Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party ❯ A Night to Themselves ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party


Sakura was very thorough with her self-appointed task. She got rid of all the old garbage and even started a load of laundry for Syaoran- All the while ignoring his embarrassed protests. She even found a dusty old vaccume hidden in the closet and used it for most likely the first time in it's life.

Sakura was sitting in the hallway dusting the pictures that were hanging there. Syaoran had long since stopped bugging her about cleaning, and so to try to salvage his male pride insisted on making ~something~ for their little dinner/snack.

There was a loud crash, and Sakura heard a few colorful Chinese curses from the kitchen (which she had previously cleaned.)

She rolled her eyes and took another picture off the wall to wipe clean. Sakura softly rubbed her washcloth over the two people sitting in the picture and smiled. It was a picture of her and Syaoran sitting at a table. Her arms were wrapped around him and she was resting her head on his shoulder She could detect a faint blush from Syaoran, but he was smiling at her with a look in his eyes that Sakura couldn't quite put a label on yet. The picture had no doubt been taken by Tomoyo. 'That girl and her camera. Sakura smiled to herself.

Tomoyo was always telling the two of them that they were 'picture perfect' and this photograph definitely proved it.

Even Sakura could see how easily she and Syaoran worked together. Each complimented the other and they seemed made for each other.

'Well no doubt, Tomoyo does have a talent for taking really great pictures... Like this one.' she thought running a finger over the messy-haired boy in the picture.

Another crash from the kitchen brought her out of her thoughts and she hung the picture back on the wall next to the others.

"Are you ok in there Syaoran?" she called. "I guess we could start in on my math..." Sakura suggested starting towards the kitchen.

"Uh--- No, that's okay!" she heard Li call hurriedly, "I just need a little uh... A little more time!" he said

Sakura shook her head, "Whatever you say!" She said wiping her hands off and placing the wash rag under the sink of the nearby bathroom. She headed for the living room, her awesome task finally complete. She draped herself on the couch and waited for Syaoran to return from his little adventure in cooking. Her eyes wandered around the room and she stuck her tounge out at her math books casually stacked on the floor. With a drawn-out sigh pulled them closer to herself.

She flipped the book open to a random page and tried to concentrate on the numbers dancing around the page. After a few basically wasted minutes, she sighed in frustration and blew a piece of hair off her face. "I should just give up now..." she said tossing the book back to the floor.

Her ears pricked up as a bump and a thud sounded from the kitchen and a flustered Li, with as much manliness as he could muster, entered the living room. He held a small tray balanced on one hand, like a waiter in a fancy restaurant. He gracefully stepped forward and entered the room heading towards Sakura. She was sprawled out on the couch and scrambled to sit up staright and look more presentable.

Her jade eyes twinkled and she stiffled a giggle as Li came to a stop next to her. He presented the tray to Sakura, cleared his throat and put on a serious face, "May I present the product of many a long minute of hard labor..." he paused and stole a glance at her amused face, "...Punch a la' Li!"

Sakura held back a silly grin and eyed the 2 tall glasses of red liquid resting on the tray. She raised an eyebrow and hesitantly asked, ""

Syaoran let out a deep sigh and blushed, "Kool Aid. First I tried making some rice, but I uh... spilled, And peanut butter & jelly sandwiches just didn't appeal to me."

Sakura smiled widely, "Ah!" she said accepting the glass he handed her.

Li smiled proudly, "It's Homemade too!!" he added as she was about to take a sip.

Sakura held the drink up before her face and looked at it warily, but before she could get in another word edgewise Syaoran took up his own glass and held it against hers. "To math?" he offered as a toast.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "If you insist," she said. Their glasses clinked and Sakura took a swallow. To her suprise she found it delicious. She quickly downed the rest of the glass and smacked her lips.

Syaoran laughed at her antics and took a sat cross-legged on the couch next to her. "Glad you liked it!" he said taking a drink of his own. "Now how about that book of yours?" he said.

Sakura managed not to groan. "Now's as good a time as any!" she said reaching back for the dreaded math book.

Syaoran smiled at her. He spent the next few minutes just trying to get what page number her class was on. She apologized for not paying attention in class, but Li just waved it off. They finally got started and Sakura managed to understand about half of it. Syaoran spent a long while explaing angles and measurements, all the while Sakura deperately trying to comprehend him. She finally started to get it, but even after a few demonstrations, Sakua was still struggling a bit.

"So wait, wait," she inturrupted. Sakura leaned over the book sitting in Syaoran's lap, "I thought cosine was the same as sine!" she looked curiously at Li. He stood transfixed by her green eyes peircing into his. Her face was now only inches from his.

He stumbled around for the words to answer her question. "N-no, sine is the ratio of the hypo- hypotense against the length of the leg opposite an acute angle. Cosine is the same thing, except it's a- a ratio against the length of the adjacent leg. To...To the acute angle." He breathed out staring at the curves of her face.

Sakura's mouth wiggled into a confused look and she let out a long breath, her head falling against his chest. "I'll never get this, " she sighed, one of her hands reached up to pillow her face against his strong chest.

Syaoran stared at the girl leaning against him as his mind frantically raced aound in circles as to what to do. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Slowly, he wrapped an arm around her, following his insticts, and Sakura leaned closer to him. He closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing. Li used his free hand to point at the thick algebra book again. He decided to start talking again to take his mind off the warm body snuggled against his. "You see, " he started confidently. He pointed to a diagram in the book. "This part here is the hypotense. It is the side opposite of a right angle. You get the cosine when you take..."

Syaoran's voice melded with the steady beat of his heart as Sakura tried to concentrate on what he was explaining to her. Her eyes fluttered open and shut as she listened to his strong voice patiently trying to get her understand something he knew so well. That was so like Syaoran- taking time out of his day to help her with something that came so easily to him, Not giving a second thought before lending a hand to help someone. Of course, she was very grateful, but it was hard to concentrate. She just felt so comfortable here leaning against one of her best friends.

Though she'd often wished they could be more than simple friends, right now, sitting so closely to him...this was just as good. She could feel his strong muscles underneath his shirt. His voice wandered in and out of her thoughts, smooth and comforting

She smiled as Syaoran's arm gently tightened around her, as if he was afraid to let go of her. They fit so snugly together. It just felt so...right.

She let out a contented smile, not having a care in the world, just satisfyed with merely being able to enjoy being so close to the man that she had been drawn to for so long.

Syaoran felt Sakura relax against him and stole a glance at her as he went on about all these silly right angles and tangents. His voice trailed off and he gazed at the beautiful Sakura leaning against him.

She looked so beautiful. So at peace.

He almost felt afraid to disturb this lovely angel. Syaoran couldn't tell if she was still awake, or if she was asleep, but he dared not do anything to end the long moments he had to gaze upon his beautiful cherry blossom. 'My Ying Fa...' he thought. It was a pet name he'd used for a while, Chinese for cherry blossoms. The name fit her so well, a beautiful flower for a beautiful woman.

His hand floated up almost on its own and stroked her cheek softly. He trailed a finger down the side of her face and a slow smile bloomed on the girl's face. Syaoran let out a soft smile too. How often he'd wished to do that! To just be able to stroke her face or give her a comforting touch.

Li held his hand there against her face for a few moments then ever so slowly, Sakura's eyes fluttereed open. Her green eyes piercing right through his amber ones. The gentle Chinese warrior's breath caught in his throat, nearly paralyzed by those beautiful emerald eyes. Sakura seemed to be suffering of the same reaction. Slowly, she managed a smile, not daring to take her eyes off Syaoran's face. "Hi," she whispered.

Syaoran's fingers traced a line down the side of her face. "Hello." he breathed.

Sakura tried to take a breath trying to compose himself in the eyes of her best friend. She could still feel his steady heartbeat and wondered why her own was not as steady. She didn't move an inch, didn't dare to, not wanting to let the precious time she had to spend alone with her one and only to end. Being near him was soothing, and Sakura was very tired. But she had to say something, she couldn't just sit there staring into his beautiful eyes the whole day. (Though she didn't find a problem with that.)

Syaoran watched her contemplate something within herself. She closed her eyes for a moment, and he was deprived of the sight of her amazing jade eyes for a few seconds. Short as it was though, Syaoran caught himself wishing for more, to be able to spend a lifetime just staring in to those wonderful eyes.

"Sorry I dozed off..." Sakura started, opening her heavy eyelids again, "I really do appreciate you helping me out and everything." Syaoran smiled that dazzling smile that he only wore for her. "Maybe I could come over again sometime and we could get some more work ....." she was inturrupted by a yawn, "...done. Just-- Right now I'm just really..." her eyelids dropped a little lower. "I'm just..." her voice got softer. Syaoran silenced her soft words with a finger to her smooth lips. Her eyes flew back open.

"It's okay." Syaoran said smiling the smile that would light up a room, "Just sleep." he said. Sakura tried to nod, but before she had said another word her had closed once more and she drifted back to sleep.

Syaoran smiled at his beautiful goddess. Even as she had been falling asleep she was still thinking of him before herself. Syaoran changed his mind, her eyes may have no rival, yes, but he was content to simply sit here and watch over her for a lifetime and more. He brushed a hand over her smooth face and whispered, "I love you...My Ying-Fa."


Yeeee!!! Wooo-Hooo! *sigh*

This chapter contained a lot of silly fluff that I'm hoping will make up for *ahem* the last chapter's rude language.... Yeah. Sorry about that, I think I had one too many cups of coffee before I wrote that. I was hoping this to be a nice fic, not a 'hormones on the rage' fic. But I won't remove it, because it's just a part of the story now, and well, it is kinda funny!

Also, I apologize for Syaoran's out of character-ness. I guess it slipped my mind that Li actually is Mr. Maid and a great cook, but for this fic, I guess it'll have to work.

I think I've slipped too much from the main idea, so between the next chapter or two (or the one after that) I'll begin the actual Halloween Party, which I'm hoping will meet up to your standards after all the guffaw I've tacked on to it. But I have a feeling it'll be extremely cool. (After all it must be after being struck by inspiration during biology class and getting in trouble with the teacher for 'un-nessecary giggling' and 'wasting class time')

[*[*[ NOTE-- YES, There was more to this chapter than mindless fluff!!!! (I think...) Sorry there wasn't more 'action' too. That will be saved for a later chapter, just read to find out...^_~ ]*]*]

Now I should stop writing these silly Author's Notes and start the next chapter, right?
Until the next chapter! --which will most likely come out faster if I get a lot of reviews (hint hint)--

I hope you enjoyed it!!