Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Dreams ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~[c · h · a · p · t · e · r · 1]~

The next morning, Sakura sleepily rubbed her eyes as she combed her hair. *What a strange dream... it's almost as if it was trying to tell me something...*


*Clow Mistress....*

*What? Who's there?* Sakura thought, looking around. She was in what looked to be a barren field, with pink mist everywhere. *Show yourself!!*

As if on cue, a rabbitlike creature appeared out of the fog. It was a sea-green color, and had bright purple stripes, as well as long ears and red eyes. *You must find the NeoCrest of Endurance... please hurry... before Armageddomon strikes....* it said telepathically.

*Nani, Armageddomon? Who is that? And what's a NeoCrest?* Sakura answered back.

The rabbit creature didn't answer. Instead, it went on. *Find the Digi Cards... they will help you in the future....*

*Digi Cards? Are those some kind of Clow Cards?*

*There are twelve Digi Cards.... Sun, Snow, Sky, Spark, Forest, Ocean, Spirit, Angel, Star, Dream, Psychic, and Gem...* As suddenly as the rabbit appeared, it vanished in a swirl of cherry blossoms.

*Digi Cards... how very strange....* Sakura thought. Sakura's surroundings went from pink to black.


"Nani, Sakura-chan? Are you awake?" Sakura blinked, finding a hand waving in front of her face.

"Uhh.. Tomoyo-chan?" Sakura asked, sweatdropping.

"Are you okay? You were kind of spaced out for a minute...." Tomoyo asked, a concerned look in her eyes.

"Uhm, Hai Tomoyo-chan. Where did everyone go?" Sakura asked, looking around. Only she and Tomoyo were in there.

Sora peeked in through the door. "Hurry up, you two!"

"Hai! We're coming!"

[ Later that day... ]

"Let's see.... Furinkan - 3, Porustar - 4. Heh, it looks like we're winning, Nesu-kun!" Poora said, looking at the scoreboard in the gym.

"Don't rub it in. What's the last game?"

"Ano... I think it's Pillow Dodgeball. Ooh, this is my favorite game! And if we win this one, guess what YOU guys have to do!!" Poora said, fake-glaring at Nesu.

Nesu groaned. "We jump naked into the lake?" he asked, shaking his head.

Paula facefaulted, then smacked the back of Nesu's head. "NO! You guys have to be our butlers!"

Nesu blinked, then fell over, foaming at the mouth.

"Hey! Can we get on with it?" Heza shouted from the other end of the gym. She was answered by a pillow to the face. "Nani? What was THAT for?!"

"That's the game! Pillow Dodgeball. Girls, get over here, guys, stay there..." Poora handed everyone a pillow.

[ About 10 minutes later..... ]

Nesu had finally woken up. He looked at the scoreboard. "Hey, we're tied now! Awright!"

Poora groaned. "Yeah, the boys whomped us good.... AND YOU MISSED THE WHOLE THING! AHAHAHHA!" she shouted, a triumphant look on her face.

"But what's the tiebreaker?"

"Uhh... I haven't thought of that...."

Nesu walked over to the group of boys and girls, who were sitting and talking. "Awright, since we're tied, we're gonna have a tiebreaker. Would the guys pick out the shyest one in the group, and the same for the girls?" Nesu asked them.

[ Guy's group ]

"Awright. So who's the shyest out of all of us?" Yamato asked, a bored look on his face.

"Hmm... Jyou?" Taichi asked. He was answered by a smack to the back of the head, courtesy of Jyou. "Not shy...." Taichi rubbed the back of his head. "How about that Li kid?"

Syaoran looked up and glared at Taichi.

"Ookay, DEFINETELY not shy.... and the rest of us are pretty outgoing, all except for...." He stopped, getting an evil grin.

"I think I know what you're getting at, Taichi-kun!" Takeru said, winking at him.

"Mweheheh. Koushiroooooo!!"

Koushiro looked up from his laptop. "Hai?"

"Yep, definetely the shyest," Yamato said, grinning.

Koushiro blinked. The next thing he knew, he was standing in front of the group. "Hey! What do you mean, shyest....?"

Nesu laughed. "Nice choice, boys." He looked over at the girls, who were still deciding.

[ Girl's group ]

"No. I am NOT going up there. No way," Heza said, crossing her arms.

"Ha, see how you refuse? You're shyer than we thought!" Mimi said, pointing at her.

"The hell....?" Heza leaned over and whispered something in Mimi's ear, so as Kamira, Sakura, and Tomoyo wouldn't hear. "Look. I had the Crest of Determination. Ruunamon was the one who defeated Kitusomon, you do the math..."

"She has a point, Mimi-chan...." Sora said.

"Oh, all right! Then it's between Kamira and Tomoyo..." Mimi said, looking at the two girls, who were talking quietly. They both looked up upon hearing their names.

Hikari turned to the two of them. "Which one of you is shyer?"

"It's definetely not Tomoyo, she's always following me around with a video camera. Hoeeee..." Sakura said, sweatdropping.

Heza grinned. "Than that leaves you, Kamira-chan!" she said to her best friend.

"Nani?" Kamira said. About a split-second later, she was standing in front of the group, right next to Koushiro. She looked over at him. "Ohayo, Koushiro-kun," she said, blushing slightly.

"Oh man, this is great!" Poora said.

"What exactly do we have to do...?" Koushiro asked, looking at Kamira out of the corner of his eye. He couldn't help but notice that her eyes were an unusual shade of green, brighter than usual. "Ohayo..." he whispered.

"Okay, we're going to have a little game of Dare. No Truth in this one. We're going to give both of you the same dare, whoever completes it first, wins for their team," Nesu said, his eyes shining.

Yamato poked Heza, who was sitting a few feet away from him. "I have a feeling we're going to win..." he said, grinning semi-evilly.

Heza glared at him from the corner of her eye. "Don't count on it," she muttered.

They were interrupted by a loud "IIIIIIEEEEE!!!" coming from Kamira and Koushiro, at the same time.

"Are you crazy?! I can't do that!!" Kamira shouted, her face a deep crimson.

"Same for me!!" Koushiro yelled.

"Nani?! What'd we miss?!" Heza asked.

"Kami-sama! Man, you should have heard it! They both have to jump-" Taichi started. Heza slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Ano, don't tell me. They have to jump naked into the lake..." Heza said, sweatdropping. She removed her hand from his face.

"Uhh, how'd you guess?" Taichi asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"A sixth sense."

[ 5 minutes later... ]

*Kami-sama, I can't believe I'm doing this...* Kamira thought as she started toward the Porustar cabin. She then stopped. Her eyes went wide. *Oh no... what's happening? I'm having one of my visions again....* For just an instant, she saw a strange old man, an ice-blue pendant with a starburst-like symbol on it, a cabbitlike creature, and a gigantic silver dragon. She then turned around, watching the group mingle. "Nani?! LOOK OUT!!" she shouted.

Everyone turned and looked at her. Just then, a large white orb floated to the ground. A little old man stepped out of it.

"....It can't be...." Taichi muttered.

"It may not be, but it is...." Sora said, staring at the old man. "It's Gennai!"

"Hey, that's that old man who gave Heza her Digiegg, isn't it?" Nesu whispered to Poora.


"Greetings. You may be wondering what I'm doing here. Well, I have come to take you back to the Digital World," Gennai said.

"Back to the Digital World? What's going on there?" Jyou asked.

"I will need all of you to come with me, with exception of Nesu and Poora."

"Whaa, we don't get to gooo?" Poora said, fake-pouting.

"All of us? What you you need us for?" Takeru asked, taking off his hat and scratching his head in confusion.

Gennai didn't answer. Instead, he walked up to Sakura and examined her. "Yep, you're the Clow Mistress..." he muttered.

Syaoran saw this, and stepped in front of Sakura in defense. "What are you gonna do?"

"It's okay, Li Syaoran. I will not harm your friend, although she may feel a bit woozy for a few minutes," Gennai said, taking out a bag of powder.

*Wha? How does he know my name...?* Syaoran thought as he backed off.

"You are a descendant of Clow Reed, are you not?" Gennai asked.

"Hai, what's it to you?"

"Great. Then you are the twelfth DigiDestined. And Kinomoto Sakura, you are the eleventh."

This drew a gasp of shock from everyone, with exception of Kamira, Sakura, Syaoran, and Tomoyo.

"No way! It can't be!" Takeru muttered. "There are twelve DigiDestined?!"

"But if Sakura and Syaoran are the eleventh and twelfth, then who's the tenth?" Sora asked, looking at Tomoyo and Kamira.

"It has to be one of them...." Jyou said.

Kamira and Tomoyo looked at each other, then blinked.

"Hoeee, I'm confused. What's a 'DigiDestined?'" Sakura asked, shaking her head. Gennai emptied the little pouch over Sakura and Syaoran's heads.

"This powder will tell you everything you need to know," Gennai said.

Just then, a bright orange streak zipped in front of the two card captors. It was Kero. "Hey! What do you think you're doing, old man?!"

Syaoran's eyes went wide. "The stuffed animal?!"

Kero turned around and glared at Syaoran. "The Chinese brat?!"

Sakura stepped between them. "Hoooeee, knock it off." She turned to Gennai. "Now, I have a bit better understanding of this 'Digital World,' but how are we going to get there?"

"Simple. I will transport you all. Keroberos and Daidouji Tomoyo, you will accompany the twelve DigiDestined on their trip."

"Then that means..." Hikari muttered, looking at Kamira.

"Kamira's the tenth DigiDestined!" Heza said, her brown eyes shining.

Kamira blinked in shock. "Nani, that must have been what my vision was about..." she said.

"Now then. Keroberos and Daidouji-san, you are the two Guardians of the Digital Gate. When we get to the Digital World, you will stay at the arrival point and make sure the gate stays open. If it closes, you will relay a telepathic massage back to the DigiDestined, letting them know they are stuck there," Gennai said.

"Nani?! Stuck?!" Kero said. Everyone couldn't help but stare at the small orange critter oddly.

Takeru looked confused. "Let me get this straight. This stuffed animal is a Guardian of the Digital Gate?" he asked, pointing a finger at Kero. Kero snapped at his finger, causing him to jerk back.

"That's MR. Stuffed Animal to you, Gilligan!" Kero said. Takeru then took off his hat and hid it behind his back, rolling his eyes.

"So, are we ready to go?" Gennai asked.

"Nani, what about us?" Nesu asked.

"Poora, you have the power to see what's going on in different areas, do you not?" Gennai asked Poora.

"Hai, what's that to do with anything?" she answered.

"You can check on the DigiDestined occasionally with your PSI. Now let's get out of here, I have a fruitcake in the oven."

Heza's mind was running all over the place. *I can't believe it, I'm finally going to see Ruunamon again... this must be Kami-sama's way of making up for everything that's happened to me...*

*********************************************************** ********
[ Meanwhile, in the Digital World... ]

"Look out, Palmon!!" Patamon shouted, tackling the plantlike Digimon out of the way of a flying thread of silk.

"You will never essssssssscape..." the huge spiderlike Digimon hissed, clenching his clawlike fangs. "Silk Shocker!!"

Tentomon narrowly dodged another shot of sticky silk. However, he plunged to the ground, a glop of silk caught in his wings. "Oi... Arachmon is really bad news! With his Silk Shocker and Venom Spewer attacks, this puts other Ultimates to shame! I can't believe THIS Digivolved from Kuwagamon... (PikaChan's Note: I KNOW Kuwagamon Digivolves to Okuwamon, just bear with me. It's a fanfic. e.e)" he said, skittering over to a nearby tree. Biyomon and Tailmon were hiding out in there, with a tiny purple blob.

"I'm not going to stand around and let these bakas destroy our home," Tailmon said, pouncing out of the tree.

The purple blob opened its beady blue eyes. It had a single antenna topped with a crescent moon, as well as a star on its forehead (If you read IHC, you'll know that this is Kitamon, the Baby form of Heather's Lunamon.). It looked at the fight scene. Its eyes welled up with tears, and it made a soft squeaking sound as it cried.

Biyomon put a wing around it. "Nani, what's wrong, Kitamon?" she asked.

"She probably misses Heza-san, we all miss them..." Tentomon said, thinking about Koushiro.

"It's been an eternity since they left us... and here we thought that our world was at peace when we defeated Kitusomon, look at it now! Minna no baka..." Biyomon said, sighing.

Patamon fell to the ground, bruised everywhere. "I can't go on anymore..." he mumbled, falling unconscious.

Arachmon hovered over him, working up a ball of venom. "Venom Ssssssspewer!!"

"Poison Ivy!!" Palmon shouted from nearby, wrapping her vines around Patamon and pulling him away from Arachmon before he could launch his attack.

"Cursssssssse you, you little weed! Silk Shocker!!" Arachmon hissed, once again sending a poisonous web of silk at the two Rookie Digimon. Palmon just couldn't move as fast with Patamon, and the two of them got covered in sticky silk. They de-digivolved to Tanemon and Tokomon.

[ Meanwhile, in another part of the Digital World... ]

"Quick, minna-san! Get the Digieggs out of here!!!" Agumon shouted as he, Gabumon, and Gomamon ran away from the huge Digimon behind them. They were each carrying a Digiegg. Agumon held one that was red with black stripes and white spikes protruding from the top. Gabumon was carrying a seafoam-green one with purple stripes and a single silver horn, and Gomamon had a sky-blue one with deep violet stripes and two gold goatlike horns.

"I can't run with this thing!" Agumon shouted, lagging behind the two other Digimon. He looked behind him at the gigantic twisterlike Digimon behind them. "We'd better get away before Tornadomon sucks us up with his Dark Vortex! His Debris Rain isn't very pretty either..."

Tornadomon howled as he chased after the three Rookie Digimon. "Dark Vortex!!" he growled.

The Digiegg flew out of Agumon's hands. "Nani?! Iie!!"

"If we could Digivolve, this wouldn't be so hard!!" Gabumon shouted, holding on to his Digiegg as tight as he could.

The three of them came up on the tree where the rest of them were battling Arachmon. Gatomon lay on the ground, bruised in many places. Tanemon and Tokomon lay caught up in a web of sorts.

"This is really bad!!" Agumon said when the three of them got into the tree. Gabumon and Gomamon had hauled the other three Digimon inside.

"Hai, but did you find those Digieggs?" Tentomon asked.

Agumon guiltily looked down at the ground. "I couldn't hold on to the Digiegg of Dreams... Tornadomon picked it up right out of my hands!" he said, hanging his head.

"But we still have the other two. I just barely managed to hold on to the Digiegg of Endurance..." Gabumon said, setting down the green-and-purple egg.

"Not to mention the Digiegg of Nobility..." Gomamon said, doing the same for the green-and-pink one.

Just then, the top of the tree flew off and Arachmon and Tornadomon stared down into it. Kitamon then felt herself being lifted off the ground. She squealed in fear as she rose further away from the ground. She closed her eyes waiting to be sucked up into the vortex, but felt someone grab her. It was Gabumon.

Tornadomon didn't like this one bit. He increased his winds, causing everything inside the tree to move around. Kitamon flew out of Gabumon's paws. Arachmon shot a think web of silk down in the tree, trapping the rest of the Digimon. Kitamon then felt a slight power surge through her. She changed shape; gained arms and feet. Ears replaced the antenna on her head, and a crescent moon took the place of the star. On top of that, she turned pink. She had Digivolved into Kiyonimon!

"Minna-san!" she shouted. "If you see Heza-chan sometime soon, tell her to look for me!!" She then disappeared into Tornadomon's black vortex. Tornadomon and Arachmon then disappeared.

The other Digimon looked at each other in horror. This was already bad, now it had gotten fifty times worse.

*********************************************************** *********

"Ugh... that landing was a bit rougher than I expected..." Heza said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Well, at least we got here..." Taichi said, standing up and dusting himself off.

"Oh dear... it's changed so much since we were here last..." Mimi said, looking around. The sky was darkened by an immense black fog. Small currents of black electricity ran through the sky, creating an eerie effect.

"Strange... this place seems very familiar..." Kamira muttered.

"Sugoi! This would be a great movie set," Tomoyo said, zooming in on some figures moving across a hill with her camera. "Nani, what's this...?"

"Tomoyo-chan?" Sakura mumbled, approaching her friend.

"Strange... there's an orange dinosaur thing, a big pink bird, uhm... a reptile wearing a fur coat...?"

"Nani?!" Taichi shouted, grabbing the camera.

"Hey! That thing's expensive!" Tomoyo protested.

Taichi zoomed the camera in a bit more. "Kami-sama... it's Agumon! And the rest of them!!" Tomoyo quickly snatched her camera away as Taichi began to run toward the Digimon. "Hey Agumon!!" Everyone followed suit, with exception of Tomoyo, Sakura, Syaoran, Kamira, and Kero-chan.

"Do you guys have any idea what's going on?" Sakura asked.

"None at all," Syaoran said, crossing his arms. "Think we should follow them?"

"Maybe we should just stay here... those things could be dangerous..." Kero-chan said, hovering in the air.

"Kero-chan, Yagami-san seemed pretty excited about them... I don't think thaey could be that bad..." Sakura said to the small orange creature.

Meanwhile Kamira had wandered toward the large group of humans and Digimon. *This is very strange indeed... I wonder what these creatures are..* she thought as she approached the group.

Heza looked around frantically. "Minna-san, where's Kitamon?!" she asked.

All of the Digimon turned to look at her, guilty expressions on their faces. Gabumon spoke up. "An evil Digimon came to attack us, and... they took her away. But she digivolved to Kiyonimon, so..."

Heza dropped to her knees. *No.. she can't be gone...*

"Gomen nasai, Heza-san... we just weren't strong enough to defeat them... and without you guys, we couldn't digivolve.." Tailmon said, hanging her head.

"But look on the bright side... we found two Digieggs!" Biyomon said, holding up a greenish egg with a silver horn protruding from the top.

Heza just looked to the ground. *I can't believe it... after all of this time.. just when we finally get to come back... she's gone...*

Yamato kneeled down beside her and put an arm around her in sympathy. "It's okay.. we'll find her.."

Just then, attention turned to the two Digieggs. They were shaking strangely.

"Nani, I think they're hatching!" Patamon said, hovering over to them.

The one with the silver horn rose from the ground and flew across the field to Sakura, who had just started approaching the group. The other one did the same, only it flew to Syaoran. They looked at each other, puzzled at what was happening.

Sakura's egg began to glow with a strange aqua light, shaking violently. Syaoran's shone with a deep teal glow. At the same time, the tops of them popped off. A pair of pale pink ears popped out of Sakura's egg. They pried the rest of the egg off, revealing a small pink head with rabbit ears and a cotton tail. "Hi! My name's Shinshimarumon!"

"Nani?! It talks?!" Sakura shouted as it landed in her hands.

Syaoran's egg burst open, revealing a white ball with beady black eyes. "Greetings. I am Piiromon."

Syaoran blinked at the ball in his hands. "... Uhm, hi..."

"Wow, this is great! More Digimon to help us..." Koushiro said, popping open his laptop. "Nani..? An e-mail from Gennai! It says: Greetings, DigiDestined. I will be paying a visit right about.... now." Just then, a bright orb appeared in the middle of the field. Gennai stepped out of it.

"Uhm, what was the point of that e-mail..?" Heza groaned.

"You may wonder what the point of that e-mail was. It's always good to be precautioned. Now, the first part of your trip... The first nine DigiDestined, you may have noticed that your crests have disappeared. This is normal, the defeat of Dark Lords normally causes a breakdown. Which is why I have pulled your powers to make new crests... the NeoCrests."

A different-colored glow appeared in each person's hands, and a pendant with their personal Crest appeared, each hanging on black cords.

"Wow... spiffy," Tomoyo said, glancing at Sakura's. It was a light aquamarine color, and was shaped like an inflated star with a hollow center. The points were connected by a curved line, and there was a single circle in the center.

Syaoran's was a deep turquoise color, and looked like a buzzsaw with no middle. In the center of it was a small star.

Kamira's was very different from the rest. It was a bright sky-blue color, and was a circle speared by eight lines. (ASCII time!)

---O--- <- I suck at ASCII.

Gennai approached Kamira, Sakura, and Syaoran. "Due to you three being the three newest DigiDestined, you will have to learn to be a good friend to your Digimon partners. The other DigiDestined can help you. Ryuuichii-san, you are the holder of the NeoCrest of Dreams. Your power to see into the future will help you during this journey. Kinomoto-san, you have the NeoCrest of Endurance. Because of your stamina and power as a Card Captor, you will make a great ally to the DigiDestined. Li-san, your honor towards your family and friends has earned you the NeoCrest of Nobility. Use your pride along with your powers."

The three of them looked at each other and smiled.

"Now, Clow Mistress... you have a very important task ahead of you..." Gannai began. The others leaned in closer to hear what he was saying. "There are twelve Digi Cards scattered through out the Digital World. One for each DigiDestined. When you capture all twelve, only then will the Great Circle of Unity form. You will only then have the power needed to defeat Armageddomon..."

"Hold on now, wait a minute. Armageddomon? I thought that Kitusomon was the last of the Black Death Squadron..." Heza cut in. "And where is Ruunamon?!"

"Patience, Yakanori-san. She is not hurt.."

Heza looked down at the ground and clenched her fist.

"Now then, you must begin your quest to find the Digi Cards... I wish you all luck, but I must be going. It's almost time for my soaps." With that, Gennai disappeared with a flash of light.

*********************************************************** **********


"Hai, Master?" the feeble bird squeaked, slowly approaching the black void before him.

"There are intruders in the Digital World... rid them from my territory..." a deep voice echoed from deep inside the void, a pair of red eyes glowing brightly.

"Yes, Lord Armageddomon... I will send one of our slave Digimon to attack...." Chiikomon said, walking toward an iron gate. Behind it stood Musyamon, a ninja Digimon. "Musyamon... travel to the Rolling Plains and destroy the DigiDestined..."

The gate opened, and Musyamon disappeared. "Hehehehe... let's see how they like THIS..."

********************************************************* ***********

"Well... we'd better get going if we want to get a good start on finding these Digi Cards or whatever..." Taichi said, cracking his knuckles.

The group had just started moving, when something bursted out of the ground and knocked several of them on their rears.

"Nani? What in the...?" Taichi said, standing up.

"I was sent to destroy you... you will not get past me.." the ninja-like Digimon in front of them said.

Koushiro popped open his laptop. "Musyamon is a Wizard type Digimon. His Ninja Blade and Shogun Sword attacks can cut you down to size!" he analyzed.

"All right guys, let's get at it!" Heza shouted, then realizing that Ruunamon wasn't with her..

"Ano.. maybe you should stay out of battles, just until we find Ruunamon.." Yamato said to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Heza sighed. "I guess so..." she said, leaning against a tree. "Kamira-chan, maybe you shouldn't fight either.."

"Oh dear... I really don't like fighting..." Kamira said, walking over to her friend.

"There we go... this won't take long," Yamato said, running over to join the battle.

"Alright minna-san, let's go!"

Just then, Shinshimarumon and Piiromon began glowing. Their shapes turned from their current ones to a head with ribbonlike ears and a goatlike head.



Syaoran and Sakura looked at each other and shrugged.

The two In-Training Digimon glowed and changed forms AGAIN.

"Neomon, Digivolve to... Pseudomon!" Pseudomon was a small sea-green rabbit with large floppy ears and pinkish-purple stripes.

*Nani, that's the rabbit in that dream...* Sakura thought as she watched Pseudomon make her way toward the battle.

"Nobamon, Digivolve to... Kagemon!" Kagemon was a large sky-blue cat with gold horns on his head and silverish bat wings. He had dark purple stripes.

The rest of the Digimon were giving Musyamon a good pounding.

"Pepper Breath!"
"Blue Blaster!"
"Spiral Twister!"
"Super Shocker!"
"Poison Ivy!"
"Marching Fishes!"
"Boom Bubble! PAH!"
"Lightning Paw!"

Pseudomon hovered in the air on her huge ears, and began spinning around. Hundreds of sakura petals spiraled around her. "Cherry Blossom Blitz!"

Kagemon arched his back, the jewel on his forehead giving off a multicolored glow. "Delta Cannon!" Three triangular beams of red, yellow, and blue hurtled toward Musyamon.

The combined force of the attacks was not enough to make Mysyamon faint, but it greatly weakened him.

"Grr... Shogun Sword!"

"Not today! Positive Karma!!" Pseudomon shouted, her fuschia eyes glowing with an aquamarine light. Musyamon was frozen in his place.

Kagemon took off into the air on his silver wings. They glowed brightly in the sunlight. "Diamond Rain!!" He gave a single flap of his wings and a shower of small crystals bombarded Musyamon.

"You have not seen the last of Armageddomon's power..." Musyamon said as he dissolved.

"... That sure got me back in the fighting spirit," Jyou commented.

"I know, I haven't seen them fight in so long... it's like we're all rusty," Mimi said.

"In any case, that was awesome. Pseudomon and Kagemon really know how to battle," Heza said, crossing her arms. *Still... I wish Ruunamon could have been here...*

********************************************************* **********

"Chiikomon... Musyamon failed his mission..."

"I know, Master... I will try to do better next time..."

"Chiikomon, I expect perfection the FIRST time. Normally there wouldn't BE a next time!!" The red eyes narrowed into thin slits. A faint silver outline of a dragonlike face appeared in the void. "Bring me the prisoner..." Armageddomon ordered.

A gate opened on the far side of the room, and a small pink Digimon flew out of it. She hit the ground hard. "Itai..." Kiyonimon opened her blue eyes to see Chiikomon fluttering in front of the black cloudlike mass. "Nani..? Where am I?!"

"You are my slave now..." Armageddomon said, his red eyes glowing brightly.

Kiyonimon stood up, her eyes flashing. "I ain't nobody's slave!" She said, clenching her tiny fist.

Chiikomon fluttered in front of her and swiped his bladelike tail feathers at her. She didged deftly. "You never talk to Lord Armageddomon like that!" he shouted in his nasal-sounding voice.

Kiyonimon narrowed her eyes. "I can talk to whoever I want, HOWEVER I want! You're not my boss!" she shouted. "Sun Beam!" The crescent moon on her forehead began to glow, and a narrow beam of energy shot at Chiikomon. He managed to dodge before his wing got singed. The beam disappeared into the black void.

"Why you... Tail Slash!"

"Hold it, Chiikomon..." Armageddomon's voice echoed from deep inside the void. "I will find a better way to punish this insolent little fool... I will force her to destroy the one she cares about the most...."

Kiyonimon's eyes opened wide. *No... not.... Heza-chan!*