Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Journeys of the Orbs: Journey #1 ❯ THE FALLEN DEMON ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
So did I get you?? Sees some people watching Okay maybe I got some people. Hey d'ya wanna know what happens? HUH?? Well here's what happens! Oh yah! Thank you so much to those people who reviewed my fic!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH! You're heaven sent. [sniff] I'm so happy. Well, here 'tis!

I trembled. I didn't know what to do anymore. I had lost Haruka in the jungles of Brazil the first time. And now, I was going to lose her for good. And there wasn't anything any of us could do about it. I was lost. I didn't want to lose my twin sister. I mean sure, she was the pain in my side every day and night. She knew exactly how to give me a migraine. Or three . But she meant so much to me and I didn't want anything to happen to her. As much as a pest she was to me, I loved my sister to pieces. I'm sure she'd say the same about me too.

Yoji held the blade closer to Haruka's throat. Adrian quivered with fear and anger. What was he going to do? The blade gleamed in Yoji's hand as he drew I closer to her neck. Then it happened. A shriek filled the air, and for a moment everyone thought it was Adrian's fire hawk. But soon they realized that it was Yoji. Yoji let go of Haruka to grasp his bleeding hand. Everyone heard a blade sing as it rushed in the air. The magic bind on Haruka exploded with air and faded into non-existence.
Haruka whirled around with her new freedom knocked the Elemental Orb from his hands and landed a flying right back kick on Yoji's collarbone.

A crack split the air as his collarbone cracked. Yoji yelped and Adrian gave a triumphant cry, "Take THAT Dr. Dre!" he cackled. Haruka ran into Adrian and hugged him fiercely. Adrian choked, "Hehe nice to se---ow! You too 'Ruka! Ow! Ow! Ow! My spine! Leggo! I-I don't have a death wish!" Haruka stepped back when Yoji flamed red and his broken bone was healed. Yoji advanced on them. "Now you'l l have a death wish!" he snarled as they backed into the corner of the room.

A blade whistled through the air once more and landed on Yoji's arm a second time. Yoji yelled in fury, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!??!" There was a flurry of feathers and a person in gold armor, helmet and large wings appeared in front of the cornered children holding a sword of blazing blue fire. "Back off or you'll be the one with the death wish." The person said in a light male voice and spread his angelic wings wide, blocking the three from view.

"Wrong." Yoji said and thrust his hand forward. Red fire erupted from his upturned palm, landed on the angel warrior's armor and died out. "Who are you?" he spluttered. "the Fallen Demon. And also someone who wants you two gone !" he declared. "Now move it before I make you move! Magic doesn't work on me so don't try it!" Yoji ignored The Fallen Demon and advanced forward. The Fallen Demon's sword flashed brightly and he swept it up, across Yoji's arm to the left and upward diagonally to the right. Yoji staggered backward and spit at The Fallen Demon. Then he disappeared. Sukare disappeared as well.

The earth shook. The Fallen Demon whirled around and swept the three children up in his arms. He flew swiftly faster that they knew. Within seconds they were on the grass outside of the gates of the temple. The Fallen Demon dropped them on the grass and turned to go.

"Wait!" Adrian cried jumping up. Their savior stopped and turned in reply. "Who are you? Why did you save us?" he asked. "I told you. I'm the Fallen Demon. I saved you because it's my job to protect the Orbs. I was made to protect them." He said. "But where did you come from? Who made you?" The Fallen Demon thought for a second then said quietly, " I've been around for centuries. Justasleep. Until now. Clow Reed, my creator, summoned me." Haruka frowned, "The Fallen Demon? So you were evil before?" "It was just a name Clow gave me." Haruka blinked, "We are the children of Clow Reed or Eriol Hiiragizawa. So we have the right to nickname you..Hiroki." Hiroki nodded, "So you do. Now let's get you all home. Come." So with immense speed Hiroki the Fallen Demon took the three of them home and left them on the front steps of Hiiragizawa Mansion.