Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping a promise ❯ For who a heart beats ( Chapter 2 )

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11.For who a heart is beating:

Meanwhile, day had turned into night. Sakura looked out of her window, looking at the moon and the stars, who were standing bright and clear at the sky. Seemingly from nowhere, Yue suddenly appeared at the open window.

"Ah!!!!!!", Sakura screamed, "Yue, you almost scared me to death!!!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you.", Yue apologized. He entered Sakura

"What do you want?", Sakura asked.

"I…", Yue began, "I wanted to…", he was not able to finish the sentence, because the door of Sakura

"Sakura, is everything…", Touya, who had just entered the room, froze as he looked into Yue

"It is good you have come.", Yue began, "I wanted to talk to you, alone."

After some thinking, Touya asked Yue to follow him into the garden. There, they faced each other without saying anything for a while. Finally, Touya interrupted the silence.

"So, why do you want to talk to me?", he asked.

"I…I…", Yue stammered, "I wanted to…I have to…". Yue

"Yue, you're turning red.", Touya said.

This fact made Yue get even more insecure. But it was no use! Yue had to speak it out!

"Touya, I…", he began, "I have strong feelings for you."

After this sentence, Yue turned his eyes to the ground. He didn't dare to look into Touya

"Is that really true?", Touya asked and made a step towards Yue.

Yue lifted his head again.

"Yes.", he said, "Yes, this is the truth. First, I didn't know what I should do with this emotions, but then I got the advice to follow my heart. And the heart of Yukito, as well as mine feel strongly attracted by you. It is you for who this heart is beating."

While saying this, Yue took Touya