Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ ONS and More ❯ Lawyers and Lingerie ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any Bleach affiliates.
(A/N: Thanks to all my loyal readers out there, this chapter is a bit longer than some of the others but there is more character interaction. I don't know if awuyzaki got my response to his latest review but here it is again: Does that mean you liked it?
Enjoy this new chapter peoples and don't forget to REVIEW! Tituba.)
Lawyers and Lingerie
“No.” Rukia said firmly as she placed the hanger back on the rack. She turned away from Ichigo and shook her head. “No.”
“Why not?” Ichigo gave her a pleading look and even pulled out his bottom lip in a puppy-dog pout. “I think this one would look great on you.”
“Ichigo,” Rukia snarled as she pushed the piece of fabric back onto the hanger. “I would like to wear something that is more than just two pieces of string.”
“But what's the point when I'm just going to take it off anyway?” He pointed out as he scooted the hanger back to the front.
“Then what's the point of me buying it at all?” She muttered as she rolled her eyes.
“Well, I guess that would be okay,” Ichigo said as he held the slight, silk, teddy in front of her body. “I mean, you'd be walking around the apartment—naked—after we've had sex… I don't see anything wrong with that.”
Rukia eyes widened and her mouth opened in surprise. “What? No! I'd wear a—”
“But if you kept that up,” Ichigo continued, completely ignoring her, “I would be walking around with an erection all day and we'd just be having sex time after time—not eating, not sleeping, and not working until we'd eventually die of starvation. We'd die in bliss of course, screaming each others names as we came, but we'd still die.”
“But I—”
“Then when we get to wherever we end up going you'd still be naked and I'd still be inside you. When I got out of you I'd simply want you again because you would be naked and then we'd just go on and on until they kicked us out of wherever we were and—”
“Stop!” Rukia cried as she jerked the piece of tight silk off the rack. “I'll buy it! Just shut up!”
Ichigo grinned and kissed her forehead. “I knew I'd break you.”
Rukia pushed him away and shook her head. “I'm not a horse, damn it,” she scowled. “And trust me,” she growled as she scooted over to another rack and picked up a piece of silk that was less revealing than the one Ichigo had chosen. “I'm not going to be the one who breaks first.”
“Whatever,” Ichigo said as he fingered a bright red bra. “I'm a man. Men don't break.”
Rukia raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Men also don't scream, right?”
“Absolutely,” he confirmed as he slipped his arm around her waist and nodding to an old man; the man was standing near a display rack and picking up a pair of women's bloomers.
“Then what were you doing last night when I was biting and sucking on your cock?” Rukia asked sweetly as they passed a group of ancient women who were squabbling with a young clerk. Three of them—the ones with hearing aides—turned their heads and widened their eyes.
Ichigo glared down into her opaque eyes. She grinned at him and raised a wicked eyebrow. “Well?”
Ichigo sighed, turned, and wrapped both arms around her waist. He kissed her lazily and tasted her with ease. Rukia opened her mouth and rose on her tiptoes to meet him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the old man and the ancient women turn completely to watch them. She grinned as she teased her tongue with his.
When she stepped back the room spun slightly and whispers were flittering around the room.
“On second thought, I think I'm going to enjoy wearing these.” She said softly as she motioned to her selections.
Ichigo nodded and turned her towards the check out counter. “I think I'll enjoy you wearing them as well… which is why I'm buying.”
Rukia smiled up at him, “I thought you were a poor med student.”
He grinned and dropped three silk teddies on the counter; a young woman wearing a see-through blouse greeted them and began checking them out. “I'm a poor med student with a very generous father. One who believes every young man should entertain a very healthy sex life.”
He pulled out a credit card and swiped it easily. The girl behind the counter bundled up the purchases and handed them to Rukia. Her nose ring glinted in the fluorescent lights and she grinned, “Enjoy!” She said sweetly.
“Oh,” Rukia answered mawkishly, “We will.”
She slipped her hand into Ichigo's and walked out of the store.
They walked for a few minutes in silence, enjoying the sights and sounds of the large mall. Shops advertising jewelry, clothing, bath accessories, watches, giant cookies, games, cell phones, computers, suits, music, movies, and food surrounded them. Hundreds of people walked past them and Rukia watched them all: a girl with purple hair, a boy with pierced nipples, a young mother trying to control her two kids, a girl crying into her cell phone… there were so many people who were completely oblivious to how happy she was.
Rukia's hand tightened in Ichigo's, the bag at her side was swinging lightly. Today had gone by in a flurry of enjoyment.
After he they had had sex on the counter Ichigo had actually allowed her to finish setting up the apartment, he had even helped put some of her stuff away. After another dinner of ripened fruit—Rukia's insides heated at the thought—they had gone to bed and had sex twice more before finally falling asleep.
Rukia glanced up at Ichigo and saw his confident face as he greeted an old couple holding hands. She turned her face down and felt a happy blush stain her cheeks.
Rukia had woken up that morning to a soft and insistent face between her legs. Ichigo made her have an orgasm even before she was fully awake. Rukia shuddered and began to rub her thumb over his fingers. When they were finished she took a shower—Rukia insisted on going separately or else they'd never get out of her house— and she had made toast and orange juice before telling him they were taking a trip to the mall.
Ichigo had groaned and mumbled but agreed nonetheless. He did, however, tell her that they were taking his motorcycle, no questions asked. Rukia groaned and mumbled right back at him but agreed—then she went back to her bedroom to change into a pair of pants and a spaghetti strap shirt.
While she slipped them on she contemplated telling Ichigo her little secret, but decided against it. She didn't feel like telling him that she actually enjoyed riding his motorcycle now—there was just so much freedom involved with being strapped to the back of a freely moving vehicle.
It was even kind of hot.
However she did not want to give him the idea that the motorcycle would be their only mode of transportation. She didn't want him to figure out that riding his bike would make her ready for sex.
The day at the mall had been a blur. They had gone into many different types of stores and shops: Ichigo had rubbed lotion on her shoulders in the bath store, they had seen clips from their favorite movies in the video store, they had played on new computers in the electronics store, and they had even bought a gigantic cookie, which they ate together.
Then there was the lingerie store, Rukia had tried on many different pieces and modeled each before him. However, after the third one he told her to stop before he had sex with her in the dressing room. It was only after she saw the pained expression on his face, the sweat on his brow, and the erection pressing into his pants that Rukia had giggled and promised he could have her when they went back to her place.
He nodded and grinned, telling her to make good on her promise.
Now they were walking around, holding hands and observing the hundreds of different people around them.
A boy and girl wearing matching tee shirts, an old couple wearing ancient hats, a twosome with their hands in each others pants pockets, her brother, a forty-something year old woman kissing a twenty-something year old man, a pair wearing baseball jerseys, a boy and girl around five years old, shyly holding hands while being watched closely by their parents.
Her brother.
“Get down!” Rukia hissed as she shoved Ichigo into a small crevice that was blocked by a fake fichus plant.
“What the—ah!” Ichigo cried as he tumbled down, his hand tugged on Rukia's and she yelped but ended up being dragged along with him.
She landed squarely on his chest and squirmed to release her fingers from his. Hurriedly, she adjusted her position and crouched behind the fichus pot. She inched her head upwards and scanned the vast expanse of the mall, looking for one person in particular who had the power to ruin her perfect day.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Ichigo cried as he wriggled on the floor and attempted to get up.
“Shut up and stay down,” Rukia hissed as she grabbed the belt loop on Ichigo's pants and tugged him back down. He landed with a solid thud on his bottom and groaned something about a bruise.
Her dark eyes kept scanning: blue hair… pierced nipples… old people… five year olds… nothing.
“Oh hell,” Rukia muttered as she pushed a piece of the fake bush out of the way. “Where did he go?”
Beside her, Ichigo growled, fake dirt had smeared his knees and he was rather cramped in the small corner she had stuffed him in. “Once again,” he grumbled, “What the fuck are you doing?”
Rukia shot him an icy glare and snarled, “Unless you want to meet your premature death—and by that I mean meet my brother—I suggest you stay put and shut up.”
Ichigo's eyes widened. “Your brother? Your brother is here?”
Rukia nodded and crept forward a bit more, her nose was level with the pot of the fake plant. “Yes, I just saw him come out of the tailor's.” She bit her lip and furrowed her brow. “Fuck. I should have known, he mentioned he needed a new suit last time we talked.”
Ichigo leaned forward a bit and scanned the crowd with Rukia. “What does he look like?”
“Tall, slim, handsome… I guess,” she shrugged her shoulders and scooted closer towards Ichigo—for some reason, his presence was comforting. “He always wears a suit and has shiny shoes. Angular face, black hair with white dressings in them—his hair falls so it looks pointed—and always a white tie; sometimes he wears a small pin on his lapel, it's a metallic cherry blossom.” She swallowed and leaned forward a bit more. “He also looks like he could kill ten men by just looking at them.”
Ichigo turned and gave her a bizarre look. Shaking his head he went back to scanning the crowd.
“Oh Kami,” Rukia muttered as she worried her lip, “I don't know if he saw me or not. And if he saw me he most definitely saw you. Not good, not good, not good.”
Ichigo turned and frowned at her. “Wait… why `not good?'”
Rukia bit her lip and turned to face him, her face one of guilt and slight pain.
Ichigo's expression became one of injured neutrality. “You haven't told him, have you?”
Rukia's eyes were cast down and she swallowed audibly. “Not… exactly.”
Ichigo's emotionless eyes went back to scanning—not that he was looking for anything… his heart was just doing something funny, he was waiting for it to stop. It felt like a sort of pressure was squeezing it or a weight was pressing against it.
“It's just… complicated.” She said as she twisted her fingers in her lap. She was no longer looking at the crowd of people. Her heart and her eyes felt heavy, she wanted it to pass.
“Complicated.” Ichigo stated blandly. “Okay.”
Rukia looked over and glared at him. “He liked Renji, okay?” She said coldly, Ichigo looked up at her pained expression and felt the pressure on his chest lessen slightly. “Always—not that he would tell anyone, but he did.”
She looked up and stared blankly out at the passing crowd. “I told you my brother is a lawyer, right? A prosecutor, one of the best in the country. I also told you that Renji and I work at the same ad agency. That's also true, but Renji is one of the company's business lawyers—dealing with people who sue, infringement rights, stuff like that—whereas I work in actual advertising.”
Ichigo could feel the tenseness leaving his body and he nodded.
“Well, when Renji and I were dating he mentioned to my brother that he would like to get into criminal law and become a prosecutor just like him, Byakuya just stared at him and didn't say a word. When Renji came home the next day though, he told me how my brother had left a memo at the office, telling him that there was an opening at his firm and that he could take the place.”
Ichigo watched her posture and saw her shoulders slump in depression, almost against his will, he came closer.
“Renji was ecstatic to be studying under my brother,” Rukia continued, “He watched him in court and was mesmerized by him—everyone always was. He wanted to be better than him—to compete on the same level as my brother. Eventually, he began to work his own cases… soon they got tougher and tougher and he's gotten better and better. It's been three years and he and Renji are still working together.” She smiled dryly and shook her head. “But he's still not as good as Byakuya. It makes him so mad but it also makes him try harder.”
Ichigo reached his hand out to hers; she grasped it tightly and swallowed.
“My brother is comfortable around him, he might not like Renji's history or—sometimes—his ethics, but he likes him.” She cast her head down and licked her dry lips. “That's why I haven't told him. I'm afraid he'll be so stuck on Renji that he won't give you a chance.”
Ichigo felt the pressure on his heart completely disappear. He smiled softly and bent to press a soft kiss to Rukia's full lips.
She accepted him and gently opened her lips to allow him access to her taste.
In his kiss Ichigo tried to pour his feelings for her. He didn't know how to describe how Rukia Kuchiki made him feel with words, so he did it with his lips.
Hot and cold, safe and dangerous, kind and evil… she made him feel everything.
He also tried to tell her that he understood. He knew how she felt and would wait as long as she wanted before he met her brother.
When Ichigo pulled back he smiled into her dark eyes, which were now a mixture of hardness and sadness.
“It's okay,” he said softly, “I get it.”
Rukia bit her lip and began another explanation but Ichigo silenced her with a chaste kiss. “Don't worry about it.” He confirmed. “I understand.”
Rukia stayed silent for a moment before smiling softly. She nodded and leaned forward. Ichigo wrapped his arms around her and buried his nose into her hair. She smelled so good.
They were quiet for a few moments before Ichigo released her from the embrace and shifted uncomfortably. “Is he gone now? I'm sore all over.”
Rukia smiled into his eyes and turned to peer out at the people around them.
She took in a breath and shook her head. “I don't see him.” She murmured.
Ichigo smiled and nodded, “Good, because my legs are sore.” He got up and stretched his tense body. Smiling, he offered his hand to Rukia and pulled her up against him.
“Come on,” He said as he led her out from behind the fake plant, “We need to get back to your place, lest I start to fuck you from behind the fichus.”
Rukia smiled and kissed Ichigo on the cheek. “Maybe I'll just get a fichus for my apartment.”
“We could do that.” He shrugged as he pulled her out of the crevice, her hand slipped into his and she clutched it tightly. “We could even put it on our counter.”
Rukia pulled her shirt on straight and smiled. It was okay now, Ichigo still liked her, he understood… he would wait for her to be ready.
Rukia leaned her head against his shoulder and drank in his delightful scent.
“Thank you.” She whispered.
Ichigo nodded and kissed the top of her head. “Don't worry about it.”
Rukia turned her body towards the exit and kept her head on his shoulder. This was one of the reasons why she lo—
“`Fuck you from behind the fichus?'”
Rukia's form turned to ice as the stoic voice penetrated her brain and permeated her insides.
Her hand tightened in Ichigo's and her feet stopped moving. Slowly, she tugged on him until he followed her. The pair twisted until they saw a black suited man sitting on a small bench beside their the recently vacated crevice.
Ichigo saw his face as he turned his solid features towards them. He was exactly as Rukia had described him: pointed hair with white dressings, locked jaw, tall, and a stare that could have easily killed an entire army of men with a single glare. He looked physically strong for a lawyer who paced around a courtroom all day… like those of a boxer or a swordsman. His hands, however, looked like those of nobility—white but strong, able to take on any challenge. He looked like he was in his late twenties or early thirties; in Ichigo's opinion he was way too young to look so… hard.
His cold, grey eyes flicked towards the two of them—still holding hands.
Rukia's stance was rigid and pained as she looked fearfully at the man she called her brother. Ichigo glanced between the two of them and felt his own stare harden slightly. He didn't like Rukia being scared this badly, especially if it was by her own kin.
The eyes finally settled on Rukia… it looked like he was condemning her to an execution.
“Brother…” Rukia breathed, her grip on Ichigo was tight and she didn't want to let go of him.
Byakuya Kuchiki stood up slowly and walked towards them; he was easily taller than Ichigo by a few inches and had a look to kill in his eyes.
He stood before both of them and looked pointedly down at their hands, linked intimately at the fingers.
“Rukia…” he said clearly and coldly, “You have some explaining to do.”
Rukia curled her feet underneath her legs and sat back on the couch. She reached onto the small table beside the overstuffed piece of furniture and grabbed her glass of wine. Taking a small sip she let the alcohol settle on her tongue then burn down her throat.
Absentmindedly, she wiped a small tear from her eye.
The ride back to her apartment had been a silent one. She had not ridden on Ichigo's motorcycle—the vehicle she actually wanted to ride—instead she had traveled in her brothers' car.
Her eyes had been glued on the rearview mirror the entire time, trying to see if Ichigo was actually following them on his bike. Half of her mind was telling her that he would follow the car; the other half knew that he should run far, far, away.
Byakuya's stony face did not change throughout their ride back to her new apartment. Rukia had not even dared to speak to him, she simply sat in the passenger seat, her bag of lingerie still clutched in her hands.
However, even though silence was overpowering the ringing in her ears was even more deafening.
Byakuya knew the way to her place even though she had not yet told him where she lived. He pulled into a parking space and turned off the car. The two of them waited for a moment before the sound of a purring motorcycle engine caught their attention.
Byakuya flicked his cold, grey eyes up and stared into the rearview mirror. “Well,” his voice was freezing, “At least this boy has a spine.”
“Brother,” Rukia said softly. “He's not bad.”
Byakuya didn't even bother looking at her. “I'll be the one to decide that.”
“Just give him a chance.” She whispered, her voice carried a bit of a pleading tone to it.
“How long?” He asked her as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
“How long, Rukia?” He said again as his elegant hand rested on the doorknob. “How long have you two been… fucking?”
Rukia flinched at the way he said the word. It wasn't like she had done anything wrong… had she?
“Almost two months.” She answered softly.
“Almost is not two.” He said. Ichigo was off his motorcycle now, he was leaning against it patiently, but his eyes were constantly flicking towards the somber siblings. “If you continue this you could shame the name I allowed you to take.”
“There is no shame, Brother.” Rukia said softly.
“There is if he is a random man who thinks of you as nothing more than a toy.” He spat as he pushed the door out and stood swiftly.
Rukia felt a wall begin to settle in her throat.
Even now, six hours later, the wall was still there. Rukia took another sip of her wine and glanced at the tasteful clock hanging on the wall. It was already after nine. Rukia closed her eyes and placed her hand on her temple.
Her heart wasn't breaking.
It really wasn't.
“You, boy, what is your name?” Byakuya asked as he walked into Rukia's apartment and surveyed the area with passivity.
Rukia entered after Byakuya, her body was rigid and stiff, to Ichigo she looked like a frightened animal.
Ichigo came into the apartment next, he felt nervous. Kami, he hadn't felt this nervous since the first time he had asked a girl out on a date.
“My name is Ichigo.” He answered, Rukia shot him a fearful stare and he finished, “Kurosaki. Ichigo Kurosaki.”
“I did not ask you to say it twice.” Byakuya said stiffly. He moved to the sitting room and sat in the center of the large couch. He motioned to the two separate chairs in the room. “Sit.”
Ichigo waited for Rukia to move first, she walked heavily across the room and sat onto one of the chairs. He followed her and sat on the other chair, in a swift glance he realized that Rukia was clenching her hands into fists; they were resting on her knees. Ichigo also saw that she was still holding her shopping bag.
“You would be wise to look at me, boy, instead of my sister.”
Ichigo looked up at the stoic man sitting across from him, Kami, his stare was like having a bucket of icy water poured over his entire body. Ichigo didn't even want to look into his eyes… instead he wanted to go over to Rukia and hold her until the tenseness left her muscles.
“Now,” said Byakuya as he crossed his legs, “How long have you been sleeping with my sister?”
“Almost two months,” Ichigo said clearly.
“Almost two months is not two months.” He answered.
Rukia winced.
Ichigo's eyes hardened slightly. “Alright then…” he looked at his watch. “We've been sleeping together for forty two days, fifteen hours, and twenty two minutes.”
Byakuya's eyes became slits of anger, “I do not like your tone, boy.”
“It's Ichigo.” He retorted.
“It's unnecessary.” He replied.
Rukia felt the walls slowly close in on the room as her brother and her lover stared each other down.
“Boy,” Byakuya began, “Let me make sure you understand something.” He leaned forward and stared hard at Ichigo.
“The name `Kuchiki' is a prominent name. We are a great family and we are known throughout the world. It was a privilege for Rukia to be adopted at such an age into my family and it is her job to uphold our prestigious name.”
His gaze darkened to a black glare. “She cannot do the duty to her name if she sleeps around with a man who considers her no better than some slut he picked up in a bar.”
Rukia's cheeks burned brightly and her mind flashed back to the night they met. In any truth she picked up him.
“Brother…” she murmured.
“Rukia,” Byakuya said harshly, “If you know what is good for you… you will stay out of this.”
“Don't talk to her like that.”
The daggers Byakuya's eyes shot at Ichigo would have downed a giant. He stood swiftly and took a step forward. “Do not be so bold as to think you can tell me how to speak to my sister.”
Ichigo stood and glared directly back at his accuser, “Well then, this shouldn't come as a surprise to you. Rukia shouldn't carry the privilege of your name, your name should carry the privilege of her.”
Rukia felt a small tear roll down cheek, her palms were sweating and her muscles were beginning to cramp at the pressure she was holding them under.
Her heart was also beginning to do something funny.
Byakuya's face was clouding with fury. “Do not, in any way, test me… boy.”
“It's Ichigo.”
“Never again are you to see my sister.”
“I don't think that's your decision to make.” He said.
“It is as long as she bears the Kuchiki name.” Byakuya said clearly. Death was in every syllable he spoke.
“Brother… please…”
“You will not protest.” Byakuya said—his voice was almost a snarl. “If I have anything to say about this you will return to Renji.”
“Brother… it was Renji who left me!” She cried, she tried to get up from the chair but her legs didn't want to support her.
Byakuya looked from Rukia to Ichigo then back to Rukia. “I see. Rukia, you are not to see this boy again. You and Renji might be away from each other but you will not settle for some hooligan from the streets.”
“No, Rukia…”
Her eyes widened and she looked up at Ichigo. He was staring at her brother but was talking to her. “Don't worry.” He turned towards her and offered a small, half smile. “I don't want things to get any worse for you. I'll leave.”
`But I don't want you to leave!' Rukia wanted to scream.
“That is a wise decision.” Byakuya said acidly.
Ichigo glared at him, “I'm doing this for her… not for you.” He walked towards her brother and moved until he was standing dangerously close. Her brothers' tailored suit was almost brushing Ichigo's leather jacket. “Like it or not I care for Rukia, and that's just something you'll have to deal with.”
With that, Ichigo left. A gap of silence stood alive in his wake.
Rukia finished her glass of wine and felt the strap of the teddy Ichigo picked out fall from her shoulder. Gloomily, she put it back in place and rubbed a hand over her red eyes.
Kami, he hadn't even been gone for a day and already she missed him. Rukia lay back on the couch and tried to shut her swollen eyes. She couldn't, resistance was futile, her life was a pile of crap.
“Kami…” she whispered, maybe one more glass…
Rukia rose from the couch and felt the cool air move across her skin. She wanted him here. Beside her. She was going to be so cold tonight.
Stupid name… stupid family… why did Byakuya have to make him go away?
She knew she should be angry at him, she should have screamed, yelled, kicked, and cursed at him. Instead she just let her brother go, his icy stare leaving the room in subzero temperatures.
Rukia opened the refrigerator and tried to swallow the horrendous lump that was still lodged inside of her throat.
But that was just the way her brother was. It was what made him such a formidable opponent in the courtroom and it was what made the Kuchiki name so renowned. Rukia snorted as she grabbed the bottle of red wine…
The same bottle she had opened for Ichigo on their second date.
It didn't matter though… her brother's word was law; in the six years she had been related to him she now knew how he operated: what he said everyone else did… no arguments.
Should anyone dare to disobey him… well, they spent 25 to life in prison.
Rukia was ready to pour her glass when the doorbell rang. She jumped slightly and placed her hand to her chest. Who was ringing at this hour? Was it her brother? Was he coming to check on her? To make sure she wasn't the whore he thought she was?
Rukia swallowed and looked down at herself, the teddy barely covered her but she didn't care. If anything her brother would simply look over the top of her head and not at her barely clad body.
She set the glass on the counter and moved to her door. Her slow fingers unlatched the locks and she swung the fixture open.
Rukia gasped.
Ichigo was standing on the other side of the threshold. He was wearing the same clothing he had worn earlier today but he looked rumpled and disheveled. His hands were stuffed into his pockets and his eyes were downcast. Shadows from the fading lights were crisscrossing his face and she saw the slight stubble on his chin as well as the dark shadows under his eyes.
She stared at him as if he were from a hero from a dream.
Ichigo shifted and spoke in a dry voice, “I… don't really know what I'm doing here.” He looked up into her face and saw her eyes, dusty and dry from tears.
His eyes traveled down and his breath caught in his throat. The black, silk, teddy he had chosen for her was draped over her body, hugging every curve and complimenting every feature.
He inclined his head and stepped forward, past the threshold and into her apartment. “I do, however, know this,” he placed his hands on her shoulders and rubbed her soft skin. “Your brother is scarier than Satan incarnate. He has every reason to dislike me. And I'm not good enough for you.”
“Ichigo—” Rukia began, but he shook his head.
“I also know that I care for you… I'm not really sure how much, but I do.” He swallowed and looked deep into her eyes. “And I'm certain that I'm not going away… no matter what Satan incarnate says.”
“Ichigo…” she whispered, her hands came up to clutch his shirt. She felt more vulnerable yet more secure than she ever had in her life. “Please, don't leave me tonight.”
His hands wrapped around her neck and she whimpered as his lips brushed hers. “I won't… I promise.”
Not another word was said before his mouth devoured hers.
Rukia whimpered softly and dug her fingernails into his leather jacket. His scent was surrounding her, making her crazy with need. Viciously, she shoved closer to him and pushed the door closed. Ichigo took the opportunity and wrapped his arms around her small body. His hands were running up and down her curves, touching everything he could reach. His actions were needy and giving at the same time. He seemed desperate for her.
His tongue rammed into her mouth and she groaned as he bit her lip and stroked the brim of her jaw. Rukia crushed his head closer to hers; she had never felt such a strong need for anyone in her life.
Her hands came to the zipper of his jacket and she ripped it open, now wasn't the time for leisurely pleasure or teasing. She needed him now, hot and ready and inside of her.
His jacket was on the floor and in a matter of seconds Rukia was working on the buttons. Ichigo still hadn't released her mouth, if anything his kiss intensified and left her breathlessly panting.
His hands were not idle either, they were ravaging her body, touching her skin through the thin silk gauze she was wearing. His fingers tweaked her nipples and his hands palmed her breasts. His knee slipped between her legs and inched the teddy upwards.
He broke his kiss and panted breathlessly as he shrugged his shirt off quickly. “I knew that would look good on you.” His hot breath caressed her neck and slid over her skin like heated oil.
Rukia nodded as she arched the white column of her neck and allowed him to nip, bite, and suckle, on her. His slight beard scraped at her neck and she felt the goose bumps rise on her skin. She groaned and ran her hands over his chest. It was hard as a rock and soft as flower petals. Her nails teased his chiseled abdomen and lowered even further until it was resting on the tip of his jeans.
“Ka-Kami,” Rukia hissed as his hands ran down the backs of her thighs and slowly lifted her up. Her body slid sensually against his as she inched upwards and wrapped her legs around his waist.
Ichigo's hands moved across her back and pattered against her bare skin. She shuddered as she curled around him; he slid the strap of her teddy down her shoulder and kissed the junction of her neck. He bit down lightly and she pressed her core against him.
Rukia moaned when she felt the cool wall being pressed against her back.
Thank Kami I haven't finished putting up the pictures. Rukia thought hazily as Ichigo's hands slid to her thighs and pulled her teddy up.
She groaned and sent her own fingers to the snap on Ichigo's dark jeans. She tugged the zipper down as he pulled her night gown up. Ichigo finished first and tugged the silk off of her body. It fluttered down the wall and caught on the edge of the couch.
She closed her eyes and sighed as his head dipped down to suck her hard nipples. The stubble on his chin scraped the sensitive skin and caused her to rub and buck quickly against him.
Her hands finished their task and Ichigo's pants dropped to the floor. She tugged down his boxers and saw them pool directly at his ankles.
Ichigo switched his mouth from one breast to the other and kicked his pants behind him.
Rukia's hands tangled in his hair and she arched against him. She was wet and hot and ready for him. She wanted him now.
“Ichigo,” she moaned desperately, she applied enough pressure to pull his head up to hers and kiss him intrusively on the mouth. “Please… please… I want—need you inside me—n-now!”
Ichigo looked into her eyes and she saw an intensity she had never seen before. It burned her, melted her, liquefied her insides until she was nothing more than a puddle of feeling.
Ichigo jerked upwards and sheathed himself inside of her.
It took every ounce of self control Rukia possessed not to scream his name to high heaven.
Ichigo rested inside her for a moment before grabbing her hands and swinging them over their head. Now the only thing keeping her pinned to the wall was his erection pushing deeper inside of her than ever. His body pressed against hers and she whimpered as he began to slowly tease her inner walls.
Rukia's head thrashed from side to side as he pushed in and out of her. She whimpered and moaned as he went faster and faster. Sweat was beginning to drip down their faces and bodies; it made the movements between them slick and heated.
Ichigo's mouth crashed on hers once again and she cried out into his mouth. He felt like home, he tasted like danger, and he moved like a god.
Rukia felt her climax approach and wretched her mouth from Ichigo's. Her hands were jerked from his grasp and she wrapped them around his damp shoulder.
She buried her face in the crook of his neck and pressed her body as close as she could to his.
Her orgasm hit her hard and fast and gripped Ichigo's cock tightly. Her juices ran down his erection and he began to jerk as his own climax approached.
“Don't stop,” Rukia cried breathlessly and he pounded into her with even more ferocity, “Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop.”
Ichigo gave one final thrust before he erupted inside of her. His liquid heat filled her to the brim and shot warmth through every nerve in her body.
He pressed his body against hers, crushing her to the wall and wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Rukia…” he murmured as he burned his cheek against her neck, he pulled out of her and instantly missed her intense heat. “Rukia, Rukia, Rukia…” he inhaled deeply and sighed. “You smell so good. You feel so good. You taste so good. You… you…” he sighed again and leaned back slowly.
He did not let go of Rukia as he carried her to her bedroom and set her down on the bed. Her eyes were half-closed in a drowsy stupor and as he lay down beside her she reached over to pull him close.
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. She slipped the bed sheets over them and buried her face into his chest.
Rukia listened to the beating of his heart until it fell into a peaceful rhythm.
She smoothed her hands over his chest and moved them up to his face. Slowly, she brushed a lock of his bright orange hair out of his sleeping face.
Rukia knew… she knew it perfectly well…
She was falling… hard, deep, and fast.
She just wasn't sure if she was ready for the impact.