Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Parody Crossover ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )
Looking For Clues
I am so so so so so so so sooooooo sorry for not updating sooner but I'm a really slow typer and this was a lot to type! Sorry! I'll try to update sooner next time! Gomen!
That day, Harry Hermione, and Ron spent most of their lunch and dinnertime in the library, finding no clue as to who the new teachers were. Harry shut his book once again, finding nothing. It was getting late so they all returned to the Griffindor Tower for a good night's sleep. They were going to have the new class conveniently right before lunch, do they hoped to get more material to work on.
Li, Eli, and Sakura got back to the common room late because they had trouble finding their way. Exhausted from all the searching, they went to their dormitories and collapsed into the beds. Before Sakura fell asleep though, she checked on the Sakura cards making sure they were all there. It was a stupid habit but it brought her joy to be surrounded by her magic. What Sakura didn't notice though, is that from behind her curtains, Hermione saw a pink glow emitting from Sakura's bed.
The next day it was Eli's turn to be the teacher. Mostly because the subject for this class was based on most of his knowledge. The class came in and everyone sat in their usual spot. Hermione had her quill and parchment on her desk, ready to write anything that could give them a clue. "Good morning class. Today I will tell you about the famous sorcerer, Clow Reed." Eli started. "Clow Reed lived during Med-evil times when magic was well-known amongst many people. During those times, he was the most powerful sorcerer alive, and with his power he created the Clow Cards. The Clow Cards are 52 magical cards, each containing its own ability. Clow Reed also created two guardians to guard the Clow Cards. When Clow Reed passed away, all of their memories were erased, except their duties. One was to guard the Book of Clow until a destined someone came to claim it. The other was to judge if the person is qualified to be the new master of the Cards." And with that, Eli was finished. Hermione finished writing notes and raised her hand. "Did anyone ever find the Book of Clow?" Hermione asked attentively. At this, Sakura looked a little nervous, but Eli backed her up. "That. Is for another time." As he finished, the bell rang, signaling for lunch.
After eating a little they once again headed for the library, this time having something to search. Unfortunately, Eli has already told all they found. All accept the guardian's names. What they found shocked them but they needed more evidence to prove it. Unfortunately, the bell ran, indicating fro the next class.
The day went through smoothly after the class before lunch. Sakura knew that some of the students in that class were suspicious and possibly working their hardest to find out the truth. Sakura wasn't that concerned though. As Kero said, "It's not our fault those kids are nosy!"
Hope you enjoyed this! It took me longer than you think to type this! It might look short but I do things on paper first and it looks longer then. Sorry again for not updating sooner!