Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party ❯ Study Date ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party


Tomoyo took the excusite dress from Sakura's hands and placed it on a table for her to make the finishing touches on. "I swear Sakura, you looked amazing in it!" Every guy at the party will be falling all over themselves trying to get even a look at you!"

Sakura was practiacally glowing-- she'd REALLY loved the dress. "Oh, I can't wait to wear it again at the party, Oh I just loved it. Though I don't believe what you said; not every guy will be-"

"Oh yes they will! And I know a certain special someone will be extremely interested in you..." Tomoyo teased in a sing-song voice.

Sakura took a deep breath trying to hide her blush. "Tomoyo I don't know what you're talking about!"

Tomoyo rolled her eyes, "Oh, Don't try to deny it Sakura, I know you are desperately in love," Tomoyo flung her arms back and fell onto the bed "With..." she paused dramatically, "Li Syaoran...." she whispered.

Sakura giggled and blushed some more. "Am not! And even if I was it's not such a big deal!" she paused, "The only bad thing about it is that he'd never feel the same way that I do....." she said, her eyes downcast.

Tomoyo laughed, "So you admit it- you do have a thing for Li!" Sakura sat there silent and Tomoyo stopped giggling. "Sakura," she said putting an arm around her best friends shoulders, "Any guy would be lucky to have you. You're beautiful, you're're the sweetest girl I've ever known. Li would be a fool to not see that. Besides, anything could happen, you never know what may be waiting around the corner...."

Sakura smiled weakly, "And what exactly do you mean by that..." she said lifting an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing. Just remember to expect the unexpected Sakura...."

The two friends smiled at each other. Sakura suddenly jumped up, "Oh shoot, I can't believe I forgot!! Tomoyo what time is it!" Sakura asked desperately.

"Only about 5:30, 6:00 I don't know..."

Sakura let out a sigh and flopped back onto Tomoyo's bed, "Oh, that's a relief."

Tomoyo looked suspicious, "And why might that be?"

"Oh, Syaoran promised that he'd tutor me a bit in math tonight, and for a second I thought I blew it." Sakura said twiddling with the plaits of her skirt.

Tomoyo's eyes grew round, "Is that so? Well, you've GOT to let me pick out what you're going to wear!" she said jumping up and rushing to a closet.

"What?!?! Tomoyo, I don't need some fancy outfit for this! It's not even a date!!!" Sakura said trying to resist Tomoyo dragging her towards the closet where a 100+ outfits were stored.

"That's not the point!" she said grabbing a couple outfits and holding them up to Sakura. "The point is to torture Li...."

Sakura's head snapped up, "What did you say?!?!?!?!"
Tomoyo looked at her strangely, "I said that's not the point. Why..."

"Tomoyo I distinctly heard you say that the point was to torture Li!" Sakura said putting her hands on her hips.

Tomoyo shook her head, "Sakura! I said nothing of the sort! You're imagining things! OH HO HO!! Wait a second- You want to torture Li!?!?" Sakura looked shocked and Tomoyo grinned evilly, "You bad, bad girl!!"

"WHAT!?!?!" Sakura shouted turning deep red, "Where did that idea come from! I don't want to torture Li!"

"Why are you denying this so much!" Tomoyo asked taking out some more outfits, "What are you trying to hide! Oh- I get it! You want to chain that bad-boy Li up to the wall and give him a good hard whipping for being such a ~naughty~ boy!" Tomoyo laughed a glint in her eye.


Tomoyo looked calm, "I'm not the one with the sick mind! You're the one imagining up that I said you want to torture Li- and that's because you're obsessed with the idea!"

Sakura looked taken aback, "WHAT!"

"Now you just take your nasty little mind into that room and try this on-and if you don't like it, I have one more for you." Tomoyo said handing her an outfit. Sakura just sat there spluttering as Tomoyo shoved her into the room. "Heh heh heh." she said getting her video-camera, "Me so evil...."

A few minutes later Sakura stepped out of the room, "Uh, Tomoyo, I don't think this is too appropriate...... It's so-- tight..." Tomoyo started taping her right away. She was wearing a short white mini-skirt with tall black boots that came halfway up her calf. A black spaghetti-strap shirt sporting the saying, 'bad kitty' covered her top, revealing a bit of her stomach. "I don't know...." she said trying to pull the miniskirt back down a little lower.

"Hmmmm..." Tomoyo said studying her friend.

"Why are you taping me?" Sakura asked.

Tomoyo smiled and tapped her trusty camera, "Just in case I need it for blackmail!" She grapped a white hankerchief and tied it around Sakura's neck. "Perfect!" she said.

"Blackmail?!? What???" Tomoyo just ignored her.
"Whatever." Sakura looked back at her outfit. "Are you sure about this...." The green-eyed girl asked again.

"Trust me." Tomoyo said filming. "This will positively drive Li wild!"

"What did you just say?!?!?" Sakura asked.

Tomoyo rolled her eyes, "Here we go again! Sakura, I said trust me!"

"Yeah, and then you said this'll positively drive Li wild!" Sakura said wildly.

"And isn't that a good thing?" Tomoyo asked sweetly.

"WHAT! I don't know! I mean-- never mind!" Sakura said shaking her head. "Just, let me try on the other outfit!" she said.

Sakura headed back into the changing room and hopped back out a couple of minutes later. "I like this MUCH better!" she said.

Tomoyo started her camera again. This one looked more modest, but it revealed her shape almost teasingly. She wore a long light-gray skirt that clung to her, accenting her hips and thighs. A lavender shirt with long-sleeves hung nicely over her top. The neck of the shirt could either be tied together, or left hanging loose. Sakura had let it hang loose, revealing her well formed neck and collarbone. the sleeves were a little long, her hands barely visible. The shirt hung close to her, following her curves.

"Sakura, you're beautiful." Tomoyo said simply. "Ooh, one more thing-" she grabbed a small tube of sheer silver lipstick and let Sakura put it on. "Now hop to it and go suprise Li!!" she said.

"What are you going to do with the other outfit?" Sakura asked gathering her things.

Tomoyo raised an eyebrow, "Why, You might wanna use it sometime?" she giggled watching Sakura blush and and hold up her hands in defense "Actually, I was going to wear it." Tomoyo continued. "Eriol said he might come visit later today, so I guess I'll wear that."

"Oooh! you bad girl!" Sakura giggled. It was Tomoyo's turn to blush. Sakura went on, "Let's just hope you're still a virgin by the end of the day!"

"SAKURA!" shouted Tomoyo. She jumped up and lunged for her friend. Sakura shrieked and ran out of the room, a beet-red Tomoyo following close behind."OH! YOU WATCH IT GIRL!" she shouted chasing Sakura out of her mansion and across the lawn. Tomoyo stood at the edge of her estate watching a hysterical Sakura race down the street laughing her head off.

Tomoyo shook her fist at Sakura and shouted, "I'm sure Li's not gonna get any sleep with what you're gonna do to him tonight- I'm just hoping you make it through the day without any unplanned pregnancies!" Sakura stopped dead in her tracks. From all the way down the street Tomoyo could see her friend turn the color of over-ripe tomtoes.

"Dear Lord!" exclaimed a cracking voice from across the street. Tomoyo turned to see a wrinkly old woman sitting at a bus stop staring at her looking shocked. "Young People these days!" she said shaking her head.

Tomoyo blushed and waved sheepishly at the disapproving old lady, then hurried back inside.


Sakura trudged slowly through the crisp fall air on her way to Syaoran's apartment. She was carrying her books in front of her, her eyes focused on some unseen thought. She crossed the darkening street and sighed. 'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...' she thought glumly. 'I mean sure, it's just a study date-- er, night...of...studying...' Sakura sighed. 'I'm hopeless. Sakura, just chill out- this isn't such a big deal! I mean, How long have you known, Syaoran? Yeah, for the past 5 years- it's nothing to worry about!' she thought to herself as she started to climb the steps of Syaoran's apartment. 'You're right, Everything will be fine. Wait- Am I talking to myself? Yep- and you're answering to!' Suddenly she found herself standing at the door to her friend's house. 'Here I go.' she said preparing to knock.

The door flung open before she could even knock and there stood a breathless Syaoran leaning against the dark woden door. "Hey Sakura." he said trying not to gasp for air. He looked her over and without thinking blurted out, "Wow, you look great tonight Sakura!"

Sakura smiled at him and looked down at the outfit. "Thanks Syaoran! I'm glad you like it! Hmmmm..." Sakura paused for a moment. "Ohh! Something smells good..."

"Oh, uh that's nothing...It's just... I- uh..." he looked like he was at a loss for words. He risked a glance at her curious face and offered meekly, "" he blushed and looked at his shoes, "I-I-I...I mean, if you don't like it I can.." he turned away to go wash off the cologne he'd put on for the first time. The cologne that had been stashed, unused, in a drawer since practically forever until now.

"No... I like it" she said pulling him back around. He looked at her hand on his shoulder. Sakura blushed and took her hand back. She looked him in the eye "It smells nice. evergreen trees and........autumn.." she paused for a moment and closed her eyes, as if concentrating on nothing but his scent. Syaoran watched her for a second or two then her green eyes snapped open and she blushed softly. "Sorry, I must have drifted off, May I come in?" Sakura said looking inside.

"Oh- Uh, Sure, Come on in!' he said flustered. Sakura blushed as Syaoran took her arm and led her inside his apartment. "Uh, Well...What do you wanna start on first?" he said trying not to focus too much on how close he was to Sakura.

"Uh, do we have to start right away?" Sakura said with a pleading look in her eyes. "I was hoping maybe we could just hang out a while before I subject myself to torture by math." Suddenly Sakura blushed heavily thinking about her 'conversation' with Tomoyo earlier about torture.

"Su-Sure! We don't have to start right away." He looked at her redenning face and asked concerned, "Are you feeling okay? You look a little--- pink..."

Sakura blushed some more, "No, I'm all right." Syaoran was still holding her arm, and Sakura turned even redder.

"Are you sure? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..." He said sounding dissapointed at his own words.

"No really! It's fine!" Sakura said. She looked around for something else to turn his attention to. She finally took in the way the living room looked and gasped. "Syaoran, this place is a wreck! Look at it!" she said stepping forward and eyeing old food and dirty clothes everywhere.

"Uh- I apologize-- I'm not much of a maid, and I don't really enjoy cleaning..." he said blushing. He rushed over to try to straighten things up. "I always say I'm gonna clean, and then I always get side-tracked..." he grabbed a couple week old t.v. dinner's off the floor and shoved them under the couch.

"Well, I refuse to be taught under these conditions-" Syaoran stopped throwing some old socks into his room and looked at her. "So I guess I'll just have to clean it up." she said charging into the room and heading for the garbage can hiding under a heap of garbage.

"Wh- What?" Syaoran asked confused, "You don't have to... I mean, It's my apartment, I should be the one cleaning the place up..." he tried to stop her from reaching back under the couch for the t.v. dinners.

She kept on working. "Nonsense Syaoran, I'm perfectly okay cleaning up for a while. Why don't you make us something to eat?" she said throwing the pile of old trays away.

"Syaoran scratched his head, "Actually... I don't cook..." he said embarrased.

Sakura chuckled and contunued to work. "Then I guess I'll have to do that too!"


This chapter was originally much longer, but I thought it'd be better to end it here instead of going on for like 8 more pages. Sorry if I disappointed some people, but you can expect the next chapter in a week or less.

I hope you enjoyed it, and please continue to R & R! Reviews mean a lot to me and keep me motivated- so please feel free to send me one, either through e-mail or the good ol' fashioned way! ^_^

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Thanks for reading!!!