Bubblegum Crisis Fan Fiction ❯ Bubblegum Avatar #1 -- "Tin-Sell City" ❯ Chapter 18 - "And they lived happily ever after -- Yea, right...." ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 18 - "And they lived happily ever after -- Yea, right...."


The unmarked GENOM helicopter was less then two minutes away from the synthetic island when the pilot said, "Sir, We've lost the channel with Mr. Frederick."

"Reestablish contact," replied Mason in a cold tone.

"I've already tried," the pilot replied. "I am receiving no signal from Mr. Frederick."

"Can you locate his last location?"

"No sir. And we have maybe three minutes before those USSD choppers get close enough to identify us."

Mason frowned. Without the signal from Frederick, they couldn't locate the meeting point. And, thanks to USSD, there was no time to search.

He pulled out a compact case from an inner pocket of his suit jacket and opened it. It was a small computer, built to his specifications when he had become one of the Old Man's assistants. He quickly tapped in a password on the keyboard, then tap in another password for a preset command, pressed enter, and waited.

Five seconds passed, then ten. The screen on Mason's pad remained blank. Twenty seconds past, then thirty. Mason felt his anger grow. "About the mission," he growled. "Get us out of here as fast as you can. I don't give a damn about speed limits, USSD or CT air control. Get me back to GENOM Tower as soon as possible!"

"Yes Sir!" replied the Pilot, even as he started banking the helicopter away from the island.

Mason slowly closed the cover of the computer and carefully put it away. His expression was one of cold anger. None of the boomers had responded to the recall signal he'd sent, which ment only one thing. They had all been destroyed.

What went wrong? He asked himself. The Sabers shouldn't have been able to handle that many boomers!

But the Knight Sabers had somehow managed to do that. A dozen boomers, including three combat models, seven months of careful work and planning, gone in one evening. So close, yet....

I'm fortunate that Largo advised me to have a fall back plan for this project. He scowled. Though I can't speak for his ideas regarding this part of the operation.

Still, GENOM did have the plans for the black box. The other agent had smuggled the plans out the day before the raid to snatch Cynthia occurred. It would take longer, and would involve more people, but tonight was only a delay, not a derailment of GENOM's plans. At least that is what I will tell the old man.

But the Sabers were proving to be more of a problem then he had anticipated. He had his suspicions about who the leader of the Sabers was, but unless he had actually proof, he didn't dare move against her. Sylia Stingray had powerful friends, and if he was wrong, he'd never live long enough to realize the fact.

There will be a next time, Sylia. You've won this round, but I have to be successful only once....



The first fire team landed on the steel plates even before the KVS' wheels did. They took defensive positions as the second and third fire teams dropped out of the helicopter and joined them. As soon and Rowley and her people were clear of the cargo hatch, the KVS rose into the air, sending dust and dirt flying in every direction.

Rowley dropped to one knee and opened the command channel. "Command six to all team leaders - Status!"

"Strike Black is down and we're securing the causeway."

"Strike Green is down and preparing to move towards the target area," said Marsh.

"Strike Red is ready for the word," said the team leader over the radio, despite the fact he was kneeling next to Rowley.

"Stand by." Rowley looked at Strike Red's leader, a thin Sargent by the name of Bacera. The noise from the departing helicopter had dropped to the point when she could addressed him directly. "I want your fire teams on the flanks and rear. My fire team will take point. I want constant updates on everyone's locations. You know what were looking for?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Get going."As the team leader began directing his troops, Rowley went back to the radio. "Strike Green, begin moving in. Let's do it by the numbers."


Someone was waiting for the Sabers on the land side of the causeway when they reached it.

"Leon!" Priss said, noticing the Inspector leaning against the side of his cruiser. "What's he still doing here?"

"Waiting for us?" Nene suggested. To keep Craig in the conversation, she was riding behind him on his motorslave, the com cord hanging between them like a shared earring. She hung onto the bike instead of Craig because of his injuries.

"Maybe he wants to know what happened to Priss," said Craig in a slightly distracted tone. The pain was now only a dull throb, but it was everywhere and he found it hard to stay focused. At Nene's suggestion, he let the motorslave's on-board computer do most of the driving back across the causeway, while he just hung on and tried not to move too much.

"That's the most likely explanation," said Sylia. "We'll stop, but let me do most of the talking."

"Just don't make too long, Okay?" said Nene. "The ADP are probably on their way."

"I won't."

Following Sylia's lead, the group slowed down as they reached the ADP officer. Leon straightened and gave each of them a look. "I see Blue finally managed to show up," he said.

"She was having a manicure," said Craig glibly, which earned him a stare from both Priss and Sylia.

Leon smirked.The White Saber turned back to look at him. "What can we do for you Inspector?"

"I was wondering if you'd tell me what went on here just now."

"I can't do that."

Leon frowned. "I saw a woman I knew run out of there," he said, pointing at the bulk of Aqua City, "with a child which I know isn't hers. I checked with ADP while I was waiting for you. There's no reports of any child matching that description being reported missing. Once more, I watched three USSD troop helicopters land long enough to unload, then take off. That leads me to believe that's something is going on. I think I should know."

"No, you don't," replied Sylia.

"Not if you want to continue sleeping at night," said Craig, his tone flat and serious.

Leon took a deep breath. "For now, I'll accept that. Can you tell me where Priss is?"

"Who?" asked Linna.

"Priss Asagiri. She was the one carrying the child out of here. I want to make sure she's all right."

"I think we can arrange something," said Nene quickly. The others looked at her.

"What are you doing Nene?" asked Linna over the radio.

"I'm going to patch a channel into Leon's radio, and let Priss talk to him."

"What?" hissed Priss. "Why do I want to talk to him?"

"To show you're all right and in one piece," Nene shot back.

"It would get Leon to back off a bit," said Sylia. "Linna, Priss, act like you watching for anything coming from Aqua City. Priss, when Nene has the channel set up, convince him you're okay. Craig, don't move, and stay quiet."

"Yes, Mommy," grumbled Craig.

"I mean it." Craig nodded. Sylia continued, "Nene, once you get that channel patched in, see if you can patch into the channels the USSD trooper are using on Aqua City and ask them if they want Cynthia back, and if now is a good time. Let's do it."


Leon watched as the Green and Blue Sabers' motorcycles transform back into exo-skeletons around the two hardsuits, so he was startled when his radio crackled to life. "Hey Leon!" a familiar voice shouted. "Are you listening?"

Leon leaned in and picked up the mike. "Priss, is that you?"

"Who else would be stupid enough to call you at this time of the morning, rocks-for-brains?"

He smiled. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine and so is the little girl. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," he replied cheerfully. "Where are you?"

"Somewhere nearby. I don't know where, but I am safe."

"What's going on? Who is the little girl?"

"You've got me, Leon. All I know is I was snatched off the street by a couple of thugs, who mentioned the little girl and Aqua City. I managed to get free and raced over here as soon as I could. I'd just find her when the Boomers showed up and mistaken me for a cop. When the Sabers showed up, I just grabbed the kid and ran. That's when I ran into you."

"Well, I'm sorry for keeping you so long for our first date." He thought he head the Black Saber mutter something that sounded like, 'Incredible.'

"I'm not waiting around for you, you idiot!" Priss shouted. "I'm being detained by someone!"

Leon turned to look at the Saber's leader. "She'll be released within half an hour, unharmed," the White Saber assured Leon.

"Why is she being held at all?"

"For her own safety. The less she knows about what went on here, the safer she'll be."

Leon nodded, then spoke into the mike again. "Say no more, Priss. As soon as they release you, let's go out to dinner. What do you fancy?"

This time, Leon heard the Black Saber mutter, "talk about chutzpah," but he ignored it.

"This isn't the time!" Priss was yelling. "I'm all right, Okay?"

"All right, but I'm not leaving without you."

The sound of something heavy hitting concrete made him turn around. The Blue Saber's robot had turned around and the Saber was looking at him. The White Saber stepped towards the red robot, her body language indicating to him she was angry. With a quick gesture, she pointed towards Aqua City. Reluctlly, the red robot turned back towards the island.

"Look," said Priss, her voice taking on an edge of anger. "Tonight, you actually did something that helped people. But I'm all right. If I promise to meet you tomorrow night at the same place you met me and Viking, will you leave?"

Leon thought for a minute. "It's a date."

"It's not a date!" Priss yelled.

"Details, details," replied Leon with a smile. "I'll see you tonight, say about seven o'clock. Don't bother with the excuse that you're performing, because I know you're not." He turned off the radio before Priss could complain.

"Satisfied?" asked the White Saber.

"How did Priss get involved in this?" asked Leon.

"I'm not sure. I think someone involved in our assignment mistaken her for an undercover officer and decided to find out what she knew."

"Maybe. Sounds kind of weak though."

The Lead Saber shrugged. "It's not my worry. Mine is making sure our assignment was completed. It was, and no innocents were hurt." She looked at the pink-and-blue Saber, nodded, the looked back at Leon. "I've just been informed that my employers want to complete our deal immediately. I don't think it would be a good idea if you were present."

Leon thought for a second, torn between curiosity and common sense. "All right," he said finally. "I'll leave for a while. My police radio doesn't work well down here. It's going to take me...say, ten, fifteen minutes to find an area free of static, and about hat long to get back here. Will you be finished by then?"

"I believe so."

"If you happen to see any USSD personal, would you remind them not to disturb any evidence on the island?"

"If I happen to see them, I will tell them that," the White Saber said cooly.

"Good." Leon climbed into his car. "Maybe we can nail someone for this...whatever it is."

"I wouldn't count on it," said the Black Saber.

"We'll see." The door closed, and Leon drove off.

He glanced in the rear-view mirror at the Sabers. He had noted the Black Saber looked like he was hurting from the way he had carried himself, and saw the Black Saber slump forward on his bike. Leon really hoped he was all right, but he had to find a place to watch the meeting between the Sabers and their employer. He had told the White Saber that he wouldn't be present, but he hadn't said anything about not watching. He suspected USSD was the Saber's employer, but he wanted to be sure. Maybe that would give him something to work with....


Sylia glanced over at Craig. "We'd better get you into the truck and take a look at those ribs."

"That...might...be a good idea," Craig said, pain in his voice..

"Mackie, bring the truck."

"Right Sis!" The truck came out of a side alley and came to a halt near the group.

Sylia continued issuing orders. "Linna, help Craig. Priss, I want you to watch for anything coming out of Aqua City. Nene, patch me through to the USSD officer in command of the troops. Who am I dealing with?"

"A Captain Amanda Rowley."

"I know her," grunted Craig. "She was involved with the project that created Cynthia. Liaison officer or something like that."

"I see. Nene, help Linna get Craig into the truck."

"Patching you through now," said Nene. "You're connected!"

"Captain Rowley?" asked Sylia carefully, turning away from the others.

"Who is this?" asked an angry female voice.

"This is the White Saber. We have something you are looking for."

"Is she all right?"

"She is fine. In fact, I wish to hand her over to you right now. We'll wait for you at the other end of the causeway for fifteen minutes, starting now. After that, we will leave and we'll have to make arrangements for another meeting."

"What are your terms?"

"Only you and two others are to come to the meeting. One helicopter will be allowed to bring you here and take you back."

"It sounds like you don't trust us."

"I don't trust your Commanding officer. You have fourteen minutes."

"I'll be there in ten." the channel went dead.

Sylia strode over to the truck and went into the cargo compartment. "Mackie," she said to her brother, who was looking into the back from the cab. "Get this truck out of here as soon as we're ready."

"What about Craig?"

"He stays here. He's too injured, plus I don't want it getting out there's a fifth Knight Saber yet. We might need the advantage of surprise at a later date. What about Cynthia?"

"She's ready. The Process worked like you predicted." He motioned to the child boomer next to him, slumped over in sleep. "Not all the safeguards were in place, so it was relatively simple to hack into her CPU. We now have all the design data that USSD has. I also erased the last two hours of her memory, so she won't remember Priss. She should be awake in about ten minutes."

"Good." She went towards the rear of the truck. Craig was sitting on a bunk, his helmet removed, looking ghastly in the red light. His hardsuit had been removed, and Linna was checking his injuries. "How is he?"

"I'm fine," Craig grunted.

"No he isn't," said Linna, giving Craig a glare. "He has three cracked ribs, a mild concussion, and several deep bruises."

"So I'm not in top shape." He stood and grimaced. "I've had worse sparring you."

"No you haven't!"

Sylia sighed. "This isn't the time for some macho bullshit, Craig."

Craig gave her a silly little grin. "I thought this was the best time for the 'I ain't got time to bleed act'. I don't suppose you're going to fall for it, uh?"

"I want you to stay in the truck, all right?"

Craig sagged slightly until he groaned in pain. "Maybe I should take it easy for a while," he muttered.

"Linna, bind up his ribs for now. We'll take a closer look at them when we get back."


"When you're finished, I want you and Priss with me when we turn Cynthia over to Captain Rowley. Nene's going to stay in the shadows and monitor for anything that might go wrong."

"And I stay here and moan in pain," said Craig. Linna started wrapping the area over the ribs slowly and carefully.

"You can monitor the meeting from here," Sylia told him. "You'll be able to watch and keep an eye on things."

"That's a bit better."

'Hurry up," she told Linna. "USSD is going to be here in about five minutes."


The KVS carrying Rowley, Schildt, and Sanchez approached the meeting site slowly, on Rowley's orders. The Captain sat slumped in her seat, reviewing what her team had found.

It had been her team that had found the first boomer, or what was left of it. It laid face down, it's back armor ripped open like cheap foil.

"A BU-12B combat boomer," Schildt had whispered, the cold shock of an unpleasant discovery clear in his tone. "A goddamn, MFing, combat boomer!"

"Is it dead?" Sanchez had asked, pointing his rifle at it.

The Sargent's laugh wasn't mirthful. "Oh, yes."

"How do you know that?"

"We're still alive."


"What could have done that damage?" Rowley had asked, pointing to the ruptured back armor.

"A shell of some type," Schildt replied. "Either AP or HEAT, I'd guess. Won't know until we take a closer look at it."

"We can do that later. Mark the location and we'll come back for it later."

"Yes, Ma'am."

They moved on, finding the main battle site ten minutes later. Marsh's team enter the area from the opposite direction three minutes after Rowley's troops. Rowley had ordered the area secured.

After a ten minute sweep of the area, Rowley, Marsh and Schildt had gathered for a command conference overlooking an open chamber. "What do we have?" Rowley had asked.

"Two more very dead BU-12, half a dozen others boomers of an unknown type, and something out of a nightmare," Schildt had replied, pointing to the twisted, half-melted column of metal and boomer parts in the center of the chamber.

"What happen here?" asked Marsh. She was a fresh-faced young woman out on her first USSD tour assignment.

"It looks like the Knight Sabers are as good as advertised," replied Rowley. "Any signs of them taking casualties?"

Schildt shook his head. "All we've found so far is boomer parts and fluids. If they took any wounded, they didn't leave anything behind."

It was then that Rowley received the radio call from the Leader of the Knight Sabers, telling her they had Cynthia. Which was why she was now sitting in the cargo hold with Schildt and Sanchez heading towards the rendezvous point with the Sabers.

"Three minutes," said Schildt over the radio.

Rowley nodded and went back to her thinking. The evidence was clear: the Saber's armored suits were more advanced then anything either USSD or GENOM had. As she thought about the Sabers, she realized that she barely knew anything about them at all. Almost nothing. There were conflicting reports on the numbers and types of suits the Sabers used, as well as what services they had done for their clients. They were know more for their pro-bono work of stopping rampaging boomers then anything else, but even that information was sketchy at best. She didn't like it at all.

"Sargent?" she asked. Schildt looked at her. "When we get back to headquarters, I want to start putting together a database on these Knight Sabers."

"Why, Ma'am?"

"Because I don't think this will the last time we'll be dealing with these people. I want to know who we're up against, just in case we end up on opposite sides sometime down the road."

"Understood, Ma'am. First thing in the morning." He glanced out the window. "We'll be landing in about a minute."

"Any last orders, Ma'am?" asked Sanchez.

"Stay alert and expect anything," replied Rowley. "Let me do the talking and don't do anything to piss them off."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Don't worry, Captain, " said Schildt. "We've got your back."

"It's not my back I'm worried about," mumbled Rowley.


"Everyone in place?" asked Sylia. "Sound off."

"Ready," said Linna.

"Ready," said an annoyed Priss. Both she and Linna were back inside their motorslaves, and would visibly back up Sylia during the meeting with the USSD representatives. They stood a couple of meters behind and to the sides of Sylia, machine guns not quite pointed in the direction of the causeway.

"I'm ready!" chirped Nene. She was watching from a nearby warehouse. With her were the other three motorslaves - hers, Sylia's and Craig's. If things went wrong, it would be her job to cover the rest of the team's withdrawal.

"I suppose I'm ready," said Craig from the truck. The truck itself was two streets over from the causeway, hidden in a nearby alley. Mackie was at the wheel, ready to move the truck at a moment's notice. Craig was in the back, monitoring the surrounding area.

Sylia looked down at Cynthia, who was looking up at her with big blue eyes that looked fearful. Is this what my father's work has come to? Sylia thought. How can such an innocent face hide such a destructive weapon?

The sounds of an approaching helicopter made Sylia look up. "Here they come," she said over the radio.

The KVS hovered over the causeway for several seconds before it landed and three figures dropped to the roadway. They started towards Sylia at a quick pace. All three held rifles and were wearing combat fatigues with body armor.

"Skies are clear," said Craig. "Just don't...stick around for a...conversation, Okay? I don't know...how long I can sit here...with these ribs."

"It won't be long," Sylia promised, as she watched the three USSD soldiers advance towards her.


Sylia guessed that the tall woman in the middle was Rowley, flanked by a pair of enlisted men. Three meters from Sylia, the three stopped. The two enlisted man, a hard-looking sergeant and a younger, lanky corporal, each focused on a motorslave. They wouldn't last three seconds against them, but they weren't showing any fear.

"Captain Rowley, I presume?" Sylia asked.

"And you must be the White Saber," said Rowley. She looked at the small boomer besides Sylia. "Cynthia," she said gently, "Are you all right?"

The little girl nodded. "Good," said Rowley softly. "I'm here to take you home."

"Why?" Cynthia asked.

"Because that is where you belong."


Rowley reached out a hand. "Come here," she said, giving Cynthia a smile.

Cynthia looked up at Sylia, a questioning expression on her face. Sylia nodded and placed a hand on the child boomer's shoulder. Slowly, Cynthia walked toward The USSD troopers. Rowley haded her rifle to one of the others and knelt down so she was eye level with Cynthia. Moving with careful steps, Cynthia walked over to Rowley and stopped within arm's length of her.

"Cynthia," said Rowley in the same soft voice. "Authorization code Alpha-Gamma-Yankee-One-One-One. Execute Morpheus Protocols." Cynthia closed her eyes and sagged into the Captain's arms.

"I just made sure she didn't activate a particle satellite," said Rowley, looking at Sylia.

"I thought as much," Sylia replied. "You've got her back, and in one piece. Inform the general that I expect the rest of our payment in the account in less then twelve hours."

"I will make sure he gets that message. Do you have any other messages?"

"The ADP asked that you don't disturb anything on the island."

"You called the ADP?"

"There was an Inspector who was here earlier. He had to go radio for some reenforcements, so if our business is concluded, we would like to be well away from here before the ADP show up."

"I think USSD should do the same thing." Rowley picked up the sleeping Cynthia. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you."

"I can't say that I'm happy with the results of your work," said Sylia, motioning towards Cynthia with her head.

"It's necessary," Rowley replied, "for keeping the peace. Besides, I didn't think you'd care about such things."

"I care about being killed by a particle beam strike, especially one controlled by what looks like a six-year-old child. Couldn't you have used a K-9 Boomer as your cover?"

"We do what we must."

"I know. That's why I am not happy." Sylia turned. "Good night Captain. Make sure Cynthia gets home safely." She walked away, letting Linna and Priss cover her back.

"Well?" she hissed into the radio as she strode between the two motorslaves.

"They're leaving," said Priss. "Her people are covering her the same way we're covering you."

"Does...that mean...we can go...home?" asked Craig.

"I think it does," replied Sylia. "Let's get out of here and go home."


It was still dark enough for Leon to hide in the shadows on the roof of a warehouse. The warehouse was two blocks away from the causeway, but allowed a clear view of the meeting site. He'd made it to the low wall running around the top of the building when he saw the helicopter swoop down to land on the causeway. He noticed that besides the White Saber, the Green and Blue Sabers were in their transformed motorcycles were standing near their leader, but he saw no sign of either the Black or Pink Sabers. He also saw the little girl he'd seen with Priss standing next to the White Saber. What's going on? He wondered.

He watched the three USSD soldiers leap out of the helicopter and walk towards the White Saber. Leon though the tall one in the middle was a woman, while the other two were men. After a brief conversation between the female USSD soldier and the White Saber, the little girl walked over to the trooper. The woman knelt down and said something to the girl, and Leon watched in amazement as the girl collapsed into the trooper's arms. After the soldier picked up the child, there was another brief exchange between her and the White Saber, both women turned and walked away.

Leon watched the helicopter take off and the Sabers leave. What did the USSD want with that little girl? How did Priss get involved in this? Why were there boomers on Aqua City? Leon shook his head. He didn't know, but he was going to find out. Something was going on, something that could affect his job.

He stood. He would start tomorrow. He had a few contacts inside USSD he could try, and maybe Priss would tell him something tonight on their date....