Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ An S+S Halloween ❯ Finding a Costume ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2 "Finding A Costume"

Sakura was looking around when she found an adorable Tiger outfit. It
has a short striped skirt with a soft tail attached to it, a long sleeve
top with tiger strupes, and a head band with cute round ears. Sakura
walked over and looked at the price tag. "WOW! $35.00? I can never
afford that." Sakura's face sadened with a frown and disapointment in her
eyes. Madison looks over at her friend "Aww it's ok Sakura you will look
much better in something I can make for you." Sakura took one more look
at the costume and sighed then looked at her friend and smiled. "Yea
your good at making cute costumes Madison. Madison smiled at her friend
and patted her back. "Yup you want me to make you a tiger costume or
maybe a unicorn, wow there are so many different outfits I can make you
that would be soooooooo wonderful. Ohohohohohohohohoh!" She laughed with
stars shining in her eyes.

Sakura and Madison walked on to look at more costumes. Li walked by and
stops. He looks at the Tiger costume she wanted so badly and gives a
quiet sigh, then walks toward the others. Sakura found some pet costumes
and snuck over to show Kero. Kero pops his little head out of her bag and
looks at the costumes. "WHAT? Pet costumes Sakura are you nuts? I am Kero
the guardian beast REMEMBER??" Kero looked at her in disbeleif. Sakura
sighed and pointed out "Look Kero these are the only ones that will fit
your tiny body, I mean they are cool, look at the cute devil outfit with
shiny horns." Kero smiles "Yea, that would make me look very cool. Not
that there can be much improvement." Sakura sweatdrops and falls backward
anime style. Madison was taping the whole ordeal "HMMM....I think I will
call this one..True Colors." She giggled.

Eli calls to the others to show them a costume he is interested in getting.
It was a wizard costume made of dark blue velvet with black lining. It has
long sleeves and the back drags the floor. The blue had is tall withs moons
on it, there are large gold buttons down the front. "Wow thats really cool
looking and it looks like it was made jusr for you." Sakura told him. Eil
smiles at her "You have no idea." He thinks to himself. Madison grabs
Sakura's hand and drags her off to show her the most beutiful costume. It's
a princess gown that is long and flows out with diamonds all around the
dress. There is a diamond Tiara to go with it. "Wow! You would look wonderful
in that." Sakura smile at her friend. "Really? You really think so?"
Madison's face lit up. Sakura nodded her head.

"Then I shall get it and be a beutiful princess just for you Sakura."
Madison sang with her hands pushed against her chest. Sakura sweatdrops.
Sakura can hear Kero mummbling somthing inside the bag. "What is it Kero?"
Sakura asked. "Umm did Li ever get an outfit?" Sakura looked kinda
surprised. "Not that I know of since when have you cared?" "OHH I just
wanted to show you what he should be." Kero says as he points to a jester
outfit. "He is only here for a good laugh eh?" Kero smirked. "KERO!! Don't
be so mean, Li might be hard to deal with but he has helped us alot."
Sakura fussed at Kero. Kero rolled his eyes and ducked back in the bag
practicing his devil vioce.
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Please R&R I promise some of the other chapters are much longer.