukia was one of those people.
Ichigo pulled up to the curb of Rukia's apartment and sat on his bike for a moment.
Wait… how much did Rukia matter to him?
Ichigo's helmet was off in a second and he was craning his neck above him. Rukia was at the window, waving to him from her balcony. Grinning, Ichigo waved back. “Need some help?” He called.
“Just get your ass up and help me move some boxes.”
Ichigo chuckled and got off of his bike.
She was iron wrapped in a gauze of silk and velvet.
“Alright! I'm coming!” He called before stomping up the stairs and rushing to her door. “Hey!” He called before turning around and seeing her.
His heart did a small pattering inside of his chest.
“Hey Ichigo,” she said as she carefully lowered a box filled with dishes to the floor. Rukia came up to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. As she pulled away Ichigo grabbed her loose tee shirt and held her close, kissing her hard on the mouth.
When Ichigo finally released her she was breathless and panting. Rukia shook her head and took a few steps back. “Come on, Ichigo. We need to do work today and I—ahhh!”
“Look out!” Ichigo called as he dove forward, trying to catch her.
Too late.
With another `eep!' Rukia fell hard on the floor, her bottom hitting the boards with a thud. Ichigo stood frozen for a moment as she grunted as she viciously kicked a box out of the way. “Damn… stupid… moving… boxes!” She growled.
After a second she looked up and glared at him expectantly. “Help please!”
He held out his hand and bit his bottom lip. Rukia stood up and brushed her sore bottom off.
“If you laugh,” she scowled, “I'll kill you.”
“Trying… not to…” Ichigo sputtered as he pulled her forward and hugged her, rubbing her sore ass with his palm.
“Son of a—” Rukia muttered as she pushed him away. “Come on, I've got a truck waiting outside, we can drive it to my new place and set up there.”
Ichigo grinned as she bent over to pick up a large box filled with breakables. She was wearing a pair of loose jeans and a large white tee shirt that was constantly slipping down her shoulder. On her feet were a pain of tiny sneakers with laces that ended in—wait… were those bunny faces?
Ichigo rolled his eyes and bent to pick up a large box of books—damn things were heavy—he guessed there was still a lot he didn't know about Rukia.
He hauled the boxes down the stairs and followed her fluttering white shirt. In place of the Tsurga family car was a large white can. Some boxes were already placed neatly in the back.
“Heavy stuff on the bottom.” Rukia said as she set the container filled with glasses on the top. “Fragile stuff on the top.”
Ichigo placed the box on the bottom of the truck and stood up, slowly stretching and cracking his back.
“So…” he asked conversationally, “How many more to go?”
Rukia looked at him dryly. “About thirty.” She brushed a piece of hair back from her face and sighed. “But don't worry; I can unpack most of them later.”
Ichigo shook his head. “That won't be necessary. I intend to spend the night anyway.”
Rukia raised an eyebrow, “You do, do you?”
Ichigo nodded and placed his strong hands into the pockets of his tight jeans. “Yes. I do actually. It can be my housewarming gift to you.”
Rukia nodded slowly and grinned, “Alright then. I'll let you warm up my new home, but on one condition.”
Ichigo stepped forward and grasped her by the shoulders; her fingers came and landed on his chest for balance. “And that would be?”
Rukia tilted on her tip toes and stood an inch away from his mouth. “That you don't jump me until after we're finished.”
With that she leaped back and bolted out of the truck.
Ichigo stood, momentarily frozen, while a look of shock passed over his face and his ears turned towards Rukia's receding giggle.
Snapping out of his reverie he leaned his head out of the back of the truck. “That is not fair.” He growled as he grumpily came back to the base of the building. Rukia was near the window again. He could see her fluttering white shirt from the balcony.
With a half-hearted sigh Ichigo rolled his shoulders and headed back upstairs.
“Here we are!”
Rukia cried as she pushed on the brake of the large white truck. Quickly, she unbuckled her seat belt and jumped out onto the curb.
“Mishizu Apartment Complex!” She announced proudly as Ichigo's motorcycle rolled into the space behind the truck. “It's not as big as my other place but… I don't really need that much space now.”
Ichigo pulled his leg off of the bike and nodded. He knew that what she didn't say was: `Now that Renji's gone.'
“One bedroom, one guestroom, a kitchen, and a living area.” Rukia announced proudly.
“Sounds a bit like your old place.” Ichigo commented as he came to stand next to her.
“My other place had a foyer and was on the third floor.”
“What floor is this one on?”
Ichigo glared at her. “Are you trying to give me permanent back problems?”
Rukia smiled at him sweetly. “Just get one of your doctor buddies to fix it for you.”
“I think you enjoy causing me physical pain.” Ichigo muttered as he unlocked the back of the truck. He heaved the sliding door upwards and watched as it hooked itself to the top.
“I think that depends on what you consider physical pain.” Rukia answered coyly as she came up behind him and slipped one of her small hands into the back pocket of his jeans. She squeezed gently and kissed the side of his neck. “Come on, halfway done.”
“So you do know how to give incentive.” Ichigo grinned as he kissed her lightly on the mouth.
“Don't forget, Ichigo,” Rukia warned as she stepped away from him. “I can be just as horny as you.”
“Yeah but you can conceal it better.” He pointed out. “With guys it's a little more obvious.”
Rukia reached to the top and grabbed a box of breakables. “Do you think I like walking around in wet panties? I'm afraid I'll get a rash or something.”
Ichigo let out a loose laugh and kissed her lovingly on the cheek. “Fine then, I won't tease, but you had better keep your promise.”
Rukia turned and looked gave him a sleek smile. “I promise I'll keep my promise.”
“Good… now, fourth floor?” He asked with a groan.
“Yep, let's go.” Rukia said as she mounted the stairs.
Three hours and forty three minutes.
That was how long it took to carry every single box up the stairs, put it into its respective room, take it out, unwrap it, and find some place in the apartment to put it.
Three fucking hours and forty three hellish minutes of constant babbling, squabbling, and all out verbal war.
Ichigo groaned and realized that they could have been finished in only one hour and had sex for the rest of the day but no! Rukia simply had to unpack everything. He felt like a house maid, so far he had mopped the floors, put the sheets on the bed, placed the dishes in the cabinets, moved the furniture in the rooms, and replaced a tacky showerhead with a newer one.
Thank Kami that Rukia wasn't into that zen crap or else she'd be moving everything around each week.
“Are we done yet?” He asked, exhausted.
Rukia popped her head out of her bedroom and raised an eyebrow. “You're not tired are you?”
“As a matter of fact I am.” Ichigo muttered dryly.
“Would it make you feel better to put my lingerie away?” She asked calmly.
“You own lingerie?” Ichigo asked skeptically as he scooted towards the door.
“Silk teddy and all.” She grinned.
Ichigo was at her door in a matter of seconds. Rukia was sitting on the floor, grabbing clothes from a stuffed trash bag and refolding them, neatly placing them in her dresser.
“I'm almost finished.” Rukia said happily. “The clothes are all that really needs to be finished today; I can set up the books, photos, and ornaments tomorrow.”
Ichigo nodded and searched inside the trash bag… something silky… something silky… aha! Grinning, he pulled out a red negligee.
He whistled low. “Damn Rukia…”
She looked up and her eyes widened slightly, quickly she snatched the teddy away and crumpled it into a ball. “Not that one.” She muttered as she tossed it behind her.
Ichigo looked longingly at the silk as it flew over his head.
“Why not?” He whined.
Rukia cocked one eyebrow and sighed. “That… that was Renji's favorite.”
Ichigo turned away from it and wrinkled his nose. “Oh. Never mind. But it's no big deal… just means we have to burn it.”
Rukia let out a small chuckle and tossed other pieces over her shoulder. “Yeah, since I do have a fireplace now.”
Ichigo nodded and scooted over toward her. Slowly, he moved his knee up and placed his elbow on the top. Using his other side he wrapped his warm arm around her shoulder and buried his nose in her hair.
She smelled like fresh cherries and forest rainwater. He nuzzled his nose near her skull and slowly kissed her temple.
“Don't worry about it,” he murmured as he held her close, Rukia leaned into him and sighed. “He let you go. He didn't deserve you.”
“Yeah…” Rukia murmured, she felt the goose-bumps rise on her skin as he kissed her cheek and then moved to her jaw and her neck. She inclined her neck to the side to give him more room. Ichigo licked her pulse point and suckled lightly.
She let out a low moan and raised her hand to tangle it in his hair.
“You're teasing again…” she murmured.
“I know,” he whispered. “You know what I also know?”
“W-What?” She shuddered.
“That we're going to need to buy new lingerie for you.” He said into her neck. “Can I pick it out?”
Rukia laughed slightly and moved away from him. “Perhaps,” she grinned as she stood up and motioned to her new kitchen. “Come on, you must be hungry—we've been working for so long—and I've got some fruit I have to get rid of. We can eat that.”
“Your hair smells like cherries,” Ichigo muttered as she disappeared into the hall and began to take two plates from the cabinet. “That's all the fruit I need right now.”
“Come off it,” Rukia muttered, “Now you're just being corny.”
“Maybe,” he said softly as he came behind her and kissed the back of her neck, “But you know you love it.”
Rukia pulled out a long knife from the top of the counter and held it up so the point was next to the tip of Ichigo's nose. “Careful.” She said, her voice containing a hint of warning, “I'm holding a weapon.”
Ichigo pushed his hips into her tight bottom. Rukia let out a small gasp as she felt his erection pressing against her. “So am I.”
“Let me at least cut the fruit.” She grumbled as he kissed the back of her neck.
“That's fine,” Ichigo murmured, “I'll just be snacking on you.”
Rukia had to concentrate not to cut herself as she chopped up the fruit. First was a cantaloupe, Ichigo sucked on the top of her spine as she peeled off the edges and cut it into small cubes. Next were a few peaches and nectarines. She moved the grapes onto a small plate and Ichigo began to nip at her earlobe. The strawberries she placed next to the grapes and opened her mouth to moan as he licked her throat.
“Not now…” Rukia groaned as she unconsciously ground herself against him. “I'm hungry…”
“Damn it Rukia,” Ichigo chuckled as he leaned against her back until she was cornered to the marble top of the counter. “I've been starving since I got here… but not for food.”
“You're insatiable.” She moaned as she pushed the knife to the end of the counter and arched against him.
“Rukia…” he groaned and grabbed her by the hips, in an instant he picked her up and flipped her around, setting her taut ass on the top of the counter.
Then he was kissing her. Hard, deep, intrusive… his tongue wrapped around hers and his lips scorched hers.
Rukia groaned as he grabbed both sides of her face and pulled her even closer. He invaded every crevice of her mouth until Rukia felt she couldn't breathe. He had never kissed her with such… such need before. He made her feel as if she was his lifeline—the one thing that could satisfy him and keep him sane. Rukia grasped his shoulders and pulled him even closer. Her body pressed against his and her legs opened even wider to accommodate his growing erection.
Rukia hungrily slipped her tongue inside of his mouth and groaned.
Ichigo pulled away from her and looked into her heavy lids as he fingered the bottom of her shirt.
Obediently, Rukia lifted her arms into the air and shivered as Ichigo slowly lifted the tee shirt up and pulled it over her head.
His gaze was burning into her as he palmed her breasts, Rukia began to pant as his hands touched the lace of her bra and burned her skin through the thin material.
Her head fell back onto her shoulders and she closed her eyes as Ichigo's hands came around her back and undid the clasp. He slid the garment down her smooth arms and kissed the valley between her breasts. His tongue emerged from between his teeth and licked the undersides of her perfectly sized breasts.
“You taste so good.” He whispered as he brushed his nose against her taunt nipple. Rukia drew in a breath and giggled slightly as he brushed his lips against her.
“You know what I would also like to taste?” He murmured, one of his hands left her waist and Rukia could feel her skin burning for his touch.
“Hmm?” She murmured lazily.
Rukia gasped the moment she felt a small, chilled cube touch her heated skin. Her eyelids flew open and she reached her hand over to touch the tingling spot.
Her fingers came back sticky and sweet. Her eyes widened and she watched as Ichigo's fingers rubbed a small piece of cantaloupe across her skin and then placed it lovingly inside of his mouth.
Her jaw dropped slightly and Ichigo licked his fingers. “Fruit with a hint of Rukia… tastes so good.”
Rukia felt her breath shorten even more and she shuddered with pleasure. “Do… that again.”
Ichigo grinned and reached over to pick up a strawberry. “Gladly.”
Rukia groaned and rested her elbows on the counter, spreading her legs so his erection pressed solidly against her hot center.
Ichigo placed the strawberry in his mouth so the tip was pointing towards her. His mouth inched towards her small bellybutton and he inserted the strawberry in the tiny hole. Rukia was mewling as Ichigo trailed the delicious fruit up her stomach and swirled it around each of her breasts.
He touched her neck and traced the strawberry on her lips, reddening them with the juices.
“Here,” he murmured, his teeth gently clutching the strawberry, “Taste.”
Rukia opened her mouth obediently and took in the strawberry coated with her scent. She bit one half while Ichigo bit the other. Separately, they took a piece into their mouths and swallowed, Rukia savored the flavor on her tongue and moaned as she felt liquid run down her chin. The red juice dribbled down and she gasped as Ichigo leaned forward to lick it off.
“Mmmm,” Ichigo murmured, “I wish you knew how good you taste.”
Rukia continued to lean backwards until she was lying completely on the counter. “You can… enjoy my taste.”
Ichigo leaned over her and grinned. “I plan to.”
Rukia closed her eyes and arched her back on the cold counter. Without her vision all she could do was touch and listen. The marble was cold on her back, the juice Ichigo was running down her stomach was sticky and smelled sweet: it was a mix of cherries, grapes, peaches, and nectarines. Ichigo's mouth was hot and searching over her abdomen and her breasts. She could hear the squish of the fruit, the sucking sounds of his mouth, and her own mewling moans.
“Taste… so good.” Ichigo moaned as he kissed the skin above her belly button. His hands came to the snap on her jeans and opened it quickly. Rukia lifted her hips so he was able to pull her pants off effectively.
Rukia gasped as the cool stone hit her bare bottom. “Cheater,” she moaned, “You took… off my… panties.”
“Finders keepers.” Ichigo teased, “I've been waiting so long to do this.”
Rukia let out a small scream as Ichigo's tongue rubbed against her clitoris. Her legs wrapped around her neck and she clenched him tightly. Her hands grappled at anything she could reach on the counter. There was nothing. She settled for her breasts instead. Rukia gripped them tightly and teased her nipples into unbelievable hardness.
His tongue was working hard on her, dipping inside of her and teasing her walls. Rukia saw blinding white as his hands joined his searching mouth. One finger… two fingers… each teased her insides, building the pressure inside of her until she knew she was ready to—
“Holy fuck!” Rukia screeched as a cold object rubbed against her core. “What did you—did you—what?”
Ichigo's face appeared between her legs and he grinned. Rukia's eyes widened as she saw him raise a slick slice of a peach into her line of vision, it was dripping with the sweet nectars of her center and its own juices. She gulped loudly as he brought it to his mouth and sucked it.
Just watching him was erotic enough to make her come.
“This taste is purely you.” Ichigo said harshly as he dipped another piece of fruit into her tight fountain. “It's so wonderful.” He bit the cherry and threw away the pit, in a moment his face was between her legs once again.
Rukia was gasping and panting underneath him. The marble was no longer cold and her body was striving against it. She wanted him—she needed him!
“Ichigo!” She cried as she pushed her steaming core against his face. His tongue invaded her deeply and she bit her lip in an attempt to cover her steep scream. Her insides convulsed and she came directly into his mouth.
Wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her body as Ichigo lapped at her. His hands clenched onto her thighs and took them from around his neck.
“Now…” He panted as he unzipped his own pants and pulled her up until she was sitting once again on the counter. Disposed fruit and puddles of juice were spread everywhere.
Rukia placed her hands on the base of his shirt and yanked it over his head. While he was busy kicking his pants off his ankles, Rukia grabbed piece of a nectarine and placed it inside her mouth. Without hesitation she leaned forward and bit into his nipple.
Ichigo let out a small yelp and tightened his hold on her shoulders. He shuddered slightly as she placed the cool nectarine in her mouth against his sensitive skin.
With her palm she caressed and pinched his other nipple. Rukia slowly swallowed her piece of fruit and gasped when Ichigo grappled her by her ass and pulled her forward. The next moment he was inside of her. His erection was stiff and hot and Rukia was clutching him with every muscle she possessed.
Ichigo groaned as he pulled out of her and slammed back inside. Rukia gasped and reached her mouth up towards his. She pried open his lips and forced her tongue inside. Her hands went to tangle in his hair and she crushed her body against his.
Again he pulled out of her and pushed back in. Rukia cried into his mouth as he thrust deep into her—he was touching her, caressing her, massaging delicate parts she never knew she had.
“K-Kami!” Rukia cried as his hand snaked down and touched her clit, rubbing it in a maddening, circular, pattern. Rukia curled her hands around his neck and shrieked as her insides convulsed around his plunging cock and his attentive fingers.
Ichigo kept shoving even as she clenched around him. With a yell of satisfaction he felt his orgasm crash upon him like a tsunami. He clutched her tighter and kissed her intrusively as his cum spewed into her and dripped onto the counter.
Rukia panted hotly onto his neck and moaned as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. Rukia was finding it difficult to sit up straight as he soothed her, slowly, he slid out of her body and placed his forehead on hers.
Rukia looked into his golden-amber eyes and grinned. “I think this was a great housewarming gift, how about you?”
Rukia nodded and grinned. “But you know I'm going to have to wash this counter at least thirty times before it's finally clean.”
Ichigo kissed the tip of her nose, “Or we could officially label this our `sex counter.' I thought the fruit was kind of kinky.”
Rukia cocked her head to the side and smiled even wider. “Our `sex counter…' It's a possibility.”
Ichigo nodded and picked her up off the counter. Stark naked, he walked her across the room and set her on the couch.
“So… when do we go shopping for your lingerie?”