Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Kushinada of the Past ❯ Kushinada of the Past - Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6

Yamazaki Sakura stood looking at herself in the mirror. She turned her head slightly to the left and then slowly to the right. Damn, I'm hot! She thought to herself, smiling suddenly. Stardom here I come! She looked herself over in the low cut spandex top, the too short matching skirt. Running her hand down her side. Look out world; I Yamazaki Sakura will be next month's centerfold for Idol Pop Singer international! She smiled and blew herself a kiss, winking. SHOW TIME! She turned to leave the room when Sugishita Shunichi walked in, pulling her into his arms. Sakura smiled at him softly before taking a step back. "I have to get on stage, Shunichi."

"Momiji's missing, doll. Kunikeda hasn't found a trace of her in the last 20 hours." He looked down at her face, watching her carefully.

"Aragami?" She looked at him, her face showing nothing.

"We don't know."

She looked away from him, Son of a Bitch! Taking a breath. "I'll leave as soon as this show is over. Tell my manager to cancel the tour for the next week while we find that sacrifice girl." Damn it. What was Momiji into now!?

Momiji was asking herself the same question. How the heck did this happen? She figured out that she somehow was lost in her subconscious. Damn... I knew I shouldn't have passed notes in Psyche 101. How do I wake up? She had gone from window to window of memories. Momiji pretty much had an idea that the twin Kushinada's had been Kaede's namesake. She also knew the blue thing in her bathroom had a name, Akuto. She also knew that Katana had been in love with Kaede's lover. But what did this have to do with her? And why was she able to know all this and see the memories? There was a few times two years ago, during the Aragami period of her life, Momiji had seen the past and future. She had assumed it was the mitama that allowed her to do so. Perhaps it was just being a Kushinada. Where is Grandma or Sakura when I need them!?

She silently searched for her own memories. Maybe if she could find herself here, she could wake herself up. If only it could work. Momiji had no idea how long she was there, but it felt like months. She had watched the Kushinada twins of the past for what seemed like months. Momiji thought sadly, neither of them seems to have a happy ending. I can't allow that happen to me, she promised herself. I will get out of her. Looking around, she made a face. Somehow. Oh Kusanagi...

Mamoru Kusanagi stood in a McDonalds, baffled. Why would kidnappers bring Momiji HERE? He looked around the place, noting nothing looked out of order. There didn't seem to have been a struggle. Curious. He had spoken to the two women on duty and neither saw anyone matching Momiji, although one of them swore a girl who looked like her with red hair was in earlier with a street thug. Kusanagi frowned. Momiji wouldn't know any thugs other than him. And she definitely didn't wear stuff like the woman described, or have red hair. Since it was his only clue, he would look for a pair now. Damn it. What was blocking him? Something was different, he could feel the Kushinada... but it was as if it was some one else..

He could always find Momiji. He was able to search her out fairly quickly, even before he had ever laid eyes on her. When she had the mitama, it made it even easier. They had been able to communicate with each other. The mitamas pulled them closer. Now that his body held the mitama she lost, he had always known where she was. It was as if he carried a small part of her with him at all times. He could close his eyes, and find her with a thought. Now it was like he was hunting a new Kushinada... Momiji wasn't dead... he knew it. But what was this feeling?

Katana clung to Hiei's arm, to his delight, pointing and grinning at the vendors they passed. He had already stopped at two of them, buying her a small toy that had flashing eyes and some sort of hair ribbon she fell in love with. It was a real date, he thought to himself. Just like on TV. He sort of smiled to himself, wondering how the hell he found himself shopping with some babe in spandex with wide innocent eyes. He put his arm around her waist, keeping her from running out into the street again. What the hell was she thinking, he would never know. He kind of liked having his arm there though.

Looking at her face, he wondered why he liked her. He was not one to simply fall in love at first sight. There was just this feeling... like he was supposed to be with her.

"Hiei! Look! Look at that!" Katana exclaimed at something, tugging at his sleeve.

He glanced her, watching the way her eyes lit up. Swallowing, he looked in the direction she pointed at. Frowning, he found himself looking at a TV with them on it. A camera pointed at the street. "Katana... where the hell are you from?" He stared at her, eyes serious.

Katana looked at him, surprised. "Don't you know?"

"How would I know that?"

She looked down, taking his hand with her free hand. "Don't you feel it, Hiei?"

"I feel something, Katana... but I can't read your mind. You must tell me where you are from. I need to know more about you." He took his other hand, holding her small hand with both of his, studying her face. He watched as several emotions crossed her lovely features.

Finally she looked up, small fangs flashing at him. "Your right. I will tell you everything... lets go to your home and I will explain it all."

Putting his arm around her, he pulled her close, walking them across the street that lead to his apartment building, feeling suddenly better then he had in years. He grinned, wondering what the night had in store for the two of them. Hell, he might even run out and buy something stupid like candles. Lost in lusty thoughts, Katana pressed close to him, the last thing Hiei was expecting was the pink figure with strawberry red-blond hair jumping out at him with a very large gun, screaming, "FREEZE, ASSHOLE!"