Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Kushinada of the Past ❯ Kushinada of the Past - Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Hiei stood apart from the TAC group gathered in the office. Frowning, he wondered if they would try to dispose of him after he helped them locate the girl. Katana. Turning his attention out the window, he felt her nearby. She was probably close, waiting for him. Was she and Momiji the same person? He wished with his heart she wasn't, but in his head, he knew she mostly likely was. Fujimiya Momiji, the girl who died to save Japan. The small Shinto princess who had helped the American Government stop a mad scientist. She was beyond him, a lowly demon. If Katana was somehow possessing Momiji, that meant that his time with her was a temporary arrangement. As soon as Momiji regains her senses, she would go back to the freak, the aragami half-breed. Sighing, he shook his head. First girl who interested him and its probably over before it even gets started. What lousy luck. And that green haired asshole would get the girl with chestnut hair and emerald green eyes that was so rare in Japan. Really lousy luck.

"Hiei." Ryoko looked at him. "Are you ready? We are gonna go in teams of three."

"I work better alone." He said simply.

"Yes, but I really don't want to have to hunt you down if you forget to report in, or there is a some emergency where we need to contact you. Its easier on me." Sakura batted her eyes at him.

Hiei made a face and turned to look at the TAC. Kome's eyes were shooting daggers at him, Sakura looked amused, Ryoko looked defeated. "Fine. Fine. Who am I with?"

Sakura smirked. "You're graced with the presence of the NUMBER ONE, lovely ghost buster, Yamazaki Sakura!" She did a little twirl, shaking her hips as her breasts bounced. The group stared at her, wide eyed.

"And me." Hiei looked at Kome. She held a bazooka over one shoulder, "Just give me a reason, Demon."

Hiei made a face. Fucking lousy luck.

Katana stood next to Kusanagi. "Hiei is close by. Will you do as I asked?"

"Yes. But I am very unhappy about it. Why can't you use me?"

"Your loyalty is with Momiji. You would sacrifice me in a minute to save her."

Kusanagi glanced at her. "Your right, but I would try to save you as well."

Katana smiled at him. "This will be for the best. Remember, when Momiji returns, she will be confused. She probably will not make much sense. Just watch out for her and at all costs, keep her from Akuto."

Akuto. Kusanagi flinched. Akuto. What was she? Why did he think?

"He's coming!" Katana grabbed his arm. "You know what you need to do, Kusanagi. Please don't let me down!"

Hiei walked behind Kome, wondering how he could ditch her and the psychic sexpot. Katana was close by; he could feel her energy. The same energy he felt at the Tokyo tower. Glancing at Sakura walking next to him, he wondered how he could slip by her. The red head should be easy, but the faith healer was another story.

"KUSANAGI!" Kome trotted over to the ally, "Where the hell have you been? Kunikeda was furious that you didn't call in or answer your page."

"Ah, Mr. NICE guy is here." Sakura walked over to him. "It is I, Sakura, come to save your ass... AGAIN!"

Kusanagi made a face at the two women and Hiei felt a brief moment of pity. He was about to say something when a hand touched his shoulder. Turning, he saw Katana behind him, motioning for him to follow her. Hiei turned back and saw Kusanagi talking to the two women keeping their attention. Brows wrinkled, he followed Katana down a dark street, leaving the two TAC members behind.

Hiei pulled Katana in his arms when they had a few blocks between them and the TAC. "I had hoped you would find me." He said into her hair, holding her close.

"Of course! Don't you understand yet, Yu Hiei? We are bound together. We were destined to meet." She watched him with her green eyes and Hiei felt for a moment that they did indeed belong together. Katana smiled at the look on his face, and then kissed him softly on the lips. "Kusanagi has bought us some time, but soon he too will be after us when he learns. We must quickly leave this place."

"Wait a minute. You need to answer my questions, Katana. I need to know what exactly is going on."

"And so you shall. However, let us go someplace a little more private." She took his hand, pulling him toward a large park. "I have found a place for us to hide. I think it will be to your liking."

Hiei frowned as he followed her. Just who was she?

Kusanagi had never been so angry. She lied to him! DAMN HER! She had lied to him. Pacing, he waited on Tokyo Tower, looking at his watch once more. Meet him! Explain where Momiji was, how to track Akuto. HA, he'd been a fool. He should have marched her little imposter ass into the TAC building and let Kunikeda rip the truth out of her. Damn her having Momiji's face.

Rubbing a hand through his green hair, he felt foolish. He slipped Sakura and the rest of the rabble pretty easy intending to meet Katana and her demonic follower here. Damn! He had to go through the trouble of following her presence again. Damn it! He glanced at the time again. Fuck it! He would ring her neck if he had to, but enough was enough. He'd get the truth out of that lying bitch if he had to shake it out of her.

Sakura, Kome and Ryoko all stood, heads bowed in front of Kunikeda. He paced in front of them, his face not showing any expression at all. Kome sneaked a peek up to see a glare from the Boss-man. She felt even worse. Kunikeda never looked this angry before. Not even at the Japanese government who planned to sacrifice his daughter. She bit her lip, so mad at Kusanagi and that shrimp of a demon. He would pay. She would send a missile through his head if it was the last thing she ever…


"Hai!" She looked at Kunikeda and lifted her head, back straight.

"You and Yeagashi will go to Susano-oh Park and the surrounding area. Sakura. I want you to find our missing demon. Sugi will assist you. Matsudaira. You will make sure the Aragami are still sleeping. Ryoko and I will take the chopper for a bird's eye view. Report in every 30 minutes! This will be resolved. And if any of you find Kusanagi... send him to me!"

Ryoko and Sakura shivered and Kome tried to keep from shuddering. Man. she would have to remember to never piss off Kunikeda.

Momiji was distraught. She had to be mistaken. There was no way he could have been there. It was the wrong era. Murakumo could not have been with Kaede and Katana. It was a mistake! It had to be! But it was he. Wasn't it? She had seen Kaede with a man who looked just like him. But... she was mourning her Mamoru? She had to start watching the windows again. She must have watched them out of order the first time. This was not the story she had pieced together. If she was right, that meant that Katana never had a chance.

Katana stood in the stables, feeding her favorite pony a carrot when she heard some one behind her. She looked up and saw Mamoru. Blushing, she looked back at the pony, pretending she didn't see him there. He walked over to her and pulled her back against his chest. "Katana-chan."

"You mustn't..." She leaned her head back against his chest, closing her eyes. "You must stop this. You love Kaede."

"Yes. I am so confused. Why? Why didn't you tell me it was you all along?"

"I thought you knew. I thought you just preferred her to me."

"I swear, Katana." He turned her by the shoulders to face him, "When I arrived back from training. I thought she was the one I found in the woods. I never knew your names."

Katana closed her eyes and leaned into Mamoru's chest. What a mess. A mistake. Such a horrible mistake that affected all their lives.

She thought of the day she first met the boy who had become the man she loved beyond reason.

Momiji blinked. This was like daytime drama on television. She secretly wished she had some popcorn.

A small child was running through the wheat fields, laughing as another small child chased behind her, "You'll never catch me!" She shouted as her ribbons flew around her face and hair. The other figure laughed and ran faster.

"I'll catch you! Just watch!"

The second child caught the first, who had stopped running and she grabbed her arm. "See! I won!"

The first child stood staring and the older child looked in front of them.

Along the edge of the fields, giant trees towered above them as it lead into a deep mountain wood. "Katana. The woods. We are not allowed in there." She nudged her sister to get her attention.

Katana stood rooted to the spot, still staring wide-eyed.

"Katana-chan. Father will beat us if he knew we were so close... lets go. They say this wood is haunted. Why are you always staring at these trees?"

"Kaede. Can't you feel it? The trees. They call to us... they know us because we are the Kushinada."

"Katana-chan. you're being spooky. Trees cannot call to us. We must go back." She looked around, but the tall wheat seemed to hide everyone from view. "Hurray!"

Katana started to walk toward the trees and Kaede tried to grab her arm. "Stop!"

"No. I want to run along the trees! Can't you feel it, Kaede? Can you feel the life in here?"

"I'm getting father! Stop playing, Katana! This isn't funny!" Kaede turned her back and started walking. "Stop teasing me. I know your just trying to scare me." She looked back behind her but Katana was gone. Kaede screamed and started running toward the farmers in the distance.

Katana walked among the trees feeling more alive than ever before. Kaede was missing such a beautiful place. Couldn't her older sister feel the call? The life of the trees were so strong... they pulled her into their cradle. Could she ever leave? Would she want to? She smiled as she watched some birds feed their babies. She walked around a family of deer; she smiled as she watched butterflies land on pretty flowers. This was home.

After what seemed like hours, she sat on a fallen tree, feeling hungry. Maybe the woods were not home after all. After all, she was just nine years old. What could she eat here? What it if rained? Her feeling of bliss started to turn to fear. She should not have come alone. Kaede was right. Maybe this wood was haunted.

Sighing, she stood, trying to retrace her steps back the way she came. After twenty minutes, she realized she was very lost… and very alone.