Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Change in heart, Change in me ❯ No Need for Friends ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
S.M: In this chapter Sakura and Usagi have their first talk about there past and they find out some of the others secrets.
Just to let you know Sakura's already transformed all the cards and her family (Fujitaka, and Touya) knows everything
but not Chiheru, Rika, etc… and she has the ability to sense even the smallest and most minute magical aura. (Sorta
Important) Syaoran hasn't gone to Hong Kong yet, but most likely will. He and Sakura had been going out since they
were 12.
Usagi has faced everyone from Beryl to Galaxia. And Her and Mamoru were engaged, till they broke up. Her family and
Molly knows about her alter ego, as well as Motoki.

Change of heart, change in me
It's undoubtedly barren

Back in the apartment building
Usagi opened the last door slowly expecting something but not quite sure what. She opened the door and slowly peered
her head in, to look inside. She tried her hardest to look through the pitch darkness. She couldn't see much but she did
see a pair of dark eyes starring straight at her. She held onto her courage for a minute but it soon disappeared and she
jumped away from the room screaming.
"Wh- wa- what ever you are co- come out now."
She stuttered commandingly. She kept her eyes locked on the doorway as a figure emerged. She looked at the figure
before her, it was a girl about her height with a peaches and creme complexion. She had short resplendent auburn hair
and when she opened her eyes, sparkling green shown through but sadness was etched within them. She finally realized
that she was able to hear sound again. She suddenly heard the wind wailing around her, as well as the creaks of the
building, and the traffic outside.
"Who are you?"
The auburn beauty asked innocently. Not really caring just wondering, she looked at the girl in front of her in the dark
room. She could make out her pale skin, and crystal blue eyes that hid her secrets well; and hair like silver, as well as
what looked like a faint silver glow. The girl she questioned was silent for a moment, she couldn't see her but she could
tell that there was something about her. She wanted to get a better look at her so she closed her eyes and concentrated
on the light card and had it illuminate the room. The room slowly brightened and she was now staring into a pair of clear
blue eyes.
"Who are you? I'd ask if you can talk but I heard your scream."
She added sarcastically, while rubbing her ears. Usagi shook her head in confusion and slight fear, and looked at her
once more then around the room in confusion before she spoke.
"Ohh… I'm Tsukino Usagi. Who are you?"
She spoke confusion remaining in her voice. She was still mystified by the sudden lighting that appeared in the room.
"I'm Kinomoto Sakura."
The girl broke through her thoughts, and was staring at her. She quickly turned and headed back into the room not
saying a word she sat back on the floor, giving the silvered girl a knowing look. She was quite creeped out by Kinomoto's
stare. She carefully approached the girl in front of her.
"Uhm… Kinomoto-san, how old are you?"
She was silent for a moment before her hard glare lightened ever so slightly. She eyed Usagi as if she was looking for
some thing specific. Before she spoke.
"As I said my names Kinomoto Sakura, I'm 16 from Tomoeda near Yokohama, I'm just staying the night because it got
too cold to continue outside. I, I feel like I know you from somewhere but for the life of me its eluding me. And to answer
you yes I did have something to do with why it was so quiet when you came in. That's all you need to know about me,
now go and sleep somewhere please."
She finished rudely. Usagi looked at her and hmph'd as she walked away. 'She sure is rude I was just trying to start a
conversation. That must be why she's here no one liked her attitude she's bitter and unhappy. But there must be
something more to her, I know I saw sadness in her eyes. Well maybe I'll try again tomorrow.' Usagi thought to herself.
She picked a room that had a big bed in the corner she wondered why Sakura didn't use a room like that one and why
she was on the floor for that matter. She put her bag that she'd almost forgotten that she had on the floor and laid on
the bed. The moment her body came into contact with the mattress 2 things happened. The bad collapsed with a loud
crash, and cockroaches scurried everywhere to try and avoid being squashed. She screamed loudly as she jumped up on
the bed to get away from the swarm. When she calmed a little she heard what sounded almost like laughter in the
distance. As soon as the roaches were gone she made her way to the room Sakura was in, as she did the laughter got
louder. She poked her head through the partially closed door and saw Sakura rolling on the floor laughing hysterically.
"You didn't wonder why I was on the floor? You're a funny person Tsukino-san. You might want to go in another room
and stay on the floor unless you want some friends visiting, and judging by your scream you don't really."
She lectured through her laughter. Usagi was kind of happy that she was laughing but she wasn't happy it was at her
expense. She turned and walked into the room across form Sakura and tried to get comfortable. She eventually
succeeded and fell fast a sleep.

The next day
(Sakura) Sakura was the first to wake to the blindingly bright morning light assaulting her. She felt exhausted from the
use of the silent, light, shield card from the other evening.
"There's something about her. She has some kind of power it's in no way like Hiiragizawa-kun's, Li-kun's, or mine. It's
older but at the same time it's not as powerful as mine is. I'll have to talk to her and see what her story is. Maybe she
has something to do with what I feel is coming?"
She thought as she looked over towards Usagi snoring in the other room. Sakura took out a piece of paper she had in her
backpack and wrote on it quickly.
Hello, I just woke up to do something and I'm going back to sleep. I'm sorry about last night I have issues with people
that I don't know or trust but I'd like to talk to you about something so can you stay around.
~ Kinomoto Sakura

Sakura called upon the move card to put the note by her, and when it was done she soon fell back asleep.
Usagi finally woke up blinded by the blazing sunlight. She shielded her eyes and slowly sat up, she glanced around to see
that Sakura's door was open but she was still sound asleep. She also noticed a piece of paper by her hand. She read it
slowly at first then once again to make sure she read it right. She looked over at the sleeping Sakura with a worried smile
on her face. She was anxious as to why she wanted to talk to her all of a sudden.

A few hours later
Usagi had a pretty boring day Sakura was still asleep and she was bored. She walked around the apartment complex and
explored a little finding nothing of interest. She eventually returned to the vacant building where she was staying. She
walked inside and began to head into her room when she noticed Sakura stirring. She looked at her longer as she slowly
began to rise to her knees with a yawn and stretch.
"Have a nice sleep?"
Usagi asked jokingly. She was giggling at the messy auburn haired girl. Sakura turned to look at her clearly still groggy
and gave her a weird look.
"Huh? Why, how long have I been asleep?"
She asked confusion clear in her voice. Usagi had to laugh at her. She rolled her eyes sarcastically as she replied.
"It's almost 5.00 it's 4.53 to be exact. You've been out a good part of all day."
She stated in a light matter-of-fact way. Sakura looked at her as if she had 5 heads. She just quickly got to her feet and
bowed in apology for sleeping so late and told her there was a reason.
"Um, Tsukino-san come sit by me, I'd like to get to know you, to talk to you."
She cautiously agreed and sat a cross from Sakura. She eyed the girl suspiciously. She got this strange feeling that
Kinomoto knew something unusual, but wasn't quite sure what. She eyed her once more as she searched for words to
say. She decided to get to know a little about her first.
"Kinomoto-san you wanted me to stay around so we could talk, what did you want to talk about?"
She asked calmly. Sakura looked up at her for a moment as if concentrating on her and suddenly a smile curled her lips.
"Tsukino-san I wanted to start off by apologizing about last night, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here, and I didn't
trust something about you so I was a little hostile towards you. And the reason I'm here for now is… that's for me to
She sighed as a few tears blurred her vision. Usagi noticed this and felt bad for the girl. She tried to place a comforting
hand on her shoulder but she flinched, so Usagi withdrew it. Her eyes were once again focused on Sakura.
"Kinomoto-san, I know that you have just met me but I won't hurt you I'm really very nice, a little ditzy at times I admit
but nice."
She stated stupidly with a daffy grin, which earned her a small smile from Sakura.
"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself? I did just meet you yesterday and all I know is your name, age and where
you form."

"What do you want to know?"

"Why are you here? What do you like to do? You have a boyfriend or anything back home? Things like that."

"Well let's just say I had my reasons for leaving. My friends and family found me to be stupid, annoying, and too much of
a crybaby to take care of my responsibilities so they tried to take them away from me. And I seriously doubt they know
that I'm gone, or miss me for that matter. And I had a boyfriend, actually fiancée but he was older than I am so I guess
he finally found our ages to be a problem. He was 21, he's smart, sweet, kind and loving to those he likes. I'm going to
miss him deeply."
She finished with sadness written within her expressions. Sakura put her hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring
smile. Usagi smiled up at her.
"Thanks Kinomoto-san. What about you why'd you leave?"
Sakura eyed her apprehensively but soon decided to speak.
"Well there was only one person behind my leaving. Me… I needed to forget, and I needed to be alone. So here I am,
That's all I really can or will say for now."

"I respect that Kinomoto-san. I won't force you to tell me anything. Where were you planning on heading after here?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to get away from Tomoeda. So that's what I'm doing. Have you ever wished you could be
someone else anyone but yourself?"
She questioned Usagi sorrowfully. Usagi looked at her as if she was in thought for a minute then gave her an almost
undecided look.
"There have been times I would have killed to be someone else, anyone else, just not myself. Imagine facing danger
everyday and not having anyone care. Of coarse you wouldn't. But what are you gonna do. You can't just assume another
life, you must live out your own."

"Very wise Tsukino-san but you know very little about me, so who are you to assume I don't know, I've been through
things you can't even imagine. But that was back then, when I was stronger. A reason I left was to be on my own make a
name for myself. Try to become the strong girl I was once."
Sakura turned her head to look out the window. She returned her gaze to Usagi after it had been silent for a few
moments. Usagi was staring at her she sweat dropped (Anime style) and cast her a perplexed look. She smiled at her
and Sakura's expression slowly turned more serious.
"Tsukino-san, I wonder if I may ask you something?"
She nodded her head and continued to stare in confusion at the girl across from hers sudden change in mood.
"Tsukino-san, I don't really know how to word this but are you different, from most people?"
Usagi turned an uncomfortable hue red and just nodded her head as if she was unable to speak as a memory playing
through her mind.
Ami: Oh my god!
Ami yelled after she examined the sample under her microscope.
Makoto: What is it?
Ami: If this is correct I need to get a sample from each of you to analyze now.
Rei: Why?
Ami: Because according to this blood sample from Usagi she's not fully human!
She resulted knowingly, not seeming as shocked as everyone else was. They all gasped clearly shocked and looked over
at a gaping Usagi.
Usagi: What do you mean I'm not human?
Ami: Actually what I said was you're not fully human. There's something foreign in your blood it's faint silver in color, and
I think it has something to do with your past life as princess of the silver millenium, and the moon.
Even more shocked gasps were heard. Ami quickly took 4 pins and got blood samples from the remaining 3 girls and
herself. She inspected each sample under her microscope carefully and came to the same conclusion only the foreign
element was a different color in each of them. Minako used her communicator and quickly called Luna and Artemis to talk
to them about Ami's discovery.
15 minutes later
Luna & Artemis: What's this strange discovery you told us both about?
They asked in unison. Not prepared for what they were told. Ami told them about what she found In Usagi's blood then
how when she looked at the others they saw the same substance, only different in color. The 2 cats looked like they were
deep in thought before Artemis spoke.
Artemis: 'Could that really be what happened?' Luna when Queen Selenity sent us all here, into the future we were all
supposed to reincarnated, just our soles were to move on, but what if they weren't. What if their true alien forms were
somehow put into a human body to be born again? So technically they would be aliens.
He concluded unsurely. Everyone just looked at him in strange silence.
Rei: But Ami said that we were partially human, so if we were alien in human bodies wouldn't we still be fully alien?
Usagi: And I was going on 16 when I died and so were they when my mother used her power to transport us, how could
we being grown smush inside a woman's body?
Everyone sweat drops (Anime style).
Minako: Usagi.
Luna: Artemis, Ami, I think I know what happened. You the scouts, Endymion, or his court were never meant to be in a
sense reincarnated, because when the time came you would be void of power. Selenity purposely made it this way, she
returned you all to the alien seeds you started from and implanted you inside a human woman. This way she knew your
forms and powers would be preserved. But that also changed you slightly and made you partially human, but as hard as
it may be to believe you are all the alien heiress' to your planets.
Nobody expected that. They all felt this weird surge and closed they eyes only for a moment and when they opened them
once more there was a symbol engraved on their foreheads. They closed them again and concentrated again and the
symbols vanished.

"Tsukino-san, you there you've been in your own world for quite some time now."
She shook her head to clear it once more. And looked at Kinomoto in front of her.
"Uh yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about something. Hehe."
She laughed uncomfortable. Kinomoto just gave her a bizarre look as she thought about what to say next. But before she
could speak Usagi did.
"Do you have something that makes you different?"
Usagi asked sure that she'd say yes. Sakura looked at her for a moment then smiled. She grinned slyly as she nodded
her head. Usagi gave her a sly smile of her own.
"Let me ask you this, does it have anything to do with the fact that when I came in here last night it was absolutely
She kept that grin on as she again nodded her head. Usagi was unconsciously fidgeting with her brooch. Sakura noticed
this slight action and was now staring at her brooch in her hand.
"May I ask what is different about you? You said yourself that there was something, but not what."
Usagi looked around her nervously like the walls would make-up a story for her but nothing came.
"If I tell you than you have to tell me!"
She bargained nervously. Sakura's sly leer never faltered she nodded her head as she replied.
"If you tell me first I'll tell you everything about how I did it. I'll tell you almost everything."

"Fine then."

"Well actually it's getting late and I'm very tired. How bout' we start early tomorrow because my story's going to take
some time and I have a feeling yours will too."
She was angry but roughly nodded her head in agreement.
"OK, then till tomorrow."
Sakura said with a sweet smile as she got up to change into some PJ's and get ready for bed. She went into a bathroom
near her room and got ready and came back to find Usagi still sitting in the same spot in her room.
"Uh, Usagi can you go to sleep in your room now?"
She asked politely. Usagi looked up at her surprised and smiled at her as she got up and headed into her room. Soon
they were both lying on the floor as comfortable as they could, and soon they were both off in the land of slumber.
Well that's the end of this chapter. Please let me know what you think if this one was better or worse. I need everyone's
opinion, on which chapter's better. So I can continue. Do you think this version helps the story be understood better? I
thought they should get to know each other a little before they interrogate each other about their powers and reveal
anything. PLEASE let me know what you think. So I know how to continue Ch 5 or change this..