Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Place In Time ❯ Who Are You? ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Well, as you all know, I don't own the CCS Characters. But I do own everyone else. Including the story line… (Forgot to mention that…)
A/N: I honestly didn't know how this would catch people's attention...since I am coming back into writing... but it looks like a positive reaction! I'm so pleased. I hope this next chapter meets everyone's satisfaction... I would also like to thank dark_princess, Lia Roe, Teela Rose and Pati for the wonderful reviews. If you guys really like it that much I will continue just for you.
Chapter 2; Who Are You?
Shingatsu flew over to where Yuè had crashed, his malevolent smile warped with wickedness as he drew nearer. 15 years had passed since he took over as King. He had thought that everyone of the royal family had been killed off those many years ago. “So…” He said to himself. “You're still alive. You won't be when I'm through with you.”
His speed increased and time itself seemed to slow down around him as he advanced to the apartment where the roof caved in. When Shingatsu looked down, he observed three inhabitants within the internal heart of the structure. One was a male who was presumably unconscious, and the other two were teenage girls. One of the girls was wearing an elegant dress designed from the Victorian era that stretched downward lightly caressing the floor. She had auburn, medium length hair, and her eyes were those of emeralds. The other girl was wearing a purple dress that reached past her knees. Her eyes were the color of amethysts, and with her raven black hair, truly enchanting her natural beauty. Shingatsu looked at the girls and then at the man, his eyebrow raised as amusement spreading across his face. The life he was feeling was radiating from one of these two auras.
Sakura looked at Tomoyo, “Tomoyo-Chan. What do we do?” Sakura was panicking, unaware of the fact that she was being watched.
Tomoyo looked at her best friend and smiled. “The best thing to do is to wait until he,” she was pointing to the man lying on the floor, “is awake. Until then let's just relax.”
As she said that another earthquake developed, causing more of Sakura's roof to collapse. Sakura quickly covered her head with her arms to protect herself. At that moment she was strongly affected by a familiar and treacherous characteristic that she could not quite comprehend. Sakura felt something that she presumed she had never felt before, the foundation of an absolute loathsome atmosphere. Her heart, beginning to pound in her chest, grew quicker as she looked up. She gasped as she saw a man hovering over her home. But this wasn't just any ordinary man. This was the King. His hair was a dark brownish color, he had it slicked back and it went down to his shoulders. His smile seemed to grow wider with anticipation. As he peered into her emerald eyes, he bowed deeply. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. That man has no manners. I see I'll have to take him to my castle…” His grin only grew fouler.
Tomoyo looked at the King then at the man, “Why?! What crimes has he committed towards your great Highness?”
Another earthquake stuck with such force that it brought the girls to their knees. Sakura looked at the helpless man lying on top the rubble of what used to be her roof. She looked back up to the King with determination in her emerald eyes. “I….I….won't let you take him away!”
This surprised both the King and Sakura. Sakura, who was on her own and not really caring about what happens to others, was defending a complete stranger! Why was she doing this? What is her reason? She had no ties to this man, and yet he felt somewhat familiar, like they had met before. But that was not possible… Was it?
From the King's point of view this girl was disobeying an order… his order. However, he began to sense the environment and concentration multiply around and within this young girl. Was she the one he had forgotten about all those years ago? And what was with the raven hair girl? She had a camera on the amber haired one. Why?
The King just laughed. “Do you really think you can stop me from seizing a criminal? And you have the audacity to disobey my orders as well?! I am your King!” With that he threw out of his hands and hurled a charge of darkness toward the girls.
The girls closed their eyes and fear shot through them and it seemed as if they were stuck to the floor, but by the time they had anticipated the blast to wipe them out they heard something crashing onto something else. Tomoyo was the first to open her eyes. “Sakura-chan! Open your eyes!”
Sakura opened them to find the man that was once presumed unconscious, standing and his hand up for the barrier field. The man looked over at Sakura. “Thank you.” His voice was sweet and loving toward the young girl. “Thank you for sticking up for a stranger…”
Sakura blushed a little at him saying this, but she quickly shook it off. The King looked at him. “So, you are awake.” His smile twisted cruelly… “How..." he paused "unfortunate.”
Syaoran, who was jumping out of this creatures' way every time it went to smash him, was still trying to think about how to defeat it and get to Shingatsu. “Damn.”
As the creature stomped on the ground the snow melted under its foot and the fire died down a little. Syaoran, having seeing this, got an idea. Before he could do anything the creature balled up its fist and went to bring it down on the Prince. The Prince noticed this and jumped back quickly. “I got you now…” He pulled out a talisman and threw it in the air. He then put his sword horizontally and simply said “Water come forth!”
A spiral of water came out of the talisman and hit the creature just as it was bringing down its fists again. Right when its fists were about to collide with the young Prince, the water from the talisman hit it dead center in the chest. The creature screamed a low and high pitch agonizing scream. It then stumbled back, shocked by the attack. It's chest area now black and smoky. The creature looked down and saw this and was livid. The creature attacked again and the Prince used the water talisman once more. “This should take care of you…”
With that the Prince put more power into the talisman and the spiral of water came out faster and harder than before. This got the creature's attention even more. And more of its body became black and smoky. The Prince just smiled. He was finally getting ahead.
“I figured you might wake up. I just thought it wouldn't be this soon.” Shingatsu said to the man.
Sakura looked at the King and the man. “What are they talking about?”
The King looked at her and noticed the confusion written on her face. “Well my dear, let me explain. This…man in front of you is a … criminal.” He tried to choose his words carefully, for he knew one wrong word can undo it all.
“Criminal?” Sakura was a little taken aback by this. “How can he be a criminal?”
The King smiled maliciously. “He has been wanted throughout the kingdom. He has been stealing from the poor elderly and he has even stolen from the richest citizens of this country.”
“Hey…” The man looked over to Sakura. “Don't listen to him!” His voice was still sweet and loving.
The man looked back up to the King dangerously. “They have nothing to do with this! Why don't you leave them out of this! They're just teenage girls!”
“Leave them out of this?!” The King seemed a bit shocked. Yuè, who was once a half man half angel, who cared for no one but himself, was asking him to leave someone out of it. Shingatsu started to laugh at this. This was a good one pulled over on him. He never thought that a once arrogant man was asking such a thing!
“Are you actually being serious?” He asked between laughs.
“What makes you think I was being funny?” The man asked cockily.
“Sir,” Was all Tomoyo could say at this time. She just looked horror struck. She has not seen her King in such an angry fit before, or grinning like he was. And frankly it scared her.
The King kept his grin. “Looks like I may have to kill you after all.”
“You wouldn't dare!” The man said stunned that he would even consider it.
“Do you really think I care about innocents?” The King asked.
He then started to laugh. Tomoyo then looked up at her King and pure anger came from her, which was really rare. “What do you mean you don't care about innocents?! You're our King! You're supposed to care! How can you even say something that!” She then tried to hide her tears. “You're royal highness.” She added quickly realizing what she had just spat out.
“Tomoyo…” Sakura said. She was shocked at the way her friend had just spoken onto the King of their land. (A/N: I haven't figured out a name yet for the land…open for suggestions)
Tomoyo looked at Sakura for a second and gave her a small smile. Sakura smiled back for one moment then turned her attention to the King and the man. Tomoyo did the same. The man, who still had his barrier up protecting the two girls, had a look of pure determination to keep this up. But could he keep it up?
Syaoran kept using his water talismans on the creature. Every time the water would hit the creature, it fumed with rage and tried to bring it's fists down upon him. Syaoran barely escaped each of those attacks. He rolled to the side and quickly used another talisman. “Water come forth!”
The water spell was stronger than the last and it hit the creature making it yell in pain as it fell over backwards. Syaoran then got an idea. He pulled out another talisman and put his sword horizontally and he had the talisman was in the center of his sword. “Lighting come forth!”
This caused the creature to be electrified and the smoke and the smell of burnt earth was very distinguishable. Syaoran wiped the sweat from his brow and looked over to where he could see Shingatsu above the home where he had made a hole from Yue's body. Syaoran started to jump from rooftop to rooftop, trying to get to Shingatsu. He was curious what he had meant. `“So…you're alive after all…”' What did he mean by that? If he was going to find out he had to hurry. The icy roofs really didn't help. He kept sliding then jumping trying to make it to his advantage. There has to be something of importance over there. He couldn't be talking about just Yue… With the wind letting his cloak flying behind him, his hood somehow managed to stay up. I have to get there… He continued to slide, run, and jump from roof to roof.
The dark sky was becoming even darker and with the snow falling made the land look like it was in a winter wonderland. The King, who was standing on part of Sakura's roof that has not been broken, had a corrupted smile on his long dark features. He stood at 6'5” and weighted approximately two hundred and twenty pounds. He was wearing a dark red silk tunic with black pants. His black boots shone and the tops of them went up to his knees. His black cloak went down to his ankles. His eyes were dark and evil looking. His hair has shoulder length, but he had it tied back. The King looked at the man his eyes showing no compassion for anyone. “Come now, Yue. Are these two girls really worth protecting? They are useless to my country.”
Lighting was seen in the clouds behind him and the man named Yue just looked at him for a second. “You're country?” Yue's face became deadly toward the king. “This has never been your country! This belongs to King Fujitaka! It never belonged to you!” Yue exclaimed.
The King then started laughing. Once again he thought he couldn't stop laughing. Sakura looked up at him with a stern face. “It's not funny!”
The King then looked at her seriously. “You don't remember? Do you?” The King asked her.
Tomoyo looked at her friend, who now had tears streaming down her face. But in Sakura's point of view she really didn't understand why she was crying, but tears were flowing down. Why? Why was she crying now? All she knew was that her father and brother had been missing for quite some time, but she couldn't remember even their names. (A/N: I'm so cruel!) But for some reason she was just crying. Like it's been bottled up inside her for so long, and it chose now to release those tears. She looked up at the King and blinked back the tears. The King somewhat surprised at this, just smiled demonically. “You truly don't remember. That….King….which I severed under for 22 years, and his father before him. I have truly despised that family. And still do. Since I found the last member…”
Syaoran, who just jumped onto the roof where Shingatsu was standing on, drew his sword and heard the last part of what he was saying. “Shingatsu, you will pay for what you did to this town!”
Shingatsu looked at the young man. “It does not matter now. And how are you going to defeat me, little Prince? I have the final blood in my hand!”
Yue, who went to take advantage of this distraction, shot a white spherical power wave at Shingatsu. The wind stopped for a couple of seconds and as the intense energy surge came closer to him, a soft whining could be heard. Shingatsu looked back at the brightness of this magic. Syaoran quickly moved out of the way so that he was hit by this blinding light. This was caught off guard by him and in which case caused Shingatsu to fall somewhat sideways. “I see I have to get my prize another time. I will be back.” With that Shingatsu disappeared and his sinful laugh could still be heard.
Yue put his barrier down and eased up a little. The young Prince looked at him. This was the same guy who said he was going to destroy him. But since his powers were on limits…at least he thought they were, he thought there was nothing to worry about. Syaoran looked at the girls. Why did it have to be girls? The Prince scoffed. `Girls. I hate girls! They always get in the way!'
Tomoyo made her way over to Sakura to make sure she was alright. “Sakura-chan, are you alright?” She asked her tenderly.
She handed her a handkerchief from one of her unknown pockets on her dress. Sakura wiped her tears with her friends' handkerchief and smiled softly at her friend. Yue went over to the girls and bent down to one knee. He looked at them and bowed his head, as if he were a knight addressing royalties. Both Tomoyo and Sakura looked at the man with shock. “Thank you so much for sticking with me and believing me. I owe you my life.” Yue said gallantly.
Syaoran rolled his eyes at this. He put his sword away and watched the scene a little longer. Yue then looked at Sakura and his eyes went big. For, he had just realized who she was. The young Prince jumped down into the apartment and he leaned against the wall. He looked around at the place. It was in shambles. Now it was completely ruined. `It's not my concern…' he thought to himself. Sakura looked at the man then the `young Prince'. “Who are you?”
Yue looked shocked. “You truly don't remember me?”
Sakura looked at him blankly and shook her head. “No. Who are you?”
Tomoyo looked at Sakura. Why is that she remembered what life was like before this false King took over and Sakura didn't? Something wasn't right. She looked at Yue. “Sakura you don't remember him? Seriously don't remember?”
Sakura looked at her friend. “Tomoyo-chan…I wish I could remember…but I just can't.”
“Well, then let me introduce myself.” Yue said with a smile on his face. “I am….” He thought quickly for a name. 'Since I am in the ancient false form I will use his name as well.' “I am Yukito Tsukishiro. I am honored to meet you.” He took her hand and kissed it.
Sakura didn't know what else to do but blush. Tomoyo, of course, caught this all on film. She was not going to miss the chance of Sakura's first love. Tomoyo's eyes went starry and she put a hand to the side of her face. “Kawaii! Sakura in love! Oh I love it!”
The Prince watched the scene and inwardly was disgusted. Why go and do a thing like that to a girl? Tomoyo managed to sneak up on him and looked at him. “And who are you? You, who hide underneath a hood. What are you scared of a couple of girls?”
The Prince scoffed and said, “As if.”
Tomoyo looked at him. “Oh. Come on. Let us see who you are!” She turned her camera on him.
Boy, if he didn't like girls before, he really hated them now. He also didn't like all this pressure. He put his hood down and showed a young man who looked in his early twenties, had intense amber eyes, and chestnut hair. Tomoyo knew exactly who it was, she remembered him from her childhood, but what was he doing here now. (A/N: Tomoyo remembers everything…) He had an angry look on his face and he looked at the two girls. “You're Prince Li…” Tomoyo said, trying to sound surprised but really wasn't. 'He sure hasn't changed.' Tomoyo giggled.
Yukito bowed to the Prince. “It has defiantly been a while Prince Li.”
Syaoran just scoffed. He folded his arm across his chest. “Yeah, whatever.” He then looked at Sakura. Her emerald eyes confused. She seemed like she was trying to recall a memory, but it just wasn't occurring. 'She hasn't changed…but why does she not remember me?' He shrugged it off. `Stupid girl'
“Li-sama, why are you here?” Tomoyo asked gaining his attention.
The Prince scoffed. “Like, you need to know.” He then walked over to the door and opened it and left. Yukito looked at the girls. “You might want to follow him. Who knows what kind of trouble he might get into.” He winked at this.
Tomoyo got the hint, but Sakura was much too dense and in shock of what just happened. Tomoyo tugged on Sakura's arm. Yukito looked at her with a smiling face. “Don't worry too much. Everything will be fine. Just go. Your future and past depends on it.”
Sakura looked at him confused and nodded. She and Tomoyo left her apartment and Sakura looked back at it. It was totally destroyed. “Umm, Tomoyo-chan?”
“Yes Sakura-san.”
“Where am I going to live now?” Seriousness was now entering her voice.
Tomoyo looked at her friend. “Don't worry Sakura-chan, you can live with me if you want.”
“Or you can come with me.” Said an annoyed masculine voice.
Sakura looked up and saw Li looking at her. “Really, you're Highness? I can go with you?”
Li just looked more annoyed. He knew he was going to regret this later, but he nodded his head. 'Maybe this will help with her memories…' Li thought.
“Can I go as well Li-sama?” Tomoyo asked.
Syaoran looked like he was hit by one of his own lightning bolts. “Whatever,” Was all he managed to get out.
Sakura and Tomoyo both jumped up and down with excitement. Syaoran rolled his eyes at the two. “HEY!” He yelled at them.
Both of them stopped immediately. They looked at Syaoran. “This is no pleasure cruise. This is going to be hard work and don't think I am letting you two tag along if your not useful! I would be more than happy to leave you two somewhere else if you get in my way!”
“Ohh, Li-sama, you wouldn't do that!” Tomoyo teased.
“Well, just don't slow me down and I won't.” He replied bitterly.
"Li-sama?" Sakura spoke up.
"What?" Syaoran answered annoyed. He really wished he hadn't offered, but he knew what would happen if he didn't.
Sakura looked down at the ground. “Thank you.”
Syaoran turned the other way and started walking. “Are you coming?”
Sakura smiled. “We can't go yet!” Tomoyo exclaimed.
“Why the hell not?” Syaoran asked angrily.
“I need to get Sakura-chan's Christmas presents!” Tomoyo explained.
“What? You want me to wait while you get Christmas presents! How dense are you?!” Syaoran asked.
“It's important! I'll be fast I promise.” Tomoyo pleaded.
Syaoran saw that look of disappointment, and then looked over at Sakura. She was looking at her home. Her eyes started to fill with tears. To her, she felt alone. That has been her home for the last 15 years. Her memories were there. Now she has to leave them all behind. Syaoran nodded absent-mindedly to Tomoyo and she went quickly into the broken home to gather the bag she had carried in and refilled it with the gifts she had brought for Sakura.
While Syaoran and Sakura waited there was silence, and Syaoran couldn't keep his eyes off of the tearing emerald eyed girl. He remembered a young girl who was always cheerful and befriended him when no one else would.
“Syaoran-kun!” A young emerald eye girl yelled.
A young Syaoran looked over in the hallway and saw her. Sakura was running up to him and went to embrace him in a friendly hug, but at such speeds she ran into him and then was on top of him. His face turned bright red. Her face though was not showing any signs of happiness. She had a look that purely stated that she was livid. “Shyao…ran-kun! You are supposed to come earlier! It's my birthday and I wanted to spend my whole day with my two best friends!” She practically screamed at him.
He held his hands up. “I tried to get here as fast as I could. You know how mother is. Besides, Princess,” he said in a softer tone while stroking her cheek with his gloved hand, “I would never miss your birthday.”
She blushed. “My dear daughter,” A deep voice exclaimed, “That is no way for a princess to behave. Why don't you let poor Li-sama up now.”
“Yes Father.” She sulked.
She picked herself up off of the boy and smiled at him. “Daddy, can Syao…Li-kun stay over?” She asked as sweetly as she could.
The king seemed to be considering it, when a loud voice interrupted his thoughts. “NO!” It was her older brother, Prince Touya.
He came stomping up to where the small group was. “He is not allowed to stay even for one second. The Kaijuu has Tomoyo! She doesn't need…him!”
“SAKURA NO KAIJUU! Oni-chan.” She howled back raising her balled fist, then stomping on his foot, hard.
Touya was jumping up and down on his good foot as he was holding his recently stomped upon foot in his hand. Syaoran started to laugh, but he tried his best to contain his sanity. Touya glared at his baby sister. “KAIJ…”
“SILENCE!” The king roared.
The three looked at him. “I can't think when you two argue like that.” He turned his attention to Syaoran, his anger faded. “Li-sama you can stay if you desire. For I see it would greatly upset our dear daughter if thou were to leave.” (A/N: Tacky I know, but he likes doing that…^_^…)
Sakura looked triumphantly at her brother. “Yes it would. I want Sh…” She looked at her father, who in turn gave her a knowing look, “Li-kun to stay.”
Syaoran laughed at this. In his eyes Sakura looked cute that way. She was unlike his sisters, who would dub her as `kawaii” and trample her to pull her cheeks and her body, and as far as he was concerned she was the most intoxicating female he had ever encountered. She was very independent and stuck up for herself and she had one painful stomp, from what he saw from her brother. He learned one thing, never call her kaijuu. “But he's a pain!” Touya complained to his father.
The King just sighed and looked at his first born. “Touya-kun. I do not want to hear any more of this.” He clapped his hands.
A butler-like servant came to the kings' aid. “Yes, you're Majesty?”
“I need you to take Li-sama's things to his room he will be staying with us tonight.” He paused. “And I need you to do the…” He whispered in the servants' ear and he nodded with a grim look on his face.
Syaoran didn't like that look and he looked at Sakura. She was currently arguing with her brother. “I don't want that gaki near you!” He yelled at her.
“I am 7 years old now! I can choose who I want here and I want Syaoran-kun!” She told her brother. “And he's not a gaki.”
Touya looked at her and a small smile appeared on his face. She'll make a great queen someday. Touya thought to himself.
Yes, I agree. Another voice inside his head replied. Touya looked at Sakura who was now walking off with the “gaki”. He closed his eyes and sighed. You don't think she's too young to have these kinds of feelings Yukito?
I think…, Yukito started in his head, that our dear Sakura-chan is growing up. You're way to over protective, Touya-kun.
Humph. Aren't you supposed to be more “Guardian-like” Yuki?
I am very guardian-like. I just think those two are so kawaii together.
“Kawaii”? Don't make me sick Yuki. And have you been hanging around Tomoyo-chan lately?
No. Why Touya-kun.
Cause you're starting to sound like her.
Yukito laughed in Touyas' head, and Touya smiled.
Meanwhile Syaoran and Sakura were heading toward Syaoran's room, and Sakura was talking happily to her friend. “Ne, Syaoran-kun.” Sakura started blushing a little.
“Yes Princess.”
“How long can you stay this time? Or do have to go home tomorrow?”
“Mother won't let up. She said I have to go tomorrow. She says I have to fulfill my obligation as a prince and get ready for my coordination to be King.”
“My daddy is always telling me, `Sakura you're not behaving!' `Sakura do you think a princess should act like that?' `Sakura, you're not a peasant child, you're royalty so start acting like it.' It gets so old. But I don't want to disappoint him.”
Syaoran didn't say anything. He just looked at her through the corner of his eyes. He put his hands behind his head as they continued to walk down the corridor. “SSAKKUURRAAA-CHHANNN!!!” A young girl's voice rang throughout the halls.
A girl who looked around Sakura's age came running up to them. Her hair was, as far as he could tell, waist length and the color was a raven-black. Her amethyst eyes shone as she got nearer. When she finally reached them she was very giddy. “Sakura -chan, Li-kun, you are having kawaii moments without me here! How could you!”
“Lady Tomoyo!” A person yelled from behind her.
She turned around. “You're not…”
“Supposed to run in the corridors… I know…” She finished for the older man.
He was her guardian. Nicolai. He was a wood elf. The elf was tall, dark, and handsome. He carried a lute around, and he was a very good person to have as a Guardian. “Lady Tomoyo.” He said to her. “You shouldn't go running off like that.” His sky blue eyes bore into hers.
On this particular character his eyes was the one thing that stood out. His hair was a brownish black, his skin-tone was a light brown, and he had a nice build. Tomoyo looked into his eyes and hung her head. “Gomen, Nicolai. I wanted to see Sakura-chan.” She apologized to the gorgeous elf.
“You're life is in my hands Lady Tomoyo. I don't want to lose my only charge.” He stated sadly.
Tomoyo nodded and looked at him sympathetically. “It'll be fine Nicolai. I have Li-kun here as well, so…”
“She'll be well guarded.” Syaoran said to him.
Nicolai looked at the young one and nodded his head in agreement. “Fine. She's you're charge for now. I am going to go take a nap.”
Tomoyo waved at him as he turned to leave. “Have a wonderful nap!”
She looked at the two and thanked them. “Tomoyo-chan, for you anytime.” Sakura replied with a smile.
The three continued to walk towards Syaoran's room all three of them talking lively. They were talking so much that passed Syaoran's room and continued down the corridor. They went down to Sakura's room and she let them in and her room was huge. The bed was in another room itself. It was decorated with pink cherry blossoms and had a light and happy atmosphere. “Syaoran-kun, would you sit down? And you too Tomoyo-chan.”
They sat in the comfy chairs and Sakura had sat down herself. She sighed. “Sakura…I…” Syaoran started when he was interrupted.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Come in.” Sakura answered.
“A young servant girl who looked in her early to mid teens opened the door. “Excuse me Princess, but the King wishes to speak to you at you're earliest convenience.”
“Hai. Arigatou.” Sakura replied to young maid.
“He's waiting for you in the throne room.” She then shut the door and Sakura looked at her two friends. “I'll be right back. I'm going to go see what he wants.”
“Well, then I'm going with you Princess.” He stood up and looked at her with compassionate eyes.
Tomoyo looked at him and smiled. I'm going to go see the gardens. I've been stuffed out here for too long.” She told them, she has been trying to get them together for some time now. And this seemed like the perfect opportunity.
Sakura got up and Syaoran offered her his arm. She took it blushing like mad and they went to the throne room.
“What is it now Shingatsu?” The King asked.
Shingatsu bowed deeply. “You're Majesty; why not just kill the enemy? They are obviously gathering troops to invade your kingdom. Why not surprise them and attack first?” Shingatsu told his King.
“Zankoku. I understand your concern for this kingdom, but I will not evade another country. Sollaria (sol-lar-ia) will not be evaded for no apparent reason. Unless you have finite proof that Sollaria is planning to invade our peaceful kingdom, I do not want to hear any more news of it. Besides, there are important things to attend to.”
“But, you're Majesty!” Shingatsu exclaimed loudly lifting his head immediately to look at the King in shock and hatred.
“No. This country will not go to war.” He stated with a firm tone.
Touya came walking into throne room with an evil look on his face, once he spotted Shingatsu. Shingatsu bowed to the crowned prince and smirked. Touya ignored him. “You wanted to see me father?”
The King nodded with a smile. “Touya-kun, as you well know it is getting time for you to choose a wife and settle down.”
Shingatsu remained silent as the King spoke. “But, Father…” Touya was beside himself.
“Maybe,” Shingatsu finally piped up, “You're father is correct. It's time that you tied the knot.”
Touya shot him a look that read, `What the hell are you still doing here bastard?'
“Mi'lord,” A dark voice radiated from the room.
Shingatsu had returned to his room a little after Prince Touya had showed up. He looked at the mirror and saw the `thing' in which was speaking. “What is it Akuma? Can't you see that I'm busy?” He asked annoyed by his minion.
“Terribly sorry, my Liege, but I thought you might want to have a look at Kinomotos' little family gathering.” Akuma stated to his King.
Now Akuma was not your ordinary minion. He was dark skinned and wore dark clothing. His face was pale, and his eyes were a piercing orange. His hair was the color of the brightest silver and his build was moderate, but muscular. He also had a rare ability, to see into both present and future, or at least one possible future. Shingatsu just glared. “Akuma you forget I already know.” A criminal smirk spreading on his lips, as he begins to laugh viscously.
“Syaoran-kun, what do you think my father wants.” Sakura asked as they walked down the outside corridor.
“Probably something that has to do with your birthday, Princess.” He replied.
Sakura sighed. “Why can't I have a normal birthday? All I want to is be around family and friends and not the entire kingdom. It puts to much stress on everyone, including my Onii-chan, and Oto-san. I don't want anyone to worry so much about a stupid birthday.”
“Princess,” Syaoran started. He then moved so he was in front of her.
Sakura stopped when he got down on one knee. Her face turned bright red as he took her hand in his, but she was also very confused.
“Princess, to you it may seem like a `stupid birthday'. But to me, it means so much more. I would throw a party for you every year `cause without you, my life would always be empty. Your birthday is something that should never be considered stupid.” Syaoran told her whole heartedly.
Tomoyo wasn't too far behind them filming the entire scene. “Sakura is with that brat again?” A voice said.
Tomoyo looked around and spotted a golden lion-like plush toy with wings on its back, though its ears would say that he was more like a teddy bear than a lion. “Kero-chan is always so resentful against Li-sama. But,” She got star in her eyes, “Seeing him and Sakura-chan is so wonderful. I have to make wonderful costumes for her! Ohhohohohohohohoho.”
“Why not film me Tomoyo?!” Kero whined.
He then flew over to the two and then right into Sakura's face screaming, “Oy! SAKURA! I've been looking for you all over the place! And I find you here with this brat!”
“Kero-chan!” Sakura yelled at him.
“Stupid stuffed animal! Why don't you go sit on the bed and be silent.” Syaoran told him.
Kero glared at him and Syaoran glared back. Kero then moved his tiny paws in a semicircle, “And put that aside,” He then looked at Sakura. “Sakura, where is my cakie. You said I have cakie. And still no one brought it.” He pouted to her.
There was a loud crash somewhere close by and the three stopped bickering. Sakura was the first to go and sprint towards whatever crashed nearby. “Sakura!” Kero yelled in surprise.
“Princess!” Syaoran yelled at the same time.
They both followed her, trying to catch up to her. Sakura turned down hallways and she could hear faint cursing in the background. “Damn it! Stupid thing always getting in my way!” There was another crash and then a loud *POOF*.
The door she saw at the end of the hallway on the left hand side was ajar. She slowed down and peek in through the crack, curious what was going on. “Damn Hito! Why can't you do anything right?” Shingatsu was livid. His eyes turned to piercing yellow and his skin seemed to be paler than the moon itself.
Sakura looked at her father's advisor, knowing that he was up to something. To her he just down right freaky. She didn't say anything she just watched as he talked to something named `Hito'. “You're Highness. You must understand, that once we…”
He stepped around and Sakura saw the most evil looking man she has ever seen. As far as she could tell by his dark features and pointed ears he was a dark elf, and from her father and brother has told her dark elves were normally bad. His dark red tunic and pants, made him look cruel. His white eyes had a dark and deafening expression in them. Sakura thought she could be hypnotized by his eyes. His light white hair was short which made his dark skin look black.
“My Liege,” His voice was smooth and to the point, as if he were casting some sort of spell. “Akuma has informed me about your wishes. By the power of Loth, I will do all I can to make sure you get your wish.” His eyes went towards the door and his smile seemed to twist in a fiendish way as his eyes locked onto hers.
She just stared into those eyes. They were forcing her to stay put. He leaned over to Shingatsu and whispered something that could not be heard. Shingatsu had an annoyed look on his face. Sakura went to move back and she accidentally knocked over a stand with candles on it. CLANG! That signaled Shingatsu that someone was out there and he went to the door. Sakura ran for it down the hallway where she came from as fast as she could possibly go. “Noroi...” Shingatsu said quietly.
A beast like creature came before him. “Yes my Liege.” He growled.
“Go and destroy that girl.” Shingatsu commanded.
The beast like creature then took off, following Sakura. Sakura ran as fast as she could. How can I be so stupid! She thought in desperation. She turned a corner and ran into someone. Her breath was hard and tried to get away, but the firm hands wouldn't let her. “Princess!” She stopped struggling against him as she heard his voice. She looked up and saw the concern in his intense amber eyes. “Syaoran-kun! I didn't mean to…I mean I was just going to see if everyone was alright, and, and I heard something…” Her eyes showed that she was terrified.
He put his arms around her and held her. “It's alright Sakura. I'm just glad you're alright.”
She panicked as she heard the ramping footsteps from behind. “You won't be for long.” A voice said from behind Sakura.
Syaoran looked up and saw a beast like creature and as the creature was going to its full height, Syaoran took Sakura's hand and ran for it before the creature had the time to slash at her. Sakura didn't have time to protest as Syaoran dragged her behind him. As they were running he heard someone yell out “Noroi!” Sakura was in tears and she didn't hear anything. The creature stopped then headed back to where it came from, disappearing behind the corner. They stopped when they were a few doors down from the throne room. He turned toward her and noticed she was crying. “S—Sakura-hime.” Syaoran looked at her with compassion. “Come let's go see what your father wants, we're not to far now.” Trying to cheer her up he embraced her while stroking her hair softly.
She kept crying. “SAKURA!” Kero flew in, but he lost control and ran into a beam. Whack! Kero slid down the beam and he heard giggling coming from the two. @_@...”Cakie…” He shook his head to clear it and got mad. “Sakura! You dare laugh at the great Ceroberos!?” He flew up and was right next to her. “You stupid stuffed animal! Where were….”at this Syaoran started busting out laughing.
As did Sakura.
End flashback…
Sakura and Tomoyo had been best friends before he met Sakura he wasn't surprised that Tomoyo was still around. He assumed that she had to start from the beginning again with her, although he was going to ask Tomoyo about her memories as soon as he could. Right now was not right time or place for that kind conversation. He would wait until he could get her away from Sakura then ask her. He then thought about the day he left and it hurt his heart when he had to leave, but his mother made him. After saying good-bye to his best friend he left the kingdom, to his own country.
His gloved hand clenched as he regretted not being there for her when she most needed it. But he thought about it and he rather him be a stranger to her then having her hurt. So he watched her silently, wondering if he could do anything. But he thought since she didn't remember, he will start from scratch. But he will keep everything on friend level… “Hey!” Syaoran said to her.
She looked at him with tearful eyes. Syaoran just folded his arms and looked the other way. “Didn't you know crying is for babies?” Well, there goes the friend level.
She couldn't say anything, her tears continued to fall, but they got better, a little. Li just rolled his eyes. `He's so cold hearted. How can he be so mean? This is…was my home. Now I am being forced to leave! He has no regards to peoples' feelings!'' Sakura thought. `Why do I even care?' She looked at him again. `He does look familiar. But where do I know him from?' She was racking her brain, but she couldn't remember. She looked at her broken home and she was heartbroken. She stopped crying when Tomoyo showed back up. “Okay let's go!” She said happily. She then looked over at Sakura. “Sakura-chan? What's wrong?” She put the bag down and took her friends hands in hers. “Please don't cry Sakura-chan. We'll be back and then we'll fix it up. Right, Li-san?” At this she looked at Syaoran.
Tomoyo had her long cloak and threw it over her shoulders so she wouldn't get cold. He looked at her and just scoffed. “Whatever.” Was all he could say.
He then turned around and pulled out a book and opened it up. Tomoyo looked at the book and had no clue what he was doing. “Li-san? Are you going to read at time like this?”
Syaoran didn't reply. He turned to a page and concentrated. “Oh, book of Yuko, take where you desire us.” A light then engulfed them and the wind picked up. The coldness of wind soon died away and was placed with warmness and the three were lifted into the air, and soon disappeared into the sky.
A/N: Sorry this took soo long. I had to do major editing on this chapter. There were just a lot of grammar errors, and lots of corrections that had to be fixed up. And I added…a lot! Man writera block sucks. 14 pages…That's enough right? Anyway, all I need is three reviews this time and I will post the next chapter. And please be honest! Until next time, ppl. Ja! - Rose-chan