Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction ❯ Rainbow ❯ Part 3: ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Date : 100109

Disclaimer : All BTVS, Magnamund and Everquest characters and concepts belong to respective creators and owners.

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A Halloween story in which Ethan Rayne does something more permanent ... and the Scoobies are going to take sometime getting back.

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Part 3:

"Wait! Let me!" Dawn answered and began to play her musical instrument.

A beautiful melody was heard and the strange amoeba-like creature stopped in its tracks. She commanded the creature to leave and obediantly, it obeyed.

"Sis, I never thought that I would say this, but that was cool," Buffy commented as the creature swam away.

"We had better go. I'm quite sure that somebody would have heard all that noise," Xander answered as voices were heard above the castle wall.

The three adventurers quickly made their way to the shore as quickly as they could. And not a moment too soon, as the sound of barking dogs could be heard in the distance. Shouts and the sound of clanking armour and weapons could also be heard from above.

They ran quickly towards the surrounding forest that lay some two hundred metres ahead. The sound of barking dogs came closer and closer.

Finally Xander said,"They're here. Prepare yourselves, everyone."

Dogs in leather armour leaped out of the darkness, snarling and growling at the four campanions.

There were twelve of them, Xander counted. The dogs stopped and then charged at the four companions.

It was fatal.

Not for the Scoobies but for the dogs. Between Buffy's Slayer abilities, Xander's level of Kai Grandmastery, Willow's expertise with the sword from her Halloween guise of Lady T'Lak and Dawn's ability to increase her and all her allies' speed using Selo Accelerando, the war dogs never stood a chance. They were instantly cut to pieces in a heartbeat before they could even so much as descend from the leap that they had done.

Having dealt with their four-legged opponents, they made a run through the trees. They made good speed as they ran for the mountains, their feet barely touching the ground.

"Why are we coming this way?" Buffy asked.

"Because the other way will take us all to the sea coast ... and unless you enjoy more swimming, be my guest," the Scooby Kai Grandmaster answered coolly.

"Fine!" came the slightly annoyed retort.

They had been running for what seemed like an hour when they arrived at the slope of a mountain. Xander drew to a stop and the rest followed suit.

"Why did you bring us here, wise guy? I may not like swimming across the sea but mountain-climbing ain't my favourite past-time either," Buffy remarked acidly.

The male Scooby did not reply but stepped up to the rocky ledge. Taking out his sword, he tapped the ledge gently. Suddenly, without warning, the ledge in front of them gave way to reveal a dark cavern.

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"Now be very quiet," Xander said.

"What do you mean?" Buffy asked.

'There's hundreds of goblins in that big cavern and unless you keep quiet. We're all going to have one hell of a fight. I don't think they're going to be very happy to find us in their house. I know that Lone Wolf is a supreme warrior but fighting hundreds of goblins on their home turf is tantamount to suicide,' Xander mind-sent to all four of the Scoobies before making a run for it past the big cavern.

Upon hearing Xander's warning, the remaining Scoobies made their way past the entrance to the big cavern as quietly as they could. Unfortunately for all four concerned, a baby goblin happened to catch sight of Buffy just as she was about to slip past them. It gave vent to a cry of alarm that alerted the entire pack of goblins to the presence of intruders in the cave.

Like a flood of water they poured out of the cavern after the four Scoobies. Quickly realising that something had gone wrong, the four Scoobies ran through the corridor following Xander's lead until he came to large door. Xander did not waste any time. He quickly picked the lock of the large metal door with his telekinetic powers and the door swung open to reveal a large throne room with the biggest goblin they had ever seen sitting in it.

Upon catching sight of the four intruders, the goblin picked up a very large sword and spoke a few words. The sword animated itself and flew towards the four Scoobies. Xander unsheathed his sword and began engaging the fighting sword in one to one combat. Buffy took one look at the large goblin as he pulled out another sword of his own and simply said,"Oh no you don't!" before unleashing a blast of energy from her serpent-headed staff. The bolt of energy struck the large goblin dead center in the chest throwing him right into the rocky wall of the throne room.

He hit the wall with a loud THUMP and slid to the ground unconscious. In that time, the large pack of goblins began hurtling through the doorway. Willow and Dawn slammed the large metal door shut before before barricading it with everything they could find in the throne room.

"Nice big dancing sword. A sword that can fight on its own. But how do we use this?" the Slayer turned High Elf interrupted.

"If you don't mind we could use some help here!" Willow shouted loudly as the large metal door began to tremble from all the pounding on the other side.

"This wonderful Dancing Sword?" Xander asked before moving to take a few daggers from the dead goblin's body and using it to jam the large metal door shut.

It continued to shake but the door held firm.

The four Scoobies looked at one another before he spoke yet again.

"I know! First person to get the sword fight and fly on its own gets to keep it!"


The four Scoobies quickly searched hard for the magic word to animate the sword.

Willow did a spell of divining while Xander remained still as if in deep thought before speaking a few words they had never heard before. The sword leaped into the air and began to do an animated dance without stopping.

"Looks like I win," the male Scooby smiled.

"Pahh!" Buffy groaned jealously.

"Always you!" Willow accused enviously.

"Xander, couldn't you please give me the sword? Pretty please?" Dawn begged with puppy-dog eyes.

"If you put it that way, h-h-h-how c-c-c-could I-I-I r-r-r-refuse?" he answered uneasily.

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First World: Guess ... There's a clue in the story.

Series: Same thing.

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And now, a word of thanks to my reviewers ...

Nighetray: Thank you for the support.

Wormbait: Lone Wolf is not uber but a Kai Grandmaster is not called a grandmaster for nothing, so I had to account for that. On the other hand, the other three are also formidable adversaries in their own right so you shouldn't discount them out just yet. I had Xander act as the Scout and the Warrior of the party. That is why he always seems to be the one doing things first. Willow as the mage (Wiccan witch) and the rogue (Dark Elf Rogue - deadly fighter) of the party. Buffy as the archmage (enchanter - her arsenal of magic is going to be formidable) and fighter (Slayer) of the party. Dawn as the Bard of the group. Their magic is different from each other so the skill rating means their current progression in the use of that ability.

Bobboky: Thank you for the continued support.

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Character Summary:

To make things simpler to follow, I've decided to introduce a skill ratings chart below as a rough guideline.

Skill ratings from 1 to 15. 1 is the lowest while 15 is the highest (can go higher under very special circumstances like being augmented with an artefact or something similar).

Special note:

Combat skill level:

The average swordsman is considered to be a 3 when using their sword. A master swordsman is 5. A ninja is considered to be a 5 or 6 depending on skill. A grandmaster who dedicated his or her entire life to the use of that weapon is considered a 9 or 10. The same applies to unarmed combat.

Scout skill level:

The average soldier is considered to be a 3. Special forces soldier is 5. Master scout is 6. True masters can vary up to 10.

Camouflage skill level:

The average soldier is considered to be a 3. Special forces soldier is 5. Ninja is 6. Ninja masters can reach 7 or 8. Grandmasters of camouflage can reach a 9 or 10.

Xander as Lone Wolf.
Race: Human.
Occupation: Kai Grandmaster.
Allegience: Sommerlund.
World: Magnamund.

Scout skill level: 10.

Camouflage skill level: 10.

Combat skill level:

12 when using Sommerswerd.
11 when using any other magic sword.
10 when using an ordinary sword.
8 in the use of all other weapons
8 in unarmed combat.

Psychic skill level:

10 in the use of all psychic abilities.

Buffy as Lady Aiendu.
Race: High Elf.
Occupation: Enchanter.
Allegience: Elddar Alliance.
World: Norrath.

Scout skill level: 6.

Camouflage skill level: 4.

Combat skill level:

10 when using her magic staff.
9 when using any other staff.
8 in the use of the stake.
7 in the use of hammer and axe.
6 in all other weapons.
5 in unarmed combat.

Magic skill level:

12 in Elven magic.

Psychic skill level:

? in the use of empathy and illusions?

Dawn as Lady Briana.
Race: Half Elf.
Occupation: Bard.
Allegience: Elddar Alliance.
World: Norrath.

Scout skill level: 6.

Camouflage skill level: 4.

Combat skill level:

8 in the use of the sword.
6 in the use of all other weapons.
5 in unarmed combat.

Magic skill level:

10 in Bardic magic.

Psychic skill level:

? in the use of empathy and hypnotism?

Willow as Lady T'Lak.
Race: Dark Elf.
Occupation: Rogue.
Allegience: Shadowrealm.
World: Norrath.

Scout skill level: 8.

Camouflage skill level: 8.

Combat skill level:

11 when using Sorcerak.
9 in the use of the sword and dagger.
7 in every other weapon.
6 in unarmed combat.

Magic skill level:

5 in Wiccan.

Psychic skill level:

? in the use of zen?

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First World: Guess ... There's a clue in the story.

Series: Same thing.

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And now, a word of thanks to my reviewers ...

Nighetray: Thank you for the support.

Wormbait: Lone Wolf is not uber but a Kai Grandmaster is not called a grandmaster for nothing, so I had to account for that. On the other hand, the other three are also formidable adversaries in their own right so you shouldn't discount them out just yet. I had Xander act as the Scout and the Warrior of the party. That is why he always seems to be the one doing things first. Willow as the mage (Wiccan witch) and the rogue (Dark Elf Rogue - deadly fighter) of the party. Buffy as the archmage (enchanter - her arsenal of magic is going to be formidable) and fighter (Slayer) of the party. Dawn as the Bard of the group. Their magic is different from each other so the skill rating means their current progression in the use of that ability.

Bobboky: Thank you for the continued support.

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