Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ English Roses ❯ Flashbacks ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello! This is my newest story, and my first attempt at CCS Fanfiction, so please be kind, and review! ^_- Enjoy!


Standard Disclaimer: I do not lay claim to any of the CCS characters or story. They are property of Clamp.

English Roses

Chapter One- Flashbacks


"Why are you doing this to me?" The young woman cried, fresh tears running down her porcelain cheeks.

The man in front of her shook his head, turning away.

"Sorry Tomoyo." His neutral, passive tone made the tears fall even faster.

"B-But I love you!" she sobbed. Her ebony curls fell over her shoulders, obscuring her face.

Looking up, her violet eyes were filled with misery and confusion.

"And you said you loved me!" Tomoyo gazed at her boyfriends back. "When did that change?"

"Tomoyo, stop with the waterworks." He turned around, a slightly irritated look etched on his handsome features.

Tomoyo's eyes spilled over with fresh tears at his words.

"This relationship isn't working. It just wasn't doing anything for me."

Turning away again, he threw his last words to her over his shoulder.

"I don't think I'll ever see you again. Have a nice life."

And with that he turned on his heel and walked away, disappearing from her sight as his ex-girlfriend was left, sobbing, on the bench.

Tomoyo was in shock. She loved him. The pain was unbearable. And she was sure that she never, ever get over him.

"Tomoyo. Tomoyo! Wake up. It's just a dream."

A distant voice pulled her from the dream, and Tomoyo Daidouji opened her eyes to see her best friend, Sakura, standing over her. Looking around, she sighed deeply as the familiar sight of her room greeted her.

"Hey." Sakura sat on the edge of her bed, a worried look on her face. "Are you ok? You were really shaken."

Tomoyo groaned, covering her face with her hands.

"I had that dream again." She spoke softly, and Sakura could hear the pain in her friend's soft, melodic voice.

"Oh no." Sakura's emerald orbs darkened. "The one with Andrew?"

Tomoyo gave a small nod.

Sakura sighed and hugged her friend, scowling to herself.

About a month ago, Tomoyo's boyfriend dumped her on their one year anniversary. Her friend had been heartbroken, and her heart had still not healed. Sakura was beginning to wonder if it ever would.

Feeling her friend begin to sob, Sakura tightened her hold around her.

"Shhhh. It's ok." She whispered.

The day Andrew broke up with her best friend was all a bad memory.

Sakura had not been too worried when Tomoyo had not come back to the apartment they shared. After all, they were in university now, and Tomoyo would sometimes stay over at Andrew's. But a call from one of their friends had got her more than a little worried, and extraordinarily alarmed. Rika had called to ask if Tomoyo was home, because she had just seen someone on a park bench that looked rather like her.

Sakura had driven to the park in question as fast as she could, and sure enough, it was Tomoyo.

Sakura's eyes narrowed when she remembered the state she had found her friend in. Tomoyo had clearly been crying for quite a while, as her gorgeous eyes were red and puffy. Her hair was tangled, a few leaves caught in the long tendrils, and her previously perfect outfit was damp with her tears. Tomoyo had almost caught pneumonia.


"Yep." Sakura answered, pulled from the memory.

"Thanks." Tomoyo looked up, drying her eyes with her sleeve.

Sakura smiled warmly.

"No problem."

Standing up, she tugged at her shirt, then her face took on a stern look.

"Now, it's time you got up. We have things to do. Remember, we're leaving for England tomorrow!"

Tomoyo nodded, pulling her covers back. Smiling at her friend, she shook her head.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. And I get to make you a whole new wardrobe for you!" Squealing with delight, Tomoyo clasped her hands and turned, starry eyed. "An English wardrobe! Oh, Sakura, you'll be so kawaii!!!!!!!"

Sakura gave an exasperated sigh as her friend went on about fabrics and designs.

"Good ol' Tomoyo." Turning to her friend, she resignedly gave herself in to the hyper fashion queen, and let herself get measured.

~ ~ * ~ * ~ ~

Flight 288 Tomoedo to England begin boarding.

The announcer's voice ran out through the airport as Tomoyo and Sakura said good-bye to their family and friends. They were headed off to England, where they would be attending University.

"Good-bye everyone!" the two girls called in unison, looking back over their shoulders. "We'll miss you!" The continued waving until they couldn't see the large group anymore. Making their way to the gate where the girls would be boarding, Sakura sighed.

"What's the matter? Tomoyo asked, gazing imploringly at the honey haired girl beside her. Sakura shook her head, her hair swishing. She had grown it longer, and it now reached down to the middle of her back.

"I'll miss them, that's all." Her face suddenly broke into a dazzling smile. "But I won't be homesick, because I've got you!"

Tomoyo smiled. Sakura was still the same bouncy girl she had been when she was little.


Approaching the gate, they joined the fast moving line-up, and were soon making their way down the plane to their seats.

Settling down, it was only a matter of minutes before the plane began to move.

Sakura could feel butterflies of excitement in her stomach, and she looked at Tomoyo excitedly.

"Here we go!"

The plane turned on the tarmac, and headed toward the runway, gaining speed as it went. Soon the mechanical bird was lifting off into the air, skimming through the clouds.

"Yay!" Sakura cried, clapping her hands as she looked out the window into the mess of white and blue. "We're finally off!"

Tomoyo smiled and nodded, gazing down at her hands, clasped in skirt clad lap.

"Ya." Looking past Sakura and out the window, she gazed into the endless sky. "I just wonder when we're going to see home again."

Sakura smiled at her friend.

"Don't worry." She consoled. "It won't be so bad being away from home."

Tomoyo nodded.

Leaning back, she closed her eyes, lost in her thoughts.

`Wow. Sakura sure has changed.' But that was partly her fault. Her ordeal with Andrew had forced Sakura to really grow up. `And she did everything without one little complaint.'

Tomoyo gazed at Sakura, who was still wondering at the world of clouds.

`I'm sorry Sakura.' Tomoyo smiled sadly. `I've put you through so much.' Turning away from her friend, Tomoyo's gaze hardened. `But it will never happen again. I'll never let myself fall in love. Not again. I promise.'

And they were off, away from their home, and the place had grown up in, headed to a new world, a new life, and a new start.


Sorry if the characters are a little OOC at first. But that's partly because of what I put Tomoyo through. New chapter up in about a week or so.
