Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Deep pureness ❯ Finally Happy ( Chapter 14 )

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This is the FINAL chapter of Deep Pureness.
Disclaimer: Sadly, it's not mine BUT the storyline is!
Deep Pureness
Chapter 14- Finally happy
It was 1 day before Christmas day, the couple had told everyone the good news and after an outrage and death threat from Touya, everyone was happy.
“Morning Syao!” Syaoran had been staying with Sakura at her house, both of them not wanting to be apart.
Everyone had spent the day playing in the continuous falling snow and were now all wrapped up in front of the fire, everyone except Syaoran and Sakura.
“Sakura, are you happy being with me?”
“I love you Syaoran, why wouldn't I be?”
“I was wondering because I have a question to ask you…”
He got down on one knee and gazed into her eyes, taking a deep breath he began.
“I haven't known you for long, Saks but I know that I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, so, will you marry me?”
Sakura had tears in her eyes; she had waited for this for a long time.
“Yes, yes I will marry you Syaoran!”
With that he picked her up and spun around with her, making them both fall into the snow. They landed with Syaoran on top of her and so, they kissed in the moonlight.
Well, finally finished!
There WILL be 2 sequels- 1 will be from T+E'S points of view and the other from S+S'S.
PLEASE review and tell me which one you want first!