Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party ❯ Preperations ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Boy, A Girl and a Halloween Party


"Ow, Watch it!" Syaoran said rubbing his arm where he'd been poked.

Tomoyo put her hands on her hips, "Well maybe you should pay attention when I tell you to move!" she said grabbing some more pins off of a shelf, "What is it that has you so sidetracked anyway?" she asked slyly as she began to work on the costume again. Li was staring at nothing in particular, After a few moments Tomoyo jabbed him with the needle again.

Syaoran yelped and "Hey, That time you did it on purpose!" he said turning around and glaring at her.

The black haired girl smiled sweetly, "I'm sorry Li, Please don't be mad at me." she said grinning.

Li looked warily at Tomoyo as she went back to fixing up his costume. After a minute or two she stood back to admire her work. "Perfect!" she smiled widely and grabbed her video camera. Li endured Tomoyo as she told him to stand here or hold this or look that way so; she could get the best possible angles for her camera. After a good while she ushered Li back into a room where he could change back into his usual clothes.

Tomoyo waited impatiently by the door tapping her foot. A sudden ring interrupted the silence of the room and Tomoyo dashed for her cell phone, knowing already who it would be.

"Hello! Sakura guess what! I-" she paused and looked confused as a strange man on the other end of the phone stopped her. She listened for a moment, and then a smile of understanding washed over her face. "Oh!" she exclaimed, "Yes, yes about the party!" she paused again as the continued to speak. "Of course! That would be perfect!" Tomoyo nodded excitedly. "Will they be supplied with costumes? ....... Sure, that's perfectly all right, though there is a couple of my own that I'd like them to wear ....... Um, You'll need to send your people over a good couple of hours before to get themselves aquatinted with the building, and I'll have to explain to them exactly what they're supposed to do ....... Oh No, It's not too difficult, but it is extremely important that they do their job right. ....... Uh-huh ........ Yes, that is a must, along with a couple fog machines. Also I saw this ad in your catalog, you had some sort of special lights ....... Yeah, those. I'd like to rent them out also."

Tomoyo grabbed a piece of paper and jotted some notes down. "Of course. Of course. Did you receive my list yet? ...... HA! Of course it was! And that's not the half of it! I'll need some of your special candelabras for the main hall and lots of candles for along the hallways ..... OH! You can- ..... You can get those??? ....... Oh certainly!! You know me! My only concern is whether or not they're dangerous."

Syaoran stepped out of the room behind her tucking in his shirt. He went unnoticed by Tomoyo and found a seat on a nearby chair. "Oh, Thank-you! That's great. And you're going to stop by tomorrow to get all the measurements correct right? .... Good!" Tomoyo had a broad smile on her face at the recent news of her upcoming plans for the party. "Thank-you so mu--" Tomoyo paused uncertainly, ".....Oh......Uh-huh .... I forgot about that ..... Ummm-hmmm." Tomoyo unconsciously lowered her voice, "Right, right. Yes, bring that over immediately ... Yeah as soon as you can ... I don't care when! Just bring it over as fast as you can." Tomoyo was silent for a moment more, "O-Okay. You know what I mean right? Yeah the big one that has all of the different settings and controls ... Yeah that. Of course .... um-hmm ..... Okay! Thank-you so much Mr. Ravoldni! I will see you soon." Tomoyo hung up and began to scribble hastily on her notepad. Syaoran cleared his throat, but Tomoyo didn't hear him.

He slowly crept up behind her trying to get a glimpse of what she was doing. Syaoran had no idea what the crap she'd been talking about but he guessed that the only thing Tomoyo would talk that urgently about would her party. He peered over the girls shoulder. She was drawing amazing decorations and plans on an intricate picture of a very large ballroom, probably one of many in her house. Syaoran's eyes widened at the incredibly detailed decorations.

He let out a whistle and Tomoyo's pencil dropped. She spun around and jumped out of her chair staring at Syaoran wide eyed. Tomoyo scowled at him and cut right to the point, "How long have you been here?" she asked crossing her arms across her chest.

Syaoran held up his hands to shield himself from Tomoyo, "Not long! Not long at all! Why so defensive Tomoyo?" he asked. She glared menacingly at him and Syaoran rushed on. "I just came back and I overheard some stuff. Of course it wasn't anything serious or anything. Was it! Just some silly unimportant details about some not-so-special party Right???"

Tomoyo eyed him for a moment and contemplated something in her mind. "Hmmmmm....." she thought. Syaoran looked expectantly at her and she appeared to have come to a conclusion. A silly grin appeared on her face and she squealed in excitement. "Ok, ok, I'll tell you!"

Syaoran looked confused, "What?"

Tomoyo grinned again, "I have some very important plans for the party! There's going to be so much stuff! It'll be so awesome! I've got lots of stuff planned, oooohhhh!" she squealed again.

Syaoran rolled his eyes, "Come on Tomoyo!"

The overexcited teenager found a piece of paper on a table and started to drawing wildly. "Anyway, This is the main hall, where most of the party will be going on in. I'll have these black curtains hanging all over the place, to give it sort of a mystery effect." Tomoyo was gesturing all over the paper and talking very fast. "This part her will be raised, sort of like a platform, that's where some of Mr. Ravoldni's men will be performing, Oh, have you ever seen him perform? It's so real! And freaky too! It'll be so-- anyway, there will be games scattered around- mostly just the usual, bobbing for apples, digging for brains, OF COURSE a costume contest (unfortunately, you and Sakura will have to be exempt because I made your costumes- darn rules!) and lotsa other games too! But that's not the important part of the party- The best part is the beginning when every-" Tomoyo stopped short and a look of pain crossed her face, "Argh! I can't tell you!!" Tomoyo desperately wanted to tell someone about her plans at the moment- there was just too much excitement for one person to hold.

It'd be okay to tell just one person right? "Okay- here I go," she started, "I have something very important and exciting planned for the Halloween Party. I'm gonna--" Tomoyo stopped short and frowned. On second thought she highly doubted that Syaoran would approve. I mean, Anyone could see how VERY protective he was of Sakura. Nope, this would definitely not go over well with him.

Syaoran waved a hand in front of the black-haired girl deep in thought. "Is anyone in there...?" he asked. Tomoyo was lost in thought and barely heard him. Of course it may be a whole lot different if he'd just get over himself and tell her he loved her. Then Syaoran would at least be a little more easy going on her plans. But that wasn't gonna happen anytime soon. Li's to scared to tell Sakura how he feels because he's afraid he'd reject her. Hmph. Fat chance. She was just as in love as he is. All Tomoyo needed to do is get them alone together and make them confess their feelings. 'When could I possibly do that before the party?' Tomoyo thought sighing.

Unless... she did got them together AT the party.....

A grin broke onto her face and she squealed in delight as a thousand new ideas bombarded her. She turned sharply to Li barely containing her giggles and said , "Li, go away, I've gotta work on some more stuff." she whirled back to her desk and grabbed the nearest piece of paper.

"What?" complained Li. "Tomoyo what are you doing?" he asked trying to get a look at the paper that was rapidly filling with plans and ideas.

Tomoyo giggled and glanced up from her work. "Leave Li!" she said trying to keep a straight face, "I'll finish your costume. Thank-you for coming, I'm sure Drake will be able to escort you out." Almost by magic a tall man appeared and shooed Li out of the room.

Tomoyo spent the next few hours glued to her desk. She made a few phone calls to ensure one thing or another. She managed to pull a few strings and got a few extras for the party. Finally when everything was pulled together, she grabbed the phone and called up her partner-in-crime/boyfriend to tell him of the new plans.


~~the day before the party~~

The Daidouji mansion was bustling with activity. People were running to and fro carrying all sorts of things from silly streamers to large and intimidating pieces of machinery. And in the midst of all this hustle and bustle standing on one of the lower balconies facing the front lawn was Daidouji, Tomoyo directing some semblance of order into it all. 5 big black vans were parked on the opposite side of the street, and a group of men dressed in black scurrying from the vans to inside the huge estate.

Tomoyo watched giddily as the men in black carried another rather large item across the lawn. A small woman scrambled up to the teen who was trying to shout orders to a crew of workers trying to assemble some lights in the yard, and at the same time film the goings-on with her video camera. The older woman cleared her throat and quietly said, "Miss Tomoyo?"

The girl's long black hair flew behind her as she whirled around to face the small woman. "Oh, yes, what is it?"

They graying woman let out a small bow, "Mr. Ravoldni would like to see you for a moment."

"Ah, Lead him in!" Tomoyo said turning back around to film some more of the near chaos below.

A few minutes later a tall man in a black suit carrying a large briefcase appeared at the entrance way to the balcony. he tapped his custom-made leather shoes sharply on the hard floor and waited for Tomoyo to turn around and face him. Tomoyo shut off her camera, hiding her reluctance and turned to give Mr. Ravoldni her full attention, as was the only way to do business with him.

The man strode forward and set the briefcase on the railing of the balconies. He balanced it there leaving it unopened and rested his hands on it. He stood silent for a few minutes and Tomoyo waited for him to speak. Mr. Ravoldni twiddled with his neatly trimmed mustache and speculated for a moment on how to present his news. He spun on his heels to look her straight in the face and brought folded his hands neatly before him. "Miss. Tomoyo," he began in his British accent.

Tomoyo lost in her thoughts during the previous moments silence didn't hear him. She stood admiring how nicely the sun bounced off his slick greasy hair. Mr. Ravoldni stamped his foot angrily, "Miss Tomoyo! IF you don't mind!" he said sharply.

Tomoyo shook her head and smiled apologetically at him, she waved her hand, "Do Go on!" she said trying to humor the man.

Mr. Ravoldni looked angrily at the girl and started again. "I've had my men search through all of my vans, but nowhere did I see the..." his eyes shifted. "Well... you know of what I'm speaking." he said.

Tomoyo smiled dumbly, "No I don't." she said still grinning.

Mr. Ravoldni sighed and leaned closer to him, "Well, you know the ....." he whispered something and straightened again "Well It's missing." he pronounced stubbornly.

The smiled dropped from her face faster than he could blink. "WHAT!" she shouted dropping her beloved camera.

Mr. Ravoldni looked over the large estate at the fumbling workers below and sighed wistfully, "Well, who knows! With the right motivation, my men just might be able to come up with them.." he said stealing a look at Tomoyo.

Her eyes darted around as she desperately tried to think of some plan. A stern look crossed her face and she stared Mr. Ravoldni in the face. "$2,000." she pronounced.

Mr. Ravoldni turned back to the grounds, "Of course it's probably just lost back at our warehouse back in Nebraska. It could take anywhere from days to-"

"5,000!" Tomoyo interrupted.

"-2 hours!" Mr. Ravoldni finished with a smile. "I'll be back with your... your machinery as soon as possible." he picked his suitcase up and started with a snap in his step back out the door.

Tomoyo grumbled under her breath muttering, "Stupid thieves that's what they are!" She picked her camera back up and dusted it off. "He may be good, but this is absolutely the last time I hire him!" She inspected her camera quickly to see if it was in any way damaged and slipped it back into it's usual spot between her hands.


Did I give away to much in this chapter? I dunno. Well either/or, I hope you liked it. Also, I would prefer not to be chased with pitchforks and torches for those of you who are not happy about how long it takes for me to type up each chapter. Please instead choose to sit patiently in a soft, padded room until I crank out the next chapter.

I AM SO SORRY I WAS SO SLOW!!! But my mom forbid me to write anything until I finished my science report that I've had for a month- it's due tomorrow and I haven't touched it.

I hope I satisfied you all with this chapter, and I PROMISE that the next chapter will start the party.

Please keep reviewing! For those of you who don't know, that's my favorite part of being an author, getting reviews!

Thank-you for reading!! Look for the next chapter sometime soon!

One last thing, I just today noticed that I never put any disclaimers in any previous chapters, and I'm guessing that I'll probably forget to put it in future chapters. But here goes, This disclaimer will go for all chapters, not just this one. If you wanna get picky then you can just paste this one onto other chapters. I think disclaimers are ugly, and they take away from the story with all this legal junk. Anyway:


**Please note that I do not own CCS, I don't think I will ever own CCS, please don't assume I own CCS, and please don't bug me about not owning CCS. I'm just writing so others can get some enjoyment out of it- Plus it's fun!**
