Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon of Dinmensions ❯ shadow pathway ( Chapter 1 )
I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon or Digimon
Time to digivole!!!!!!!!!
By: Ami
Chapter 1:shadow pathway
Sakura half-asleep and Kero way snoring anyway. Sakura got up walk to the star book {that was the Clow Reed book}. Sakura was so worried that her powers will face a new danger and that her star card will have to watch out for anything. Sakura fell asleep that instant. Just then a weird smell came out of nowhere.
Meanwhile in the digiworld ……
"Everyone go to that cave,"said Tai run into the cave. "Why is everything going wrong?" Tai said still thinking about everyone. When Tai turn around no one was there. Suddenly two digimon came toward Tai. "Agumon !!!!!! " said Tai trying to got to them. In another part of the digiworld a large bird was starting to fly towards Tai.
Meanwhile in the scouts world……
Serena was walking down street groaning."An F!!!!!!!!!"Serena said crumpling the paper. Serena was just about to throw the paper, but just then "Hey Serena !!",said Mina running towards her and the other scouts running after Mina. Serena sighing walked towards Mina and threw out the paper.
Meanwhile back in cardcaptor …….
Sakura skating to school she felt a strange powder from the sky. Just then a big shadow was on top of her. Just then two balls fell right on the middle of Sakura's head, and then a bigger ball came on top of and her took her away.
Meanwhile in the digiworld……..
Tai ran into Agumon, and "Tai!!!"Agmon said rubbing his nose "Sorry Agumon"Tai said
"Hey Agumon do you know where the others are"? said Tai. The other digimon said, "We thought you knew where there were." "Well, they were behind me." Before Tai could finish a bird threw two black big circles and took Tai and Agumon.Gabumon tried to help them but they were taken.
Meanwhile in the scouts world……
Serena was walking back home just then balls came form the sky and take her away.
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