Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Dreams ❯ Psych Up, Psych Out ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~[ c · h · a · p · t · e · r · 8 ]~

"This is wrong on SO many levels... I jab myself in the stomach, and can't even walk..." Heza groaned as she tried to stand for the fourth time.

Galaxiamon sweatdropped. "It's from being in that bed for a day and a half... your legs are all stiff..."

"Well... at least she's okay now, Galaxiamon. That's all that really matters..." Kamira said.

Heza wobbled a bit, then fell to her knees again. "Okay, before this adventure is over, I WILL go insane..."

Taichi grinned. "Looks like you'll end up having to carry her, eh Yamato?" he said, nudging the blonde boy beside him.

"Oh PLEASE no..." Yamato joked. He and Taichi burst out laughing.

"Very funny, guys..." Heza muttered, pulling herself up. "This is harder than it looks..."

"Blast, do I have to do EVERYTHING around here?" Syaoran asked. "And I was just getting comfortable..." He stood up, took Heza by the shoulders, and pressed a couple of pressure points on the back of her neck.

"The hell...?" She rubbed her neck. "Wait a second... I'm not wobbly? SUGOI!" She exclaimed.

"Well whaddaya know... that 'pressure point' thing DOES work..." Taichi said.

"Aw man... and I was looking *forward* to carrying her too..." Yamato said, chortling.

Ryouumon blinked. "Do they alway joke around like this?" he asked Kamira.

She looked up at her Digimon partner. "You'll get used to it... it kind of grows on you after a while..."

"So..." Sora began. "Now that Heza-chan's okay, how are we going to find the next Digi-Card?"

"Good question," Koushirou said. "I've been analyzing the data from previous enemy attacks, and found this out: usually, the Digi-Card is in an area of the particular element one of you controls. For example, mine was found in the Electro Zone, and Tentomon uses lightning attacks. Similarly, the only possible way for Kami-chan's to have appeared was at night, since Ryouumon uses dark energy in his attacks," he explained.

"But if all of that's true, then how come the Star-Digi Card was inside Yakanori-san's body?" Syaoran asked.

"Well... my theory is this: When Kitusomon first attacked Heza four years ago, she wanted her soul for some unknown reason. Maybe it would give her a boost in power. But since Galaxiamon has been the only known DigiDestined digimon to go to Postmega level, I have a feeling that the Star-Digi Card has something to do with it, and that was what Kitusomon was after."

"But that still doesn't explain how it could have been inside of her body..."

"Maybe the Star-Digi Card was inside that crystal that came out of Heza's body, and when Kitusomon shattered it, it was somehow released, and went inside MoonGalaxiamon, allowing her to digivolve to MegamiGalaxiamon. After she used her life energy to revive Heza-chan, the Card went with it, and has been in her body ever since..." Taichi said.

"For once, he says something intelligent," Syaoran commented. Taichi shot a look at him.

"That's what I was thinking. But even so, it could only be released by Heza-chan. After all, she has the NeoCrest of Determination, and she was going to bring Yamato back to our side even if it killed her, so upon putting her life on the line, it was forced out of her body," Koushirou said.

"This is giving me a headache..." Heza said, groaning. "Okay, now that we have this straight, what are we going to do about the next Digi-Card?"

"Well, the only ones left are Kinomoto-san and Li-san. I'm pretty sure that Sakura-chan will be next, and I can narrow the probability of an attack down to from later today to early tomorrow morning."

"So we should be prepared at all times?" Kamira asked.


"I'm starting to worry... ever since Sakura-chan left to go find food, I've been wondering if she's alright..." Syaoran said.

"Well, their digimon are with them, Li-kun. They'll be alright," Heza said.

"Hmm... where are Hikari-chan and Takeru-kun?" Sora asked.

"Remember, they went to find food with Sakura-chan and the others..." Kamira said.

A few minutes later, Hikari returned with an armful of fruit. "We've got food!"

"Yat-taa!" Heza shouted. "Let's eat, minna!"

********************************************************** **********

"She is unguarded... Hangmon, now is the time to attack..." Armageddomon said to his minion.

The strange digimon snapped his rope, then ran out of the fortress.

Armageddomon turned to the limp body of Kyoto. "Wake up, fool."

Kyoto opened his eyes to see that he was once again chained to the wall. "Nnh... what do YOU want...?"

"It's almost time... once I have all of the Digi-Cards, and the Clow Mistress in my possession, I will no longer have any use for you..."

"Gee, the way you talk, I'm surprised you have any use for me now..." Kyoto said.

"Silence!!" Armageddomon shot a beam of energy at the boy, who screamed loudly.

"Nngh... you won't get away with this..." Kyoto growled, a trickle of blood falling from his mouth.

"Too late, boy..." At this point, Armageddomon ran a sharp claw down Kyoto's jawline. "I have already gotten away with it..."

Kyoto grimaced as a stream of blood ran down his chin where Armageddomon scratched him. "You... you bastard..."

The giant dragon smirked. "Hahaha... the pain will be over for you soon, if things go my way..."

"Not bloody likely... Yakanori-san will put an end to it!"

"Ah, talking about the Ninth Child again, eh...? Fear not, for I am still after her... I *will* avenge my partner's death... by ending her pathetic life..."

"You will do nothing of the sort!"

"QUIET, HEATHEN!!" Armageddomon boomed. Kyoto became silent. "Now... Hangmon should be at their campsite any time now..."

Kyoto narrowed his eyes at the digimon, then fell unconscious.

***************************************************** ***************

"Is it just me, or does this fruit taste funny?"

"It's just you."

"No really, this tastes like linoleum!"

"How would YOU know what linoleum tastes like?"

"Are you threatening me?!"

"What? I just asked a simple question!"

"I'm telling you, this fruit tastes like... ech!"


The other DigiDestined sweatdropped as Taichi and Syaoran bickered back and forth.

"Methinks those two don't get along very well..." Yamato said.

"Isn't that ironic, Sora-chan and Sakura-chan seem to get along just fine..."

"Heza-chan... what excatly are you getting at?" Sakura asked.

"Simple. You like Syaoran, Sora likes Taichi, they hate each other, you two get along fine. That's funny. Not funny, JUST funny." Heza snickered.

"Heheheh..." Yamato sweatdropped.

"Uh... guys?" Galaxiamon muttered. "I hate to burst your bubbles, but I have a feeling that something's going to happen soon..."

"What do you mean, Galaxiamon? We're perfectly safe here... there's no way that anything could happen here," Heza said.

"That's what YOU think!" a new voice boomed.

Before anyone could even blink, ropes had appeared around all of the girls.

"What in the...?" Heza muttered. She suddenly felt the rope tighten. "Itai!"

Everyone looked up fo find a rather large digimon standing over them, with seven ropes coming from his outstretched hand, each one connected to one of the girls. "Many females here... I'm going to have a LOT of fun with you guys..."

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Taichi exclaimed.

Koushirou opened his laptop. "That's Hangmon, an Ultimate level Digimon. This overgrown rope er... likes the female species, and uses his Hangman's Noose attack to rope any one he sees! This guy would be great in the rodeo."

"Okay, this is really starting to tick me off!" Heza shouted, cringing as the rope drew tighter around her. "Galaxiamon!!"

"Minna, we have to Digivolve!"

"Agumon! Digivolve to... Greymon! Greymon, Card-Digivolve to... PharaohGreymon!"
"Gabumon! Digivolve to... Garurumon! Garurumon, Card-Digivolve to... ArcticGarurumon!"
"Biyomon! Digivolve to... Birdramon! Birdramon, Card-Digivolve to... Skydramon!"
"Tentomon! Digivolve to... Kabuterimon! Kabuterimon, Card-Digivolve to... KingKabuterimon!"
"Palmon! Digivolve to... Togemon! Togemon, Card-Digivolve to... Demetemon!"
"Gomamon! Digivolve to... Ikkakumon! Ikkakumon, Card-Digivolve to... Aquamon!"
"Patamon! Card-Digivolve to... Angemon! Angemon, Card-Digivolve to... GoldAngemon!"
"Tailmon! Card-Digivolve to... Nekomon!"
"Galaxiamon! Card-Digivolve to... StarGalaxiamon!"
"Ryouumon! Digivolve to... Keromon! Keromon, Card-Digivolve to... RavenKeromon!"
"Pseudomon! Digivolve to... Shiramon!"
"Kagemon! Digivolve to... Chimaeramon!"

The newly-digivolved digimon stood before Hangmon, ready to attack.

"Heh. You think you can take me down so easily? Hangman's Noose!" He shot out twelve more ropes, each one wrapping around a digimon. They were all puleld to the ground. He then reeled in the seven girls like fish on a line, the ropes moving up to their throats. "Mwehehehehe... I'll have myself a nice little harem now..."

Sakura coughed, losing her breath. "Not today...!" She struggled, but managed to take out her wand. "Sword Card... release and *cough* dispel!" The pink-and-gold sword appeared in her hands, and she slashed at the ropes furiously. All of them fell away from the girls' throats.

Heza sat up gasping for air, as her rope had been tighter than any of the others, because of her earlier comments. "Me and my big mouth... *cough*"

Yamato kneeled at her side. "Are you alright?" Heza nodded, and Yamato turned to the digimon. You guys can't just give up! Get up there and attack!!" he shouted.

"He's right! If we pull our powers together, we can beat him!" StarGalaxiamon said. "Let's get him!"

"Solar Flare!"
"Northern Lights!"
"Sky Scorcher!"
"Wildflower Wave!"
"Ocean Current!"
"Holy Sniper!"
"Daggers of Light!"
"Star Twister!"
"Ancient Storm!"

Hangmon deftly dodged most of the attacks, but Shiramon's attack hit him head-on, wrapping a ring of psychic energy around him. "What?! You...!" He shot a rope out at Sakura again, it wrapped around her whole body this time. He pulled as hard as he could, sending the card captor flying over his head and crashing into the ground on the other side of him.

"Sakura!!" Syaoran shouted, starting to run to her.

Taichi grabbed him by the arm. "No! You'll get caught too!"

"Yagami-san, she needs my help! I have to go to her!"

"You are so dense! Think of what she would want you to do!"


"Sakura-chan wouldn't want you risking your life for her! She would want to fight it on her own! I know, because she can endure anything if she tried! That's what makes her a card captor!!"

Sakura slowly managed to pull herself to her knees. "I couldn't have put it better, Taichi-kun!" she said.

"What?! How is she moving?!" Hangmon shouted.

"Look Hangmon, I have the NeoCrest of Endurance. Do you REALLY think that I'd go down that easily? Well here's some news for you, buster: I won't go down until I'm good and ready!" Sakura shouted.

"You little wench..." With that, Hangmon tightened the ropes around her.

"Agh..." She gasped for air, as the rope around her neck was cutting off the circulation. "Just because a little rope gets in my way doesn't mean that I'll go down without a fight..."

"You know, you're really starting to get at the end of my *rope*," Hangmon said, tightening them even more.

"Eeergh... *gasp* Sword Card... come to me..." The mystic sword glowed with a cyan light, then it hovered to Sakura's hand. "Die... you... cretin..." Again, she slashed the ropes circling her body with no problem.

"WHAT?! This can't be!!" Hangmon shouted.

"Now I'm at the end of my *rope*..." Sakura said angrily. She pointed her sword at the digimon, "I am going to take you down!!"

Then, the NeoCrest of Endurance began glowing brightly, with the same coloured light that her sword gave off a moment ago. From deep inside Sakura's heart came a bright mass, similar to what came from Heza's body. It resembled an old-fashioned fortune teller in a kimono.

"Hoooooooly craaaaaaaaaaap... it's the Psychic-Digi Card!" Koushirou yelled.

The Psychic faced Sakura, a smirk on its face. Sakura glared right back at it.

"Wait... is she going to do combat with it?!" Syaoran shouted.

"Psychic! Return to the mass from whence you came!!" Sakura screamed, jabbing the sword into Psychic.

It flashed for a brift moment, then changed into the card, which floated on the wind to Sakura's hands.

"Ready, Shiramon?" Sakura asked her digimon partner.


"Digital Card Digivolve!!"

"Shiramon! Card-Digivolve to..."

Her body grew larger, to the size of a large mountain lion. Most of her stripes disappeared, and those that remained turned bright pink. Her tail divided into three seperate tails, each with a purple pouf on the end, and a golden horn sprouted from her head. White wings grew from her back, and her magenta eyes flashed brilliantly as the transformation completed.

"... PsychoShiramon!"

"Are we having fun yet?" Koushirou sked, looking at his laptop. "PsychoShiramon uses psychic energy in her Psych Out and Star Spear attacks. Rumor has it that she can also read minds! Not someone you'd want to be locked up in a room with."

"So, Hangmon.. it's between you and me, now..." PsychoShiramon said, growling at the enemy digimon.

Hangmon reeled in all of his ropes and sneered. "You think you're hot stuff, don'cha lady? Let's go then. Hangman's Noose!" He sent out several ropes.

"Psych Out!" PsychoShiramon's eyes began glowing brightly, flashing with many colours. The ropes stopped just before they hit her, and they instantly turned around and flew back at him.

"Wot?!" Hangmon shouted as all of the ropes pegged him in the nose. He fell on his behind. "Itai! Okay woman, now you're gonna get it!" He sent out another rope, which grabbed Sakura by the throat.

"Agh!" she shouted as she was pulled to her knees. The rope began sparking with some kind of electricity, and gave her a shock.

"SAKURA!" Syaoran shouted. "Chimaeramon!! Get him!!"

The mystic digimon flew into the air. "Prepare to die! Shirka's Eye!" Chimaeramon's eyes began glowing, meeting Hangmon's. The unusual digimon was then frozen in place.

StarGalaxiamon lifted her boomerang. "Crescent Moonmerang!" She threw it, slashing the rope that binded Sakura. On the comeback trip, it hit Hangmon, dealing moderate damage.

"Nice work, StarGalaxiamon!" Heza shouted.

"You little..." Hangmon cursed under his breath. "You'll pay for that! Hangman's-"

"Star Spear!" PsychoShiramon yelled, coming up behind Hangmon. The star shape around her horn began glowing, and the golden horn began pulsing with psychic energy. It left the horn in a surge of star shapes and hit Hangmon.

"Gyargh!" Hangmon shouted. He was losing the battle.

"All together now, minna!" PsychoShiramon shouted.

"Solar Flare!"
"Icicle Cyclone!"
"Phoenix Feather Blizzard!"
"Spark Flash!"
"Wildflower Wave!"
"Thunder Triton!"
"Golden Radiance!"
"Daggers of Light!"
"Star Twister!"
"Jagged Scythes!"
"Ancient Storm!"

PsychoShiramon flew into the air, her whole body glowing with a cyan aura. "Psych Out!" She merged the other attacks together, and forced the blast at Hangmon.

"Aaaaayiyiyiyyiyiyiiiiii!" Hangmon yelled as the blast hit him. He dissolved upon contact.

Sakura held her hands at her throat. "Ugh..."

PsychoShiramon dedigivolved to Neomon. She hopped up to Sakura and nuzzled her knee. "Sakura-chan? You okay?"

Sakura grinned at the In-Training digimon. "I'm fine, Neomon..."

"We can't rest yet, it looks like a storm's coming!" Taichi said. "Just look at the sky!" There seemed to be a whirlwind forming, as the dark clouds in the sky were churning in a spiral pattern. The wind started to blow.

"Ack! This is messing up my hair!" Mimi shouted, trying to keep her hat from blowing away.

The digimon that were capable of flight struggled to stay aloft, while the grounded ones tried to keep from blowing away. They gave up and dedigivolved to their Rookie forms.

"What the hell IS this?!" Heza exclaimed.

Then, what appeared to be a cone-shaped cloud dropped from the sky. A pair of gleaming red eyes shone from inside it.

"A twister?!" Kamira shouted, her hair flying out in all directions.

"This isn't just ANY twister!" Tentomon yelled after being plastered to a tree. "That's Tornadomon! He uses his Dark Vortex and Debris Rain attacks brutally, and don't even TRY to make him mad!!"

Kagemon dug his claws into the ground as he was pushed back by the raging winds. "This is bad! REALLY bad!"

Neomon, however, had no claws to keep her from being blown away. Instead of being blown back, she was pulled into the twister! No matter how hard she tried to hover on her thin ears, her attempts were useless.

"Neomon!" Sakura shouted, running after her friend. She pulled out her wand. "Fly! Release and dispel!" The end of the wand grew large wings, and Sakura flew up to the twister. Fly, however, was unable to stay stable in the winds, and Sakura lost control. "Nani?!" She was pulled into the vortex.

Tornadomon's eyes glowed a bright red. "Debris rain!" he howled, sending flying chunks of rock and dirt at the group.

"Sakura...!" Syaoran yelled, sheilding his eyes from the shower of rocks. "Kagemon! You've got to digivolve!"

"I don't know if I can, Syaoran! The winds are too powerful!" the digimon shouted as his claws dug into the earth.

"Kagemon, you have to try!!"

"Okay... Kagemon, digivolve to... Chimaeramon!"

"See there?" Syaoran hopped onto Chimaeramon's back and took off into the cyclone. "Attack!!"

"Ancient Storm!"

Tornadomon quickly swerved, avoiding the attack, and also pulling Syaoran and Chimaeramon into himself.

Once inside the twister, Syaoran looked around for Sakura. *Where is she...* He finally spotted her after a moment of searching, and jumped off of Chimaeramon's back. "Sakura!"

She was unconscious. Syaoran reached for her, and grabbed her around the waist. He looked up into the twister to see a large black mass, with glowing red eyes in the center. "Chimaeramon! Attack that thing up there!"

The blob retreated into the clouds, Chimaeramon trailing it. "Ancient Storm!!"

"Dark Vortex..." the blob whispered, sucking the attack into itself. He then fired it back at Chimaeramon, its power doubled.

"Agh!" Chimaeramon fell back a bit.

"Chimaeramon!! You can't give up!!" Syaoran shouted as he floated around in the twister, holding Sakura. He looked down at her. *I'm going to get you out of this...* he thought.

Suddenly, the NeoCrest of Nobility began growing very brightly, giving off a great teal light.

The winds outside the twister had died down slightly, but were still pretty strong. "What do you think's going on in there?" Sora asked.

"Whatever it is, I hope that Kinomoto-san and Li-san are okay," Taichi said. It was then that a teal light appeared in the center of it.

"Hey, that's the colour of Li-san's NeoCrest, ne?" StarGalaxiamon asked.

"Hai... it must be glowing!" Heza shouted.

From deep inside the clouds, an odd mass appeared, glowing with the same colour light as Syaoran's NeoCrest. It flew through the clouds until it reached the area of battle between Tornadomon and Chimaeramon.

"What... is that?" Syaoran muttered, squinting at it. "It's a Digi-Card... the Gem-Digi Card! Mine..!" He er... sort of swam through the twister, and drew his sword.

Gem saw this, and disappeared.

Syaoran looked around, confused. It was then that he saw Neomon, and grabbed her by the ears. He then started slashing randomly at the clouds, hoping that the Gem could be inside one. After a while, the em finally re-emerged behind Syaoran, ready to attack.


Syaoran looked down to where the voice came from. "Sakura-chan?"

Sakura had woken up, but was very weak. "Behind you..." she choked out.

Syaoran looked behind him, seeing Gem towering over then him. He gave a great slash with his sword, hitting Gem. It weas hurt and beaten, and it materialized into the card. Syaoran reached out and grabbed it.

"Digital Card Digivolve!"

"Chimaeramon! Card-Digivolve to..."

He stood upright, like a human. The horns on his head curled under, framing his goatlike face. Armour plating formed across his chest, with a gleaming ruby in the center of it. His bottom half became covered in fur and cloth, while armour plates formed on his ankles, and covered his now-humanlike feet. Armour also appeared on his head, surrounding his eyes and covering a small portion of his horns. His wings turned blue and gained small claws on the tips. Finally, a large and shining sword appeared in his hands.

"... CrystalChimaeramon!"

The digimon pointed his sword at the blob, which was apparently Tornadomon's inner self. "I am CrystalChimaeramon. My sword is made from pure diamond, so watch out for my Crystal Blade and Silver Strike attacks..."

"You... don't... scare... me..." Tornadomon's voice echoed. "Debris Rain..."

CrystalChimaeramon agilely dodged the attack, and brought his sword over his head. "Crystal Blade!!" He brought the sword down, releasing a blast of silver evergy, in a blade shape.

Tornadomon howled in pain. CrystalChimaeramon then flew back down into the twister as it started to disintigrate. He sheathed his sword, then grabbed Sakura and Syaoran.

As the winds from the whirlwind ceased, the digimon landed safely on the ground, and set the two teens down.

Neomon hopped out of Sakura's arms. "Sakura-chan? Speak to me! You can't pass out now!" she nagged.

Jyou and Koushirou approached them. "Hmm... she'll be okay after she gets some rest. I guess the pressure inside the twister was too much for her," Jyou said.

"At any rate, both of you are highly injured. I recommend that both of you get plenty of sleep tonight," Koushirou suggested.

Syaoran nodded. *At least she's going to be okay...* he thought, looking down at Sakura.

"Well..." Heza began, "we've found all of the Digi Cards. What's going to happen now? I mean, it's not like Armageddomon is just going to appear to us in the middle of the field..."

"Heza-chan's right. If we want to end this war, we've got to go and find Armageddomo ourselves, ne?" Lunamon said.

"Hai!" everyone exclaimed.

A beeping noise sudenly came from Koushirou's laptop. "Nani? I've got mail..." He popped it open. "It's from Gennai!"

Everyone crowded around Koushirou as he read it aloud. "'Greetings, DigiDestined. I see that you have found all of the Digi Cards. Things are starting to look bad for Armageddomon. In any case, I need you all to report back to my house ASAP, there are many things I need to discuss with you. Namely the Great Circle of Unity and the power of the Meius, but I will explain that to you more in detail later. I've got to run, I have a bridge tournament to attend.' Hm. Weird."

"Well, what are we all standing around here for?! Let's get moving!" Taichi said.