Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Kushinada of the Past ❯ Kushinada of the Past - Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5

Kunikeda sat in the TAC office, looking over police reports involving young women fitting Momiji's description. He looked at the phone, wishing Kusanagi would call. It had been over 12 hours since he arrived and still no word. Kunikeda began to wonder if something could have happened to him as well as Momiji. The question was, who would do this? Kusanagi maintained a low profile, no threats on the Kushinada since they returned from America.. It couldn't be personal. Or could it? Kunikeda sat back in his chair, watching Yeagashi print more reports. Could some one blame Momiji for had happened 3 years ago? Could it be another government agency? Another scientist? Who would take her? Maybe.. could it be just a random violence? Could Momiji just skipped out of Kusanagi?

Kusanagi was standing on the very top of the Tokyo Tower. She had been here. He glanced down at the city lights. Momiji. He knew he wasn't that far behind her. Why was she here though? He hopped down to the main platform and looked around. The security idiots he spoke to had seen nothing. Incompetents, he spat. He walked to the railing, looking out.

He would kill them. He knew it. He touched Momiji's mitama with his right hand slightly. He had to find them first... then he would make anyone who so much as looked at her pay. He jumped over the side, flying in a random direction without thinking, knowing he would end up where she was. He always found her when he was lost.

Hiei watched Katana eat, amazed. She had been excited over the American fast food place they had stopped at. He never saw a girl so happy to eat a BLT. She kept checking the wrappings and had asked Hiei what it was made of. He figured she was raised in a small village somewhere in the mountains. He placed her accent as a more formal, old-fashioned Japanese that he only heard in samurai movies. Some where deep into the mountains. However, for an old fashioned girl, she wasn't modest. He watched her bend this way and that exposing a well-shaped set of breasts. Her clothing alone. She looked awesome in leather. He didn't even bother picturing her naked. She didn't seem shy about touching him either. She held his arm during their tour of the back streets of the city. She kissed his cheek when he kept her from being run down by a bus. He wondered how the hell she got here. A runaway probably. Maybe a guy dumped her when they reached the city. He dismissed that. Who would leave her? He couldn't stop himself from staring at her.

"Do I have something on my face?" She touched the corner or her mouth with her tongue.

Hiei swallowed and cleared his throat. "No. You look... perfect." He smoothed his hair back with one hand. He hadn't felt this nervous around a girl in well... never.

"Good. I would hate to embarrass you after you have been so kind. There is something about you, Yu Hiei. I knew it when I was at the tower. I think you drew me there." She leaned on the table, giving him a nice view of the valley between her breasts. She reached over and took his hand. "Do you feel it as well?"

"I feel something..." He tore his eyes away from her chest to look at her face. Damn, she was beautiful. And innocent, something said. Despite her clothes and forward ways, there was something innocent in that face. "I feel something that makes me want to keep you."

She smiled at him, her little fangs flashing at him. "I need to be protected, Yu Hiei. I am but a small female here in this city." She clutched his hand tight. "Take me to your home, Yu Hiei?"

Hiei nodded. "I'll take you anywhere."

Momiji sat spellbound watching the Kushinada twins of the past. So many things seemed similar to her and Kaede. They had both loved the same man. Momiji blushed recalling the images of the Kaede of the past with her Mamoru. I wonder if every Kushinada has a mamoru? And if they do... was Kusanagi Kaede's mamoru? She sighs, thinking about it. Momiji had always felt a bit of guilt over Kaede, but she knew that Kaede had made her own choices. This seemed to have taken place hundreds of years after Orochi and Susano-oh. Did her Grandmother know of these twins? Was this blue beast an aragami? Was it the thing in her bathroom? She sighed. The images popped up off and on. Almost as if she was watching some one else memories...

Memories! Momiji sat up looking around. Could she somehow be in some one's unconscious? Maybe even her own!? Maybe these were memories locked away in her own mind? She looked around her prison. Maybe she was trapped in her own mind! She was scared when she saw that creature in her bathroom. Maybe her mind shut down and she was trapped here and the memories are starting to come back. They were Momiji's ancestors after all. Maybe Momiji was one of these sisters reincarnated. Maybe...

Kome leaned against the car waiting for Ryoko to return with the food. After eight hours of walking, the pair admitted hunger. Where the hell could Momiji be? Kome scanned the people on the street, knowing that if anyone had a chance at this point of finding her, it would be Kusanagi. Shit. Poor Momiji. She had been more excited about Kome's wedding. More so than Kome had been. Kome let out the breath she had been holding, rubbing her forehead. Momiji was Kome's best friend. Sure she was young, loud, clumsy and annoying, but she was always there with a smile, ready to cheer Kome on. She felt so helpless. Momiji probably needed her badly... and here she was... waiting for dinner. What the hell kind of friend is she?

Ryoko walked up behind Kome, handing her a bag. "We won't find her if we're passed out from hunger, Kome."

"I know... I just hate this. We need to get her back."

"We will, Kome. Lets just sit on that bench and eat. I'll call HQ as soon as we're done and see what the situation is." Ryoko sat down, taking out her sandwich.

Kome flopped down, pulling out her burger. She took a bite, chewing angrily. Ryoko watched her absently with one eye, "Kome... slow down. You'll choke. You'll waste more time if I have to drag you to the ER."

"Mmphh uuuu."

"Kome..." Ryoko gave her a dirty look.

Kome ignored it and looked across the street at the young people walking along without a care in the world. Then she saw her. "MMMPHHH!" and proceeded to choke.


Kome stood up, gagging, pointing wildly at a young couple walking across the street at the corner. Ryoko followed her finger and gasped.