Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping a promise ❯ Reunited hearts ( Chapter 5 )

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v. Reunited hearts:

As Yue arrived at the place where shortly before the fight against Dia had taken place, Sakura was the first who recognized his return.

"Yue!", she cried happily and ran towards him.

Then she saw Yukito in his arms.

"Yukito, but how…What happened?", she asked confused.

"I'll tell you later.", Yue answered,

"Now he has to get into his bed."

On the way to Yukito

"I was really angry.", Sakura said,

"That made me get an idea. First, I used "Erase" to disappear. Then, I Appeared again, behind her and then used "Arrow". I had no other possibility than to kill her."

Sakura reached into Yukito

While Yukito was sleeping and Yue was having an eye on him, Sakura phoned her brother. As Touya heard what was going on, he said he would be right over.

Sakura came back to the bedroom and set down on a chair.

"I was really afraid when you suddenly disappeared.", she said,

"Where have you been and what happened?"

Yue leant back and started to tell her everything. When he had finished, the doorbell rang. Touya entered and froze for a second as he recognized that Yukito and Yue were both in there.

"How is this possible?", he asked.

"Yukito and I are now able to live an independent life.", Yue explained.

"But,", he continued,

"By this, my feelings changed somehow. I don't mean that my affection to you is nit there anymore, but now, I would be already satisfied if I would have a good friend in you. This would also be the best for Yukito, because his heart has chosen you even before mine did."

"Yes.", Touya said,

"I also think that."

A silent moan interrupted their conversation. Slowly, Yukito opened his eyes.

"Hi everyone!", he said.

"Are you alright?", Touya asked worried.

"Yes, I'm fine.", Yukito answered,

"This whole thing just made me pretty tired."

"I'm very happy that all is well now.", Sakura said.

Then, she turned to Yue.

"Where do you want to go now?", she asked him.

"What do you mean?", Yue asked.

"Well, now that you live your own life, you need a place to live.", Sakura explained.

"I haven't thought about that yet.", Yue answered,

"But I want to stay near you."

"Well,", Sakura said,

"we still have a free bedroom. I would appreciate it I you would live with us. Tousa-san and Onii-chan wouldn't have anything against it, I think."

"But I don't want to cause you any trouble.", Yue said.

"You won't.", Sakura explained to him.

Yue thought for a moment, then he said:

"Okay then. I agree with your proposal."

Before Sakura left Yue alone in his new bedroom, she said:

"I'm really happy that everything is alright with you. I was really worried that you may not come back."

"I am here to protect you.", Yue said, "I will always be there for you."

"I promise."

AN: This was the first fic I have ever written, so please forgive some of the typical beginner's mistakes. And this is not the end, but just the beginning…