Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Until We Meet Again ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Until We Meet Again Chapter 3
Meeting you was fate,
Becoming your friend was a choice,
But falling in love with you
I had no control over.”
A luminous glow of red hues filled the early morning sky. The Kuchiki household was completely silent, as the inhabitants continued their blissful slumber. Except for one.
A lone figure watched the sun slowly rising, clutching her robes tightly to fend off the cold air that sent shivers down her spine. Turning once more to make certain there was no one else awake, she crept out into the garden beyond the house. She followed the small stone path that twisted and turned throughout the garden, deep in thought. It was sometime before she began to hear sounds of life within the house. She sighed when she heard her name being called. Someone must have realized that she was no longer in her room, and there was now a search for her.
She turned slowly and headed back to the house, raising her eyes when she felt a presence in front of her. She bit her lip when she found her brother standing in front of her, a disapproving expression apparent on his face. He did not say a word, but she understood and quietly followed him back into the house.
After changing, she walked to the main room, where breakfast was set. Her brother was already seated, but his food remained untouched.
“Rukia…” he said quietly as she sat down.
“Yes…Nisama…” Rukia replied hesitantly.
She felt nervous as he continued to watch her silently. He finally shook his head with a sigh. “As we are all aware, today is the day that I have allowed you and Renji to return to Karakura in order to visit your friends. I trust that you will still keep your promise…”
Rukia looked down at the food that was placed in front of her. “I understand, Nisama. And I will keep my promise…”
Byakuya nodded and got up.
Rukia looked at him as he began walking out. “What about your breakfast, Nisama?”
Byakuya did not turn to look at her. “I am not hungry. I need to return to the division to give some more instructions to Renji before you both set off in the evening…” With that, he left the room, leaving Rukia in deep thought.
It had been nearly five years since she had returned to Karakura. She would be lying if she said she was not nervous about the entire thing. Though knowing she would finally be able to meet all of her friends was a comfort, meeting one other in particular made her nervous. Five years had passed, and much had changed for her. She wondered whether it was the same for him. He was a foolish one, always stubborn with his reasons and actions. Would he have taken this chance as a means to move on? Or would he be like her…still continuing to remember what had transpired between them before they parted. She rubbed her forehead, weary from not sleeping the entire night. She just couldn't…she knew her life was about to change tonight…and she wasn't sure if it would be for the better…
It was evening before she knew it. Renji was speaking silently with Byakuya, much to her annoyance. She crossed her arms, wondering what was being said. Finally, as the sun began to fade in the distance, Renji turned to her with a small smile.
“Ready, Rukia?”
She sighed and nodded. “Ready as I'll ever be…lets go…”
They turned to the opened portal and entered. Their feet quietly landed on the soft blades of grass. The night air here was somewhat warmer then in Soul Society, but there was still the calming breeze that brought certain tranquility. They looked around the park, attempting to locate their friends. Rukia turned to Renji, who shrugged slightly and suggested they search for them. She nodded, frowning slightly as they walked, wondering if their friends had forgotten that they were to meet tonight. She was thinking of the different things she would argue about with Ichigo for forgetting, when the sound of his voice stopped her dead in her tracks.
“When I see Rukia and Renji…I'm going to…I'm going to…”
A nerve shot up on her forehead as she raised her brow as Renji watched her in amusement. She looked at him, a grin beginning to spread on her face as she turned to where Ichigo and everyone else stood.
“You're going to do what…Baka?”
She saw as Ichigo turned suddenly towards her, and her breath failed her for that one moment. His amber eyes pierced her own amethyst eyes. True, he could not see her as she was blanketed in the shadows, but she was fully capable of seeing him…and it was at that one point that she remembered the moment they parted…and knew she was in big trouble. Renji went ahead, greeting everyone. Ichigo continued to watch her silently. She took a deep breath, and made her way out of the shadows. Inoue suddenly ran up to her, embracing her in a tight hug. Rukia stood shocked for a moment, before her emotions took a hold of her. She smiled, gently hugging her friend back. She parted, and turned her attention to the rest of her friends. Ichigo still remained apart from everyone, not saying anything. She sighed. She would have to be the first then. Turning slowly, she began walking to him.
……………………… ;
Ichigo could feel his feet firmly cemented to the ground as she approached him, her smile growing wider. They stood facing one another, before Rukia folded her arms and raised her eyebrow. She started to get slightly irritated as he remained silently, no emotions playing across his face that could tell her how he was feeling. She was aware the eyes that were on them, but her attention was on him and getting him to say something.
“Rukia…” Rukia stared as Ichigo flustered slightly, scratching the back of his head; a sure sign that he was nervous.
She bit her lip slightly to suppress the smile playing on her face. “Baka…I see you after so long, and you still have that expression that makes me want to kick you upside the head…”
For the first time, Ichigo smiled that cocky grin she knew so well.
“Well, why didn't you?” he asked, raising his brow.
A slight flush appeared on Rukia's cheek before punching him on his arm. Ichigo winced slightly, rubbing his arm and looking at her.
Rukia's light grin turned completely mischevious. “Weelll, I was trying to be nice, since we haven't seen each other in ages…but if you insist…”
“Brat…” he muttered, but still grinning.
“Baka…” she retorted, sticking her tongue at him.
They chuckled, and looked around when they heard a cough from behind. The rest of the group was watching them with amusement. After one last glance at Ichigo, Rukia turned and walked over to them. Ichigo continued to smile, as he watched her. She had not changed at all…and for this he was glad.
The gang decided to stop by the nearest restaurant to get something to eat. The atmosphere was brimming with excitement as they all seated themselves, and immediately began talking about what they had been up to since the last time they met. Everyone was still continuing their studies in the local universities for their own respective career choices. Ishida and Ichigo were both concentrating in medicine, while Inoue told Rukia of her desire to be a teacher. Everyone was pleasantly surprised to hear that Rukia had been appointed vice captain to the 13th division a year ago, and even more when Renji gave the news that he had just been appointed as a captain for the 3rd division. The ceremony was to be held in a few days, and many congratulations were exchanged to him. Ichigo sat back and just enjoyed the feeling of having everyone there. It just seemed like old times, and the joy in everyone's voice brought a smile on his face. They had all grown slightly distance in the last few years after they had graduated from high school. Now it seemed as if nothing had happened; everyone was together as they once were.
His eyes lingered on Rukia and Inoue, who were in a deep private conversation. He frowned slightly when he saw that Inoue looked stressed, while Rukia's brows were furrowed slightly. Inoue's eyes finally lowered, and Rukia turned to her with a soft smile, and said quietly, “It's really alright, Inoue. It's not your fault…”
Ichigo looked around and noticed he was not the only one whose attention was on the two girls.
“What is the matter, you two?” Ishida asked with concern at seeing Inoue looking thoroughly depressed.
Both girls looked at each other hesitantly. Rukia sighed. “Er, well I was supposed to be staying with Inoue at her apartment that she shares with Tatsuki…but it seems that they had unexpected guests last night…”
Inoue shook her head. “I'm so sorry, Kuchiki-san…Tatsuki's family just surprised us and decided to stay a few days…and now the apartment is so packed with people…”
Rukia shook her head, her smile never leaving her face. “Really, Inoue, it's alright! Please don't give it another thought. I'll just stay elsewhere…”
Rukia's eyes met Ichigo, and her grin was enough for him to know what she was going to ask.
“Ichigo…would your family mind if I stay there? After all, you father did make me his third daughter…” she grinned wider, making Ichigo shake his head.
“If you want to stay there, you can ask. But I don't live there anymore just so you know…”
When Rukia looked at him questioningly, he sighed. “I moved out of the house because it was far away from the university. I live in an apartment nearby…”
Renji interrupted with a huge grin. “WHAT?! Ichigo, you have your own place! We can bunk there then!”
Both Ichigo and Rukia stared at him in shocked silence.
“Er, Renji, weren't you planning on staying at Urahara's this time?” Rukia asked him. “You said you had something to discuss with him…”
This time Inoue frowned. “But Urahara doesn't live here anymore…”
The entire table went quiet as both Renji and Rukia turned to her. Renji scratched his head, frustrated. “What do you mean, Urahara doesn't live here anymore?”
Inoue bit her lip. “Well, he mysteriously disappeared two years ago…no one knows where he went to. You didn't know?”
Rukia and Renji shook their head. “No we haven't. We haven't had any contact with anyone from here since you guys left…”
Renji leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. “Well, this changes everything then. We have no choice but to stay with Ichigo…”
Ichigo raised his eyebrow. “What?! My apartment is too small to accommodate us all…”
Renji frowned. “But we have no where else to go! And besides, it's only for one day…and OUCH, Rukia!”
He winced slightly, rubbing his foot that apparently Rukia had stomped on.
“What do you mean, only for one day? You guys were supposed to be here for a week at least…” Ichigo muttered, looking at both of their flustered faces.
Rukia looked away. “Well…Nisama…changed his mind…with Renji's ceremony only a few days…and…other things…he wanted us to be back as soon as possible…so…is it ok, Ichigo, if we can stay with you? If not, don't worry, we'll find somewhere else…”
Ichigo stared at the two. For only one day?! How could they only stay for one day when they had been apart for nearly five years? For some reason, he was completely annoyed with Byakuya. And there were so many unanswered questions that these two were avoiding. He needed to know what was happening. After a moment's pause, he shook his head. “No, its ok…you guys can stay at my place.”
Renji grinned, slapping Ichigo hard on the back. “Thanks!”
Ichigo looked over to Rukia, who was staring at him hesitantly. Both were unaware of another set of eyes watching them. Yet at the sight of Ishida's sudden movement, Inoue's eyes turned to him, only to find he refused to return her look.
The group finally parted outside the restaurant. Inoue and Rukia seemed to be conversing in a low voice again, much to the annoyance of the others, who stood awkwardly in the cold, waiting for them to finish. Rukia hugged her friend and promised they would talk again before she left. After giving each of the guys an irritated look, she turned to Ichigo and Renji.
“Well, let's get going…I'm tired…”
Renji, Rukia, and Ichigo got into his car and slowly headed back to his place. Renji and Rukia seemed to almost fall asleep immediately. Ichigo could not help but turn his eyes to the rear view mirror, where he could catch a glimpse of Rukia. She had looked very tired when they had met, but now she was sleeping very peacefully in his backseat. He sighed. This was going to be a long night…
To be continued…