Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Way of the Ninja ❯ Transition to Ninjahood ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Way of the Ninja
Chapter I Transition to Ninja-hood
Hey guys, it's been a while. To those who do not know who I am, I'm Marine Brother Shran, writer of Black Wolf, White Blossom. When I'm going to update that story, god knows when. I am seriously out of ideas for that story at the moment. I may go back and revise that story another day. Anyways, this is my second CCS story; I hope that it's much better compared to BWWB.
This story is a Card Captor Sakura/Naruto crossover story. Takes place in the Naruto world, but will contain mostly CCS characters, but there will be some from Naruto.
Summary: Kinomoto Sakura is an average 15 year old ninja living in Konoha village. Her life takes a spin when the Hidden Leaf Village goes to war with the Hidden Lightning Village again. She, along with her team-mates, Li Syaoran, Hiirigizawa Eriol, team leader Uchiha Sousuke, and the rest of the village will fight. Along the way, she will learn what it means to be a ninja. Through this war, she learns the meaning of friendship, trust, teamwork, love, and discovers her way of the ninja.
Pairs: Sakura/Syaoran, Eriol/Tomoyo, and a few OC pairings
“Hoe, I'm going to be late!” a girl cried out as she bolted down the streets. “Of all the days I have to be late it just had to be my graduation exam!” The girl tore through the streets as she ducked in and out through the crowd of people going about their business. She thanked her ninjutsu training, as she squeezed her way through some tough spots. There were points she had to do a series of quick wall running and wall jumps. She was mighty thankful that her auburn hair was short, save for the bangs that outlined the side of her face. As she ran, all people saw was either a streak of pink or balls of green just bouncing back and forth through the streets. The girl wore a pink t-shirt that hugged her blossoming form, a pair of white shorts, with a pouch tied on her right leg, and a pink skirt with cherry blossom embroidery, with a slit on the right side, allowing her access to her pouch.
Her name was Kinomoto Sakura. She was the 15 year old daughter of Kinomoto Fujitaka, and the late Kinomoto Nadeshiko. She had inherited her father's hair colour, only a few shades lighter to make it more of a honey colour, and from her mother, her fair skin, beauty, and her emerald eyes. Sakura was the youngest of two, but was well respected amongst the village. She was the most sought out girl throughout the village and had yet to accept someone as her fiancé. She often responded as she'd rather wait until she found someone she could fall for. No one really understood her cryptic meaning, except the fact it was her way of saying no. Undeterred by her words, males still continued to ask for her hand in marriage.
As she ran through the streets, nearing the academy, she thought back to what had happened a few days prior. Yet another guy had asked for a chance to date her. She didn't know the guy, and yet something told her he wasn't someone to be around, and turned him down. She began to wonder, as she has been doing for the last year, what it would be like to be with a guy who genuinely cared for her. Although there were a few, there was also something that made her hesitant. Most boys were only interested in inheriting the Kinomoto name as it was part of 4 great clans. That really pissed her off, as who ever married her would have control of the individual families within the clan. The last thing she needed was an overbearing, power-hungry oaf leading her clan, much less her family and children. No, she wanted someone who had her as their priority, instead of the clan. Ever since her brother Touya had renounced his status as heir to the Kinomoto leadership, it fell onto Sakura to carry on the clan. All that was left was to find a husband for her. She thanked her lucky stars she still had 3 years to choose before her father was forced to choose. Her thoughts were cut short as she heard the school bell.
“You're kidding me!” she whined as she sprinted through the school building. As she ran through the halls, she knew she was late. She inwardly groaned. She had a bad habit of being late, but normally her sensei didn't mind. However she was told not to be late on this particular day, and she goofed it by sleeping in. She cursed her brother for altering her alarm clock. She made a note to make him pay, somehow.
“Sorry I'm late,” Sakura cried out as she entered the room.
“Really Kinomoto-san, I ask that you don't be late for one day, and you come late anyways,” her teacher scolded. “In all honesty, do you think a real shinobi would be this late?”
“Gomen nasai, Kodama-sensei,” Sakura apologized. She looked up to her teacher, who wore the traditional long sleeved navy blue shirt, rolls up halfway up her forearm, navy blue pants, and slippers with leg bindings, and chuunin flak jacket, to see her shaking her head.
“Well you just missed what you'll be examined on,” she sighed as she ran her hand through her shoulder length hair, held back in a ponytail. “I just said that you guys will be tested on Buushin no Jutsu (Clone Technique).” Sakura immediately faltered as she fell into her seat. She mentally freaked as she realized the technique they were going to be using for the exams.
“Of all the skills they had to test, they had to test that one,” she whined as she slammed her face into her desk. “Why couldn't they test me on what I'm good at: irou ninjutsu (medical techniques)?”
“Perhaps if you practiced all the skills you learned here, perhaps you wouldn't do so badly,” a voice coldly hissed next to her.
“What do you want Li? I'm not in the mood this morning,” Sakura groaned as she looked at the person to her right.
“Oh nothing really, except the fact you, the pride and joy of the Kinomoto clan, are nothing more than a disgrace,” the person shot back rudely. Sakura sighed and gave him another once over, like she's been doing for the past 3 years since she met the person. The person wore a green sleeveless top, with some sort of Chinese writing on the back, along with green pants, with gold cuffs that hugged his ankles, as well as the waist band, wearing green sandals instead of blue, and around his neck as a pendant of some sort. The person's name was Li Syaoran, heir to the Li Clan, and number one asshole to her, while to the rest of the village, one of the hottest males in the clan. He also happened to be the number one student in the class.
Like her, he was greatly sought after in his clan. With his unruly chocolate brown hair, amber eyes, steel faced expression, he had the heart of every female within the individual branch families of the clan, along with almost every female in the school. Every girl idolized him; with the exception of Sakura.
Ever since Sakura had met Syaoran three years back when she was first started schooling at the academy, Syaoran had caused her nothing but trouble. He often insulted her, tripped her on occasions, showed off whenever she accomplished something, or got her into trouble with Kodama-sensei whenever he rattled her. More often than not he got away, with the occasional backfire on his part. Unfortunately for her, Syaoran never got into too much trouble because of his status. As heir of the Li clan he had certain privileges. However in his case, he had the wrath of his parents to fall back on as a last resort, but he often challenged authority. His attitude proved only to be troublesome that many of the chuunin gave up and let him do whatever. Sakura luckily also received such special treatment but for other reasons. She was considered known as the Emerald Jewel of the Kinomoto Clan, but was also known as the Emerald Jewel of Konoha as well in the ninja world.
“What are you looking at?” Syaoran muttered, drawing Sakura out of her thoughts.
“Oh nothing really,” Sakura muttered before directing her attention towards the front as another student left the room. She began to panic. The particular jutsu that she was expected to perform was something she wasn't she often practiced. To think, of all the basics, that one she often fouled up. But the list didn't stop there. Another basic skill was the Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique). On more than one occasion she would screw up the transformation and somehow had deformities. She cringed at the memory when she was asked to transform into one of the Hokage. She had chosen Yondaime as her subject. No matter how hard she had tried, she ended up getting his body right, but never his face. She often mixed it up with the features of his predecessor. She remembered at the embarrassment of Syaoran's words. Then there was the fact he showed her up by creating clones and had each of them perform the jutsu, and took on forms of all 8 prior Hokage. It irked her to no end. She often got mad at him for doing it, yet never got angry whenever he showed her up in basics.
That was another thought that had been bugging her. As she waited for her turn, she thought as to why she didn't hate Syaoran. He was cocky, he insulted her, showed her up, harassed her, heck he borderline bullied her, yet she found she never could bring herself to hate him. There was just something about him that prevented her from doing so. She kept her distance from him and interacted with him only when she needed to. As she thought about it, his attitude should make her hate him.
He was cold, he showed no real emotions, not once had he smiled, or at least from her encounters, he only smirked and that was rare, and he never talked to anyone unless he needed to, or was insulting her. Girls would crowd him, holding on to his arms or caressing his cheeks, smouldering him with their so-called undying love and such, and he'd just sit there and let them molest him and such, without a care. She wondered why she often get peeved seeing like that. Then again every guy who either sat there and did nothing while girls touched him, or played with the hearts of the girls got her mad. So that was nothing unusual about that. Only difference was that he was the only one she couldn't bring herself to hate. What was it that made her unable to bring herself to hate him? Sure she respected the guy, but then again, a bit odd to respect someone who always made her mad.
“Kinomoto Sakura,” a voice called out, drawing her out from her thoughts. She looked up to see Kodama-sensei in the doorway as she waited patiently for her. Sakura nodded and got up from her seat.
As she turned to leave she heard Syaoran mutter, “Don't create some sort of headless zombie now eh?” Sakura turned around and stuck out her tongue childishly before huffing and walked towards the door.
“What a child,” Syaoran muttered under his breath.
Sakura gulped as she stood in the empty classroom, with only a table on the other side of the room where Kodama-sensei sat. On the table was a series of forehead protectors. Each was a neatly folded blue bandana with a metal plate screwed on that had the Hidden Leaf Symbol. To be issued one meant one had graduated from the class. However if one were to fail then one would have to repeat the entire year. Sakura really did not want to go through that embarrassment and prayed with all her heart she could at least make one successful clone.
Sakura took a few deep breaths as she brought her hands up to form the goat seal. The fourth and fifth fingers of both hands folded into her palm while the index and middle straightened. Placing her left over her right, she focused on the task at hand; mould the chakra within her, and use it to create illusions of herself. As she built up the chakra to perform the technique, she prayed that she wouldn't let her family down.
“BUUSHIN NO JUTSU!” The chakra expelled from her body exploded in a puff of smoke as it began to assemble the clones. She prayed that she moulded it correctly. For a moment she thought she did until she looked at the two clones beside her. One of them was on the floor, looking like it had got into a fight and lost, the other missing an arm and a leg.
“Sakura,” Kodama-sensei groaned in disappointment, “I'm sorry to say, but you failed.”
The words, “you failed,” rang in her mind as she looked at her clones in disbelief. She had moulded the chakra properly like had been taught to before she even came. She had done everything to the letter, so why did she fail? For that matter how did she fail? Bottom line was that she had failed her exam, and would be held back a year. She sighed sadly as she dispersed her clones, as their purpose no longer existed.
“Hai, sensei,” Sakura sadly replied as she slowly walked out of the classroom. She felt tears sting her eyes, but she held them in. She wouldn't let her sensei see that she wanted to cry. She felt horrible. She had just failed her graduation exam big time. She had passed the written exam decently, but the marks required of her to get a pass in the practical examination, which she just failed. She felt so bad. She failed herself, her sensei, and worst of all, she failed the family name. She didn't go back into the classroom where everyone else was; instead she trudged her way outside, and leaned against the only tree on the school grounds.
“Why?” she sadly muttered as she looked up into the sky. “Why did I fail? How could I have failed? I can perform irou ninjutsu but I can't perform a simple academy level ninjutsu? What's wrong with me?”
“Something on your mind?” a voice suddenly asked. Sakura gasped as she looked behind her to see someone standing behind the tree, barely visible, with the exception of the hilt of the sword on the person's back.
“Who's there?” she weakly asked, fearing that the being would be a ghost or a monster of sorts.
“It's alright, Kinomoto-san, I'm Uchiha Sousuke,” the person said, as he revealed himself. His getup was much like Kodama, except the shoulder flashes had a fan sewn on. The upper half was a red crescent moon, with the bottom half a white elliptical circle, with a rectangular piece attached at the bottom. He also had a katana strapped to his back, and a series of pouches on his forearms, upper arms, thighs, calves, any place that had easy access had some sort of weapons pouch. He had blue hair held back in a ponytail, with his forehead protector used as a bandana, holding back his bangs. He had blue eyes, a signature genetic trait of the Uchiha clan, and a scar that reached from his right ear to the chin.
“Nice to meet you, I'm Kinomoto Sakura,” she said, standing up and offering him her hand.
“Likewise,” Sousuke replied, taking her hand. “Why the long face?”
Sakura's expression immediately dropped and looked down as she quietly replied, “I failed my graduation exam.”
“I'm sorry,” he apologized, placing his hand on her shoulders. “Hey, who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and pull of a skill which is more advanced than the average genin.”
“Really?” she asked hopefully.
“There have been special cases,” he replied, as crossed his arms and leaned against the tree. “I mean for instance, Rokudaime Hokage as you know passed by mastering Kage Buushin no Jutsu. Then there was me, I failed my first time, the second time I passed because I used Goukaku no Jutsu in a pinch. Then there was this one Hyuuga kid that used Jyuuken to defend a kid, and a few other instances. So don't worry, and if you don't pull off some sort of special, there's always next year, right?”
“But-but-for crying out loud I'm the heiress to the Kinomoto family name! I'm not supposed to have to repeat the exam! I should have passed it on the first go!”
Sousuke however merely shrugged, “Well it can't be helped then, ne? Just suck it up, and just pray for the best. Besides, I'm sure you'll think of something to make it up.” He gave her an assuring smile before he got up and walked into the building.
“What am I going to tell otou-san,” she sadly muttered as she leaned against the tree again. Her day just took another nosedive. First she arrived late, and now she failed her exam. It was just her rotten luck. She couldn't believe that she just failed her exam. She couldn't hold back the tears anymore as she let them freely roll down her face. She slid down against the tree as she pulled her knees closer towards her, hiding her face in her knees. She had failed herself, her mother, father, brother, and worst of all; she failed in front of Syaoran. More likely than not he would rub it in her face, and would most likely show up just to rub it up in her face. The last thing she needed was for Syaoran to come up to her and poke fun at her.
“Oi, Kinomoto, what the heck are you doing out here?” and speak of the devil. Sakura didn't have to look up to realize that Syaoran had come out looking for her. She didn't acknowledge him as she continued to silently cry. The last thing she needed was Syaoran to make it worse.
“Hey, I'm talking to you,” he called out, his voice much closer than before.
“What do you want?” she bit back, trying to hide the sadness in her voice.
“Kodama-sensei asked me to look for you,” he replied, boredom in his voice. “Now tell me, what the heck are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside, celebrating your graduation with the other idiots?”
“What's it to you that I celebrate with my classmates or not?”
“Nothing really,” he replied, shrugging his shoulders. “Kodama-sensei just asked me to look for you. Now come on, and let's get inside.”
He reached down to grab Sakura's arm when she said, “Leave me alone. I failed the exam.”
He instantly stopped, “What did you just say?”
“I said I failed,” she shouted, looking right up at him. “You happy now? I just failed my exam! So go ahead, rub it in my face!”
Syaoran merely shrugged as he said, “I'm not surprised. You're not exactly good with moulding chakra. Although I must say, for someone who can do irou ninjutsu, you lack the basics to perform the basics of basics.”
“YOU INSENSITIVE JERK!” she wailed as she launched a punch into Syaoran's stomach. Syaoran merely sidestepped as he tripped her. She looked up at him scathingly as tears streamed from her face.
“That's what you get for trying to hit me,” he point out. “And stop being a baby. But then again…you are a baby if you can't even perform such a simple jutsu.” He then walked up to Sakura and kneeled in front of her and got up close to her face. Sakura gasped in surprise, at the sudden change in his demeanour. She felt a tingle in her spine as she suddenly stared into the face of not the annoying Syaoran she knew, but of someone completely different.
“Give up trying to be a ninja,” he growled. “You don't belong if you cannot pass the exam in the first run. Even if you do pass, you will only be a hindrance to your team mates. So just give up. You're nothing but a small, insignificant, weakling, who relies on people to help. As far as I'm concerned, you're nothing but leech.”
“You asshole,” she screamed as out of nowhere she jabbed her finger into Syaoran's thigh. He suddenly yelled in pain as he was suddenly overcome by a Charlie horse.
“What the hell did you do,” he groaned painfully as he looked up at Sakura, only to see that her emerald eyes had turned blood red. “What the hell?”
“That's for calling me a leech,” she scathingly shot out as fresh tears streamed out of your eyes. “Why do you have to be such an insensitive jerk, huh? Do you get pleasure out of hurting me? Well, what the hell is wrong with you? For three years I've put up with this shit, trying to be nice to you! But what do I get in return? More teasing and insults from your mouth! Now tell me, why the hell you do these things to me?!”
“Get rid of this fucking muscle spasm,” he groaned painfully, clutching his right leg.
“What if I don't want to?”
“Then I will make you regret ever doing that Kinomoto,” he shot back in the same dark tone. Sakura looked into his eyes to see a much colder look in his eyes. She saw that he was dead serious if she didn't release him right away. In that instant she felt scared to be near him, yet concerned. She wondered where the dark personality came from. She saw darkness in his eyes, and yet something else. She couldn't exactly make it out, but maybe, just maybe it was the reason why she couldn't bring herself to hate him.
Sakura sighed kneeled next to him as she pressed along a few points along his leg. Syaoran sighed as he felt his leg finally relaxed. Instantly the dark presence disappeared, leaving behind his annoying self. She wondered what was up with him, while hee wondered how she did she did. Both decided to save that question for later.
“Now explain to me, why?” she asked, in a gentler tone.
Syaoran opened his mouth when suddenly, “There you are! I've been looking for you two!” Sakura and Syaoran turned towards the door to see Kodama walking towards them with a sceptical expression on her face. “And why I'm I not surprised you two were fighting again. Just get inside where I'll be explaining some things.” They nodded as they followed Kodama back inside, with Sakura lagging behind them.
Soon enough classes were dismissed and everyone was outside as they celebrated their graduation from the academy. Sakura watched sadly as everyone put on their forehead protectors. She looked around, and soon saw Syaoran speaking with his mother, in some sort of serious discussion, as he put on his forehead protector. She had to admit, he did look rather cute with the protector on. Yet she thought that the blue really clashed with his green clothing. As she thought about it, she figured he'd look really handsome if he replaced it with a green cloth instead.
Sakura suddenly shook her head as she found herself thinking about him in that light. That was the first time she thought of him in that manner. Before she could even begin to wonder where the thought came from, an explosion rocked the village. The graduates began to panic as they tried to find their families. Sakura looked towards Syaoran, who had donned on a battle expression, to see him nod a few times towards his mother before they both took off towards where the explosion was. She looked towards the direction they had run off towards to see smoke rising. Judging the distance, she quickly realised the explosion had occurred at the border.
“Sakura!” she looked towards the school gates to see a man, with brown hair, hazel eyes, wearing glasses, and a flak jacket running towards her.
“Otou-san,” she called out as she ran up to him.
“C'mon, we're needed at the gates,” he said. He suddenly raised his eyebrows in confusion, and took a moment to look around.
“Sakura, where's your protector?”
Sakura looked down solemnly as she whispered, “I failed the exam.” Her father looked at her with a saddened expression. Sakura rarely ever felt sad, and whenever she did, it always brought pain to his heart. He smiled gently as he pulled her into a comforting hug.
“It's alright. I'd have been surprised if you surpassed your mother, who retook the test.”
“Honto desuka?”
“Hai, she did. So please don't be sad. Now let's go, there are wounded that need to be tended.” Sakura nodded as she put on a smile. Fujitaka smiled back before they turned towards the direction of the smoke to leave.
“Just a moment!” they turned around to see Kodama running towards them. “I'm going with you. I was supposed to go to the gates to speak with one of the jounins present after the exams.” Fujitaka nodded in agreement. Instantly all three took off as they hopped onto the roof of a nearby building, and began the trek towards where the explosion took place.
As they hopped from building to building, Sakura wondered if she was going to see Syaoran. He did go in the same direction as they were going, so she figured he was going to be there. But how a genin could do anything was beyond her. Although she figured that like her, he had a special talent taught in the clan that allowed him to follow his mother. She had her medical training, so he must've had some sort of combat training if he was going to be there.
“Sakura, get ready, we're almost there,” she heard her father say. She looked up ahead to see indeed they were nearing the wall. From what she could tell, due to the forest they were going through, there seemed to be a large chunk of the wall that had been destroyed. How badly she was unsure. She nodded towards her father in affirmation as they neared.
When they had arrived, Sakura gasped at the horrific sight before her. It turned out a whole section of the village wall had been completely destroyed, from top to bottom. Debris was littered the ground before her, as fellow ninjas laid all over in horrendous positions from the injuries. The injuries varied from small cuts, to large gashes, to sprained limbs, to broken limb. Some even suffered burns, of all degrees. Sakura instantly felt faint. In all the years she had spent learning medical techniques, and practicing it on people, she had never seen such injuries. She felt sick. She almost felt like she was about to throw up.
She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Fujitaka give her a reassuring smile as he said, “Be strong Sakura. Your okaa-san had dealt with worse when she started. You have to help these people until help can arrive.” Sakura nodded affirmatively as she slowly approached a young man leaning against a tree, clutching his knee which was bleeding profusely.
“Hey there,” Sakura nervously greeted, her voice laced with nervousness. The injured ninja opened an eye and looked up at her before he chuckled, saying that the injury was nothing more than a scratch. Sakura couldn't help but smile at his optimism. Just looking at the injury, she could tell it was bad. But she wasn't one to let it show. She kneeled down next to the ninja, forming a few hand seals before hands glowed green. She gently placed her hands over the large gash on the person's thigh and began to heal the wound. The ninja's face softened in relief as he fell asleep. Sakura finished up and moved on.
For the entire morning, Sakura did her best to not to break down under the pressure as she went from person to person, healing injuries. Throughout that time, her father, Kodama, and nearby jounins and chuunins scouted the area in an attempt to see who had attacked the village wall. Others were placed on alert as they combed through the city.
Sakura sighed tiredly as she finished up healing up broken bones, or as much as she could without the aid of medical equipment. She looked up sadly at the sky as she wondered how she was able to perform such techniques such as the Shousen Jutsu she had been performing throughout the day. She was exhausted beyond relief. With her limited amount of chakra she could only do so much for each person. She walked up to a tree and sat under its shade as she leaned back. She blinked a few times before she fell asleep.
Not much later, Sakura woke up to see her father and Kodama talking to each other for a moment before they noticed her waking up. They each gave her warm smiles as Fujitaka sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug. Sakura willing hugged back as she relaxed into the warm, comforting embrace of her father. They shared many moments like these. She loved her father with all her heart, and wouldn't know what to do if she ever lost him.
“How long was I out for?” she wearily asked, still tired from using so much chakra.
“Not long. Maybe an hour or so,” he replied.
“Sakura,” Kodama called out. Sakura looked towards her as she kneeled down next to her, with a wide smile.
“I just wanted to say, you did a great job out there considering what happened here, and to also, give you this.” Sakura raised an eyebrow as she wondered what Kodama meant. She reached back into a small pouch she carried on her belt, and produced a forehead protector and held it out to her.
“Congratulations, Kinomoto Sakura. You've passed.” Sakura's eyes widened in surprise as tears stung her eyes. She couldn't believe it. She passed, she just went up from a complete fail to a pass. She had passed the academy. He was right. The jounin she had spoken to said that she might get lucky and show off more advance skills, and she did. She showed Kodama and her father just how good she was in the field of irou ninjutsu, and she was rewarded by graduating from the academy. She shrieked in happiness as she took the protector and shook her instructor's hand.
“You deserve it,” she proudly spoke. “You have the ability, you just lack the practice. I would've had you perform what your clan is known for, but it was a standardized test. I cannot make exceptions in the classroom.”
“Thank you,” she weakly spoke, as she tried to contain her excitement.
“Congratulations, Sakura,” her father spoke. Sakura turned towards her father as she hugged her father, yelling in happiness. Fujitaka couldn't help but smile at her daughter's glee. She had just demonstrated that when needed to, she could do what she was trained to do. As far as he was concerned, she was ready to become a real ninja.
Yes, yes, most likely a bit of a cheesy chapter, most likely because it followed the same way the series opened up. But bear with me, as I will be pulling ideas from the first few episodes. But don't worry, only from episodes 1 and 3-5 will be used, but not all of it. Anyways, please leave me your comments, and don't expect consistent updates, as I have other stories that I have to work on.
Well anyways, that's all from me
Cheers Ja ne