Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ False Face, Hidden Heart ❯ Azure Blue ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not claim to own Cardcaptor Sakura or any of it's characters. No point in suing me anyway, the most you'd get is a pile of homework.

Foxtails: *looks sheepish* I promised this fic ages ago didn't I?

Yuriko: *snorts* only after you finished Where Love Blooms, which might I add has been finished for two months!

Foxtails: I'm sorry, but here we go, the first chapter to my first E+T fic which I promised so long ago…oh yeah, this is a totally AU fic, so no magic whatsoever.

False Face, Hidden Heart: Chapter One

'Good Morning Tomoyo!' called the secretary, Sakura from the front desk.

'Ohayo[1] Sakura.' The black haired beauty replied as she walked in through the glass doors of the hospital.

'You've got a new case today.' Sakura said sliding forward a manila-coloured file.

'Who is it?' inquired Tomoyo as she picked up the sleek new file.

Sakura shrugged,

'Dunno, haven't checked.'

Just as Tomoyo was about to flick open the file in question a doctor appeared and called for her. She sighed and stuffed the folder haphazardly into her bag,

'See you later Sakura.' She muttered before hurrying down the corridor.

Tomoyo sat down comfortably in front of the Doctor who slid a slim white envelope in front of her with a smile,

'Congratulations Tomoyo-san, your promotion arrived today.'

Tomoyo flushed prettily, stood and bowed slightly picking up the envelope.


She bowed again before leaving, closing the door behind her with a quiet click.

Life was good.

Tomoyo had been a successful ever since she was a child, she had been good in all her classes, especially music and singing. However later on medicine had taken her interest and she had studied to become a nurse with the help of Sakura's father, who had many contacts.

Now she was a nurse in the psychiatric ward of one of the most prestigious hospitals in Japan. She owned her own apartment and earned a high wage, then there was also Sakura to keep her company. Her best friend since childhood.

Life was going well for Tomoyo indeed.

She peeled open the envelope and read through her list of new responsibilities, nothing too much, she concluded. She stuffed the letter into her pocket and rummaged for the manila file, her new patient.

Flicking open the file she skimmed through the facts.

'Hiiragazawa Eriol…mentally unstable…unpredictable…' she muttered to herself. She snorted quietly to herself, 'aren't all mentally ill patients unstable?'

She suddenly smacked solidly into a chest landing in a very unladylike fashion on the sterile floor. She looked up rubbing her head slightly. Syaoran. Sakura's boyfriend.

'Gomen nasai[3]' he apologised sheepishly extending a hand to help her up. 'have you seen Sakura?'

Lovestruck, as always, she summarised rolling her eyes fondly.

'She's around.' Shrugged Tomoyo vaguely. Catching Syaoran's exsperated look she smiled, ' Gomen nasai I don't know, maybe she's in the staff room or something.'

After sending Syaoran on his way with a bit of teasing on her part which ended up with the poor golden eyed male turning several shades of pink and red, she quickly hurried through the sterile corridors flicking through Eriol's file at the same time.

She stepped briskly into a corridor with blue painted doors which signified she had finally arrived at the psychiatric ward.

Stopping in front of room 404 she knocked hesitantly on the door.

No answer.

She suddenly felt nervous, her stomach was fluttering unpleasantly. She felt scared suddenly, after being near potentially violent patients so long she thought she'd gotten over her old fear.

However the uneasy feeling was pushing it's way up though her stomach again, spreading through her limbs and numbing them like ice. It was unnerving, she stopped with her knuckles hovering a few centimetres above the blue coloured wood of the door.

She bit her lip nervously before shaking her head, this is ridiculous, you haven't been scared so badly before, what's wrong now?

She determinedly knocked again but still no reply. Quietly she opened the door and stepped into the thick plush carpet and padded walls of the room.

'Hiiragazawa-kun?' she asked seemingly to thin air.

The lights were off so the only light was from the corridor outside sneaking in through the crack of the door.

Tomoyo blinked, amethyst eyes a few times trying to adjust to the darkness. She reached for the light switch about to flick on the bare bulb which hung overhead when a soft voice by her ear demanded,


Tomoyo let out a soft gasp and nearly jumped out of her skin.

'What the--'

Her file dropping to the floor, papers scattering everywhere. She spun on her heel and met a pair of the deepest most alluring pair azure orbs staring straight back at her.

'What? Who, who are you--'


Foxtails; Well first chapter, not very good or long I know…review? Was it interesting enough or did it just bore you?

Yuriko: See you next chapter people.

[1] Ohayo means Good morning

[2] Arigato means Thank you!

[3] Gomen nasai meaning sorry.