Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Kushinada of the Past ❯ Kushinada of the Past - Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4

Kunikeda Daitetsu rubbed his temples, as he listened to his wife on the phone. He fought the urge to groan as she explained they had been unable to find Momiji after an extensive five-hour search, even with Kusanagi's help. The apartment had no sign of a break in. unless anyone took into account Kome's recklessness. Nothing seemed to be missing from the apartment, except for Momiji. Kusanagi had said when he left the night before Momiji had been in good spirits, so it was unlikely she took off by herself. A phone call to Momiji's mother assured them no sudden emergency lured the girl home. It was not like Momiji to leave without calling some one...

Kunikeda stood up, looking down at the hands free phone. "I will be there as soon as I can. I am leaving now."

Ryoko's voice came back to him gently, "Drive safely, Daitetsu. You have a long drive, try not to think of this till you can get here and access the situation for yourself. I already notified Sugishita and he is having local law enforcement keeping an eye out for her."

Kunikeda smile at the concern he heard in his young wife's voice. "I'll be fine. I'll be there in a few hours, try calling her friends and check with her mother again. I'll see you soon." He added softly as he hung up.

Momiji was most likely taken. Kunikeda felt it in his gut. If not the aragami, and hopefully not another mad scientist, or even a terrorist, Kunikeda did not look forward to meeting this new enemy. He shook his head as he slid his jacket on over his gun. "...I hope I find her. Kusanagi will not be as satisfied with an arrest." He grabbed his keys off the desk, walking from the office. After the trip to America, I pity anyone who tries to take Momiji from him.

Kusanagi Mamoru paced in Matsudaira's small office. They told him to wait there till they got off the phones. He was so angry they were not doing more. The longer they waited the further away some one could be getting with Momiji. Stealing her. Hurting her. He stopped and made a fist at his side. He would not wait here for them to goof around. He could follow her Kushinada sense... without Kome distracting him constantly. He slammed opened the door walking out.

Matsudaira, on the phone with Momiji's grandmother saw Kusanagi leaving. Putting her on hold, she stood up and went after him.

"Kusanagi! Wait!" She hurried over to him.

"That's wasting time. I want to look around and I'll be back as soon as I find her."

"Take Kome with you..."

"No thanks... she was enough trouble last time. I can search a larger area faster without her."

Kome looked up from a map of the city, "Hey!"

Matsudaira raised her hand to stop her. "Wait! wait... Kusanagi has a point... Here. Take this." she hands him a cell phone. "If you find her call us immediately."

Kusanagi takes the phone, nods once, and then takes off in a black blur.

Momiji floated around for a while, after the images went away, thinking about what she had seen. It was definitely the same era as the dreams she had been having. Akuto, the Blue Devil.... Why did that name make her body tremble? Were those twins really her ancestors? She wished she could talk to her grandmother about this Akuto. Blue Devil? They didn't seem to think it was aragami, but still planned to sacrifice the oldest, also named Kaede. I wonder if Mama named Kaede for her. It would make sense.... wouldn't it? Oh, I have a headache.

Momiji made a face, and stretched a bit. She couldn't feel sore, but doing it made her feel better. She looked around. Wherever she was being held now was not completely black. More like a golden kaleidoscope. Different hues of gold and copper so bright at times, Momiji's eyes hurt.

"I wish I knew where here was." The echoes were dim now, sounding far off. She hugged herself rubbing her uppers arms feeling a chill. This place does seem known to me. Some how... I have been here before. How?

A light turned on behind her. Momiji turned to watch yet another chapter in the twin girls lives.

Keade held the young warriors hand, blushing as his eyes scanned her face intently. "Mamoru... it must be this way."

"I won't accept this, Kaede! I will slay this demon and you'll live. I will not allow you to die to appease some monster. I cannot allow it. Your too good for that!" his grip tightened on her hand.

"Mamoru... listen to me... my... my death with save Ise. You will marry Katana. Father decided..."

"Your sister is charming, but your the sister I dream of. Your mine, Kaede. Forever. Like we promised--"

"Mamoru, no. It cannot be. I would not trade places with Katana... she is too sweet for such a task. I will fulfill my role as Kushinada."

"Katana would do it for you, Kaede, if you but asked her. I will ask her!"

"NO! Leave Katana out of this! She is my sister whom I love dearly. Would you want me to die for you? Would it not kill something in you to know I died to save you because you asked it of me?"

"Kaede..." he said brokenly. "I cannot let this happen. I will never marry your sister. I will love only you."

Kaede smiled at the handsome young man, stroking his hair softly. "I love you too, but this is how it was meant to be. You will love her because she is my gift to you. I am giving her to you to love for me. You will do this because I love you."

Katana watched from a distance, tears falling unchecked down her pretty face.


Yu Hiei stood on the top floor of the Tokyo Tower, yawning. Another boring day. Snorting he turned from his people watching to look out over the city. Tokyo was a beautiful city. The building in all shapes and sizes, the lights from the random passenger cars, the people. Hiei was glad to be Japanese. Too bad there were few Japanese he could talk to without getting into a fight. Grinning slightly, he rubbed the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. Has a day gone by the last year without a fight? He turned, grabbing his black jacket off the rail and started to make way to the exit when he noticed her.

In fact, it would have been impossible not to notice her after he got a good look. She was stunning. He put on his jacket, as he walked to the exit, passing the new object of his interest. She was staring at him as intently as he must be looking at her, he thought. She was tiny, shoulder length red hair and her eyes, so green they almost glowed. The outfit was the best. A tight leather vest and black nylon biker shorts. She couldn't be more revealing if she were naked, Hiei thought. He smiled, stopping right before her. His eyes traveled from her face to her neck to the necklace with the odd shaped stone settled right between her breasts.

She looked him over as he had her. "Hello." her Japanese was perfect but something was not right about it, he thought. She has an odd accent.


"Who are you?"

My, he thought. She was direct. "Yu Hiei. And you?"

She smiled, showing little pointed fangs. "My name is Katana." She bowed low clasping her hands together as she said her name.

Hiei's grin grew wider as he looked down her vest. The day was boring but this evening was looking up.