Blue Seed Fan Fiction ❯ Kushinada of the Past ❯ Kushinada of the Past - Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 8

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Hey Guys! Finally back! Bought a new monitor and stuff. I have some new chapters! Enjoy!

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Momiji yawned. She was so weary of her floating prison, but what could she do? She was exhausted of watching the Kushinada's memories. She must have gone through them a dozen times. She sat Indian style in the middle of the dark void, wishing she could figure out exactly how Katana and Kaede fit in with her subconscious. From the knowledge she gained, Keade was going to sacrifice herself to the blue-giant, however the day of the ceremony, Katana was missing. So was Kaede's Mamoru. At first, Momiji figured they ran off together. Even Kaede and her family believed that as well. Then however, Momiji realized that Katana took Kaede's place and Mamoru mistakenly thought it was Kaede and tried to attack the demon. Momiji cried as she watched Katana hold him in her arms as he died. His last words were for Kaede; Katana seemed to lose some spark of her personality as she went to Akuto. Momiji searched, bur couldn't find the memory of what happened after Katana left Mamoru to face the creature.

Momiji didn't think the girl lived. She did have the impression that Kaede mourned her sister more than her lost love. They did love each other. Momiji then thought of her own sister Kaede. She wondered if Kaede and her had been raised together, if they would have loved each other as those two twins of the past. Momiji would have liked to think so. She would have stepped aside and allowed Kaede and Kusanagi to love each other. In fact, she would probably never developed feelings for him. He did watch Kaede from the time they were small children. Kaede would have whispered her secret thoughts to her sister as they brushed their hair together at night. Momiji would have smiled and teased her sister. It would have been completely different.

Ack! What am I doing! Depressing myself is what I am doing! Kaede was raised in Tokyo. Momiji sighed. We might have hated each other. Why make myself crazy, I'll never know what it would have been like. Why even think about it? Because you feel guilty, a voice said to her. Momiji blinked. Guilty?

She closed her eyes and thought about it. Yes. She did feel guilty. Here she was. Alive. With Kusanagi. Kaede now lies in a grave with a baby God. Of course it was her choice. I did do the right thing, after all. However, Kaede loved Kusanagi. Like Katana, I tried to give my sister her life, and her love. My sister took my place. It's a circle. I took Kaede's. I showed her the true meaning of the Matsuri and she and Susano-oh spared me and Kaede took my place. She gave me Kusanagi. Why do I feel guilty? She gave him to me. Kusanagi said she finally understood. Opening her eyes suddenly. Am I here to be made to feel guilty? Who is doing this to me? She didn't need to feel guilty! DAMN! Kusanagi, where are you? Save me from this place! I think I am driving myself insane!

Hiei glared at the strawberry-blond. She glared back. Hiei looked again at the gun she held in her hand. What the hell? For once in his life he was innocent. He choked back a laugh. He would never have thought that he would be sitting in some government agency for kidnapping. Especially not by some hotheaded, gun toting, pink clad freak. Hiei was right; Katana was definitely not boring! Suddenly, Hiei smiled.

"What's so funny?" Kome glowered at him.


Kome sneered at him. "When Kusanagi comes back, you better hope he has Momiji with him. Otherwise, I'll just forget my promise to Kun-"

"Kome!" Ryoko walked into the room, shaking her head at the redhead. "We want his help, Kome. Stop tormenting the guy!"


Ryoko sighed, looking at Kome. Turning her attention to Hiei, she handed him a glass of water. "Ignore her. She gets moody when she can't use her gun." Ignoring Kome's protests, she continued. "After everything you told us, my husband believes that Katana is Momiji, Hiei-san. We really need you to help us find out for sure. Then we can all sit down and figure it out… hopefully without Kusanagi."

Hiei's hand tightened on the glass at the mention of Kusanagi's name. "That green haired freak? He hurt her, didn't he? That's why she ran away?"

"Kusanagi would never hurt Momiji. He is a bit… forbidding…" Kome snorted and Ryoko shot her a `stay out of it' look. "However, he would never do anything to harm Momiji. They love each other very much."

Hiei slammed the glass down. "Then why did she come looking for me? Listen, I remember hearing about this whole Kushinada business a few years ago. I also remember you had that girl up on a stage, ready to do her in. If Momiji and Katana are the same person, she obviously isn't happy. No wonder she wanted to forget her life here with you."

"And you think you could make her happy?" Kome laughed.

"Apparently no one here did, otherwise she would not have gone so far as to change her name and come to me would she?"

Kome stood up. "Listen, Shorty. Momiji was happy! She has everything in the world going for her right now. She would not have just up and run like that."

"Says you."

Ryoko held up a hand. "Listen, quarrelling isn't gonna help find her. Hiei, please, help us find your Katana. Maybe we are all wrong and Momiji has a double out there that looks just like her. But in any event, you need to find Katana and we need to find Momiji. Lets call a truce and find our women. Then we can sit down, straighten this out, OK?"

Hiei nodded. "I will. Nevertheless, understand this. If these two girls turn out to be one and the same, I'm staying around to watch out for her. That freak was brutish. I am not going to stand by and let anyone hurt Katana, Momiji, whatever her name is. He may love her, but who knows what caused some happy, normal girl to change so dramatically. You did say he was the last one to see her before she vanished. Maybe you should have pulled this cop shit on him." Hiei walked toward the door, leaving a confused Kome and a thoughtful Ryoko.

The door swung open suddenly with a loud bang. "It is I, the fabulous Yamazaki Sakura! I have come to save the day and clean up the TAC's mess… again!" She stopped in the middle of her pose suddenly, staring at Hiei.

Hiei paused, looking at the blonde bombshell with a sudden sense of dread.

"Eh? New TAC blood, Ryoko?" Sakura kept her eyes on Hiei, frowning.

"Not exactly, Sakura. This is Hiei; he'll be working with us till we find Momiji. Did Sugi give you all the details?"

Sakura eyed the shorter man as she walked around him to sit on a desk just out of his reach. "Of course! It seems the young sacrifice went and got herself lost. However, now that I am here, what I really want to know is how the TAC acquired a demon on the staff."

Katana sat beside the handsome young man lying on the blanket she had tossed on the ground. Momiji was a lucky girl, Katana thought. This strong, sexy man faced Akuto! She leaned over him, listening to his heart. She could hear it pound rhythmically, the beat thundering strong against her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest. Would this man help her free Hiei? Sighing, she relaxed against him. He was just like the Mamoru she knew as a child. Only stronger. She opened her eyes and placed her hand on his chest. Mitamas. He had several. An Aragami. How fascinating! An Aragami who protected the Kushinada! Who would have ever thought it possible!

She cuddled next to him for a few moments. Who would know, after all? She had pulled his beaten body here. She had cleaned and bandaged his wounds. She would only take a few moments in his warmth. Mamoru. She closed her eyes again. It had been so long. Did the Kushinadas of this era understand exactly what Mamorus were? Katana somehow didn't think so. If only…Katana sighed. There was no point thinking about it, she told herself. Her Mamoru was long dead. So was Kaede. Akuto had to be stopped. However that meant… Damn. She opened her eyes again, looking at the aragami half-ling beside her. Twin Kushinadas. One Mamoru. Life was not fair at all. However, Katana smiled. She had Hiei. He may not have been born to protect her, however, he was just as powerful as this man beside her. He would protect her. She just knew it.

Kusanagi stirred beside her. She sat up, waiting for him to open his eyes. Would he know who she was? Katana doubted it. After all, she wasn't his Kushinada. She kept her hand on his chest, over his mitamas. They were cool to the touch. She smiled, thinking they probably felt warm to Momiji. Ah. Momiji. She probably is confused, wondering what was happening. Well... she would have to wait. Katana had come so far to escape Akuto. Would Kusanagi help her also? She could ask… but... No. He will be angry with me. Hate me, most likely. As will Momiji's friends. Its best she deals with just Hiei.

Katana leaned back, moving her hand away when Kusanagi's gloved hand clasped hers. Katana looked at his face, noticing he looked a lot like her own Mamoru., especially the eyes. Kusanagi's eyes were fixated on her face and she smiled at him, little fangs showing. He smiled back uncertainly. Katana knew in a few moments, that smile would probably turn into a snarl. She slowly moved her other hand to his face and brushed back the hair on his forehead.

He watched her hesitantly, not sure what to make of her yet. Perhaps Kusanagi will help her. Maybe. She could use him, he was an aragami, and that was very, very advantageous.

So it begins.