Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Kushinada of the Past ❯ Kushinada of the Past - Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kushinada of the Past

Written by:

Sara "Momo" Mann

ICQ#: 527214

AIM#: sacrificialhime

Author's Note:

This is my first fanfic, so if it sucks, too BAD, I've seen worse! j/k :) I will do my best to be true to the original characters and story by Yuza Takada. All original characters being my own, duh, Akuto/Katana/ect. Its takes place one month after Blue Seed 2, the OVAs. So it contains some spoilers. This fic was inspired by a mission I ran in Blue Seed RPG ( in the summer of 98, with some minor changes such as when it occurred, lots of characters, (I don't want this to become a crossover, mostly because I despise 94% of the ones I read.) deleted Kus's death which originally triggered Akuto's arrival and added a slightly new origin story. (Yes, we've killed Kus several times, but he keeps coming back! I guess we need stronger weed killer!) So thanks to Blue Seed RPG & all the players for whom I dreamed up this mission to run while KusKus traveled all over the country stalking people. (You know you did!) Very special thanks to KusKus (who introduced me to fanfics) & Barb-chan (A very different kind of Stalker), for motivating me, helping with my million typos, being fangirls, listening to me mope and whine, and for being all around great friends. You guys are da best. (:^D} Please read and review honestly with your opinions.

Chapter 1

Fujimiya Momiji stood looking out her window, a pouty frown on her usual happy go lucky face. She squinted, peering through the rain. Where was he!? He was over two hours late. Sighing, she walked over to the couch and sat back down, looking at the TV. She smiled slightly at the comedy that was playing but only for a brief moment as the frown returned as she glanced at her watch. Leaning back, she tried to make herself comfortable. She was too nervous and that was no good. She had to calm down. Where was he though?

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, forcing herself to relax. He'll be here, she thought. This was, after all, their first real date. So much had happened over the last month since they returned from America. Now she finally understood why he kept his distance. Why he had always seemed so cold and distant. Where the hell is he?

Jerking her eyes open, she jumped from the couch and began to pace. Momiji, walked out of the living room to her bedroom and back. She stopped a few times to check her appearance in the mirror. Her big green eyes were worried, her shoulder length hair was a bit frizzy the back from sitting down and getting back up so many times. She looked at the phone, willing it to ring. Ring, damn it. Say you have a flat tire! Say you ran out of gas! Say anything, Kusanagi Mamoru!

Taking another breath, she walked over to the phone. She looked at her answering machine, no new messages. She picked up her phone, and got a dial. Damnit. She started to dial his number, but slammed the phone down. No. He needs to come here. He needs to make that step. He needs to admit how he feels. She started to pace again.

Loving Kusanagi for so long had never been easy. Smiling to herself, she thought of how they first met. How he jumped out before her that fateful day, daring to approach her and threaten her life. How Momiji had changed since that day.


Walking over to the window, she looked out again, watching the rain hit the window with a tap tap tap. She closed her eyes, listening. She remembered the time she confessed her feelings to Kusanagi when she was just fifteen years old, while in the abandoned building at the ghostly city. Blushing, she recalled his strong arms around her, holding her to him tightly. There had been so few embraces between them, Momiji was sure could count them on both hands. Now it was three years later, and Momiji knew she wanted more. She wanted to be his girlfriend, lover, wife and mother of his children. She smiled at the thought, but she knew it would take time. He had thought of himself as a monster for so long. Kusanagi.

She opened her eyes and walked over to the door. She whipped it open looking into the hallway of her apartment building.


She looked at her watch again. Maybe she was wrong; maybe he wasn't ready for this. Closing the door, she walked over to the phone and dialed his number.




"Leave a message," was his curt message on the machine.

"Its Momiji, Kusanagi.... I'm not sure where you are or why your late. Call me and let me know your okay...if I was rushing you... this.... I'm.... so... just call me, okay?" she hung up, staring at the phone.

"Its a terrible day for a date anyway. Rain. Cold. Windy. Yeah... its for the best." trying to smile, she walked into her bedroom, throwing herself on her bed, she cried herself to sleep.

Momiji saw herself standing in a wheat field, the skies clear and blue, the sun shinning brightly. She looked down at herself wearing white ceremonial robes, her long chestnut hair adorned in pretty white flowers. She took a deep breath of the clean air and suddenly noticed several men in the distance, dressed in clothing from the feudal area, heads bent, working hard. She blinked a few times, and then began to wonder how she got there, and more to the point, why. Walking toward one of the men, she was about to ask where she was when she heard a terrible scream. She turned only to see a blinding white light. Covering her face, she felt herself falling...

She awoke suddenly, looking around, startled. She laid atop of her covers, still in the pretty yellow skirt and a matching top, with a blotchy red face. Her shoulder length hair was a mess around her shoulders and tear-streaked face. She panted a few times, trying not to think about this dream. The last time she had one like that was a few years ago... when a God called to her.

A few days after being stood up, Momiji sat for her final exam for school. She looked at the other kids in her class, already working hard on the exam, but Momiji's mind kept wandering. She hadn't heard from Kusanagi since he said he would meet her. She thought that he had gotten cold feet and probably didn't call her because he felt bad. At least, that's what she hoped kept him from calling.

She sighed, looking at the test, what could she do? She had put off university because she wanted to be available for him. Maybe she had to stop thinking about what he wanted and consider her own wants and needs. To be with Kusanagi, she thought after a moment. That's all she had ever wanted since they met. Biting her lip, she started answering the questions, only to pause again.

The strange dream she had about the past also caused her some alarm. She really wanted to talk about it with Kusanagi, but she didn't know where he was in this relationship with her. He might think she was making it up to gain his attention. She considered calling Sakura, but she would be busy on her Idol Singer tour and Momiji didn't really want to bother her over a dream. Chiding herself, she forced herself to work again on the test.

School was over. Momiji was no longer a high school student. She was now, officially, an adult. She walked with a group of girls, laughing and smiling, thinking this was it. Most of them were leaving for University all across Japan. She smiled and laughed, the whole time wondering if she was doing wrong by not going to University.

She waved to the last of her friends as she walked into the Susano-oh Park; She crossed her arms, looking downward, as she made her way toward the pond. She hadn't seen Kusanagi since they had dinner with Kome and Yeagashi. Yoshiki's family was thrilled with the engagement, their only son getting married to such a strong young woman. Momiji blushed, recalling how Kome jabbed her in the ribs muttering, "Your next." Kusanagi had been preoccupied with Yaegashi's computer as the men were looking over some of his new programs. She had been so embarrassed, thinking he might have heard.

Momiji looked around the park, taking a deep breath; she stared out over the water, uncrossing her arms to hold the railing. Maybe she had been too hopeful. She was sure he had developed feelings for Valencia, but when he saved her from that monster, he held her tight, saying he would never rest till he held her, Momiji, in his arms. Closing her eyes, she wondered if he meant that, or if it was just in that moment, he felt romantic toward her, then in the light of day, it went away. As she felt herself tearing up, she gripped the railing hard, willing herself not to cry here. She had to be strong.

I know! I will go visit him. I will tell him that I have been rushing him. Grinning, she opened her eyes and looked at the water. He can't stand me up at his own apartment. She turned to leave when she caught sight of a green head sticking out from behind a tree. She blinked and it was gone. Kusanagi! That Sneak! He's been watching her. She walked over to the tree, looking for him in the branches. "Kusanagi-san!"

She ignored the looks from passerbies and stood her ground. "KUSANAGI!"

"What?" He asked from behind her. She swung around, startled, grabbing onto him to steady herself. He grabbed her shoulders to help, looking amused.

"How...why...when did you get behind me?" She stammered, managing to regain her balance, letting go of him.

"Well... you caught me. I didn't need to hide, you walked right by me and started talking to that tree." He grinned, still holding her shoulders. Embarrassed she pushed his arms away taking a step back. He lifted a brow at her, "Well, you did."

"Why didn't you call me back?" She asked, her eyes going from flustered to serious. "I was worried about you."

Kusanagi turned away, running a hand through his green hair, shrugging. "You shouldn't worry about me, you know. I can take care of myself."

"...Are we gonna start this again? Kusanagi, if you don't want to be with me, tell me, but don't avoid me, then show up and think I won't be hurt. If you need time, I can do that for you, but I can't keep...keep..." She felt herself choke up and turned her head away.

He looked at her, not saying anything. Taking it as a sign of rejection, she started to walk away. A hand on her shoulder stopped her, and she could feel his chest touching her back. "Its.... not that, Momiji." he said it so quietly, she had to turn her head slightly. He pulled her back against him tight, his left hand still on her shoulder, his right arm slid around her waist. "I don't have a good excuse why I didn't come for you, but...I sat outside in the rain, looking at your apartment window. I knew if I went in...." He stopped, and leaned his head against the back of hers.

Momiji stood wide-eyed, with his arms tight around her. "What?" she asked softly.

"I just couldn't... I knew what would happen." He just stood holding her, closing his eyes.

"What would happen?" Momiji was trying very hard to concentrate on what he was saying.

"Do I really have to spell it out?" he let go, sounding suddenly agitated. "You love playing Nurse, Momiji. I wasn't up for it."

Momiji blushed a deep red, "I wouldn't..."

Kusanagi help up a hand, "Momiji... you know you would have insisted I take off my.."

"You don't know that!" Almost shrieking.

"Okay! Okay! I made a mistake! I'm new at this, you know!" He ran his hand threw his hair again, looking away. Momiji, still bright red, turned away from him, fighting the urge to slap him. He looked over at her, smiling slightly, he reached for her arm. "Lets go."

"Huh? Go where?" She looked up at him and he started to lead her out of the park.

"I'll buy you dinner. You are no longer slave to high school, we should celebrate. Unless you made plans?" He stopped walking and gave her a long searching look.

She blushed again under his scrutiny. "No.... Kunikeda-san said we would celebrate Friday, give me a few days to rest up from exams."

Kusanagi nodded, looking somewhat relieved. "C'mon. We can get take out and eat at your place or come back here." He started to guide a very willing Momiji out of the park.

An hour after Kusanagi had left Momiji's apartment, Momiji laid in bed, hugging her pillow with a stupid grin on her face. Kusanagi-san, she thought. Mamoru. She blushed, hugging the pillow tighter. What a great time she had, even though it was so simple. They had gone for take out, preparing to eat in the park when it started to rain lightly. Kusanagi had rushed her to his motorcycle and sped toward her apartment before the rain had started to fall enough to soak them. So they had a little picnic on her living room floor in front of the TV.

She teased him gently every time he looked about to withdrawal from her, or forced him to laugh at something she did of he started to shy away from her. She even managed to get a small hug from him before he said goodnight. Soon, Momiji thought, soon he will stop thinking of himself as a monster, but as a man. Her man. She pulled the covers over her shoulders, settling into a comfortable position, thinking one day she might be sharing her bed with him. He probably hogs the covers, was her last thought before drifting into a deep sleep.