Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay now here is the chapter so many has waited for. sorry for the wait but my computer went down and then I had so much to do that I actually forgot about it until the other day. now as for sakura turning evil, I am not definate at this point but cause I make up the general and then make it up as I go so you never know.
         I also want to thank all of those whom have read my story and all of those have reviewed you are a great inspiration for me...ON WITH THE STORY, PLEASE KEEP NOISE AND DISRUPTION TO A MINIMUM AND ENJOY.
night gave way to the day and as the day rolled plans were made to take back from the night which what its king had stolen. Ceroberous and Yue had both explained what it meant since Li had take Sakura as his wife or mate in this case. She was going to produce an heir and that would be the final requirment for her to take the throne. He couldn't reget her from the throne as He had done with Touya because she was the last and only remaining heir. The only two possible ways for her not to take the throne as is. Was one She was taken from the demon lord or Touya came back. neither at this point were too feasible. Non like the idea of killing the heir to thee throne either because then it left the door opened on who would then actually take the throne. One of the gaurdians could or perhapes maybe one of the few archdukes. Then there was the small yet tedious matter that the dark lord second, Eriol Sherwiaz had Tomoyo. Whether she went of her own free will in hopes of freeing her life long friend ofrforced as was the heir is still unknown at this point. The whole kingdom was in utter caios.

felt the pain subsiding. She felt stronger and more aware of the things around her. She knew already that all of her senses had increased ten fold atleast. She felt hungry too. Her mouth was dry and also the urge to kill something. anything that got in her way. these were just the mental things or on the inside that changed. Even her physical appearance had changed. Her hair was longer and even more lovelier than before. She was thinner in the sence that it didn't look deathly. She was well woned, paler. She had stopped breathing when her heart had sopped beating.
         Li laid beside her petting her hair. He could fell the power that was radiating off of her. the evil had mixed with her natural powers causing a huge engery surge in her. He looked calmed on the surface but underneath he was like a child at christmas ready and waiting for mommy and daddy to wake up so toys could be opened. He nuzzled her hair enjoyed her smell that had mixed between her one and his. He knew that this meant that they would never be seperated. Li pulled away when he felt her hand twitch. He watched as Sakura slowly began to open her eyes. He held in a breath and watched her look about the room.

         Sakura felt herself awaking. The first thing she became aware of was Li's power and mated staus. Then she became aware of his petting. It felt so good that she wanted to purr but her sudden pride kept her from such. Next she became aware of the room. The various sonds and smells told her what she needed to know before she open her eyes. Her eyes had changed too. They were still a green, yet now where darker and a touch of silver to them. She looked about the room, amazed at how much the world had changed around her yet stayed the same at. She felt Li kiss her neck and couldn't help but moan.
         "How was your sleep?" His tone underlaid with lust. Sakura was instantly aroused at this as she answered, "Refreshing." she voice had changed enough that if she needed to it could send chills down ones spin. The dark lord kissed her wrapping her in his arms. "good." He growled as he nipped at her lips. She moaned. Then placed a hand on his chest. "I'm hungry." He laughed at the simple request. He knew she needed to eat before he took her.
         Li got an evil glint in his eye as he got up out of the bed and walked across the room to ring a bell that was attached to a rope. She sat up and watched him curious of what he was going to do. Sakura's head snapped when the door was opened. In stepped a frienghten boy of about 15 or 16. The fear alone made her lick her lips in anticaption. She moved gracefully from the bed toward her prey. Then suddenly Sakura stopped.
         This wasn't her. She had the look of frieght written across her face. She, who loved all living creatures almost killed another living breathing thing. She stepped away and Li's face fell into anger. Her humanity hadn't been changed all the way. He cursed when Sakura turned to run. "no." He said loud enough for her to hear. She stopped and turned around, "I won't do it." Sakura said shakily but determinly. The demon king moved toward her slowly, "You must and you will."
         Sakura took a definante stance at that comment. Crossing her arms and said, "No...I...don't." She stepped back from him when he moved toward her so more. "Sakura, Don't defie me on this." She shook her head at him, "I can't drink the blood." The boy stood there dumbfounded by the sudden change in the amosphere. He looked between the two watching there every move like a trapped rat.
         Li lunged for Sakura. In a desprate move to keep from being trapped, she jumped up and slid across the bed were she ran to the other side of the room. "I will not. you cannot force me." She yelled at him angrily. The dark lord felt her anger rising and pooling off of her in waves. He knew that most female demons were dangerous in general, but he hadn't the inclinest of clues how a human sorerecess turned demon would react. Not including the fact that she was also the queen too.
         "Sakura!" He growled out as he took after her. His instinces were kicked into hyper-drive when she ran off. He felt his true demonic side scratching thru. Had Sakura looked back she would have seen black glowing eyes. He was close to her that he could have reached out and grabbed her. Instead,however, he suddenly felt the hickering to play cat and mouse. His senses had highten to an almost painfull point. There was a few other changes too. His fangs had elongated and his nails or claws had sharpen.
         Sakura had ran from the room. The smell of blood was inticing. It was the thought of killing and drinking it that made it nasueating. She knew somehow, that by running away from Li, would be a very, very bad thing. There would be retributian because of it and she didn't care one lick. Sakura couldn't let him control her anymore. Her mind screamed two deffrant things. One side said to rebel the other said to obey. At the moment she liked the rebel idea.
         She began to shake for no apperant reason. Sakura looked about the halls trying to figure out why she was extremly uncomfortable. When nothing was found, she shook her head and kept moving. There were smells and sounds all about her. They were begining to overload her brain. There was also the extremly sudden brightness of the whole place. Sakura looked for a dark place to hide. the brightness was beginging to disorient her and give her a headache.
         Li watched her. She looked like she was starting to break down like she wwas processing too much too fast. He wanted to go and hold her but his pride called for revenge. That boy was perfect for dinner and she ruin the whole thing. Then she disobed him when he said no. Made him a complete fool. Where did she get off on tell him, The Demon Lord, What he could and couldn't do. It irked him beyond belief. Though as he watched her He became suddenly aware that something was horribly wrong with her. She was swaying and stumbling into the wall. saw the room spinning. Her brain screamed that it wasn't safe to black out there, in the middle of the hallway. She held the wall as she desperatly tried to find somewhere safe. She knew she should go back to her room but she feared what would happen if the boy was still there. Her blood was pounding in her ears.
         Li watched Sakura enter his throne room. It was the only place that was dark and cool beside his room. He silently stalked behind her. He was a few seconds behind her. That was all it took though. Li entered his throne room right after Sakura. He was at her side in less than that.
         Sakura laid in the middle, of the cold hard marble floor, unconiness. Li cursed in every langauge he knew. He should have forced her to drink. Sakura was too weak due to the fact that she was a new demon. He hadn't ran this risk due to the fact that he had immdietatly killed his creators then killed the one who offered him his life. But Sakura had refused and Instead of stopping her he decided to play cat and mouse. This is what that had gotten it.
         Sayraon picked Sakura up. He cradled her in one of his arms . Shfting her around He got her in the crook of his arm. Then he moved his free hand to slit a small cut on his chest/shoulder. She was in autopilot. Sakura smelled the blood come closer to her lips as He moved her towards him. The demon king groaned allowed when he felt her beging to suck on his cut. He couldn't think right. Sakura, felt her-self slowly awaking like she was in a daze. There was a tangy, sweet liquid flowing into her mouth. She looked up for a glance to see where she was. When she looked up she saw that Li sayroan was in exticy. Then it hit her why that was.
         Sakura sucked harder on the small wound. She felt Her dark lord's grip tighten emencly. He tried to keep a clear mind. Yet Sakura was making it extremly hard. He knew that she was no longer in auto-pilot. She was purposly torturing him and that was fine by him at the moment. Sakura moved from the wound when she licked it closed. She felt Li beging to purr when she kissed his neck ever so lightly. "don't." Came a husky reply from Li
         Li watched Sakura look up at him. Her lips moistin from the blood. He bent down and tasted them. She moaned and leaned in to the kiss with her body. He groaned at the sweet taste of her lips mixed with the blood. It was purly intoxicating. He nibbled on her lips before he pulled away. Sakura was nicely brusied on her lips, a faint blush was held upon her cheeks. "more." She demanded in a low whisper. He made a move to move away, thus allowing her to move her hands.
         She grasped his shoulders. "please." She pleaded. She then pulled away and bowed her head. She didn't want to be submissive but she didn't want him to stop either. She knew that if she challenged Li that he wouldn't give in to her. She bite her lip and allowed her-self to fall in to the role that her instincts were calling to her to do. Li looked at her with her head down. He smiled to himself when he realized that she was being submissive for once, and he knew he was going to truely enjoy this.
         He pulled her up so that she was flush with him. Then He covered her neck in feather light kisses. He paused at her pulse point, nipping at it to make her pulse even more irratic than it already was. Then Li bite down, breaking the tender flesh. Sakura gasped when he broke the skin. Her mind stopped. all that it could think of was how good it felt. She couldn't even help the scream that escaped her lips.
         Li smiled against her neck as he drank. He could feel her elogated claws digging thru his skin, but he didn't care. She tasted even sweeter now that she was his. What caught him of gaurd was the fact that she bite him too. While he was feeding on her. This made both of them purr in delight.

         Eriol walked in the throne room in hopes of finding Li. Unfortunatly he found more than what he was expecting. He found LI biting into Sakura's neck and vice-versa. She was nude, while he was covered from the waist down. Eriol noticed The dark lord's eyes peering up at him. His eye's were come completely black. *ERIOL!* He heard Li in his head growling. *What did I inturrupt you.* eriol thought back cockily *GET OUT.* growled li threatenly. *NOW!!!!*
Eriol knew he shouldn't be still standing there. Yet, He knew that out of every one there, It was better that he tell Li what he needed to know. Then some asshole coming in and getting his head ripped out thru his ass before he could say what he needed to say. *Before you decide that killing me is a good idea. Sheria is here and waiting. She is growing impatient.* He could feel the energy that was threatening to shread him to pieces.
         Li was in a very hard predictament. Sheria was the queen of fairies. She had made a purposal, that they wed and join to take over the world. Now at the time that had been a good plan but now he had his sakura. He heard a yelp when he bite harder on her. He wanted to take his time but that seemed unlikely. *tell her that I will be with her when I am finished.*
         Eriol nodded and left. He knew was going to happen and well he didn't want to be there when it did. As soon as Eriol was gone. Li stripped himself of his confinments. He began to purr in delight as he sucked on his mates neck when he felt her small nimble hands rubbing his girth. He slowly slid one hand down cupping a perky breast. While his other smade its way down even further. Sakura pulled away when his hands slid thru her slick folds. He still had his mouth clamped down on her neck and wasn't about to let go.
         He brushed his hand across her a few times before sliding in one finger then another. pumping her in micking another more pleasuring item would soon be doing. He felt blood dripping from his bite wound but he didn't care. He pulled his fingers from her and lifted them to where he was sucking on her neck. Li let Her neck go once the wound was healed. "Sakura." His voice was deep in restrained lust.
         Sakura looked at him at the sound of her name. She watched in facination as he placed his fingers to her mouth. She open her mouth and began to suck on his fingers. She could taste her essacences on them. Once she was satisfide that they were clean she pulled away from him to lay down. She watched him follow her hand as it made a slow tract down her body. He was sitting back on his knees, panting in fasination, as he watched her begining to pleasure her self. She first played with her soft perky breast. Pinching the nipples into hard pebbles. Then she moved downward. Sakura paused swirling around her belly-button.
         Li groaned at the sight. He has hypnotized by what she was doing. He drooled when he saw her hand dip even lower. He could feel the pain growing even worst in his groin. When he saw her finger her self. Sakura couldn't help but blush and laugh at the goofy look on Li's face. Then she used all of her will power to stopped. She used her free hand to pull her self up into a sitting position.
         Sakura placed her fingers as Li's mouth. He willingly opened his mouth to suck them dry. He made sure to keep eye conact with her. His arms wrapped about her thin waist. He then pressed against her to cause her to fall back wards. Sakura pulled her fingers from his mouth in time. He moved to kiss her as he swiftly entered her as her back hit the ground. His strokes varied from short, hard ones to long, slow ones.
         Li knew when he hit her spot cause Sakura's moans increased in intensity. every stroke of his her hips would try and follow. Soon they got into the rythum of her hips lifting of the ground to meet him half way. Sayroan grabbed her hips to hold her down as he fully with drew him self of her.
         Li then flipped her over on her stomach. Sakura was shocked and unsure of what he was doing. One of his hands pulled her hips upward at an angle, forcing her to get on her hands and knees.
         He leaned in and brushed himself against her. Sakura looked over her shoulder at him. He thrusted into her hard. He felt bigger than ever before. They both moaned loadly. She felt him leaned forward and grasped her breast from behind. She felt his lips against the back of her neck. Her head fell forward. her arms were beging to shake from all the weight and pleasure that was washing over her body.
         He kissed down her spine. First gently then harder. He nipped every now and then. He would smiled against her skin when ever he heard a loader moan. He then released her breast to move his hands up and over to her hips. So that he could speed up and pound into her harder. Her arms shook and the upper part of her body fell forward. He went even deeper. He felt himself loosing control. He pulled her up to him and bit down on the back of her neck sealing her transformation.

stalked backed to the room that held Sheria. It was lavishly decorated. All the finary one could ever ask for. China silks, indian incense, english furnisher. Candles were lighted to cause a romantic atmosphere. A woman of unimaginable beauty draped in fine purple and white silks. Her long blonde hair flowed down her back to the floor. It was like water fall of long blonde silk. Her eyes were the deepest crystal blue one could ever find.
         Yet with all her beauty she was as cold as marble. She was the fiery queen, Sheria. She was the most sought after. Her magic, beauty, wealth and power were a leathal combination. Nothing more inticing than that was in the demon world. Well, at least until now. Sheria had heard rumors of Her demon king seeking a young sorcceress that had unimaginable power called the jiringy (gir-in-g). She had heard the prophetcies of the jiringy, It was suppose to be able to turn the table between both good and evil depending on which had gottn it first. She gave out a shirel laugh when she thought of it.
         She instantly became quiet when she heard a knock at her door. "Enter." She called to whom ever was there. Eriol tentivly opened the door and stepped in. "Good day your Highness Sheria." She nodded a little curtly. She absolutly disliked Eriol. Yet she knew when to hold her tongue. Just because you're the queen of fieries doesn't mean that you're imuned to every thing.
         Eriol knew immiedatly that she was seething. "He is busy dealing with a few other iteneraries." His voice was a deep monotone. His face was set in stone. Eriol could see the rage that was buillding up in her and watched as it erupted inside but showed nothing on the surface. "When will he be done?" Her voice was tight with the restrain hatred and anger.
         ERiol walked over to the bar and was in the process of pouring himself a drink when she asked the question. He remained quiet until he finished pouring the drink then he looked up, "sorry mi'lady, but as always that is never known." This caused the room to drop even further below sub-zero.
         Sheria growled in discontent, "Very well then." She stood up and left. thus dismissing Eriol. took his glass and left the room via the back way, servants halls. He wandered thru them, looking for no one imparticular. Then some-one ran into him. With lighting reflexes he grabbed them.
         "I am so sorry. I really am lord eriol." A small girl with oddly colored hair looked up at him with big grenn eyes. He let her pull away, "You shall not worry. Tis my fault." She seemed to visably relaxe.He took a moment to study her but seeing as how she was completly normal. Nothing about her stood out except for the hair. Every thing was just .... right. That was what thru him off gaurd. No one around the castle looked so ordinary. There was always a defining curve that made you stand out in a crowd. She however seemed to lack such.
         The girl bowed hastily instantly feeling uncomfortable under his intense glare. "Very well then dear lord I shall be off." She scrurried away not even bothering to look back at his slightly perplexed look. Not that she cared. She had thus made it this far and not some pighead of a demon lord was going to stop her. She slipped into a nearby passageway making sure no one saw her when she did.
         Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. She hated being around supernatural things. They were filth, unclean things that should be annihlated. She origanally had gailantly refused to even be with in a 100 miles of the place. However, when her fiancee` turned up in pieces due to a demon raid, she had to have her revenge. Now she was her trying not to get caught until the trap was set. Then it was enivitable to stop the utter destruction of a race that should have never existed.

entered Sheria's room. Sheria laid on an oversized couch in a flismy cloth. The sight did do the inticing it was meant to do. However, the Demon lrd was unintrested at the moment. Sheria noticed his lack of such and became highly annoyed at it. "Tell me my king..." She drawled out the latter for a little effect, "How fairs your decision?" sheria gracfully moved toward him. the material flowing about her like water.
         Li stood in the middle of the room. Silently he watched her. He had heard her question and choose to ignore it. Her body as sendind signals for him to take her. Yet even though he was mated, having this queen as a willing whore to his bed sounded quite appealing. He knew excatly what had to be done inorder to keep her too. Her status offered her some freedom, but he was going to do there was no way around, not even death.
         Sheria didn't even get a gasp out as Li effortlessly grabbed her. She hadn't even seen him move. She gave a breathy moan as his hands slid over the soft thin material. She heard him saying something but his hands were too distracting. Suddenly she felt the horrid pain crawl slowly down her back to the curve of her hollow area before her butt. The searing white hot pain slowly ebbed away into this emence throbbing. She then suddenly became very,very neddy.
         Li smiled craftily at his handiy work. her back supported an inornate design that bond her permantly to him. If he was to ever want her for anything, she would instantly appear at his side willing. Marrage was now unnecccarry . She could not mate with another being so long as he was still here. Feeling suddenly extremly happy for himself , Li took the queen of feirys . When he was done she was very satiated. He didn't even bother to move her when he was finiished using her, he merly left with out a word.

kingdom was in a teasy. they had to find the first born or they were going to be ruled by the prince of darkness. There was only one problem with that at the moment, no one knew where touyp was. He and his friend/ lover had disappeared years ago. Some how they had even been able to stay offf the radars. THat had been fine and dandy but now that Li had direct access to them thru Sakura unless the true heir was found. He wasn;t going to stay hidden long.

laid in bed. His hand propping up his head as his free hand lazily stroked his bed partner. Julian had his head resting comfortably on touya's stomach when something on the television caught his attention. Shotting up, Julian grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.
         *Tonight on CNN, Avalon is in an up roar. The apparent heir has been kidnapped and forcfully wedded to her capture.*
         `Touya was about to say something but was instantly hushed by julian, whom was intten;y watching.
         *the latest report has confirmed that Avalon's second Heir to the throne, Sakura Starlight, Has been wedded to her capture. Her capture, Li, Sayoran. The self proclaimed Demon king. *
         They showed a drawn picture of what some one supposed the king of evil looked liked. "That surly cannot look like him." Julian exsaperated. Touya laughed, "you sure. I mean the horns are a very nice touch." Julian rolled his eyes, "Seriously, I highly doubt anyone has seen him, considering his been around for like...ever."
         *tonight however Avalon officials says that even though they have lost princess Avalon that Li shall not rule them. They are now in search of the first in line to the throne, Touya shoushu Avalon.*
Touya turned off the television in disgust. "Why can't they just leave me alone." Julian sat up and looked at him fondly. "Baby, your sister is gone and you are there last resort to oppresion." He leaned over and his sheet slipped just a little lower. "you are worrying to much. perhapes they shant find us." He skimmed his fingers over his stomach. Touya groaned and reached for him, "Hmmmm...maybe you're right."

here is the long awhaited chapter sorry for some grammical errors but I think most of youse won't care as long as you have the chapter.
for now
let me know what you think. R&R