Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon of Dinmensions ❯ Friend of a different kind ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter 2:Friend of a different kind
" Owwwwwww !!!!! ",Sakura yelled as she landed on the ground {that was 2 feet} Sakura saw a boy with a porcupine hair and an animal that can talk!!!! "How is an animal talking and how is that boy keeping all that hair up?" thought Sakura but she though that he might know where they might be. "Agumon are you OK?" Tai said rubbing his head. "I'm OK Tai," said Agumon. Just then Tai felt something on his shoulder "aaaaaaaahhh!!"Tai jump to see Sakura. Agumon got up "Who are you"? said Agumon almost attacking. "My name is Sakura , what is your name , what are you and do you know where we are? "said Sakura.
"For your information that is a digimon and it's name is Agumon and my name is Tai and oh yeah I don't know where we are and aren't you a digimon tamer?" said Tai "oh, but I am not a digimon tamer I am a cardcaptor and am now the master of clowcards that are the star cards" said Sakura "yeah um, well you can tell me about that on the way out of here, OK?" said Tai start to walking with Agumon "OK" Sakura said walking with Tai. On the way out there Tai, Agumon and Sakura become friends. Sakura told Tai about cardcaptors and he told her about the digiworld. They sighed because they both missed their friends, their family and their adventures. Sakuara start to say "Do you think that there are other places ?" "Yeah I think so." Tai said .
Just then Serena fell out of the sky and land right on Tai! " Owwwww !!" said Tai. "Tai, are you OK?" Agumon said picking Tai up ."I will be fine"said Tai .That animal just talk and who are they? Serena thought stepping away. Who is she and where did she come from and if she did come form somewhere, then it will explain her hair do. Both Tai and Sakura though then Sakura start to say "Well my name Sakura and this Tai and I am a cardcaptor and Tai is a digimon tamer and his digimon's name is Agumon" said Sakura. Sakura thinks she might be one of them or she should tell them who she is and how she got out here. "Well for starters what is a digimon , my name is Serena and I am a sailor scout "said Serena "OK so you can tell us the story on the away out here and do you know where we are? "said Tai who was real tired of saying that. Then Serena told the whole story and they told their stories and it became a gang of two girls and one digimon and one boy stuck in nowhere.
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