Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party ❯ The Dress ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Boy, a Girl, and a Halloween Party


Sakura managed to suffer through Algebra, and then Civics class, which she only survived by passing notes about the upcoming party with Tomoyo.

Finally the bell rang and she headed to Gym with her best friend. Chiharu suddenly appeared beside Sakura, "Hey, Tomoyo, how's the plans for the party coming?" she asked.

"GREAT!" Tomoyo exclaimed excitedly. "We got these AWESOME decorations, and my mom even got a hold of a local group that's supposed to be reeeeaaally good, to play for us, and - Oh it'll be wonderful!"

"Wait," Sakura said turning to Tomoyo. "You didn't tell me there would be a band there!" Sakura's green eyes were wide with excitement.

"Well of course there'll be a band Sakura! I wouldn't have it any other way! This party has to be excellent! No exceptions!" Tomoyo said.

Chiharu leaned closer to Tomoyo and lowered her voice, "And what about the... well you know..." she said her eyes flickering towards Sakura.

Tomoyo grinned evilly and whispered back at her.
Chiharu's eyes lit up and she started giggling uncontrolably, "Oh, This is gonna be great!"

Sakura warily eyed the two, "Uh, What exactly is um.. What exactly are you two planning?" she questioned swallowing hard.

Tomoyo smiled confidently and patted Sakura on the sholder. "Nothing but the greatest party any of us will ever live to see." Tomoyo said.

Naturally this did nothing to calm Sakura's fears. Tomoyo grinned slyly and added under her breath, "And the scariest...."


Tomoyo and Sakura were riding in a sleek limousine towards the Daidouji residence.

Sakura was brooding about the party. There was obviously something else going on between Tomoyo and the other girls. The whole day Rika, Naoko-- even Yamazaki had come up to Tomoyo to whisper something about this 'wonderful' party in her ear. "Now Tomoyo," she started for the thousandth time, "I HATE anything scary- I haven't exactly tried to hide that fact over the years we've been friends, now is this going to be a spooky party or what??" she inquired.

Tomyo could obviously see that she wouldn't get anywhere ignoring the question. Of course she absolutely could not tell Sakura it was going to be the biggest haunted house since the beginning of time, but she couldn't flat out lie to her either. "Sakura, "she started, "Uh-- This party really means a lot to me... and I really want you to be there, it just wouldn't be the same if you weren't there..." Sakura sat silent. 'oh boy this is going to be tough' Tomoyo thought. "I really want you to come- Really! And if you didn't come just because of some silly little childhood fear... Well, it would really hurt my feelings...." Tomoyo bowed her head, her hair covering her face, and anxioualy awaited the answer. She didn't even know if this would work. If it didn't, the only thing left to insure Sakura would come would be the waterworks, and she really didn't feel like pulling that on her friend.

"Tomoyo, I know that it's basically impossible to not get scared at a Halloween party, and I'm willing to go through that." Tomoyo breathed a sigh of relief, 'thank the Gods!' "And so, I'm gonna say that-- I'm trusting that you.... won't do anything to drastic to scare the living daylights outta me." Tomoyo grimaced, 'WHAT! Where's the fun in that! Besides, that was a major part of my whole plan!' she thought. "Yes, I'll come." Sakura said smiling.

'Uh-oh, I'm in trouble, what do I do, what do I do, What do i do?!?' Tomoyo put on a happy face and finished her act, "Oh Thank-you Sakura! I knew you'd pull through for me!" she said hugging her friend.

"Now about my costume..." Sakura started as the vehicle pulled up to the house, oh excuse me, mansion.

Tomoyo jumped out of the car, exicited once more, "Oh, It's the best! It's positively beautiful!! And I know you'll love it!!" and so will Li-kun! she added to herself.

Tomoyo dragged Sakura across the courtyard and inside the humongous house, then down several long hallways and up and down a good many staircases. Sakura tried to keep track of which way they'd gone, but it was useless. She was sure that if she'd tried to navigate herself through the gignatic estate, she'd without a doubt get lost.

Finally they stopped at a wooden door that looked quite foreboding. Tomoyo squeaked it open. Inside were piles of beautiful fabric of all different colors stacked, or rather tossed, all over the room. Sakura looked awed at the display and went from one piece of fabric to the next, fingering them and admiring the beauty of each and every piece. As she went along they seemed to get lovlier with each step until finally, resting on a mannequin at the head of a room was a gorgeous dress.

It was pale pink in color and designed as one an old-time princess might wear. The neck was cut low with rows of tiny glass beads decorating the bodice. The magnificent gown had beautiful bell sleeves that were cinched at the elbow and hung almost to the ankle. The skirt of the gown consisted of layers of silk hanging loosely over one another, shimmering and reflecting the lights in the room.

A light sheer piece of fabric came from under the arms and was held closed underneath the bodice by a single button. It hung the length of the gown, acting almost as the bottom half of a jacket, and trailed a few inches on the ground with the rest of the beautiful dress.

Sakura's eyes sparkled as she gazed at the magnificent garment. "Tomoyo- this is...this is beautiful! I love it! And you made this all yourself?" Tomoyo beamed. "This is truly amazing." Sakura noticed a small tiara resting on a footstool nearby. It too was beautiful. The base was a large silver ring, while hundreds of miniature silver bands criss-crossed and entwined together at the front, forming an intricate display of beauty. "You made this too?" she asked in disbelief.

Tomoyo blushed modestly, "No, Actually that I had to buy, but it is still unbelievable, ne?"

"It's marvelous..." Sakura said in complete awe.

"Now, stop looking and start dressing, this is YOUR gown for the Halloween party and I need to make sure it fits!" Tomoyo said starting to remove the dress from the mannequin.

Sakura looked shocked, "Me??? Wear this?!?! My God Tomoyo, it's much too gorgeous! I mean, I love it, but-- you went through all this trouble just for me?!? What if it just doesn't look right on me..."

"Sakura! That's nonsense- I made this dress and I want YOU to wear it. Unless you're going to refuse me the oppourtunity to show-off my latest work-of-art???" Tomoyo said her eyebrows raised, hands on her hips. Sakura shook her head. "I thought so. Now get in there and change!" Tomoyo said pushing her friend towards a small connecting room.

Sakura had no choice but to get dressed in the fabulous gown. Tomoyo waited outside, sorting through the piles of fabric for the begginings of Syaoran's costume. About 5 or 10 minutes later she heard someone clear their throat behind her. Tomoyo looked towards the door she'd led Sakura through and gasped.


OH HO HO!!!!! Cliff-hanger! WHOOOOO! Well, some people might argue that it's not really a cliffhanger, but in my opinion it is.

Note--- bell sleeves (the ones on Sakura's dress) are sleeves where the cuffs hang down low- usually as long as the dress. Right now can't really recal any famous bell-sleeves, but I think, repeat think, that Meiling's costume for when she's out for cards with Li has bell sleevs. Remember, I'm not sure if she does, but I'm maybe 90% sure that they are, or at least sort of look like it.

ANYWAY-- I hope you liked it.

And as always, Please review-- you can send them to or just do it on the website.