Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay here you go the 15 chapter sorry I took so long but hopefully this will make it all better…enjoy
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Sakura once again wondered the halls. She was lost again, and her heightened sense weren't helping. They told what she already knew she was lost. Damn, damn, damn, damn, and another double damn. She was irrigated at Li. He had fucked her, then had left her where she laid in the throne room with no clothes. She fumed brightly because of that but not much else. Thankfully Sakura had found something to wear as she wondered the halls. Soon she found her way back into the room where she climbed up on the bed and promptly fell asleep.
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Kero and Yue paced the length of the room. The kingdom had found Touya and some one was bringing them in. Soon Kero heard the car and rushed to meet the heir to the throne. Touya stepped out gracefully, Julian followed suit. Touya looked around the estate. He curled his lip in disgust. “Kerberos? Where is my father?”
Kero nodded once for him to follow him. Yue dropped behind the group so that he could study the prince and his apparent…'guest'
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“I TOLD YOU I REFUSED THE CROWN FIND SOME ONE ELSE!!!” yelled an angry Touya. He slammed his fist on the huge oak table making the china rattle as he glared at the king, his father.
His father merely returned the look and growled at the irate son, “And I REFUSE TO LET SOME MONSTER TAKE MY KINGDOM…EXSPECIALY NOT WITH HIS WHORE AT HIS SIDE!” Touya seethed at the reference to his sister, “Don't you dare call Sakura that!” he said between grinding his teeth. His voice dropped back to being deathly calm.
The king looked slightly taken back by what he had said and turned his anger up, “ she carries HIS child!” he spat the words as if they were acid, “She let him fuck her and claim her just as her mother did with tha…that…that….wizard!” Touya flew across the room and grabbed his father. He picked him up off the floor and slammed him into a nearby wall, “MOTHER WAS A GOOD WOMAN!” he shook the king with each word, “you were the one always sneaking out, so she finally turned away….” “Touya…” came Julian's soft reply. This seem to snap Touya back into place and he instantly dropped the king.
The king coughed and wheezed and glared up at his son, “No matter you are and you will take the throne in a few days so GET USE TO IT!” and he was gone.
Touya suddenly started to rage he hit the table hard causing it to crack, “he can't order me around!” he screamed. Julian sat there listening patiently sipping his tea.
Touya still ranted, “that bastard had no right to talk of mother…she was good.” He turned to Julian looking like a lost puppy. He moved to where Julian sat and dropped to his knees, “She was a good woman…” he repeated softer, rubbing his face against his chest.
Julian sighed and sat his cup aside and started to comb through Touya's hair in a soothing motion, “of course she was, your father is just upset, you'll see.” Touya pulled away and shook his head, “how did I ever find you?” Julian looked thought full for a moment and smiled. He leaned forward and rubbed his nose with his, “I found you.”
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Tomoyo laid against Eriol, sighing for the umpteenth time as Eriol stroked her arm. Finally getting the clue, Eriol stopped and looked down at his mate, “What is wrong Tomoyo?” Tomoyo looked up at Eriol and gave him a small smiled, “I was hoping for the ball tonight, I want to see Sakura again…” she trailed off. Eriol sighed and nibbled the side of her throat affectionately, “you will you will. But you don't want Sakura to be sick now do you?” “No….” Tomoyo replied slowly. Eriol smiled against her skin, “well then you have to wait for a few days before your queen will be announced.” Tomoyo gave another sad smiled and sigh combo and Eriol had enough, He rolled her under him and instantly made her forget why she was sooo depressed.
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Okay I kno it's not much. I had this chapter written months ago, but when my computer fried it went with it and I haven't had much time to rewrite it.
Ok ok well here you go, thank you to all those who reviewed, sorry I took so long. If you have any idea's as to where this story should go tell me I need all the help I can get