Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ When Captains Collide ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1
A lone soul reaper sat still upon a railing; gazing with annoyance at her scrambling comrades below. She pushed a few royal blue hairs from the left side of her face to join the massive strand covering the right side. She then sighed aloud to herself. `I don't see why these fools are wasting their time searching around here. Even though we're ordered to remain here, I know they can't sense the ryoka.' She then focused her gaze upwards; the melting sky too irresistible. This managed to improve her passive irritation a bit. `Besides, I'm sure Captain Zaraki already finished off one of them. That spiritual collision earlier today was incredible!' She blinked her large magenta eyes in wonder. `The pressures are gone now. So the battle must be finished as well. I wonder how badly Zaraki pulverized that ryoka.'
But she wasn't allowed to ponder further as the intercom behind her buzzed to life; nearly startling her. “Attention, all members of squad 11 are to report to my office. That is all.” Short, sweet, and to the point; unmistakably the voice of Captain Hitsugaya. The blue-haired reaper grew worried. Although Hitsugaya had sounded professional as always, there was no mistaking the hint of remorse in his tone. `Ugh oh, I wonder what's up.' Since she'd been shirking off her `unnecessary' duties, she made it to her destination nearly before anyone else. Captain Hitsugaya stood waiting patiently behind his desk as the others continued to file in. The blue haired reaper was unsurprised that the last to walk though the doors was her bother; scratching his blood red hair in embarrassment.
Finally, the white-haired Captain cleared his throat. Despite that he stood at a `towering' 4'3”, his perpetually stern features commanded total respect from every single person present. “Hello, squad 11. This is an emergency meeting that Captain Yamamoto entrusted me to arrange. I am extremely honored that he has given me the privilege of selecting the new Captain and Lieutenant for your squad.” Immediately, a series of gasps rang out, causing Hitsugaya to sigh. “Sorry. I suppose I should've given you all the bad news first.” He cleared his throat yet again. “Mere hours ago, the bodies of Captain Zaraki and Lieutenant Kusajishi were found. It is believed that Zaraki was killed by a sword-wielding ryoka. But Kusajishi seemed to have taken her own life; heavens knows why. So, I was asked to select who should succeed them. The ones I choose will not be required to undergo the traditional promotion exam. I already know which among you all is actually at Captain or Lieutenant level. So before I proceed, are there any questions?”
A black-haired female towards the middle shot her hand up. “But Captain, wouldn't it make more sense to simply promote the third and fourth seats?” Toshiro sighed again. “Naturally it would. However, Madarame Ikkaku, your third seat member, was severely wounded against who we believe to be the very same ryoka that killed your former Captain. Also, he is still incapable of bankai, so I must choose another. My choice is…” The sudden tenseness in the air was almost suffocating. All eyes were on Hitsugaya as he finished his sentence. “Kohaku Unchiko. Congratulations.”
The cerulean-haired woman from the balcony stepped graciously forward. Her eyes were even larger with surprise. Although she was originally the fourth seat, she had no idea she'd be promoted this quickly so far up. Toshiro shook her hand quickly before handed her a new, folded Captain's haori. She accepted it delicately, bowing in deep respect. Toshiro then turned his gaze back on the others, a small smile crawling over his features. “And because I'm feeling generous today, I'm allowing your new captain to choose her new lieutenant.” He placed an odd emphasis on `generous', knowing his reputation well. Kohaku's eyes widened yet again. “Really? It's my decision?” Toshiro nodded, causing her features to brighten even more. She then turned back to her impatient squad. Many were issuing puppy dog eyes, but Kohaku had never actually taken the time to befriend any of her squad members. (Squad 11 isn't exactly the friendliest, even amongst itself) So, she pointed to her only friend present; her brother.
“Rankaku Unchiko, I choose you as my lieutenant.” Immediately, a mixture of frustrated and disappointed sighs filled the room. Rankaku, however, was staring wide eyed. He too stepped forward, his cloudy sky blue eyes full of worry, rather than shock. Toshiro, now frowning, raised a thin white eyebrow. “Are you sure about this?” His tone was serious; Rankaku had a known reputation as well. Kohaku seemed slightly hurt at Toshiro's uncertainty at her decision. “I know he's not the strongest or the most serious of our squad, but I believe him to be the best-suited partner for me.” Her tone was final; she would have no one else as her lieutenant. Toshiro sighed, but decided she probably knew best. He proceeded to issue Rankaku his new Lieutenant's badge.
Then, he turned back to the rest, yet again. “The rest of you are dismissed to return to your original assignment.” Though still down in the dumps from their new captain's rejection, each and every squad 11 member saluted respectfully before filing out. Now, the room's occupants were solely Toshiro, Kohaku, and Rankaku. Toshiro's intense eyes found Kohaku's again. “Captain Unchiko, I was told to tell you that you are to resume what Captain Zaraki began; find those ryoka. We can't afford any more major losses.” Kohaku saluted. “Yes sir.” Though she was showing respect, it took all she had not to smile at how adorable Toshiro looked when he was being serious. As Rankaku did like-wise, the two siblings exited the office together.
Once the cool dusk air hit her face again, Kohaku slipped on her shining white haori. She was grinning possibly brighter than the sun as Rankaku strapped on his badge. “Can you believe it!?” She began, already yelling with glee. “We're the top of the squad! Isn't that exciting?” Rankaku nodded, though his enthusiasm paled beside hers. “Yeah. And it was nice of you to defend me like that. I was so sure Captain Hitsugaya was gonna tell you to pick someone else.” Kohaku shrugged. “Well, you heard him. Toshi-kun was feeling generous.” Rankaku's face was immediately masked with confusion. “`Toshi-kun'?” Kohaku's features automatically tinted themselves with red. “What? He's adorable. So sue me!” “Right…” Rankaku still sounded weirded out. In response, she began to frown. “Come on you! We have orders. Let's find those ryoka!” Rankaku nodded; glad she was coming to her senses again. “Right.” They proceeded to leapt several feet into the air, landing on the nearest roof top; the search was on.