Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Kushinada of the Past ❯ Kushinada of the Past - Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 9

Kusanagi opened his eyes, trying to focus. Momiji. He smiled slightly. She's here! He took a deep breath, as her hand played with his hair. He closed his eyes. She was safe. He held her hand, opening his eyes again. "Momiji." She was smiling at him gently. He raised her hand to his mouth to kiss her knuckles when he suddenly noticed her hair. Red.

Frowning, he glanced at her face. She grinned, exposing the fangs. He sat up, staring at her, ignoring the stab of pain in his neck and chest.

"Be careful. Your wounds are not healed yet." She spoke softly.

"Who are you?" Kusanagi stared intently at her face, her eyes.

"My name is Katana." She laid her free hand on his chest, pushing him back gently. "Rest. Your body might heal quickly, but it will mend even faster if you relax."

Kusanagi let go of her hand, laying back. "What are you?"

"You should know the answer to that. I am a Kushinada." She got to her knees, grabbing a bag. Digging in it, she pulled out a water bottle. "Here. Water." She opened it, handing him the plastic container.

"Momiji is the last Kushinada." He took the bottle, taking a long drink, coughing a bit.

"Drink slowly." She held the back of his neck, as he finished the water. "Momiji is the last living Kushinada. I am not quite… Well… not... hmm." She looked off, considering.

Kusanagi frowned. "Your dead? A ghost?"

"No… I am alive. It's complicated."


Katana took the container and set it down within Kusanagi's reach. "I thought you would be more curious about Akuto."


"Yes… the blue fiend that has Momiji. The creature that gave you the wounds you're suffering from."

"Akuto has Momiji?"

"Of course. I assume she believes Momiji is me."

"What will she do to Momiji?"

Katana looked at Kusanagi sadly. "Akuto knows I exist only to destroy her. What do you believe she will do to her if she thinks Momiji is me?"

Kusanagi sat up again, grabbing Katana's hand. "You must stop her! She can't kill Momiji!"

Katana stared into Kusanagi's face. "You don't seem to understand, Kusanagi. If I save Momiji, I'll die. If I kill Akuto, I will die. I have recently discovered I am not so ready to die."

"You'll let her kill Momiji!? She's part of you! Your family."

"Oh yes, the Kushinada family values. Didn't Momiji's own twin try to kill her? Our lot in life is to die. I am surprised Kaede didn't allow Momiji to stay dead so she could stay with you."

"I would not have had her!" Kusanagi hissed, struggling to get to his knees.

Katana looked at him with sympathy. "Do you honestly believe that, Kusanagi Mamoru? Kaede was your first love after all. You watched her from afar. Had they been raised together, you would have loved Kaede. She would not have been so twisted. Momiji knows this. She would have sacrificed her own desires so her beloved and her sister could be together. It's the Kushinada's fate to love a Mamoru."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I watched it all. I have watched Momiji all her life. I know her better than anyone. I even know Kaede. Kunikeda Kaede should never have existed. Keade and Momiji were meant to be together. Tearing them apart broke Kaede's mind. She sought to turn the world to plants because her mind was torn by the separation. Twins are very special. Kushinada twins especially. They are intertwined in so many ways. I have watched Kushinadas for hundreds of years. Had they been raised with each other? Their love strong, they could have fought the aragami together. Neither forfeiting their life. Kaede and you would probably be married by now."

Kusanagi gaped at her.

Katana looked at him. "I know you love Momiji. I am not saying you don't. Just be honest, had Kaede looked your way, you would have sworn your love to her. However, life happened, and as a Mamoru, you protected the one who would save Japan. As it was meant to be."

"I... I don't know what I would have done with Kaede. I do love Momiji. I'll do whatever I can to see her safe."

"Yes. Just like a loving Mamoru is suppose to." Katana stood up. "Rest, Kusanagi. Momiji is safe for the time being. Get well, help me rescue Hiei from the TAC and we will go get her back for you."

Kusanagi stared at her. "Why should I trust you? You said if you save Momiji you'll die."

"I don't want to die, but…I don't want Momiji to die either. I believe Hiei can help me with my dilemma. The TAC failed with Momiji and Kaede several times in the past. Don't trust them. We can take care of this ourselves."

"DEMON!?" Ryoko and Kome stared at the faith healer.

Sakura sat cross-legged on the desk, watching Hiei. "Ask him."

Hiei grimaced at Sakura. "You don't look like the normal ghost buster to me." He slumped down in a chair, looking at the trio of women miserably.

"Are you a demon?" Ryoko asked.

"Yes, but I don't see how it matters. If I had wanted, I could have killed you all, but I didn't." He shrugged. "I just want to be left alone. I undertake great pains to avoid the faith healer types, anyone that will draw attention to me. However, since Katana found me, I guess you can say I've been outed. I still plan to protect her though."

"She approached you because you were a demon?" Ryoko asked..

"Probably. We were going to my apartment where she was going to explain her situation to me. Unfortunately, the two of you showed up, wrecking that plan."

"Why would a demon be interested in a young girl?" Kome asked.

Ryoko and Sakura glanced at Kome as Hiei smirked at her.

Kome's face turned scarlet. "I meant, what I mean is... what I was going to say... Why would he care what happened to her? Seems to me, he's gone through a lot for a lay. There is something else keeping him here besides some urge to procreate."

Ryoko looked at Sakura. Sakura shrugged. "It is out of the ordinary that a demon would take such a protective attitude toward a young girl he just met. Though, they're all sorts of demons. I am guessing you're only a half demon. Or were you born human?"

Hiei scowled at Sakura. "My past has nothing to do with this." He stood up and walked over to the window. "Katana approached me. She wanted me. If she is this Momiji person, she came to me. Not that green haired freak, not her friends. Me. Furthermore, something happened between us. I'm not an ancient demon, but I know something special when I come across it. For the first time, I met a human female who fascinated me. Also, there was something else there. Something I can't explain, something about her that called to me, not just my demon nature. I want to know what it is. I have to know."

Sakura looked at him thoughtfully, "I think we can trust you not to hurt her then. I am not so sure about us, though. You could have killed Kome and Ryoko but didn't. I say we can trust him while we are looking for Momiji. I am not so sure about after we find her. You won't run off with her the moment you find her, will you?"

"Not unless I believe she is in danger. If she is this Momiji person, I would like to solve the puzzle as well. Why would she have left if she were so loved and safe as you claim? I doubt she is your Momiji. If Katana is just an innocent and knows nothing of your friend, which is what I believe, I plan to take her away with me."

"What will you do with her if she is an innocent in all this? You won't hurt her will you?" Ryoko asked.

Hiei grinned at Ryoko, his even white teeth showing. "Don't worry. I'm not planning on doing anything she doesn't want. Something we can both enjoy. Repeatedly." He winked at her, making both Ryoko and Kome turn crimson.

Sakura stifled a yawn. "Demons... always thinking of sex."

Kusanagi stood, looking out the door of the abandoned building. Katana had dragged him here. Could he believe what she said? She knew way too much about Momiji. And the resemblance! If it wasn't for the hair and fangs, he would have swore it was Momiji. No wonder Ryoko and Kome were so perplexed. He wanted to trust her, but it was Momiji's life at risk. Well… that's if what Katana said was true. If this Akuto monster even had Momiji. The beast had known him as well. Could Katana and Akuto be working together? Could this be some kind of trap? Fuck! He had to play along. He had to find Momiji. He was drawn to Katana. He had a terrible feeling about Momiji that he just couldn't shake.

He looked inside at Katana. She was sitting in a chair, looking at him. She smiled at him amiably. Damn her. She had him. He had to help her. How else could he discover where his Kushinada was? And she was right. The TAC staff are halfwits. How many times had he cleaned up their messes? He would have to be very careful. Watch Katana's every move. Closing his eyes, he leaned his weary head against the doorframe. Momiji, where are you?