Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping a promise ❯ Memories of a promise in a heart ( Chapter 3 )

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111.Memories of a promise in a heart:

After the conversation with Touya, Yue had gone to Yukito

"Oh, how late it is already!", Yukito wondered, "I should go to bed now."

Yukito had a strange dream that night. In that dream, he was flying to the moon. Having arrived there, he was awaited by a women with long, white hair, blue-gray eyes and a very friendly smile. She started to talk and her voice echoed within his mind.

"Always keep your promises and something good will happen to you."

"What a strange dream…", Yukito wondered as he woke up.

It was a Sunday and so he decided to visit the Kinomotos for a cup of tea and some cake. But on the way to their house, he got a strange feeling…

Sakura and Kero-chan both felt the presence of a magical aura. Sakura hurried outside, followed by Kero-chan. She called for the powers of her wand and then used her mobile phone to call Tomoyo and Syaoran. They all met in Penguin-Park.

"I have been expecting you, Sakura.", said a figure that was standing on the top of the slide. She moved her hand across her face and the darkness, that had been surrounding her, disappeared. She was a tall, thin women with long, black hair and black eyes. Her face was pale and she wore a wide, black gown.

"Who are you and what do you want?", Sakura yelled at her.

"My name is Dia and I want the powers, that you posses, for my own."

"Then you must beat me first!", Sakura yelled and chose "The Watery" for her attack.

But Dia just raised her hand and the water rushed back at Sakura, who nearly could avoid it. While transforming "The Watery" back into a card, she didn't recognize that Dia was raising her arms and then shot a black beam at her. She saw the beam heading towards her, but she had no more time to get out of its way. She awaited the hit of the beam every second. But in spite of feeling the pain of the hit, she just heard a moan. Sakura opened her eyes and saw Yue, who had placed himself in front of her.

"Yue,", she said, "what?…"

"I promised it.", Yue said.

Meanwhile, Dia had recognized what was happening. But instead of stopping her attack, she strengthened her beam and said:

"How cute, but I can't tolerate any interference."

Through the beam, Dia shot a red light arrow that hit Yue into the left shoulder. He screamed and then fell right into Sakura

"Yue! Yue!", tears were coming to her eyes seeing his face, cramped in pain.

"Don't worry about me,", Yue whispered to her, "You…you have to…fight, Ah!", his whole body cramped from the pain.

Yue looked into Sakura

"Yue…", was the last thing he heard before the darkness and coldness enclosed him.