Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping a promise ❯ A heart turns human ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura and all its characters are copyrighted to CLAMP. They don't belong to me. (Although I wish Yue would =^-^=)

Copyright: This story was written by me. If you want to do something with it, please ask me. Thank you and enjoy.

Keeping a promise

"Promise that you will protect Sakura."

"I promise".

1.A heart turns human:

Yue had to think. He just needed some time for himself. Distant from the town, where nobody comes to and nobody will disturb him. There he sat and watched the sunset. His thoughts were always circling one single topic: Toya. Sakura

Yue neither wanted the one nor the other possibility.

Steps were coming from somewhere. Yue was shortly before disappearing as he recognized Eriol.

"Clow!", he said and kept standing still as if he froze up.

"Yes, it's me and I have come to give you an advice. So listen well." Eriol sat down on the floor and so did Yue.

"Actually,", he began, " I never expected you to have feelings. But you are under the influence of the moon, and the moon mediates strong emotions. I know that you are very confused. But I advise you to allow this emotions, otherwise, you would just lead yourself into misfortune and I don't want that happening to you. From now on, you shall not be bound to me any longer. Be free, you deserved it, Yue."

"But Clow.", Yue replied, clenching his hands to fists," I can't act against you! You have created me."

"I don't expect you to act against me.", Eriol meant, "I just want you not to be dependent from me anymore. All parents have to let their children go one day. You are like my child for me and it is time that I let you go."

Yue was silent for a moment, then he said:

"Well, if that is your will."

"I knew you would comprehend.", Eriol said, "Now you are free. Follow your heart, Yue! Cause your heart is just getting human. Discover the beauty of this world and care for those who mean something to you."

"So shall it be!", Yue replied.

Eriol disappeared and left Yue back alone. He had to meet Toya again! He had to tell him what he was feeling for him.